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Photos from baeh___'s post 13/10/2022

there’s that saying that goes “the best friends are the ones you don’t have very many pictures with,” and it must be true because the last picture .h and i had together was two years ago 😅 happy that our friendship in these few photos finally can have a spot on the gram 🤍


[ ] As a wheelchair user doing laundry can be a hassle. Pulling up to the washer and dryer at awkward angles with my chair, struggling to switch over the heavy wet clothes & the MOST dreaded task of washing and putting back together my duvet cover, are just a few things to scratch the surface about why i hate doing laundry 🫠

is a laundry service where you pack your clothes into the provided bins, schedule a pick up time & recover your laundry washed and folded back on your door step within 24 hours. I’m not going to lie, sending in my duvet cover and skipping the 30 minute struggle to put it back together alone makes my subscription worth it. 😆

Plus it’s SO satisfying sending in a messy Hampr and getting a beautifully folded and freshly washed one back!
You can the code BAEH10 for $10 off your annual membership!
How do you feel about laundry day? Love or hate?! ⬇️
wheelchair life, disability awareness, disabled life, neutral style, neutral decor, hampr

Photos from baeh___'s post 14/07/2022

core memory unlocked 🤍

Photos from baeh___'s post 27/06/2022

Diving into a new week after a heavy weekend of information and political chaos, im really trying to focus on what i’m grateful for today.

Some things that come to mind are:

🤍 Having leftovers made and not having to cook for another few days.

🤍 A cleaned apartment and finished laundry.

🤍 Getting to look forwards to seeing a couple friends this week.

And this i’m not sure if this would be considered as a gratitude statement but i am definitely looking forwards to getting a cookie at one of my fav coffee shops today 😆
Most importantly though i wanted to take a chance to check in with you all. How are you feeling starting a new week after this weekend? What are some little things you are grateful for or are looking forwards to this week?

LMK ⬇️

mental health, colorado, neutral style, neutral decor, wheelchair life

Photos from baeh___'s post 21/06/2022

Just a friendly reminder that you can’t have inclusivity without disability and although this month is meant to be inclusive and all accepting, there is often a lack of accessibility at pride events making it so us disabled g**s are left out.
If you are someone who will be helping plan a pride event this month, prioritizing accessibility allows those of us with disabilities to enjoy the fun with everyone else and if even if you aren’t someone who is involved in the planning, speaking up and advocating for accessibility for those of us in the disabled community makes a HUGE impact too.
LGBT, disability awareness, disability inclusivity, wheelchair life, disability advocacy, wheelchair girl, pride month, pride

Photos from baeh___'s post 10/06/2022

nothing like lil summer mountain drives 😌🏔 🌅

Photos from baeh___'s post 05/05/2022

hey hey IG friends, it’s been a minute! i wanted to take a moment to keep it real with y’all and give a little life update.
to get right to it, this year has been really challenging for me mentally and physically. i was diagnosed anemic back in november and have had to have 3 blood transfusions since to keep my hemoglobin up. despite my attempts to keep those levels where they need to be through natural supplements and diet changes.

symptoms i experience with this are constant exhaustion, full body aches and literally feeling like an ice cube majority of the time lol. being someone who is a go-go-go type of person it has been a learning experience to take it down a notch, not look at my to-do list, and give my body the rest it needs without feeling overwhelmed with guilt or a feeling of failure.

which in turn had taken a toll my mental health. which if i’m being honest, has been pretty low since the beginning of this year anyways.
i often find myself comparing my present self to who i was a year ago. last year i had finally broke the code to happiness & really felt like i had found myself. flash forwards to now when i am struggling like i haven’t in almost 3 years.

i keep up with my physical health, i check off my to do lists, i try to invest a good chunk of time into self development and i even left my job to have time to pursue the things i enjoy doing. so i often find myself wondering WHY is my mental health so low & when the heck did things get so twisted?

