Geoff Ramsay

Geoff Ramsay

Keeping politicians honest

Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written 18/11/2023

A damming indictment on many govts and complicit puppets around the world.
The evidence of fraudulent and criminal behaviour is no longer 'a conspiracy theory'. 'Depopulation' as Bill Gates and WEF continue to promote is now fully exposed for ALL TO SEE!!! I used the terms fraudulent and criminal behavior.... those terms are far too kind and mild...lets just 'cut to the chase'... we are speaking about 'cold-blooded-murder'. Hiw many healthy and fit 16 year old males do you know who have died from a STROKE???? How many fit and healthy 20 year olds do you know that have died as a result of CARDIAC ARREST???? To ignore the data and accept the silence from Health Authorities and Politicians is the ultimate sign of ignorance and distain for the lives of those lost!!!
READ the report below then get 'stuck into' your local politicians asking for their response!!! DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER.


Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written Please repost EVERYWHERE

Whose Platform is it 14/11/2023

Whose Platform is it Whose Platform is it is a powerful story about the events that lead to the imprisonment of Nathan Symington. Those events revolve around Omar Nabi's journey to get accountability from the New Zealand

Open letter to officials on the effects of the COVID-19 injections. | NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science 15/10/2023

If you want proof of the dangers of the mRNA "vaccine" read this letter which was sent to the Labour Govt and Health Officials but received no reply...

Open letter to officials on the effects of the COVID-19 injections. | NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science Since we last wrote to update you variously on the confirmation and mechanisms of widespread harm from the COVID-19 vaccine products, more research and

Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots | The Spectator Australia 25/09/2023

A 'compulsory' read!!!!

Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots | The Spectator Australia Early in 2023, genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery. While running an experiment in his Boston lab, McKernan used some vials of mRNA Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines as…

Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots | The Spectator Australia 25/09/2023
Please read the information on this link.
Highly qualified medical scientists have sounded the alarm on the mRNA 'vaccines'.
The article is intense, however, it dispels any and every call of 'conspiracy theories'.
It therefore exposes our pseudo 'medical experts' claims of " and effective..."
The base-line is permanent damage to the DNA of each recipient. This is generational!!!!

Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots | The Spectator Australia Early in 2023, genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery. While running an experiment in his Boston lab, McKernan used some vials of mRNA Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines as…


The political 'scene' in NZ just gets more bizarre almost on a daily basis.
It is now abundantly clear the following is fact.
1. Both Luxon and Seymour are globalists. They, National and ACT are in favour of and support the Labour coalition stance on the WEF, UN and WHO interference and bid for control of New Zealand.
These two leaders both refuse to comment or answer direct questions around their stance on the WEF Great Reset Agenda. Luxon even feigned ignorance to any knowledge of the WEF.
Seymour just 'threw his toys out of the cot' when not invited to the WEF Davos meetings.
Therefore Labour, Greens, National and ACT are ALL THE SAME BEAST. A vote for any one of the above mentioned party's is a vote for more of the same chaos and a vote for the WEF, UN and WHO to take NZ's sovereignty!!!
2. The corruption in the political scene 'rolls on'.
We have the Electoral Commission caught denying due process in registration of candidates. NZ Loyal submitted a number of candidates
only to find (after the 'closing date') that there was a problem with the paperwork. Conveniently this information was withheld until after closing date. For a Govt. Dept to deny due-process by awaiting the close- off date and only then notifying a party of the mistake is political sabotage..corruption!!!
NZ Loyal therefore has three registered candidates. If this inaction was an honest mistake, then the disallowed candidates for that party MUST be registered!
The fact that this particular party is growing exponentially may give some 'basis' for the underhanded actions of a so-called neutral Govt. Dept.
3. Lies plain lies.
There is a concertedeffort to downplay 'all-things Covid response'.
Hipkins continues to assure the population the vacc mandates were not forced on Kiwis. " was their choice..."
This despite multiple documents, video clips, interviews, etc clearly and distinctly showing Ardern, Hipkins and Bloomfield all at odds with Hipkins 'protestations'. Hipkins, as was Ardern, is a compulsive liar...and they both are so 'sincere' as they lie. Clear traits of a physcopath.
Interesting how the politicians are so silent. Simply, the y were not required to be injected (they were not mandated because of being unvaccinated), they did not loose the highly paid employment, they did not loose their homes and businesses, they were completely unaffected. What right do these 'trough-dwellers' then have to tell the population that it was their own choice to be injected??
4. The 'well rehearsed' official line clearly is an attempt to 'distance' themselves from any culpability over the vacc-deaths and serious adverse reactions. All of which were known dangers. Ref: Pfizer Report April 2020.
The 'back-pedalling' has begun. The legal ramifications are serious. The forcing of an unproven, uncertified trial medication upon a population is criminal. Furthermore, these actions were taken in full knowledge of the dangers. Ref: Pfizer Report April 2020 pages 37-39.Ref:
Medsafe OIA request documents.
This will be akin to 'rats scurrying down their holes' to hide.
The blatant corruption in New zealand is untenable. Our forefathers would be disgusted and horrified to witness the current 'low quality' and unethical MPs currently in Parliament. The only way out is for a complete change of direction both socially and economically. To achieve that change we need politicians that have:
Life experience Business experience Be pragmatic. A servitudinal attitude
Right now the above traits are not evident.
Trust is everything!
I mention NZ Loyal, Liz Gunn. The aspirations of that woman are honourable and clear. There are no 'grey-areas'. Her heart and those of her candidates are of one accord. That is to put a stop to the corruptionand self-serving 'cancer' that has spread through our political system.
If we keep doing the same things, the same way and expect a better result, then we are fools.
Think about it.


