

News as it happens, views and opinions as they get formed, stories as they unfold.

How memories of Japanese American imprisonment during WWII guided the US response to 9/11 09/09/2021


How memories of Japanese American imprisonment during WWII guided the US response to 9/11 In the wake of 9/11, some called for rounding up whole groups of people viewed as potential threats to the nation. But Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta knew the U.S. had done that before.

Elon Musk’s Tesla Bot raises serious concerns – but probably not the ones you think 09/09/2021


Elon Musk’s Tesla Bot raises serious concerns – but probably not the ones you think If you see the Tesla Bot as a joke or a harbinger of a dystopian future, you could be missing the real threat, which has more to do with Elon Musk’s power than robots run amok.

Data science education lacks a much-needed focus on ethics 09/09/2021

Undergraduate programs are springing up across the US to meet the burgeoning demand for workers trained in big data.


Data science education lacks a much-needed focus on ethics Undergraduate programs are springing up across the US to meet the burgeoning demand for workers trained in big data. Yet many of the programs lack training in the ethical use of data science.

What really works to keep coronavirus away? 4 questions answered by a public health professional 04/03/2020


What really works to keep coronavirus away? 4 questions answered by a public health professional What can you do to keep yourself and your family safe from the coronavirus? A public health scholar explains antiseptics – and emphasizes the importance of good hand-washing.

California wildfires signal the arrival of a planetary fire age 01/11/2019

The Earth may be entering an era in which natural and human-generated fire together are reshaping the planet.

California wildfires signal the arrival of a planetary fire age The Earth may be entering an era in which natural and human-generated fire together are reshaping the planet.

Super-soldier T-cells fight cancer better after a transformational DNA delivery 30/10/2019

Researchers are trying to boost the power of our immune system by genetically altering our white blood cells and transforming them into super-soldiers to fight cancer.

Super-soldier T-cells fight cancer better after a transformational DNA delivery Researchers are trying to boost the power of our immune system by genetically altering our white blood cells and transforming them into super-soldiers to fight cancer.

Zombie flu: How the 1919 influenza pandemic fueled the rise of the living dead 30/10/2019

The 1918-1919 flu claimed millions of lives worldwide. Could it also have given birth to the viral zombie?

Zombie flu: How the 1919 influenza pandemic fueled the rise of the living dead The 1918-1919 flu claimed millions of lives worldwide. Could it also have given birth to the viral zombie?

Half a billion on Halloween pet costumes is latest sign of America's out-of-control consumerism 30/10/2019

is yet another holiday that has become a mere ritual of America's very conspicuous consumption.

Half a billion on Halloween pet costumes is latest sign of America's out-of-control consumerism Halloween is yet another holiday that has become a mere ritual of America's very conspicuous consumption.

Is the US losing the artificial intelligence arms race? 29/10/2019

The US defense community is coming to understand that AI will significantly transform, if not completely reinvent, the world's military power balance.

Is the US losing the artificial intelligence arms race? The US defense community is coming to understand that AI will significantly transform, if not completely reinvent, the world's military power balance.

What western states can learn from Native American wildfire management strategies 29/10/2019

Instead of suppressing wildfire, the Karuk Tribe in the Pacific Northwest is using it as an integral part of its climate change management plan. Federal, state and local agencies are taking note.

What western states can learn from Native American wildfire management strategies Instead of suppressing wildfire, the Karuk Tribe in the Pacific Northwest is using it as an integral part of its climate change management plan. Federal, state and local agencies are taking note.

As the climate changes, architects and engineers need to design buildings differently 25/10/2019


As the climate changes, architects and engineers need to design buildings differently As climate change intensifies, much of the nation's building stock will need upgrading to strengthen it against flooding, snowstorms and other weather hazards.

How steak became manly and salads became feminine 25/10/2019


How steak became manly and salads became feminine In the early 20th century, women's food started being described as 'dainty,' meaning fanciful but not filling.