i’ll have to update if i ever find an answer to this hah.
ANYWHO. the point of this post is to just let y’all know that my life behind my IG is kind of a s**t show sometimes & not as happy as my posts (much like these pictures) may lead it on to be. so if you’re going through it or are a little lost right now too, you’re not alone & im always here to listen if you need an open ear 🤍
id love to know- what is your go to form of self care when your day starts off on the wrong foot? let me know ⬇️

Photos from baeh___'s post 01/04/2022

SOS- in need of suggestions on what iron maiden songs to listen to so i actually have an answer for the next time i wear this shirt & someone asks me what my favorite song of theirs is 😅

Photos from baeh___'s post 21/03/2022

slowly but surely can feel my personality coming back to life with these warmer weather & longer days & it feels so good ☀️
wishing y’all a happy monday & a wonderful week!

Photos from baeh___'s post 09/03/2022

birthday photo dump 📸 🎂
was thankful to kick off 23 in the best kind of way with yummy food, strong cocktails & good company! here’s to hoping the year ahead is as great as this weekend was 🥳

Photos from baeh___'s post 18/02/2022

the glass is always half full when there’s wine in it 🍷 😉
TG-freakin-IF. idk about y’all but this week has been a LONG one for me and i am very much looking forwards to the weekend.
this weekend i get to hang out with my cousin who is in town from PA, go line dancing with friends & do some thrifting, which i love but haven’t done in so long.
wishing y’all a happy friday and i hoping that whatever you have planned for your weekend brings you joy! 🤍😄

Photos from baeh___'s post 31/01/2022

coffee = one happy gal ☕️

Photos from baeh___'s post 20/01/2022

does the coffee shop really have cozy vibes if you don’t feel like you can take your shoes off while enjoying your latte?
full disclosure my leg kicked my shoe off & i was too lazy to put it back on lol

Photos from baeh___'s post 31/12/2021

happy new year’s eve, my friends!
some of my goals going into the new year are:

•to SLOW DOWN & feel & appreciate the moments i am experiencing instead of just being ready to jump to the next thing

•to start working on building a side hustle. i have one in mind & have been hesitating starting it up, but i know it will give me freedom i crave & its about time i stop procrastinating.

•to say YES more often. as an introvert i tend to favor staying home more but when i do get out i always enjoy the time. i want to push myself out of my comfort zone this year and give myself more opportunities to make friends, memories & to wear some of the clothes that have been totally neglected in my closet from lack of me going out 🤣

•to start therapy. i have had the worst luck finding a therapist i really click with & recently kind of gave up the search to finding one. however, i know therapy is something that will benefit me greatly & want to make it a priority for myself this year.
overall, i am filled with quite a bit of emotions today with tomorrow being the new year. which seems kind of silly to me considering tomorrow is just another day, but whether it’s the new year being here already, the fact i get to go out with friends tonight to celebrate, or pisces being in Jupiter right now; i am feeling very optimistic for what the year ahead will bring 🥳🥂
what are you most excited for in 2022?
ALSO, this adorable hat is from ! right now they are having their semi-annual sale and items are up to 75% off! so go check out their website & use code BAEH10 for 10% off :)

Photos from baeh___'s post 13/07/2021

Through some recent self reflection I was able to clearly see just how much I allowed my mental health to decline.

I had gotten into the habit of just going through the motions/doing the bare minimum everyday and not doing what I could to really get the most out of my days. I stopped trying to eat healthy, I began to neglect my workout routines and my anxiety and depression were starting to consume me.
Then, about a week ago I decided to start 75 hard. This has been something I wanted to do for awhile but I just kept making excuses on why I wouldn’t be able to follow through with it.

Although i’ve only been at it a week, it feels good to be more in control of my life again. I have more energy from eating quality foods, I feel uplifted from the fresh air after my outdoor work outs and I feel more motivated to start/get through my days.

