Mobile Veterinary Unit, AHVS Department, Govt.of Sikkim

Mobile Veterinary Unit, AHVS Department, Govt.of Sikkim

Healthy animal, happy farmer, happy nation.

Krishi Jagat : Lumpy disease and its remedies 28/07/2023

Krishi Jagat : Lumpy disease and its remedies A Doordarshan Kendra Gangtok Presentation.


हाम्रा किसानहरू मोबाइल भेटेरिनरी इकाईद्वारा घरदैलोमा भेटेरिनरी सेवाहरू प्रदान गर्नमा सन्तुष्टि व्यक्त गर्दै। यो राज्यमा भेटेरिनरी सेवा क्षेत्रको रूपान्तरणको सुरुवात मात्र हो। कृपया 1962 हेल्पलाइन नम्बरमा कल गर्दा जनावरको 12 अंकको कान ट्याग नम्बरहरू साझा गर्नुहोस्। आर्थिक रूपमा महत्त्वपूर्ण रोगहरू जस्तै FMD, ब्रुसेलोसिस, लम्पी छाला रोग, स्वाइन फिभर र अन्य विरुद्ध खोप लगाउन नबिर्सनुहोस् जसको लागि पशुपालन विभागले वार्षिक रूपमा सञ्चालन गर्दछ।
किनभने उपचार भन्दा रोकथाम राम्रो छ। स्वस्थ पशु सुखी किसान सुखी राज्य ।


सिक्किमका सबै किसानहरूलाई सूचित गरिन्छ कि पशुपालन र पशु चिकित्सा सेवा विभाग, सिक्किम सरकारले मोबाइल पशु चिकित्सा एकाइ सेवाको लागि टोल फ्री नम्बर "1962" उत्पन्न गरेको छ जसमा पशुपालक किसानहरूले फोन गर्न र उनीहरूको घरमा भेटेरिनरी सेवा प्राप्त गर्न सक्छन्।


90 days FMD vaccination campaign begins in the state of Sikkim under National Animal Disease Control Programme. All dairy farmers are requested to get their cattle vaccinated and registered in INAPH.
Under `Azadi se Antodaya Tak programe of Govt. Of India FMD vaccination campaign starts in Pakyong district in presence of District Collector Pakyong and Joint Director Pakyong.


Animal Husbandry being a priority sector in raising the economy of rural areas in State, Government of Sikkim,Department of AH&VS will soon be introducing Mobile Veterinary Clinic and a dedicated call centre for delivering veterinary services at the doorsteps of livestock owners.


Poultry vaccines(Lasota, NDB1,IBD and IB) available in Veterinary hospitals and Dispensaries. So all our poultry growers of State are informed to visit their nearest hospitals and get their birds vaccinated.
Deptt.of AH&VS
Govt of Sikkim

Photos from Mobile Veterinary Unit, AHVS Department, Govt.of Sikkim's post 07/11/2020

Publicity campaign of FMD vaccination in State. All our farmers are requested to get their livestock vaccinated n tagged.

Photos from Mobile Veterinary Unit, AHVS Department, Govt.of Sikkim's post 14/10/2020

A step towards double income of dairy farmer by Sikkim Government # incentives of Rs.8 per lit milk


Implementation of National Animal Disease Control Program (NADCP) for control of Foot and Mouth Disease in Sikkim.


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