THE GREAT RESET....was termed The Global Reset.
The cabal of deluded elitists have met with push-back!
The WEF website has removed all of the 'pie-charts' setting out a country by country 'agenda' in order to achieve the Global Reset...
The focus, it would seem, is now on Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Note all with: small populations, compliant, apathetic and trusting...
and corruption within the political systems.
Ardern: suddenly has a worth of USD 25.0million...on a salary of NZD450,000!!! Who is calling for answers???? Not a single politician!!!
That raises the question: How many leaders in parliament have received a 'compliance-payment'?? The silence is deafening!!!
Any Kiwi who still maintains Kiwis live in the 'least corrupt country in the world', really need a wake-up call.
This country is facing the most critical General Election in it's short history. A great percentage of the population is 'sound asleep'...
content with the TV Soapies, the 'freedoms' they 'think' they is good!!!
Wake up...the WEF is already 'calling the shots' on OUR country!!! Make no mistake...
this is real and happening!!! Those calling out 'conspiracy- theories' at everything they do not and do not want to understand, need to wake up and start THINKING!
This general election is CRITICAL for the secure and democratic status moving forward!!!
The current parliament are devious, dishonest and unworthy of representing all Kiwis. Think about it. The deathly silence from ALL MPs strongly suggests there is an unwritten agreement between ALL MPs to remain silent!!! That clearly demonstrates the utter contempt these taxpayer-funded parasites hold for those (taxpayers) that pay their considerable salaries.... 90% of these MPs would NOT attract this money in the real/commercial world.
The safest party vote is one of the following:
NZ desoerately needs honest, ethical and a servitude
driven fresh parliament!!!!!

The World Economic Forum 16/07/2023

Ardern will have her day...a day that will see justice done. There is plentiful evidence to prove beyond doubt Ardern had all the facts associated with death and severe adverse reactions caused by the mRNA injection.
1. Pfizer Report April 2020. Pages 37-39. Cohort of 1625 participants...39 deaths plus in excess of 400 severe reactions.
2. Medsafe DID NOT APPROVE the injection. In fact Medsafe instructed Ardern not to use the mRNA injection under any circumstances. Ref: Medsafe document via OIA request.
3. In order to keep the 'dirty-criminally libelous' actions from the public, Ardern paid a $56 million BRIBE to MSM. Ref: OIA document. That bribe ensured the truth of her actions would be supressed!!!
4. Ardern never 'worked for' Kiwis. Ardern worked for Schuab, WEF in 'preparing' NZ for the comming Global Reset/One World Govt. This preparation included: destroying the economy; destroying, by division, the social fabric; destroying services (education, health, justice, law and order). The evidence is clear for all to see!! Don't think all these issues came about through incompetence...
Ardern and now Hipkins are following a 'game-plan'. Ref: scan through the sub-titles and find the Global Reset Agenda. Then read the 'charts' including NZs chart. This will clearly answer questions around the state of this country!!
The corruption and lies are NOT a conspiracy theory. This is real and happening. Lavour, Greens and Maori parties cannot be voted back in under any circumstances!!!

The World Economic Forum The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquar...