Not going to lie though it has been a struggle to break my sweet tooth (sticking to one sweet a day) 😅😂
So anyway, here’s to the next 68 days and to the personal growth i’m counting on them bringing.
Have you tried 75 hard? If so drop your workout and book suggestions ⬇️

Photos from baeh___'s post 06/07/2021

Extra smiley in these because i had just gotten back from a trip to Trader Joe’s 🛒
What are some of your Trader Joe’s go-to’s? Lmk ⬇️

Photos from baeh___'s post 29/06/2021

Almost late to the function for posting these but let’s be real, when am I not doing things last minute LOL.
It took me awhile to own this part of myself but it feels so good to not only be at peace with who I am, but to also be part of such a loving and inclusive community. So to all of the girls, g**s, and theys and the allies that make us feel heard and seen, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH. 💙💚💛🧡❤️💜

Photos from baeh___'s post 15/06/2021

Mentally: back in AZ soaking up the sunshine & hanging with wheelie friends ☀️

Actually: sitting in my kitchen glued to my computer working the 9-5 🙃

Photos from baeh___'s post 07/06/2021

my favorite places are the ones that make me realize how tiny me & my problems are in the grand scheme of everything 🌲⛰


Photos from baeh___'s post 01/06/2021

Gratitude 👩🏼‍🦽
A lot of times on here I am talking about, validating and sharing the struggles that come along with life with a disability and how to embrace or adapt to those challenges. While the occasional frustrations that come with disability and the challenges it presents are totally valid, so is the gratitude I have for these challenges and my disability.
Before I was injured I was not the nicest person, would project my frustrations and insecurities on to those around me, I could be pretty entitled and definitely didn’t take the time to count my blessings or appreciate the little things in life. It wasn’t till I was injured when I started seeing how much I took life’s experiences, my time, and even the people around me for granted.

Because of my injury I have been able to learn how to self-reflect and become a person who I am proud of, who is kind, and who will look inwards before projecting onto others. I have learned to appreciate the littlest things in life, some of my favorites being, the sting of sunshine on a hot day, when my pups come to snuggle when they see I’m awake in the morning, the feeling of accomplishment I get after a work out, or when I make the perfect cup of coffee. I’ve created actual
goals for myself and I am determined to crush them, and most of all I have formed an incredibly loyal and unconditional support system that I now know how to nourish and not take advantage of.
Aside from my disability teaching me how to be grateful and humble it has also given me what I call “superhuman” intuition. I know who and what is worth my time and what is not, if I have a gut feeling something is wrong I’m usually right, and it comes in handy when deciding when making bigger life choices.
So while there is no denying the challenges that pop up on the regular with my disability, there’s also no denying the unconditional gratitude I have for my chair and the lessons disabled life has taught me and formed me into who I am today.
Disabled folks- what’re some things your disability makes you have gratitude for? Able-bodied folks- what’re some experiences that have made you have more gratitude?

Photos from baeh___'s post 25/05/2021

Addressing Ableism
This past week a friend of mine (who also has a disability) and I were having a conversation about ableism. We came to this idea that there’s a spectrum.
There’s people who disregard disability which can be nice because they typically aren’t being bombarding you with questions but can also be frustrating because they may not consider the struggles that come along with having a disability when including you in activities.

There’s people who hyper focus on disability which typically are the ones who speak for you, treat you more like a child than an adult, and give you the “you’re so inspirational” on the regular.

Then there’s people who don’t disregard disability, they don’t hyper focus on it, but they tend to ask questions that are exhausting to explain and sometimes leave you feeling a bit uncomfortable.
After we agreed on this spectrum of ableism we got to talking about how we address different people in these situations- family, friends, and random strangers. We both agreed that the amount of grace we have with ableist strangers just depends on our patience that day- sometimes it’s a fake laugh and a walk off and somedays it’s a clap back. When it comes to friends and family we don’t want controversy with it gets a little more tricky… Especially knowing that they more than likely aren’t trying to be malicious, they just sometimes don’t understand.

It feels like internalized ableism to ignore our feelings for the sake of theirs but it can also be exhausting to explain disabled life to able-bodied people; but then again, how can we expect others to understand where we are coming from and why what they are saying/doing is wrong if we don’t take the time to shed light on the subject?
So my questions for you are:
How do you address ableism within each group of people- stranger, friend, family member?

What about in the workplace?

Are there other types of ableism you’d add to the “spectrum?”

