

Welcome To My Weekly Blog! Holistic Health Practitioner�
Nutrition + Wellness Coach ��
Host of Flourishing Wellness Podcast�


If you’re waiting for the perfect moment to make a change it will never come.

You only have the moment you’re in. You have the power to use it to create a new beginning.

Don’t let this overwhelm you. Let this fact empower you.

If you’re tired of starting over again and again

If you’re tired of not having sustainable results

If you’re tired of feeling like you can’t make change


Sometimes all you need is a conversation to find a solution.

Happy September !!

Photos from eb.healthcoach's post 14/08/2022

Happy Sunday🤗🌾🌿


Be aware. Be focused. Be decided. Become. This doesn’t happen on accident. 💪🏽


If you don’t know why you haven’t reached your goals, ask yourself what you think is necessary to reach them …

Have you been doing what it takes to see them come to life?

If you aren’t taking intentional action towards your goals you are being complacent about them!

The only way to come out of complacency is with ACTION.

It’s not always easy to come against what’s holding you back from reaching your goals

Especially if you find out you’ve been the reason..

However, all you need is a mindset shift. Just like you got yourself into the actions supporting complacency, you can get yourself out of them.

The most important thing you need to do to see your goals come to life is to take consistent action towards the goal.

Don’t wander aimlessly about them…

Intentionally THINK about what you want to accomplish and make a PLAN to achieve them.

Deep down, you know what to do.

Make a list and begin acting on it.

Taking intentional action towards your goals is what will make them✨ come to life ✨

If you’d like help with this process send me a message! Let’s find the best plan for you to kick complacency and reach your health and wellness goals. 💪🏽⚡️



Photos from eb.healthcoach's post 11/07/2022

If you really want something for yourself, you need to first believe that it is attainable.

You CAN get stronger.
You CAN wake up early.
You CAN make progress.
You CAN run a marathon.
You CAN make healthy meals.
You CAN lose the weight.

Once you BELIEVE, you can actually work towards what what you want for yourself.

Anything is achievable if you believe it can happen.

Even if you’ve watched yourself fail many times..

Mark 9:23 “Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” NKJV


James‬ ‭2:17
" Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." NKJV‬‬

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

If you have the vision but lack the belief, your vision can’t go anywhere.


True belief isn’t satisfied not putting work in for what you want - because you BELIVE that if you put the work in for what you want, YOU CAN HAVE IT.

What are you believing or NOT believing about your health/lifestyle/fitness/progress?

How is this affecting your actions towards your health?

How is it affecting your actions around your circumstances?

How is it affecting how you use your time?

How is it affecting your walk with God?

Start believing⚡️


Check out last week’s episode of the podcast! 🌱Learn how to stop saving your healthy choices for later and take action towards your health. You’ll be so proud you showed up for yourself.


Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the process of becoming the person you want to be. Patiently stick to your new habits.

Rather than quitting or beating yourself up for not attaining fast results, think about what would help you to ✨enjoy✨ the process.

Would you change your workouts? Would you change the way you spoke to yourself? Would you add different veggies? Would you wake up earlier or later? Would you take time to read?

Give yourself time to both BE and BECOME. ❤️






Sometimes we can get so wrapped up with what is happening around us that we don’t take a moment to check in with ourselves.

Am I getting enough rest? Am I feeling tense? Do I need to take a five minute break? How am I doing today?

How can we love others properly and help see to their needs if we are constantly pushing aside our own?

Making time for rest isn’t easy but it’s something that we need to prioritize

Resting provides a way for our bodies to recover and come back stronger.

Taking a break helps our productivity.

Deep breathing relieves stress.

We must do what is needed to keep our vitality. To take care of our strength. To take care of our health. Day by day.

Rest doesn’t have to always be sleep. It can mean taking a break from work to relax. It can mean reading a couple pages in a book you love…

It takes practice to show yourself care in areas where it wasn't prioritized before. It may feel out of schedule and out of the way - but carry this truth with you:

Our quality of life heavily rests on the way we take care of ourselves.


