Afro Wellness Center

Afro Wellness Center

This page is for educational purposes only and not otherwise


Modern medicine only masks symptoms. Most people are always looking to keep their same lifestyle while taking the magic pill to feel better or lose weight.


Kidney Health Note!!!

Depending on what is available to you Juicer or blender. These are proven even for people with CKD:
Celery, parsley, carrot, spinach,tomatoes,cacumba, beet root( all organic, lemon optional twice or three times daily) in addition to
organic pomegranate juice, cranberry juice, cherries, black seed, tumeric, okra(must be part of your diet)
Fruits like watermelon and enough hydration are keep. No need to waste time when you feel the urge to poo or urinate.


Chewing your food thoroughly before swallowing is like juicing it.
Don't play with it!


If you were thinking of trying a new tropical fruit, consider . It’s a healthy source of potassium, vitamin C, dietary fiber and boasts not one but three cancer fighting carotenoids: beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin and lycopene. Each of these has been linked to lower cancer risk in humans. But this tropical wonder has something else: a special type of pectin that researchers found toxic to cancer cells, killing off 50% of them in a test tube. So it's no surprise that an observational study in Asia found that men eating at least 160 grams weekly of had a remarkable 63% less risk for prostate . All this for just 43 calories per delicious serving.
Sources: Pubmed ID 21627352, 29185464


In the uk we call it coriander 🙂


Cilantro removes toxic heavy metals from the brain

New study shows antioxidants stimulate blood flow in tumors 03/09/2023

New study shows antioxidants stimulate blood flow in tumors Vitamin C and other antioxidants stimulate the formation of new blood vessels in lung cancer tumors, a new study from Karolinska Institutet published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation shows. The discovery corroborates the idea that dietary supplements containing antioxidants can accelerate tu...


🍵 Sleepytime drinks have been popular for a long time. From the Irish hot toddy to the mug of chamomile tea, humans all over the world have been concocting (mostly warm) beverages to help the mind calm down and the body relax. 😴

☕ Warm milk is an oft-suggested pre-sleep drink as it contains tryptophan and melatonin, but there are other beverages with similar effects (minus the negative health and environmental impacts of modern cow’s milk). 🍒 Learn more:


Breathing and the Brain

One of the most common symptoms of both pain and anxiety disorders is shortness of breath, or hyperventilation. On the other hand, slow, deep breathing can reduce pain and distress.

This is what a group of neurobiologists reported a few months ago. It’s not news; we’ve known it for decades…in the east, yogis and buddhists have known it for millennia. Anyway, this group of neurobiologists searched brain regions and discovered an area in the brainstem called the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPN). The LPN, it turns out, not only regulates breathing in the brain, it also mediates pain and fear and anxiety.

Said researchers dug a little deeper and found that one type of opioid receptor, unimaginatively named the µ-opioid receptor, is chock-a-block within the LPN. Now stick with me here…Opioids decrease pain and make us happy. They also slow breathing. The main cause of opioid-related deaths are low breathing rates. Why? Because these drugs are targeting the “µ” receptors that mediate both pain and breathing.

On the heels of this discovery, pharma will no doubt develop opioids that target the pain part “µ” receptors (inner shell) while leaving the respiratory triggers (axons in outer shell) alone. Basically, these drugs will allow us all to get higher on opioids without dying. It’s a beautiful world.

But I can’t help but wonder: Since we know that the same receptors responsible for reducing pain and feeling emotionally centered are the same as those regulating breathing, why not first focus on breathing practices and work up to opioids from there? This is how people have helped balance their health for thousands of years; and thousands of studies prove it is effective.

See more: “Divergent brainstem opioidergic pathways that coordinate breathing with pain and emotions,” Cell, Volume 110, Issue 5.

From James Nestor’s newsletter


Not everyone who has a stroke survives. Six weeks after giving birth to a beautiful baby daughter named Harlow, Shannon Sime had a haemorrhagic stroke in August of last year.

Her partner Scott was at work when it happened and remembers receiving a call from Shannon. She seemed distressed and confused, and within 10 minutes Scott was back at home.

"I saw Shannon lying on the couch with Harlow on her chest. Shannon looked me in the eye and said, "I think I'm having a stroke."