Photos from baeh___'s post 17/05/2021

Happy Monday y’all! What better way to start Monday off than with some cute puppy pics?!

The little guy on the left is the newest member of my family, Benny (A.K.A. Benjamin Button). He is a miniature labradoodle and the cutest little guy you’ll ever see, but man is he the BIGGEST ball of energy. He is constantly chewing on something, playing tug of war with my rug, or running under my bed to hide when he doesn’t want me to pick him up. When Ollie was a puppy he was a total breeze to train and has always listened well so I wasn’t too worried about training Benny. But shortly after getting him, I realized I definitely have my work cut out for me.

So far he has learned that “watch out” and “excuse me” means he better move quick or else his paws might get ran over my my chair, and that “let’s go” means follow mom because we are going outside. We are halfway to knowing sit and kinda sorta know how to play fetch. It’s a process but I know we will get there eventually haha.
What are some cool tricks your dog/s know? What are some tips/tricks I should know on how to train a high energy dog?

Photos from baeh___'s post 26/04/2021

Last night Ollie and I said our goodbyes and this morning I’m feeling pretty sad that we have to leave Pheonix so soon.
Being around other women in chairs is so empowering to me, but especially being around Liv & Christina. The both of them are incredibly understanding and are always finding a way to build you up. I’m glad we all got the chance explore Pheonix together and I am so thankful to call y’all my friends!
i’m going to start sending you pictures of when i’m eating veggies so you believe I actually eat them AND Im going to wait to get my hearing checked till you’re the one who can check it for me LOL

Till next time 💕✨

Photos from baeh___'s post 12/04/2021

The other day I was reading Rupi Kaur’s “Home Body,” and came to the poem “Productivity Guilt” that reads:

i measure my self-worth
by how productive i’ve worked
but no matter
how hard i work
i still feel inadequate

Reading this was very relatable got me doing some deep self reflecting.
This past week I knocked out every thing on my to-do list plus some but still found myself lacking a sense of fulfillment. As I read that poem I asked myself why don’t I have that sense of fulfillment? If I am living up to the expectations I have for myself and even exceeding them from time to time, what is missing? If I am getting my responsibilities done why do I feel like I need to find 4 more things to do instead of letting myself take a nap or go so something fun instead? When I do take time for myself, why do I feel guilty? To be honest I didn’t know how to answer the questions like those that were flooding my mind.
After thinking on these questions for awhile, I realized that often times I get into such a grind mode to find that sense of accomplishment that I burn myself out. Then, when I do eventually give myself some slack to rest it lasts days to a week and that leaves me feeling down and unproductive. There’s no balance between the two.

So this week I’m addition to all the “responsible” things on my to-do list, I’m adding on
- 2 naps/rests
- sit on the couch to have coffee with ollie instead of jumping on my computer right after putting myself together for the day
- sit out on my patio and read a book that I have said “I’ll get to it eventually” 10 too many times
Do you ever have productivity guilt? How do you keep a healthy balance of work and taking care of yourself?

Photos from baeh___'s post 05/04/2021

Happy Monday y’all! I hope each of you had a great Easter filled with family, good food, and sunshine.🔆 I don’t know about you but normally on Monday’s I wake up ready to take on the week, but today I woke up feeling like I am coming down from a major sugar crash from yesterdays snacks. The grind doesn’t stop though and I still have lots of things to knock out- might just need an extra shot of espresso to do so haha.
A few things on this week’s to-do list:
-Deep clean my apartment
-Apply to at least one job a day
-Check out a new trail or two with Ollie
-Get some laps in with my cuzzo on Tues/Thurs
-Make something in my new KitchenAid (if y’all have some good recipes send them my way)
-Write correspondence letters to my grandmas (my pen pals)
How was your Easter weekend? What’re some things on your to-do list this week?

