Miwae Energetics

Miwae Energetics

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Miwae Energetics, Health & Wellness Website, .

In the West, yoga is exercise. In the East, it is something much bigger 27/03/2023


In the West, yoga is exercise. In the East, it is something much bigger Yoga is more than just standing on your head. It's a deeply personal journey that focuses on uniting with the divine.





Have a Blessed Solstice! ☀️☃️❄️

7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose 19/11/2022

This is fantastic. 💡
It's not spiritual. There are no woo-woo concepts, or affirmations, or psychobabble.
Now, you know I'm a fan of all of those. I definitely feel there is a higher purpose within us, a soul's calling... I'm all for tapping into universal energies, channeling spirit guides, etc. And listening - really listening to, AND following - your intuitive guidance can be a game changer.
BUT that doesn't always help when you're trying to seriously find your way in this world. In fact, it can get overwhelming, esp. when the path is unclear. 😬😶‍🌫️
So what do you do when you're trying to figure out your life?

Well, enter this guy, Mark Manson, with some hard core, tough love, straight up logic. I've been enjoying various articles by him lately. His entertaining writing style, combined with a ton of common sense, is appealing to me.
His take on life purpose? It's the wrong question! 🤯
Instead, he offers a collection of pretty mind blowing questions that really get to the root of what you should be doing with your life.
I'm definitely going to be reading this again. Probably several times. Most likely taking notes. Very possibly straying from his "no nonsense" mentality and meditating on these ideas. 😉
But you know, it's always going to come down to the practical stuff. REALITY. Because we live in a human world, with all the crap that goes along with it. And we just need to survive in it. These questions can maybe help make all that less of a struggle, and make life a little more fulfilling.

7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose Discovering one’s “purpose” in life is not about some great achievement, but merely finding a way to spend your limited amount of time well.


Wave your freak flag. Whatever that means for you. **And never give up your needs!**




This is SOOO well said!!

What does it mean to “take care of yourself?”
I was listening to a podcast a few days ago when the host said to the interview subject, “I was looking at your photos on Facebook and it’s clear that you really take care of yourself. Your nails are always done, your hair and makeup look nice.” Ummm… what? My immediate reaction was, “what in the hell do those things have to do with taking care of yourself?” Then I realized that, actually, this is a common trope. I’ve heard it hundreds of times over my lifetime. “She really takes care of herself.” What they actually mean is she spends a lot of time on her appearance. Have you EVER heard someone use this phrase when referring to a man? I haven’t.
I used to be one of those women who spent hours & absurd amounts of money agonizing over my appearance. I didn’t leave the house without fake eyelashes, a full face of makeup, and each hair in just the right place. I’m sure people said that about me. “She takes care of herself.” But I wasn’t. I was hiding all of my insecurities and doubts about my self-worth behind cosmetics. Taking care of myself would have been getting a therapist. “She takes care of herself.” That would have been leaving behind my dead-end relationship sooner. “She takes care of herself.” That would have been moving my body in ways that brought me joy rather than torturing myself in the gym 5 days a week in the name of weight loss that never happened.
There’s nothing wrong with being into cosmetics— if having acrylic nails and bleach blonde hair and spending hours on contouring bring you joy, by all means do it. But taking care of MYSELF looks a lot different these days. It looks like mud-caked legs and visible freckles because I’m spending more time doing and less time getting ready to do things. It looks like being sweaty and foul-smelling at the end of a long hiking day. It looks like my hair always being a total mess and thrift-store clothes because I’d rather spend my money on experiences. This is what taking care of myself looks like. What does it look like for you?
📷 by my friend Christy
📍this is Tsalaguwetiyi (Cherokee) and S’atsoyaha (Yuchi) land





9 Habits That The World's Healthiest & Longest-Lived People Share 14/12/2021

Blue Zone longevity. It always comes down to natural exercise, healthy diet, reducing stress, having a purpose, and deep connections with other humans.

9 Habits That The World's Healthiest & Longest-Lived People Share These habits underpin all five Blue Zones.

Do You Make Noisy or Quiet Decisions? Here’s Why the Difference Is So Vital 04/12/2021


Do You Make Noisy or Quiet Decisions? Here’s Why the Difference Is So Vital Grappling with the weight of a looming life choice? Learn the difference between noisy and quiet decisions to get to the truth of what you really want.