Scott called for an ambulance and Shannon was taken to the hospital, "As the paramedics took her from the flat, she looked at me and said, 'I'm sorry, I love you.' I never saw her conscious again."

Shannon died in hospital three days later, aged 29.

Scott added, "I always thought strokes affected older people, but now I know this can happen to anyone at any given moment. When it does, your world just stops. It rips your life apart."

Scott recently started private counselling to help him manage his grief and PTSD from finding Shannon after her stroke and wants her story to be a lesson for others.

"Even though there was nothing I could have done [...] it's important to know the signs of stroke and what to do in that situation.

"If Shannon's story can encourage even one person to educate themselves on what to do, that's what matters."

Know the signs of stroke:

Scott recently celebrated Harlow's first birthday with his family, "She is the spitting image of her mum says Scott. She has her eyes, the same cheeky smile, and dimples on her cheeks. She's got a very similar personality, she's so determined and I can see she has the same strength and fight that Shannon had."

For more information about grief after stroke, visit:


Once a rare condition, you may have heard of preeclampsia in the news, because of increasing rates due to COVID, or perhaps you - or someone you know - experienced it.

Preeclampsia is a preventable and manageable pregnancy and postpartum complication. Maternal deaths should be decreasing with advancements in medicine, yet, they have nearly doubled in the US over the past 20 years.

It's also a condition that is not adequately screened for, and for which women are too often dismissed when they report symptoms - or even report high blood pressure they detected on their own at home.

Preeclampsia is usually diagnosed with 3 main symptoms that occur together- high blood pressure, swelling, and protein in mama's urine.

Other common symptoms can include:
- Severe nausea past the first trimester
- Headaches
- Low weight gain
- Upper abdominal pain
- Blurry vision or seeing flashing lights

This is also important: Symptoms can arise in late pregnancy OR postpartum - and this diagnosis is OFTEN missed postpartum because women don't get enough prenatal care or their symptoms get dismissed!

It can affect any mama, though Black women are at highest risk.

If you have any of the symptoms above or suspect that you are having complications in pregnancy or postpartum, it's vital to contact your medical provider for support and advocate for your needs.

If you are not being taken seriously by your OB or midwife, GET LOUD about it or get help somewhere else without delay. DO NOT LET THIS GET DISMISSED!

One of the mamas in my free mama support group during COVID shared her story of how having a BP cuff at home postpartum, which she learned about in my group, saved her life! I interviewed her about this for my podcast - you can listen to her story of self-advocacy at the link below.

Please share this with the mamas and partners in your life. Knowing these signs and symptoms can save a life, and so can holding our healthcare system accountable for providing proper care.

Let's start a movement to stop and reverse this tide of needless suffering. More to come soon on ways to help prevent preeclampsia.

Photo credit: &

Rice Water For Hair Growth? | Hair | Andrew Weil, M.D. 15/07/2023

Rice Water For Hair Growth? | Hair | Andrew Weil, M.D. Rice water is touted as a simple home remedy based on traditional Asian practices, an easy way to encourage the growth of new hair and make it more voluminous and shinier.


If you've got pain in the brain, this one's for you. 👇

Riding out a headache can be tricky business. But there are ways to stop this unwanted pain if you know the trigger. 💥

Common triggers include stress, certain foods, lighting, alcohol, caffeine and bad sleep. 😴

Here's how you can stop them:
🧠 keep a headache diary to know and avoid your triggers
🧠 get 7-8 hours sleep
🧠 drink enough water and eat regularly
🧠 try meditating to manage your stress
🧠 dim lighting, if you can
🧠 make sure you're using good posture at work, especially if you're sitting at a desk.

If you get headaches frequently, talk to your doctor or call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) to speak to a nurse.

ℹ️ Sources
Verywell Health (2022). Causes of headaches at work
Healthline (2018). What causes afternoon headaches and how are they treated?
Cleveland Clinic (2021). Migraine headaches
Healthdirect (2021). Headaches


Do you know the difference between citric acid & ascorbic acid? One is man-made, the other is natural.. the one your body loves.

Melons: Cleansing Food 03/07/2023

Melons: Cleansing Food Medical Medium: Melons: Cleansing Food - now at
