Dr. Kim Burgess

Dr. Kim Burgess

BHIP® stands for Biopsychosocial Health Intervention and Prevention.

BHIP equips your child with crucial life skills and enables parents to utilize the most effective parenting practices available.


Does your child seem unusually sad, irritable or quiet lately? Such changes in mood could be due to a temporary stress in life. But how do you know if it’s something more? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of children with depression and anxiety has increased over time, and 3.2% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 have a current diagnosis of depression.

Children may experience different types of depression and mood disorders. A licensed mental health professional can provide a diagnosis based on your child's symptoms and recommend the best treatment.



Kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they do is important.

Of course, helping with homework shouldn't mean spending hours hunched over a desk. Parents can be supportive by demonstrating study and organization skills, explaining a tricky problem, or just encouraging kids to take a break. And who knows? Parents might even learn a thing or two! 👍



While ADHD affects individuals of all ages, the implications are different for children than for teenagers or adults. For teens, the demands are greater, which means that the symptoms have more direct and serious consequences at school, at home, and at work.

Still, by raising awareness and bringing attention to the implications of ADHD in teenagers, we’re able to better cope with what it means for the teen's health, wellness, and long-term success.



When kids are anxious, it’s natural to want to help them feel better. But by trying to protect kids from the things that upset them, you can accidentally make anxiety worse. The best way to help kids overcome anxiety is to teach them to deal with anxiety as it comes up. With practice, they will be less anxious.

When a child gets upset in an uncomfortable situation and their parents take them out of the situation, they learn that getting upset is a good way to cope. Instead, it’s helpful for parents to let kids know that they’re going to be okay, even if they’re scared. You can’t promise your child that nothing bad will happen. But you can express confidence that they can face their fears and feel less afraid over time.

The goal is to show your child that anxiety is normal and that it doesn’t have to be a big deal!



There are lots of possible reasons for difficult behavior in toddlers and young children.

Often it's just because they're tired, hungry, overexcited, frustrated or bored.

How to handle difficult behavior? 💭

If problem behavior is causing you or your child distress, or upsetting the rest of the family, it's important to deal with it.

Do what feels right 🙌

What you do has to be right for your child, yourself and the family. If you do something you do not believe in or that you do not feel is right, it probably will not work. Children notice when you do not mean what you're saying.

Watch further into video for more tips ✔️



Do you struggle with how to motivate your teenager?⁣

Don't worry - many parents do.⁣

Motivating teenagers is possible. You can help your teen develop intrinsic motivation today using these strategies:⁣

✔️ Support your teen's interests⁣
✔️ Set a good example for your teen⁣
✔️ Speak positively to and about your teen⁣
✔️ Promote healthy habits⁣
✔️ Focus on the process more than the outcome⁣

To learn more, click the link in the bio! 🙌



How can you change the culture in your own home if disrespectful behavior is starting - or is already a way of life?⁣

Here is what you can do:⁣

☑️ Be respectful when you correct your child⁣
☑️ Avoid overreacting⁣
☑️ Praise respectful behavior⁣
☑️ Include your children in family decision-making⁣
☑️ Talk about others positively⁣

Kids need to learn the importance of respect for others - and respect begins at home.⁣

For more information, click the link in the bio!



There are many reasons kids seek attention: they're bored, sleep-deprived, hungry, or in need of quality time with their parents. But the reasons your child acts this way aren't as important as learning how to respond when they do.⁣

Every moment waited is a moment wasted. Click the link in the bio now! 🙌



Parents, do you wonder if your child has difficulty with interpersonal skills?⁣

A child may be struggling with social interaction if:⁣
💠 They have problems making and keeping close friends⁣
💠 They do not behave appropriately in group situations⁣
💠 They find it difficult to understand humor and/or use humor in conversation⁣
💠They misunderstand facial expressions and other non-verbal signs⁣
💠 They interrupt conversation frequently and inappropriately⁣

If you are worried about your child or a child you know, seek help now by clicking the link in the bio! 🙌



What is the optimal way to motivate kids? 👇⁣

The intrinsic motivation to learn about the world around us begins in infancy.⁣

This type of motivation can be either encouraged or suppressed by the experiences adults provide for children.⁣

Finding what motivates your child will make a world of a difference! Click the link in the bio to find out more information 👍



Parents, are you curious about how you can support your pr***en as they begin to transition into a teenager?⁣