The World Economic Forum 30/06/2023

If anyone calls conspiracy theory when we have been warning Kiwis that the WEF rules New Zealand with Ardern and now Hipkins 'in Schuab's pocket', there i the undeniable proof. 2022 saw Ardern addressing the WEF 'congress' that New Zealand "...will lead the way in intriducing the WEF, Global Reset.
If anyone thinks Ardern and now Hipkins 'works' for NZ , you are 'dreaming'. Wake up!!!! The destruction of: Human Rights (Forced medical procedures), Freedom of speech, Racist rhetoric only OK when one race/culture speaks out, but nit OK when the rest speak out!
The 15minute cities (these are coming)..the surveilence cameras are alreadyin place in many cities. Freedom of movement will be restricted.
Read the Agenda: is all there in detail, country by country.
WAKE UP!!! This CANNOT be allowed to happen!! Ignorance us NOT bliss!!!

The World Economic Forum The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquar...


The so called 'conspiracy theories' are one by one becoming the truth.
One extremely concerning 'discovery' is: Reference Medsafe. The NZ body tasked with approving SAFE medical products.
Medsafe, as now has been exposed, did not approve the Pfizer mRNA product for use in NZ.
The Ardern regime ignored the Medsafe advice and went ahead to MANDATE this product in full knowledge of the very real dangers to every Kiwi that took the injection.
Ardern was fully aware of the vacc-caused deaths. Ardern was fully aware of the severe adverse reactions. Ardern knew exactly what her decision meant for these recopients of this mRNA technology.
Therefore, Ardern, Bloomfield, Hipkins, Baker, Wyles and the complicit medical professionals are criminally liable. This is very clear and
without doubt.
The evidence of mRNA caused deaths is impossible to deny even given the change in legislation to 'allow' coroners to not report cause of death. A most sinister and corrupt piece of legislation.
However, there are ethical and morally strong people in that field who have spoken out with photographic evidence of 'long, rubber-like clots'....some up to 500mm in length.
The numbers of strokes in fit middle-aged and elderly is growing exponentialy. In my 'world' I personally know three healthy middle aged people struck down with severe strokes.
The cardiac arrests in teenage males and male sportsmen is well documented.
My main point here is that, Ardern, Baker and Bloomfield were "....following the science..." when the science was polar-opposite to their claims.
Their claims that: "...the vaccines are safe and effective..." were lies and those lies were used to deceive Kiwis into taking a 'known dangerous and ineffective 'vaccine'.
This behaviour and intent is clearly criminal and must be dealt with....sooner rather than later!!
Ref: Pfizer Report. April 2020.
Deaths and Adverse reactions. Page 38-39. This the report Pfizer attempted to have a 75 year moratorium placed upon. The US court overruled that request.
The active attempts to hide tge dangers of the mRNA technology were in themselves cause for alarm...however secrecy and lies saw the 'successful'
genocide program forced onto unsuspecting populations.
There MUST be accountability with the perpetrators brought to justice.


If you think Cyclone Gabrielle was about "climate change" as we are told this report based on historical facts will tell you this is not once in a 150 yr event ...check this out


The state of New Zealand is one of a divided population fueled by the far left government.
NZ has never been in such a state of 'decline' in my 68years.
The country is now practically third world status.
The public services are 'bloated' with overpaid, nonperformers; the health system is 'broken' with ED waiting times of between 6 and 10 hours. There have been deaths whilst waiting in the corridors.
We have appro. 4,800 Covid-free unvacc'd nurses mandated out of work - all the while the system is failing and in desperate need of nursing staff. This situation must surely see criminal charges laid on vindictive politicians.
Education now has a 20% truancy rate with absolutely no management or repercussions.
Crime is out of control contrary to the woke, noneffective commissioner of police who happens to be cousin of nepotism to see here!!!
New Zealand sovereignty (never been called Aotearoa that is yet another 'manufactured Maori name') has been given away by Ardern, no consultation, no referendum, no mandate, totally illegal. Is it any wonder Ardern has 'disappeared', however, she can run, but cannot hide. She has crimes to answer for.
The evidence around the dangers of the mRNA technology is settled and no longer a 'conspiracy theory'. Add Bloomfield, Hipkins, Little, Baker, Wyles, Hendy, medical doctors, MSM and the entire 127 MPs in parliament to that list.
Just a disgusting display of weak, unethical and plain dishonest despots.
Enough said.


