Rep. Eric Burlison Videos

Videos by Rep. Eric Burlison. Father and Congressman for Missouri's 7th Congressional District

If Joe Biden isn't fit to run for re-election, he isn't fit to be president.

Period. America's Voice News

Other Rep. Eric Burlison videos

If Joe Biden isn't fit to run for re-election, he isn't fit to be president. Period. America's Voice News

The assassination attempt on President Trump was a massive failure by the Secret Service, and people need to be held accountable. Let's start with the resignation or firing of Director Cheatle.

Almost every single House Democrat voted against the SAVE Act, which ensures only Americans vote in American elections. That should tell you everything you need to know.

This week, the House passed the SAVE Act to ensure only U.S. citizens vote in U.S. elections. I voted yes. Here's why. ⬇️

The Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky details the biggest issue facing American elections is the ability of illegal aliens to vote. Today, the House must pass Rep. Chip Roy's SAVE Act, which I cosponsored, to protect our elections and ensure only U.S. citizens can register to vote.

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act is a common sense bill. Illegal aliens should have ZERO say in our nation's elections. Tomorrow, we will put all House members on the record.

The European mind simply cannot comprehend celebrating independence like this.

The Democrats are reeling from what happened last Thursday. They're worried and they absolutely should be. Joe Biden is risking the safety of all Americans by being weak and ineffective in his role as president.

The left is melting down because the Supreme Court just got in the way of their lawfare against President Trump.

Your pension money should be invested safely to ensure your financial future is secure, not to promote a woke political agenda. It's deeply troubling that Biden's Department of Labor disagrees.

If the House doesn't take action to repudiate the sham J6 committee, then we, the Republican majority, are allowing Pelosi's false narrative to continue. The House must pass my resolution to right the wrongs caused by the illegitimate J6 committee.

Our government shouldn't be sending a single penny of Americans' hard-earned money to globalists who hate our country. Tonight, I took to the House floor to debate my amendment prohibiting funding for the World Economic Forum.

The Biden Crime Family made millions from China. In fact, $40,000 flowed from CEFC, a Chinese government-linked energy company, directly into Joe Biden's bank account. If that's not an example of elite capture, I don't know what is.

This week, the House is voting on Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Defense (DOD), and State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs (SFOPs) appropriations bills. Here are some of the provisions I requested that have been included in these bills.

The House voted to hold AG Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress, but the DOJ refused to prosecute him. I applaud Congresswoman Luna for bringing her resolution to the floor to hold Garland accountable. No one is above the law, right Joe Biden?

The horrific murder of Jocelyn Nungaray isn't the first committed by illegal aliens and sadly won't be the last. These despicable crimes will keep happening as long as Joe Biden continues to let illegal aliens invade our country.

We owe it to the American people and to history to correct what the January 6 committee did.

The 118th Congress needs to rectify the wrongs of the 117th Congress by repudiating the illegitimate J6 Committee. My resolution will do just that.

The J6 Committee was illegitimate. It violated the very resolution that established the Committee, precedent, and House Rules. It was nothing more than a political witch hunt that wasted tens of millions of taxpayer dollars pushing a false narrative while silencing political opponents.