The biggest danger for pr***ens is losing the connection to parents while struggling to find their place and connect in their peer world.⁣

The biggest danger for parents is trying to parent through power instead of through a relationship, thus eroding their bond and losing their influence on their children as they move into their teen years.⁣

BHIP Method can help before it is too late. Check out our services by clicking the link below 🙌



Does this happen to you? Let me know your thoughts! Comment below 👇



Hey Parents, we know how stressful applying for college can be for both you and your child, so here are a few tips on how you can help prepare your child 📚⁣

Tips on how to prepare your child for college:⁣

✔️ Don’t feel like you can’t assist.⁣
✔️Don’t do it all for them.⁣
✔️Start with scholarships and grants, then federal loans.⁣
✔️Don’t handle the communications.⁣
✔️Help with organizing instead.⁣
✔️Help them discover their ‘differentiator’.⁣
✔️Help them look beyond college.⁣
✔️Find out what is causing a lack of initiative.⁣
✔️Help them discover what they want.⁣
✔️Keep your own emotions in check⁣

Check out our website: www.bhipmethod.com


Who can relate! 🤷‍♀️ follow me for more psychology tips on how to solve your parent-child relationship issues ✔️



Hey parents 👋 it is vital to show your teenagers love ♥️⁣

You might be thinking they are too old for a hug but that actually isn't true.⁣

If you have a compassionate and sympathetic relationship with your teen it will help them feel safe and secure. Know their comfort levels and boundaries. When teenagers feel secure they are more likely to be happy and confident and be able to handle conflicts and anger ✔️⁣

A few ways that you can help your teen feel loved and accepted:⁣

☘️Tell your teen that you love them.⁣
☘️Focus on the positive.⁣
☘️Show interest in your teen's life.⁣
☘️Be affectionate with your teen whenever you can.⁣
☘️Spend time together and do things that your teen enjoys.⁣

Check out our website: www.bhipmethod.com


Did you know you can teach your child to associate their feelings and actions by reading books together?⁣

Research points to how reading can support a solid parent-child relationship. Kids feel secure when they're read to 📗⁣

Reading books with your children helps stimulate their imagination and expand their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them for life through lessons on paper ✨⁣

Check out more of our techniques and tips - www.bhipmethod.com


Check out our website to find out how you can have access our BHIP High School Handbook: www.bhipmethod.com 📖


Why parents need to help their children develop their social skills:⁣

Studies show that everyday experiences with parents are fundamental to a child's developing social skill-set. Parents provide a child with their very first opportunities to develop a relationship, communicate and interact. As a parent, you also model for your child every day how to interact with the people around you 🙌⁣

Approaches you can take to help give your children with their social skill development:⁣

✔️Provide plenty of time and guidance for imaginative play.⁣
✔️Create space and opportunity for unstructured play.⁣
✔️Identify real-time emotions and model positive communication.⁣

Check out our services available on our website, link in bio!


Do you have a child that is interested in a certain sport and you want to learn how you can support your child to do their best?⁣

Remind them that you're proud of them no matter what. Make tryouts as easy as possible for your children ✔️⁣

5 Ways to Help Your Child Have The Best School Team Try-Out:⁣

✔️Reassure your child even if they fall short.⁣
✔️Eat, sleep, and play.⁣
✔️Pencil their schedule in now not later.⁣
✔️Be a good sport.⁣
✔️Put lessons into perspective for your child when they feel discouraged.⁣

To help your child excel in these skills, check out our services by clicking the link in the bio.


Hi moms and dads - are you worried about your teen falling into the negative rebellious teen category?⁣

Worry not! Not every teenager is the same, and that's what makes parenting different for each case.⁣

What works for one parent might not work for another parent. During this time, your family should feel like a secure emotional base where your teen feels loved and accepted. As a parent, you can build and support your child's confidence, resilience, optimism, and identity ✔️⁣

Receive guidance on teens' crucial life skills, link in bio!


Help your child name their feelings by giving that feeling/emotion a label.⁣

Here are 5 Ways to help your children understand their emotions better:⁣
☘️Name the feeling.⁣
☘️Talk about how feelings can be expressed.⁣
☘️a deep nurturing connection.⁣
☘️Resist the urge to punish.⁣
☘️Praise and practice – often!⁣

Check out our services available on our website, link in bio!