The Maori 'health system' is an 'abortion' is a race-based health system purely to 'play into the hands of the racist Maori elites'.
The resultant doubling up of costs is serving no purpose.
When the main health system is completely 'broken' and unable to pay staff their worth, losing staff to Australia and if that isn't bad enough, continuing with the illegal and vindictive mandates on unvacc'd nurses, then the juvenile Labour Party MPs are culpable for constructive dismantling of our health system.
With the needless deaths now occurring in ED corridors, Ardern (who started this sordid dismantling of the health system); Hipkins who has carried on the dismantling; Bloomfield, who has 'sold his soul for six pence' spreading lies, misinformation and coercion around the mRNA safety.....and many more including MSM and medical doctors.
The legal culpability of this group of plain criminals is very clear.
Bloomfield has worked himself into a key position in the WHO. The World Health Organisation, along with Gates and the WEF now have control over NZ. They can call a global pandemic and completely shut NZ down, citizens may be arrested and jailed for noncompliance. New Zealand has lost it's sovereignty.....New Zealand has lost it's sovereignty!!!! This is serious!!!!
Ardern has 'sold this country down the river' mandate, no consultation, no discussion, NO OPPOSITION.
NZ, we must revolt, we must protest, we must fight this. Our country is no longer ours thanks to that psychopath, Ardern and little Hipkins is NOT going to change a thing!!
The Ardern resignation was planned late in 2022 and Hipkins was told that he would take over. The " more gas in the tank..." (Ardern) was all BS. Hipkins has already confirmed he was told of the leadership change "...late in the year (2022).....".
The lies, deceit and pure contempt shown by ARDERN and co is sickening. Is it any wonder Ardern has disapeared off the face of the earth. She has some serious charges including: misleading the public of NZ.
Coercion and forcibly medicating the population with an unproven and developmental technology,
Her actions and illegal mandates has seen multiple mRNA -caused deaths; the mRNA has caused thousands of severe adverse reactions, many permanent disabilities.
The truth of the dangers of the mRNA technology is now beyond any doubt with many eminent professors of epidemeology, cardiology and virology now speaking out against this hideous genocide. The Nazi's used gas asphyxiation, Ardern and other world leaders have used unproven mRNA technology.
Be very clear; the SARS Covi2 virus Is a 'gain of function product' of the SARS virus. The SARS Covi2 virus is patented (patent documents may be down loaded from the US Patents office. The virus is therefore man-made. ..the virus is NOT naturally occuring...if it was naturally occuring it would not be patentable.
Then came the patent (US patents office) for the mRNA 'vaccine'.
The SARS Covi2 virus was merely a 'tool' to 'test' the compliance and global populations acceptance of following instructions, lockdowns, mask wearing, mandates.
People of NZ, we have been 'played like a fiddle' by a raging psychopath, who has achieved her given tasks (per the WEF) and now is 'on the run'. Kiwis, the human devastation Ardern has been instrumental in causing CANNOT be 'swept under the carpet'.
The Pfizer Report (April 2020) recorded a cohort of 1,625 participants. 39 of these died. More than 400 experienced severe adverse reactions. (Ref: Pfizer Report April 2020. Pages 38-39)
Ardern, who signed the exclusive supply agreement with Pfizer, must have known of these figures PRIOR to the 'roll out' in NZ late in 2020. If she did not know, then over the following 6 months she definitely would have been briefed. Bloomfield, being the medical expert no doubt knew of this report. If I, an ordinary citizen could research the mRNA trialling, then there is no excuse for Bloomfield claiming ignorance to the facts.
It is these deliberate actions to deceive, coerce and lie to the citizens of this country
regards the efficacy and SAFETY of this unproven technology that prove criminal culpability of all involved in the crime against humanity.
The upcoming 'Covid enquiry' will be a whitewash.
Judge Gault has been appointed the 'chair'. Be aware that Gault played an integral part in the 'exclusive' supply contract assigned to Pfizer. Gault is therefore not at 'arms length' and is in fact unsuitable to lead the enquiry. Ardern of cause made this decision, consequently the 'terms of reference' will be 'controlled' and very narrow. Gault is not at 'arms length' and therefore is unsuitable.
Once again Ardern has attempted to pervert the course of justice to protect her actions from legal action.
Do we hear any 'uproar' from the opposition parties... ZERO...a deathly silence. The opposition parties therefore are now complicit.
The bottom line is, the entire parliament must be disbanded and a snap election held. The 127 current MPs have collectively shown nothing but contempt towards ALL KIWIS.