When Halloween became America's most dangerous holiday 25/10/2019

In the early 1970s, rumors about poisoned candy on Halloween led to mass paranoia. An experts explains why such fears emerge – and what, in reality, feeds them.

When Halloween became America's most dangerous holiday In the early 1970s, rumors about poisoned candy on Halloween led to mass paranoia. An experts explains why such fears emerge – and what, in reality, feeds them.

Trump has upended the long history of US investment in Ukraine's democracy 24/10/2019

Multiple American have viewed US support of 's security and democracy as critical to the national interest. President Trump's dealings with Ukraine are a major divergence.

Trump has upended the long history of US investment in Ukraine's democracy Multiple American presidents have viewed US support of Ukraine's security and democracy as critical to the national interest. President Trump's dealings with Ukraine are a major divergence.

The future of the US workforce will rely on AI, but don't count human workers out just yet 24/10/2019

Many Americans fear that AI will take their jobs. And it might – but it's more complicated than that.

The future of the US workforce will rely on AI, but don't count human workers out just yet Many Americans fear that AI will take their jobs. And it might – but it's more complicated than that.

How to know which impeachment polls to believe – and which to skip 18/10/2019

Members of Congress factor what the public thinks into their decisions. But it's difficult to measure what the public is really thinking.

How to know which impeachment polls to believe – and which to skip Members of Congress factor what the public thinks into their decisions. But it's difficult to measure what the public is really thinking.

The Chicago teachers' strike isn't just about kids – it's about union power too 18/10/2019

Teachers' unions often say they go on strike to improve conditions for students. A closer look at recent walkouts suggests they are also fighting for something else: membership.

The Chicago teachers' strike isn't just about kids – it's about union power too Teachers' unions often say they go on strike to improve conditions for students. A closer look at recent walkouts suggests they are also fighting for something else: membership.

In fire-prone California, many residents can't afford wildfire insurance 17/10/2019

As intensifies the risk of wildfires in California, insurers are dropping coverage for many homeowners.

In fire-prone California, many residents can't afford wildfire insurance As climate change intensifies the risk of wildfires in California, insurers are dropping coverage for many homeowners.

Why a computer will never be truly conscious 16/10/2019

functions integrate and compress multiple components of an experience, including sight and smell – which simply can't be handled in the way computers sense, process and store data.

Why a computer will never be truly conscious Brain functions integrate and compress multiple components of an experience, including sight and smell – which simply can't be handled in the way computers sense, process and store data.

How the US census kickstarted America's computing industry 15/10/2019

As the country grew, each census required greater effort than the last. That problem led to the invention of the punched card.

How the US census kickstarted America's computing industry As the country grew, each census required greater effort than the last. That problem led to the invention of the punched card.

Quantum dots that light up TVs could be used for brain research 15/10/2019

These tiny nanoparticles might provide a new way to see what's happening in the brain and even deliver treatments to specific cells – if researchers figure out how to use them safely and effectively.

Quantum dots that light up TVs could be used for brain research These tiny nanoparticles might provide a new way to see what's happening in the brain and even deliver treatments to specific cells – if researchers figure out how to use them safely and effectively.

Presidential 'debates' aren't debates at all – they're joint press conferences 15/10/2019

may help voters identify which candidate shares their views but they do not help them think critically about those views. That's because presidential debates don't live up to their name.

Presidential 'debates' aren't debates at all – they're joint press conferences Debates may help voters identify which candidate shares their views but they do not help them think critically about those views. That's because presidential debates don't live up to their name.

Why we need to treat wildfire as a public health issue in California 15/10/2019

Two fire researchers argue that recent in Northern and Southern California show why health and social equity need to be part of fire preparedness.

Why we need to treat wildfire as a public health issue in California Two fire researchers argue that recent fires in Northern and Southern California show why health and social equity need to be part of fire preparedness.

China is catching up to the US on artificial intelligence research 12/10/2019

A recent executive order from President Trump won't do much to help the US stay ahead of Chinese innovation and investment in .

China is catching up to the US on artificial intelligence research A recent executive order from President Trump won't do much to help the US stay ahead of Chinese innovation and investment in AI.

