Eargenix Smart Scoop

Eargenix Smart Scoop

EARGENIX is a group aural hygiene specialists that focuses on technological advancement and safety with our revolutionary Smart Scoop.

We believe that by utilizing our knowledge we can help you achieve optimal ear hygiene with ease and safety


This is one of our two specially designed scoopers that can reach and satisfyingly extract years worth of built of earwax. Try yours today risk free!✅


The EARGENIX Smart Scoop comes with LED lights and an HD camera, allowing you to visually see inside your ear on your smart device and reach wax that would otherwise be very difficult to extract. Easily extract years worth of built up ear wax with the satisfying EARGENIX Smart Scoop! ✅😃


Introducing the EARGENIX Smart Scoop! The most safe, satisfying and easy way to clean your ears.

Cotton swabs are an outdated technology that damage your ears, pushing earwax deeper in.

With the EARGENIX Smart Scoop, you never need to buy damaging cotton swabs again, and can watch as you safely extract years worth of built up earwax.