Photos from baeh___'s post 29/03/2021

Yesterday I went out with my cousins and other friends to celebrate ’s 25 bday 🎊. The sun was shining, the drinks were tasty, and it was a good time. When we were at the first brewery of the night, I went to grab Christina’s present from my car. ~Conveniently~ a motorcycle was parked on the lines of the accessible parking spot right in front of the ramped part of the sidewalk making it so I couldn’t get to my car. While in this instance I had my cousins there to help me grab the present and help me down the curb, it got me thinking about all the other times the accessible parking spots are misused leaving it to me to figure out how to adapt to the situation
When things like this happen part of me wants to say I understand that people just don’t always get why what they are doing is wrong and that it is up to me to educate them by either leaving a note on their vehicle or waiting for them at their car to attempt to educate them. On the other hand, the other part of me is exhausted of having to constantly advocate for myself and be the one to educate others instead of them considering the inconvenience they may be causing.

It’s not just parking spots though, it’s also misused accessible bathroom stalls, places that aren’t ADA compliant. places that are “ADA compliant” but have crazy steep ramps, a ramp that’s “just around back,” accessible stalls that are too small to move around in, no lift to get to the upstairs part of the building, giving you the “oh we are working on getting that fixed” response to brush it off your concerns, etc.
These situations lead to those of us with disabilities being excluded at times, are frustrating, and can be discouraging… So, if you are an able-bodied person reading this, please think before you misuse the accessible parking spots or bathroom stalls and help advocate for the disabled community if the opportunity arises. For those of you with disabilities reading this- in my opinion our biggest strength is adaptability so even though the inaccessibility of the world can be frustrating, don’t let it keep you from being outgoing.
Do you run into situations like these often? If so, how do you deal with them?

Photos from baeh___'s post 22/03/2021

The past week I have noticed myself lacking motivation, slacking on working towards my goals, neglecting to make and keep up with to-do lists, and in general just letting myself sink into a kind of depressed head space where I don’t get anything done.
The past week has been pretty cold and snowy (minus a day or two) and when it starts to feel like winter outside, my motivation and energy levels go way down. Having dealt with seasonal depression/anxiety for awhile now I am able to recognize when my levels of motivation and energy start to shift- this can be a good and a bad thing. Good because being able to recognize what I’m feeling allows me to lean on coping strategies I know will get me through it. Bad because at times I will allow myself to slack off by blaming my mental health and will end up taking a week long self care day- this past week was one of those times.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think self-care/reset days are important, but neglecting to hold yourself accountable to tackle your responsibilities and take the steps to reach your goals can be just as harmful to your mental health as not giving yourself a rest day can be- It’s all about finding a balance.
So this morning I am writing/posting as a way to end the week long self-care day and hold myself accountable to get back to the grind this week. The first three things on my to-do list for the week are:
1. Work out 4-5 times
2. Get out to do work somewhere public 2 out of the 5 weekdays
3. Finish making ’s wall hanging
What are some things on your to-do list for the week?

Photos from baeh___'s post 15/03/2021

Advocating for yourself
For those of us with disabilities sometimes our needs are different than the needs of able-bodied people and since we are the minority, unfortunately our needs are typically underestimated or misunderstood- leaving it up to us to advocate for ourselves to make sure our needs are met.
At times advocating for myself and my needs is difficult for me to do. I often feel like asking others for the few extra things that will ensure things go smoothly for me or make me feel just as included as the able-bodied people around me, may make me seem needy. When I catch myself feeling this way I have to step back and remind myself that although having a disability may mean I need a few extra accommodations which may take more time, money, effort, etc… it doesn’t make them any less necessary or valid.

Being able to have independence in all situations, feeling like I am equally as involved with what is going on as the able-bodied people around me, and overall not having to worry about going into a situation and struggle to find a solution to several things that could have been fixed by simple accommodations, is something that myself and anyone with a disability shouldn’t be afraid to ask for.
So remind yourself often that your needs are not excessive, your voice deserves to be heard, and that through perseverance change will eventually come.

Although it can be frustrating to have to regularly advocate for yourself, speaking out and putting your foot down to have your needs met is the only way those needs will be normalized and the world around you will start to change.
Is it hard for you to be your own advocate? Have there been times where by advocating for yourself you made others see things from your perspective?

