Walking by the Light of the Moon

Walking by the Light of the Moon

Walking with the Lord my Savior.


If an ear is put to the tracks, one could hear an approaching train even before it is seen. The warning signs of the track vibration, a horn, or lights are there to protect everyone and to prepare them for what's coming.
Jesus said in Luke 12:40,
"Therefore...be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”
Multiple warnings daily of His next appearance are revealing themselves. Invite Him to be your Savior. Trust your life with the God who became a man to die for your sin and rose again to eternal life. He did it all for YOU.♥️

Be ready for the "Train". It's one ride you don't want to miss, my friend♥️

Timeline photos 27/02/2021

Today's the day. Let Him in♥️

Timeline photos 22/12/2020
Timeline photos 06/10/2020

...For His compassions never fail (Lamentations 3:22).
How good our God is♥️♥️

Timeline photos 25/07/2020


Timeline photos 10/06/2020

John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Timeline photos 04/06/2020

Exodus 33:18 And he said, "Please show me Your glory."

I can relate to Moses. He feels the weight of a hurting world pressing in on him.

It is discouraging.

It is draining.

In his desire to convey God's love and mercy to those around him, he entreats Him to reveal His glory. Our gracious Lord lovingly answers his request. In awe, Moses bowed in worship to experience such powerful presence. It is the presence that God promised Moses would remain with him always (Exodus 33:14).

So, too, we today have that same assurance. Surrounded with uncertainty...a world filled with angst...a journey beginning in an unfamiliar land filled with those who do not know God...He is already there. He goes ahead of us on this journey and will reveal His glory when we seek Him in every circumstance. It's ours for the asking.

And brings us one step closer to forever with Him.❤️

Photos from Walking by the Light of the Moon's post 11/04/2020

Isaiah 43:19 For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun!

Butterflies. They are, undoubtedly, my favorite creature that God placed upon His green earth. They herald the start of Spring and enchant us throughout the seasons well into the bitter chill of the first frost. Their flitting dances in the air and lengthy visits to the flowers in our garden are a highlight of the year. The Lord has much to teach me through them, as He does with all the wonder He has created.

How personally dear their story is to me. At the beginning of their lives, they hatch out of an egg tiny and vulnerable. Constant is their need to find sustenance. Giving up is not an option. The survival of any to come after her depends upon her drive and obedience to do what she was created to do. Keep going so others will follow. At just the right time, she is put in complete isolation. Is it to ruin her life, complicate things, or punish her? Absolutely not.

A butterfly's chrysalis, at first glance, looks lifeless; but something marvelous is transpiring. You see, if she would have ignored the divine call of this season of separation she would have missed out on the opportunity to be transformed. Renewed. And fashioned into something more amazing than she could have ever dreamed. One of my favorite Jon Courson quotes is,

"God gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him."

May we rest in the fact that He is at work during this difficult and uncertain season. Nothing is uncertain with Him. And He will transform us into a work of His glory if we're willing. Lord, make me willing.

Photo Credit: Silvia Reiche