Tune in to this week’s episode!🌱✨


Have you ever found yourself grabbing a bit of something to eat when you’ve felt bored, sad, angry or defeated? Do you carelessly walk into the kitchen for a snack when you aren’t hungry? Becoming aware of this behavior is the first step in changing it. If you find yourself munching when your body is communicating fullness or non-hunger… you can fix this!
This is a great chance to get to know yourself on a deeper level. If this has been a habit for some time, remember to walk into this process with an open mind and a patient heart! Here are 5 tips to help you eat mindfully:



1. When having a meal or snack, be honest with yourself about WHY you are eating - If the reason is anything other than hunger, try pausing your meal/snack and going for a walk outside for a few minutes in the sun.
2. Keep your phone/tv off or away from you when eating. Distractions can make it harder to know when hunger is no longer present.
3. If feeling stressed, take a few deep breaths and a short moment to do something that makes you feel relaxed and calm.
4. Practice listening to your body when you are hungry - food tastes so much better when you are needing its fuel!
5. If you are thinking about food when you aren’t hungry, remind yourself that you can eat it later on, when you are truly hungry.

Comment any questions down below!

How Do I Change My Thoughts? by Your Flourishing Wellness Podcast 01/04/2022

🌷🌱 https://anchor.fm/elizabeth5187/episodes/How-Do-I-Change-My-Thoughts-e1gecq6

How Do I Change My Thoughts? by Your Flourishing Wellness Podcast Today Elizabeth answers a question sent to [email protected]. "How do I change my thoughts?” Listen for ways to make sure that your mindset is helping your goals!


Tune in to this week’s podcast!💗🌱


Are you a friend to yourself? Do you flood your mind with encouraging and uplifting words when you’ve been set back or feel down?
Do you remind yourself that that each mini step ahead matters? Do you remind yourself that you are working towards progress and not perfection?
We need to break away from the thoughts that harshly judge ourselves. Those only bring us into a spiral of guilt and defeat. Changing your tone towards yourself is something that takes effort and time…but you will see the fruits of all the hard work you’re putting in.

Be gentle with yourself in your progress. Be gentle with yourself in your mistakes. Take them both before the Lord. Ask Him to transform the way you think about yourself…a fearfully and wonderfully made creation. Examples down below …..

I’m making this same mistake again! ➡️ I am making progress because I’m staying present and aware of what I’d like to change.

I overate again. ➡️The next time I’m hungry I will pay attention to when my true hunger slips away..

This goal is taking forever to reach. ➡️I need this journey to really learn how to live like who I want to be.

I am so unmotivated. ➡️ I need to remind myself why making this change is important to me.

I’m a failure, I’ve failed at this so many times before. ➡️ I have a brand new start to regain focus and accomplish my goal.

Don’t give up on yourself! Train your mind and correct your thinking so that your thinking can become supportive for all that you want to do. We all know what negative thinking does… lets see what the kinder thoughts do. 🌱

Photos from eb.healthcoach's post 11/03/2022

I would love to have you in the next round! Learn how to create nourishing sustainable change in your lifestyle🌱🌷

Photos from eb.healthcoach's post 03/03/2022

Get those greens in!✨🥦🥒🥕🥬✨🌍


Hello everyone!! There are still a couple spots left for this seminar! Message me if you’d like to join us for the next four weeks🌸🌱💞


May your mind and body flourish this year!
- EB🧚🏽

Photos from eb.healthcoach's post 19/12/2021

I love using clean, plant based products. I love feeling good about what I’m applying to my face, skin, and body. I love giving my body whole foods and whole supplements that encourage my body to work in best way. I love knowing that when I buy and incorporate these things in my life I’m supporting a mission that takes care of this planet and the people in it. These are only a FEW of the many reasons why I love Arbonne. My clients trust me and have benefited from the clean products that Arbonne offers! Peta approved, B Corp, with products that are pure safe and beneficial!

It’s Cyber Monday! There are amazing deals on my website. Link is in my bio! (Lmk if you’d like help or even a further discount lmk😋)


✨ Are you listening?✨
When your body says it needs rest?
When you need to think something through?
When you aren’t hungry anymore?
When you’ve reached the maximum of what’s on your plate?
When you need to have you-time?
When you know what you should do but you don’t feel like it?
When you listen to these signals you strengthen the awareness and trust between your mind and body. If you cross your own boundaries and allow things that you aren’t very comfortable with internally it disrupts this balance. You want your mind and body on the same page.
Listen to your emotional and physical que’s. You’ll be grateful later on. 🤍


You can seriously help protect your health by incorporating something daily that relaxes and puts you at ease .🙌🏽
Extended periods of stress are shown to be very harmful to our our mental and physical health.
When we incorporate moments of stress relieving activities it naturally weakens the build up of stressful tension in our bodies.🙌🏽
Take deep breaths, go for a walk, read a few pages of a book you love, enjoy something with a friend. 🧚🏽🍃
You can make true sustainable change happen in your life right now! 🤍 -EB

Videos (show all)

May your mind and body flourish this year! - EB🧚🏽