Photos from baeh___'s post 08/03/2021

International Women’s Day ✨
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY to all of the strong, capable, independent, and beautiful women reading this.
In a world that doubts our strengths, portrays unrealistic expectations of who we are supposed to be, that taxes us on tampons bc apparently they are luxury, and that pays us less for doing the same job as our male coworkers - it can be tough to persevere sometimes.

Although those things amongst others are frustrating, learning to be confident, successful, empathetic and resilient anyways is what makes us so strong.
This Women’s Day make sure you are including ALL women in your conversations. This includes disabled women, women of color, trans women, little girls who may look up to you, etc…, because we are stronger together than we are divided.
So go do something to celebrate being woman today and never forget to stop and remind yourself once in awhile that you are strong, capable, and a boss ass bitch.

Photos from baeh___'s post 05/03/2021

everyone kept telling me that after 21 your birthday feels like any other day, and as someone who loves birthdays i refused to believe that would be true.

ironically, as my bday started getting closer i totally forgot it till one of my cousins mentioned it and when waking up yesterday morning it really did just feel like another regular day.

then i checked my phone and was overwhelmed with bday wishes , i was sent some surprise gifts, my cousin surprised me with margs & lunch and somehow proceeded to convince me to go dancing for ladies night despite it being freakin COLD out, and suddenly the day didn’t just feel like any other day.
i am so incredibly thankful for the people i have in my life and for those who i may not be super close with but still check in to say hey once in awhile. y’all are awesome and truly keep me smiling.
safe to say i’m “feeling 22” and am pumped for the year ahead. 🥳

Photos from baeh___'s post 01/03/2021

Taking a break from the normal Monday posts to share a little friends weekend photo dump and tell IG how lucky I am to have friends like and
These girls were my first two friends I made after moving out on my own and they have grown to be people I love so much. As someone who has a pretty hard time making friends, I don’t come across too many people that I feel accepted by or whose company I genuinely enjoy. That being said, both Ash and Em are incredibly open minded and accepting, caring, kind, supportive, encouraging, and always have me feeling uplifted after being with them.. What I love most about them though, is that they see ME before they see my chair, that I never feel like a burden to them if I need help with things, and I never feel “different” when I am with them. I am so lucky to have met these girls 3 years ago and am thankful for the friendship we all share!
Thank you both and your boyfriends for making the trip out to the springs to do some exploring and spend some time with me! Till next time 💕✨

Photos from baeh___'s post 22/02/2021

Self love
Throughout childhood and adulthood we have/are constantly been taught to do things for the approval of others. Approval from our parents so they will be proud, from our teachers to give us prizes, from our bosses to get a promotion, and now with social media in our daily lives- for the likes or follows of others.

Seeking acceptance from others is understandable considering as humans it’s natural for us to want to find that sense of love and belonging. However, getting caught up in obtaining that approval from others can lead to neglecting to live the life we want for ourselves while also making it hard to find genuine self love.
So if we are conditioned from a young age to gain acceptance from others, how to we learn to find it within ourselves instead?

My answer? Learn to start living more consciously. When you catch yourself living for others instead of for yourself, combat those actions with some of these instead.
1. If you find yourself asking “what will others think” before doing something, regardless of what the answer to that question may be, do it anyways if it will bring YOU joy, confidence, or satisfaction.

2. Set your own standards instead of following those that others may deem acceptable.

3. Find things you enjoy doing and prioritize time to do them regularly.

4. Live your life in a way that is aligned to your standards, morals, and desires.

5. Affirm, validate, and celebrate YOURSELF. Don’t expect for others to do it for you.
Everyone in this world has a different opinion, so when looking to others for approval you are constantly going to be worrying, sacrificing what you may want, and stressing about to gain that stamp of approval depending on who it is from.

If you find what makes YOU happy, live a life that fulfills YOUR standards, and learn to be the only stamp of approval YOU need, you will find yourself much happier, less stressed, and more fulfilled than you ever will be seeking those things from others.
What are some things you do to practice self love?

Videos (show all)

Before I became a paraplegic I loved being outside and getting to explore the outdoors. Unfortunately since being in a c...