Why It's Time to Stop Pursuing Happiness 29/11/2021

Some very interesting food for thought.

Why It's Time to Stop Pursuing Happiness Positive thinking and visualising success can be counterproductive – happily, other strategies for fulfilment are available.

The Day You Decided to Take the Leap - More To That 10/11/2021

"While you can easily predict the concerns of making any leap, there is no way to predict the numerous rewards that await you on the other side. As long as that chief concern is one you think you can manage, the most rational thing to do is to actually make the jump. By not making that leap, you are voting to give up all unimaginable future rewards for a single concern you can predict and prepare for today."

The Day You Decided to Take the Leap - More To That Taking the leap is, in fact, a very rational thing to do. Here's why.


Make sure you give equal love to all of Nature - trees AND rocks! ;-)

Music Saved Her Life. Now She Wants to Save Yours. 30/09/2021

An interesting article on sound healing, including some scientific backup for the therapies. :-)

Music Saved Her Life. Now She Wants to Save Yours. After the loss of three loved ones, Jacqui McLoughlin was debilitated from grief. Then one moment at a Flaming Lips concert changed everything.

Clear the Air of Negativity: A Guide to ‘Smudging’ with Sage 18/09/2021


Clear the Air of Negativity: A Guide to ‘Smudging’ with Sage If you’re finding yourself bogged down by accumulated toxicity, it might be time to explore smudging for purification and renewal. Smudging is a practice used to cleanse the body, mind, spirit, astral body and the surrounding areas where you live and work. It’s an ancient practice used by Native...


Good advice!


A note about positive thinking, affirmations, meditation, energy work, etc…

If you are dealing with conditions such as chronic depression and/or anxiety, these are not necessarily cures. 🤯
Absolutely, they can make an IMMENSE difference in managing such issues! In some cases they may even act like a cure.

But there may also be days when you fall back.
Days that, whether due to obvious triggers, or no apparent reason at all, suddenly you feel the shadows creeping in again. Or outright dragging you into the rabbit hole. 😞

Making use of any or all of these holistic tools can help restore you to balance faster, or at least pull you up a bit higher than where you are in the moment. (Of course, please have the strength to also seek professional help if you need it.)
If you discover the tools that work for you, you may find that the "bad" days are not as bad as they used to be, or don't last as long.

But they can still happen!

It is important to understand that *balance and happiness are not perpetual.*
We are HUMAN. We will all stumble.
Allow yourself the grace to accept this fact.

You are not irreparably broken. ❤️

It will pass.

You will return to the light.

The days or moments in the shadows may also return at times. But you can make them weaker.

Accept that we are all a work in progress, perfectly imperfect.
Honor your needs in each moment. Use your tools.
Let the journey unfold.

You will return to the light.

You ARE the light.

Shine on. ✨


It is officially a new chapter for me.

It’s as if a hurricane blew through my life and destroyed all things that do not belong.

The cleansing has been dramatic, intense, welcomed and necessary. Just as the tide rises and falls, I am now entering into still waters.

I am officially Divorced. I am a free woman. Free from chaos. There is stillness in my home, the kind I am not accustomed to. Peace, quiet, and stability are expanding. Pieces of myself I have reclaimed. There is understanding as to why and how things have unfolded. Everything makes sense. Clarity has come in the aftermath of the hurricane.

We live in patterns and habits. In many ways, people are exceedingly predictable. We resist change and regularly return to what is familiar. The patterns of our parents, patterns of our culture, patterns of society, patterns of the company we keep. They are everywhere, repeating behaviors day in and day out. It's known, it’s secure. It’s what feels safe, even though it really isn’t. My ex carried many of the frequencies of my parents. It was familiar. And at the young age of 26, I was unaware of the patterns. I observed that women were treated like maidservants, lived to serve and please the man. Make all the money so that the man can indulge in all the pleasures. Carry 99% of responsibilities. Work and get taken advantage of, and then get shamed for working so hard. Even though it wasn’t like that at the beginning of the marriage, a year later, the truth began to surface.
Also, I learned that you can’t know a person in 3 months before getting married. Have a longer courtship. Patterns are stubborn, and they reveal themselves eventually, no matter how hard they try to hide it. Naive, impulsive, and low self-esteemed Desiree at 26 made life altering decisions. But she grew up in her 30’s. She became aware. Some on her own, some by the grace of God.

