Darene Wilson

Darene Wilson

Equip yourself with menopause knowledge. The best years are still coming,so learn about the ‘new you’


In your opinion, what is the best time of the day to exercise for developing consistency?

Share your thoughts on why you believe that time is most effective for maintaining a regular workout routine, for and for

🌸 Join the conversation now on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


There are benefits to keeping a detailed record of everything you eat and drink. This can be using paper or electronic notes, or an app.

1️⃣ One benefit is that it helps raise awareness of your dietary choices, helping

2️⃣ Another benefit is that it can help you identify any patterns or areas you could improve on, like improving your balance

👉 What other advantages have you experienced from keeping a record of what you eat and drink? Its important to keep from each other every day

🌸 Join the conversation now on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


🌸 Join the conversation now on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


"Bat wings" is a commonly used name for the excess skin and fat that can hang down from the back of our arms. It’s often a result of aging, or weight loss.
Targeting this area through strength training, especially triceps exercises, can help ‘tone’ and tighten the muscles, and hopefully reducing the appearance of "bat wings."
If you have / had bat wings, please tell us your experiences - your struggles , as well as what you’ve discovered will help with the difficulties. We want to learn from you!!

🌸 Join the conversation now on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


Food sensitivities and allergies involve adverse reactions to specific protein component of food

Sensitivities to certain foods can cause discomfort, usually in the belly. Allergies are more serious and trigger the immune system - which can potentially lead to severe reactions. Identifying and managing both food sensitivities and food allergies is essential, and it sufferers need to be diligently aware of ingredients to help them make good dietary choices.

Do you have either a sensitivity or an allergy? What’s your management of it?

🌸 Join the conversation now on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


Shopping when we’re hungry can lead to impulsive food choices, and often these choices will lean towards high-calorie, self-indulgent options.
Our natural hunger cues can easily override our ability to make smart decisions, and we can choose food that wasn’t on our plan for the day. Ask me how I know!
To have a health-conscious shopping experience, it's a good idea to eat before going our, to keep a control over impulsive cravings, and to make wiser food choices.
What have your experiences been? Any advice to offer?

🌸 Join the conversation now on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


A strong core stabilises the spine, and improves posture and overall strength. This foundation is important for injury prevention and allowing us to do efficient workouts.
🌸 Join the conversation now on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


Todays' topic is ...CALORIES!
In the context of menopause and weight management, understanding calorie intake is essential. The speed of our metabolism slows down, and it's important to eat and drink an appropriate amount of calories for your goals. Balancing energy intake with the body's changing needs, supports weight loss and muscle-building efforts in a healthy way. The days of women being expected to starve themselves are long gone, and research has shown we need food!!!

🌸 Join the conversation now on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


😀 Once we start having hormonal changes THERE IS NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL solution!! It’s so important to understand this concept!!
😀 But it’s also important to
Give your digestive system a break and doing this when you’re asleep is nature’s way of doing it.

Tell us about your experiences at around IF. Join the conversation on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


Today's challenge to help you stop the holiday madness of sugar excesses: Avoid Sweetened Dairy!!!

Because sweetened dairy products can contain added sugars. So what can you do to avoid making a mistake with hidden dairy sugars?

🌸 Join the conversation on Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle


Hold yourself accountable to the group. It makes a huge mental difference to your success so tell us what you’ve achieved.



Protein is a game changer for sugar cravings!
Join our January challenge in our Facebook group 'Women Over 50 Losing Weight And Gaining Muscle'. It’s free and designed to get you healthy again after the holidays


If you walk for fitness or weight loss, what’s your average steps count per day?


Condiments are sauces and seasonings used to enhance the taste of food by adding flavour, tanginess, or spiciness. They can be a hidden source of a LOT of sugar content.
Learn more, join the challenge in our Facebook group Women Over 50 Losing Weight And Gaining Muscle. It’s free and designed to get you healthy again after the holidays


What are your thoughts around fruit in terms of getting off sugar?

Join the challenge in our Facebook group Women Over 50 Losing Weight And Gaining Muscle. It’s free and designed to get you healthy again after the holidays


In today’s part of a 30-day challenge we’re eliminating sweet drinks. We’re replacing them with alternatives, and setting up new sugar-free habits for life

Join the challenge in our Facebook group Women Over 50 Losing Weight And Gaining Muscle. It’s free and it’s community-building because we all want to get off the holidays sugar train!


The saying is that if we fail to plan, we plan to fail. And in the context of the Group Challenge, it’s so true! Join the challenge in our Facebook group Women Over 50 Losing Weight And Gaining Muscle. It’s free and it’s community-building because we all want to get off the holidays sugar train!


30 challenge


Food for thought : what’s correctable in your life in 2024?


It’s , and today’s challenge is about sugar replacements, AKA no-sugar sweeteners

Join us in our Facebook group “Women Over 50 Losing Weight And Gaining Muscle” so please join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle/permalink/1850363185421350


Our SWEET ESCAPE challenge aims to ‘escape’ from our recent over indulgences and start the new year fresh and ready for a good life, and this starts with our health. It involves cutting out or significantly reducing the intake of foods and drinks containing added sugars for all of January, hoping to reset our taste buds, improve our health, and reduce any dependency on sugar.

It’s , and today’s challenge is to ADD SUPPORT to your toolkit: it’s essential to do this challenge with enough support. To learn how to do this please join us in our Facebook group “Women Over 50 Losing Weight And Gaining Muscle” so please join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle/permalink/1850363185421350


1st January 2024, and it’s day 1 of SWEET ESCAPE. Join us for a full month of our free challenge, to help you stop the bad sugar habits you may have picked up during the holiday period.

It’s open to only members of Facebook Group “Women Over 50 Losing Weight And Gaining Muscle” so please join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/women.over50losingweight.gainingmuscle/permalink/1850363185421350


Ready for … what?

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