Why is it important to optimize your and your employee's workspace? 📈⁣

A quality workspace design leads to a healthier, less stressful, and more productive atmosphere—when you prioritize calmness and comfort in your work setting, you’ll be able to produce your best work. So it’s essential that you take your physical work environment into consideration. With that in mind, here are five tips for optimizing your office space to improve your health and productivity 👆⁣

Check out our services, link in bio!


Finding common ground with your troubled teen is an important part of having a healthy relationship and promoting parental involvement ✔️⁣

Throughout the adolescent years, teens go through a multitude of changes and are craving independence from their family structure. As a parent, you should stay interested in your teen’s activities and friends without passing judgment and also without becoming overwhelming, by showing your teenager that you respect and trust them, you are promoting the same treatment back 🙌⁣

Check out our website, link in bio!


Being a parent is a very challenging, yet honorable job. On one hand, you are teaching and training your children to be the best version of themselves so they can live fulfilled and successful lives...⁣

On the other hand, you as a parent are gaining perspective and seeing things from your parent’s point of view. You are forgiving them for their shortcomings because they were learning just as you are now.⁣

Remember to give your child the grace that you wished you received from your parents. Also make sure to forgive your parents, because you can now see how stressful parenting can be, and that it doesn’t come with a guide or manual 🙌⁣

Check out our services, link in bio!


Moms and Dads, this is why it's important to always mind the tone you are using when speaking to your child 👇⁣

The tone of voice you use when speaking to your children influences, very heavily, your message. It influences how your child is going to receive your message as their parents. When you use a sarcastic, humiliating, degrading tone of voice with them, your child immediately shuts down and automatically stops listening to you 💬⁣

Also, remember that when you are using your tone of voice with them, know that you are modeling for your children. You are showing them the way to speak to people, to speak to their peers, and to speak to their teachers.⁣

Check out our services available on our website, link in bio!


While using their cell phones, parents talk to their kids less, respond more slowly, and overreact to being interrupted which is unhealthy 📱❌⁣

Data has shown that mobile device usage cuts across all aspects of family time. It was found that children and parents both spent approximately the same amount of time (around 90 minutes) using mobile devices when together. We found all these patterns to be particularly pronounced among young people aged 14 to 16 ✔️⁣

Electronic device use likely deprives parents of the opportunity to provide meaningful emotional support and positive feedback to their children which causes their offspring to revert to even more problematic behavior such as throwing tantrums or sulking.⁣

Seek stronger relationships with your children. Check out our website for services, link in bio.


Hey moms and dads - here are some ways that you can use to approach your teenage daughter or son about certain important topics 👇⁣

✔️Do not judge your teenager.⁣
✔️Try not to assume you know what's wrong.⁣
✔️Be clear you want to help.⁣
✔️Be honest yourself.⁣
✔️Help your teenager think for themselves.⁣
✔️Pick your battles with your teenager.⁣
✔️Try not to react to angry outbursts.⁣
✔️Help your teenager feel safe.⁣

Do you want to strengthen your communication and relationship with your child or teen? We can help! Click link in bio for more information.


Why is Empathy important? 🙏⁣

It helps us understand how others are feeling so we can respond appropriately to the situation. It is typically associated with social behavior and there is lots of research showing that greater empathy leads to more helpful behavior 🧠⁣

Experts state that empathy is an important tool for children to have in their emotional toolbox. Empathy is important because it can help people build connections, regulate emotion, and promote helping behaviors. For kids, empathy can prevent bullying, help them make friends, and help them receive help from others ✔️⁣

To learn more on how to help develop your child's empathy, check out our services available in the link in the bio.

Videos (show all)

Does your child seem unusually sad, irritable or quiet lately? Such changes in mood could be due to a temporary stress i...
Kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they...
While ADHD affects individuals of all ages, the implications are different for children than for teenagers or adults. Fo...
How can you change the culture in your own home if disrespectful behavior is starting - or is already a way of life?⁣⁣He...
There are lots of possible reasons for difficult behavior in toddlers and young children.Often it's just because they're...
Who can relate! 🤷‍♀️ follow me for more psychology tips on how to solve your parent-child relationship issues ✔️ #mental...
Did you know you can teach your child to associate their feelings and actions by reading books together?⁣⁣Research point...
Help your child name their feelings by giving that feeling/emotion a label.⁣⁣Here are 5 Ways to help your children under...
Being a parent is a very challenging, yet honorable job. On one hand, you are teaching and training your children to be ...
Hey moms and dads - here are some ways that you can use to approach your teenage daughter or son about certain important...