We can choose to change patterns ourselves, or get the loving nudge from the Universe when we are stubborn or unaware. In the latter scenario, a hurricane shows up to tear down what is decrepit, and give room to build out the new. Purification exists within the devastation. It's a clean slate to start fresh.

It hurts, it’s tragic, and it’s liberating. Pain and Beauty coexist, just like Yin and Yang coexist.


There's a lot going on inside of you.
Make sure you take that into consideration if you're tempted to look at how life isn't moving fast enough for you.
You'll get to where you want to be one step at a time.

Yep. 🙏

We're still in the midst of Cancer season, which is a sensitive time.

2021 is a year of shifts and adjustments. July 2021 is a month of creative expression.

You're being coerced by the Universe to make bigger, bolder and more expansive choices - to take risks.

And that means you need to let go of a lot of people, ideas, intentions, and circumstances.

It's tempting to want to forge ahead. Yet, you need to process. You need time to grieve, to feel, to release, and ultimately plant for your fantastic future.

There's a lot going on inside of you.

Make sure you take that into consideration of you're tempted to look at how life isn't moving fast enough for you.

You'll get to where you want to be one step at a time.

Enjoy the journey!


💖 💖
This really hit home. *Building* my dream is ALWAYS on my mind, and as usual the universe provides well timed messages. This one was particularly relevant, and clear. Now to really listen to it...

Does this Full Moon message speak to you too?

(And incidentally, soon, I WILL be on top of the mountain! 😄😉)🧗‍♀️

We're blessed with a beautiful Supermoon today.

Our Full Moon in Capricorn graces us at 11:39am PDT. It will also be our last Supermoon of 2021.

This is a turning point.

Full Moons always bring endings. You are most likely closing the chapter on at least one aspect of your life.

The Universe is pushing you in a new direction. Perhaps on a path unknown to you.

You are heading into unchartered waters.

Your inner transformation had led you to expand your horizons. Most likely because you felt constricted by your circumstances.

This is the nature of the Saturn-Uranus square that is the defining transit of 2021.

Your structures are being rebuilt to prepare you for more freedom. Yet, the building of those structures requires great discipline.

Capricorn, the sign our spectacular Supermoon, is ruled by Saturn. Saturn teaches you to build your dreams step by step.

All you need to do is put one foot in front of the other. Soon, you will be on top of the mountain.

Wherever you are on your journey, remember to look up at the sky full of stars.

Have a beautiful day.


Love this! 😄



Shimmy Mob, Shimmy Mob - Salem, MA

Spreading awareness of domestic violence since 2011 through World Bellydance Day.


😂 Right?!

Timeline photos 24/01/2021

“Don’t let this world’s mentality
trick you into starving your soul
on a quest for material things.
It’s a hunger that is continuously fed but never satisfied.
It’s experiences, adventures, places,
and just moments like this
that breathe magic into your soul.
It’s the connection, the wonderment,
finding the purpose,
experiencing the peace...
that fills you up.
One day when
you’re standing
in the middle of a waterfall,
gazing at a colorful sunset,
or sitting under a starry sky,
you will realize how little you actually
NEED to be happy.
An endless supply
of soul food
that will nourish and sustain
is surrounding you...
Eat it up!”

- photo & quote by

“Don’t let this world’s mentality
trick you into starving your soul
on a quest for material things.
It’s a hunger that is continuously fed but never satisfied.
It’s experiences, adventures, places,
and just moments like this
that breathe magic into your soul.
It’s the connection, the wonderment,
finding the purpose,
experiencing the peace...
that fills you up.
One day when
you’re standing
in the middle of a waterfall,
gazing at a colorful sunset,
or sitting under a starry sky,
you will realize how little you actually
NEED to be happy.
An endless supply
of soul food
that will nourish and sustain
is surrounding you...
Eat it up!”

📷 photo & quote by , because we couldn’t have said it better ourselves!