6 ways to establish a productive homework routine 11/10/2019

When it comes to completing homework, getting organized and celebrating small victories along the way is key, an expert on learning strategies says.

6 ways to establish a productive homework routine When it comes to completing homework, getting organized and celebrating small victories along the way is key, an expert on learning strategies says.

Why don't more women win science Nobels? 11/10/2019

Progress has been made toward gender parity in science fields. But explicit and implicit barriers still hold women back from advancing in the same numbers as men to the upper reaches of STEM academia.

Why don't more women win science Nobels? Progress has been made toward gender parity in science fields. But explicit and implicit barriers still hold women back from advancing in the same numbers as men to the upper reaches of STEM academia.

Why more places are abandoning Columbus Day in favor of Indigenous Peoples' Day 10/10/2019

The official celebration of Native Americans represents the fruits of a decades-long effort.

Why more places are abandoning Columbus Day in favor of Indigenous Peoples' Day The official celebration of Native Americans represents the fruits of a decades-long effort.

Computer science now counts as math credit in most states – is this a good idea? 10/10/2019

Most states have changed their rules in recent years to let science count as a required high school math or science class. A physics professor explains how that trend could set back.

Computer science now counts as math credit in most states – is this a good idea? Most states have changed their rules in recent years to let computer science count as a required high school math or science class. A physics professor explains how that trend could set students back.

Hurricane Michael recovery efforts point to the power of local generosity after overlooked disasters 09/10/2019

The gravity and force of this Category 5 that lashed the Florida Panhandle and other Southern states may never have fully registered on the public’s radar.

Hurricane Michael recovery efforts point to the power of local generosity after overlooked disasters The gravity and force of this Category 5 hurricane that lashed the Florida Panhandle and other Southern states may never have fully registered on the public’s radar.

The new digital divide is between people who opt out of algorithms and people who don't 09/10/2019

Technology experts have long worried about a 'digital divide' between those who could use computers and those who could not. algorithms are widening the gulf.

The new digital divide is between people who opt out of algorithms and people who don't Technology experts have long worried about a 'digital divide' between those who could use computers and those who could not. Artificial intelligence algorithms are widening the gulf.

I build mathematical programs that could discover the drugs of the future 09/10/2019

drug design programs could discover new therapies for conditions that are difficult or prohibitively expensive to cure.

I build mathematical programs that could discover the drugs of the future Artificially intelligent drug design programs could discover new therapies for conditions that are difficult or prohibitively expensive to cure.

Artificial intelligence must know when to ask for human help 09/10/2019

When algorithms are at work, there should be a human safety net to prevent harming people. systems can be taught to ask for help.

Artificial intelligence must know when to ask for human help When algorithms are at work, there should be a human safety net to prevent harming people. Artificial intelligence systems can be taught to ask for help.

For Russia, talk of Trump impeachment is the gift that keeps on giving 09/10/2019

The pro-Kremlin political and media establishment have grown increasingly skilled at spinning stories to highlight US political weaknesses.

For Russia, talk of Trump impeachment is the gift that keeps on giving The pro-Kremlin Russian political and media establishment have grown increasingly skilled at spinning stories to highlight US political weaknesses.

Ancient DNA is a powerful tool for studying the past – when archaeologists and geneticists work toge 09/10/2019

Ancient allows scientists to learn directly from the remains of people from the past. As this new field takes off, researchers are figuring out how to ethically work with ancient samples and each other.

Ancient DNA is a powerful tool for studying the past – when archaeologists and geneticists work toge Ancient DNA allows scientists to learn directly from the remains of people from the past. As this new field takes off, researchers are figuring out how to ethically work with ancient samples and each other.

Humans and machines can improve accuracy when they work together 08/10/2019

People – individually and in groups – were not as good at facial recognition as an . But five people plus the algorithm, working together, were even better.

Humans and machines can improve accuracy when they work together People – individually and in groups – were not as good at facial recognition as an algorithm. But five people plus the algorithm, working together, were even better.