Feed your soul - sign up for the at www.52HikeChallenge.com 🥾


"We will open the book.
Its pages are blank.
We are going to put words on them ourselves.
The book is called Opportunity
and its first chapter is New Year's Day."

~Poet Edith Lovejoy Pierce



It is a day for magic.

We celebrate our solstice tomorrow,(December 21) marking the return of light in the northern hemisphere, while southern neighbors will have warmer days.

What a bright future is ahead of us!

We can all use some more light now. As a collective, we have experienced a dark night of the soul. This year has been challenging, heartbreaking, and relentless. There is hope on the horizon.

Just as the sun rises every morning, the light returns after a long winter.

There is a beauty in the predictability of the seasons.
2020 has been a year like no other.

This solstice is extraordinary.

Jupiter and Saturn join together in a cosmic kiss. Our two largest planets are closest in proximity than they've been since 1623! Their celestial spectacle will illuminate our skies.

If you gaze into the night sky (which I suggest you do often), you can see these two luminaries joining forces in what looks like the Star of Bethlehem. Such a breathtaking spectacle!

As above, so below.
The magic they impart will have long-lasting effects.
Jupiter and Saturn are known as the social plants.

These two planets connect once every twenty years in what is known as "The Great Conjunction." When this occurs, it initiates radical cultural shifts.

What is extraordinary is today's Great Conjunction is the first time these two are meeting in an air sign in 800 years.
For the past 200 years, the Great Conjunctions have been in earth signs.

Jupiter and Saturn are connecting at 0° Aquarius, an air sign.

It initiates "the Age of Aquarius," a 2000 year cycle.

Aquarius is a forward-thinking sign of hope, dreams, and humanitarian ideals. It incites innovation for the greater good.

A new era of hope is here.

It begins today. Our Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn are all at the 0° point of potential in the sign of progress.

As you hold a vision for our future in your imagination (the element of air), you begin the process of creation.

Today, as you gaze upon the miracle of our planetary light, remember to radiate hope and love in your heart.

Visualize with your whole being what you wish to create for yourself, your loved ones, and the world. And so it is.

Love and starlight,

P.S. Today is the LAST day of my early-bird discount for 2021 Illuminated. When you register, you have immediate access to a New Year Manifesting and Intention Ritual, plus an Energy Clearing and Soul Infusion. I've also added a "Pay Later" option on Paypal. I want you to have all the support you need to create a fulfilling 2021 and beyond.

Register here: karisamuels.com/2021-illuminated

Instagram Photos 17/12/2020
Photos from Miwae Energetics's post 24/11/2020

Lessons from a monk. ✨
Simple practices for a more centered, balanced life. Find more satisfaction and peace.


A little bird tells me you are doing SO much every day, and yet you feel you aren't getting enough accomplished.

Instead of focusing on what you haven't done, reflect on everything you HAVE done. Whether it's today, yesterday, this week, this year or your life.

Give yourself some credit.

Yes, your to do list might be longer than the day allows. That doesn't mean you're not heading toward your goals.

Even a tree rests.

Today's Capricorn Moon might help you to slow down. It's totem, the mountain goat, reaches the peak with slow-steady and sure-footed steps. Grazing along the way!

Enjoy the energy!

Beautiful photo by


Seriously this month. 😅 LOL

Take Ownership of Your Future Self 09/10/2020

“Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished.”
"We are all in a constant state of becoming."

Oh, this is so good! Many important reminders here that many of us need to hear, esp. right now as we navigate a chaotic year, and redefine who we are, and where we are going in life.

"Your personality, skills, likes, and dislikes change over time — whether you’re intentional about that change or not."
"The truth is, you’re not the same person you were in the past. When you assume a label about yourself, you stop seeing alternatives. Instead of labeling yourself and focusing on who you are today, recognize how much you’ve grown and changed from your former self."
"Imagine Your Desired Future Self. Research shows that both motivation and hope stem from the combination of a clear, desired outcome, the belief that you can succeed, and a path to get there."
"If your identity narrative is rooted in the past, your past will determine your behavior. But if you intentionally decide who your future self will be, it becomes possible to actively transform into that desired future self."


Take Ownership of Your Future Self Change is inevitable — but it’s not out of your control.
