Office of ASUCD Senator Samantha Boudaie

Office of ASUCD Senator Samantha Boudaie

Official page for ASUCD Senator Boudaie


Hello! While I am enjoying retirement, I have some great news I would love to share with our wonderful community.

With the hard work of Rachel Darling (our Hillel at Davis and Sacramento Executive Director), Shachar-Lee Yaakobovitz, Arielle Zoken, Maya Barak, Chef Kue, Richard Ronquillo, Emily E Avila (Registered Dietician), Chamayo Yniguez (Associate Director of Dining Services), Craig Brady (Director of Dining Services), Sheri Atkinson (Associate Vice Chancellor), and of course, Chancellor Gary May-- we now have options for kosher-friendly dining on campus! šŸŽŠ

Thank you to everyone who has followed along! This has been a long time coming and we are looking forward to enjoying healthy & kosher-friendly meals on campus! šŸ„³šŸ®ā¤ļø

Please follow this link to learn more about the Kosher-friendly program:


Hi everyone,

Tonight, I term out from my year as a senator in ASUCD. I wanted to take a moment to both thank everyone who supported us this year, and share the work we did.

First of all-- we did A LOT this year. I was only able to fit in the short-hand versions of my top five but I'm incredibly proud of the work we accomplished this term, and I'm looking forward to the impact we leave on the association.

(1) The work we did with the Jewish Community
A historically underrepresented minority on campus, the Jewish community often goes without serious support in ASUCD and beyond. In my term we:
- followed through with the Kosher for Passover meals despite the pandemic;
- worked with the Hillel Student Board to promote a stronger support system for Jewish students;
- began developing a seminar to educate the elected body on the Jewish community and how to progressively support our students here;
- successfully fought an anti-Semitic resolution (BDS) not once, but twice on campus;
- spent six months collecting and analyzing data on the Jewish student population at UC Davis in order to help provide hard evidence on the experiences of many of our students; and
- established serious conversations about bringing Kosher prepackaged meals to campus (there are currently no Kosher meals anywhere on campus).

(2) Bipartisan work
- Developed strong relationships across the association and "party lines" to build a better ASUCD and strengthen our community,
- built and chaired the Fee Referendum Marketing Taskforce within the Senate Table to promote the absolutely essential Basic Needs and Services Fee Referendum on the ballot last election cycle.
- Worked on the most recent bipartisan constitutional rewrite voted on and passed by the student body.

(3) Improved transitions
- Built and chaired the bipartisan Transitional Betterment Taskforce over the course of several months in order to develop the biggest transitional improvement program: the Legislative Transitional Seminar and correlated ā€œASUCD 101ā€ handbooks

(4) Served as the Senate President Pro-Tempore at the start of the pandemic
- Helped run and manage the Senate Table in an unprecedented time
- Effectively and swiftly ran online budget hearings

(5) Promoted ASUCD Transparency
- Revamped the ASUCD Senate page, created a senate Instagram, and introduced an all-new Anonymous "Comment Box."

Whew, that was a lot. And those were just my top five! Beyond these though, I truly do want to thank everyone who helped us work on these projects and supported us through the more difficult times. It's been fun!

Photos from ASUCD Senate's post 10/12/2020


Senator term review: Samantha Boudaie - The Aggie 09/12/2020

What a year! Thank you to The California Aggie for the feature :))

Senator term review: Samantha Boudaie - The Aggie Outgoing Senator Boudaie served as advocate for Jewish community on campus, though not fully accomplishing all platforms As ASUCD Senator Samantha


As I term out from my year in senate, I want to sincerely thank some of the incredible people who made all my efforts a reality. Every one of my team members worked hard and brought something to the table that ultimately helped us do big things for our campus. So, thank you!

Rianna Skomorovsky: Chief of Staff
Jacob Lauter: Deputy Chief of Staff
Simran Chahal: Fmr. Legislative Director
Eden Bouskila: Legislative Director
Roni Ayalon: Legislative Assistant
Maya Reihanian: Legislative Assistant

Members of Jewish student community discuss history of anti-semitism on campusā€© - The Aggie 17/11/2020

Itā€™s no secret that our campus has an inexcusable history of anti-Semitism.

Check out this article published in The California Aggie detailing experiences of Jewish students, an interview with me, and a little snippet from our report disclosed in October!

Members of Jewish student community discuss history of anti-semitism on campusā€© - The Aggie An insight into the Jewish student experience at UC Davis Amid the discussion of Senate Resolution #25 at the Oct. 15 ASUCD Senate meeting, members of the

Anonymous Senate "Comment Box" 12/11/2020

In collaboration with IVP Barneond and Pro Tempore Gandhoke, we were finally able to introduce anonymous communication with the Senate table!

Utilize the box at your convenience to make sure your questions, comments, and/or concerns are heard by your representatives!

Anonymous Senate "Comment Box" Looking to get some answers or start a much needed discussion? Submit questions, comments, and/or concerns below. Responses should be received within two senate meetings. Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any further questions or thoughts on t...


Things have definitely been high stress these past couple days. If you're looking for a debrief, join ASUCD Office of the External Affairs Vice President and UCSA to learn more about the implications of the elections.

Stay safe & vote.

Tomorrow is Election Day. Although we don't know the outcome of the election just yet, we want to make sure that every student feels they have a safe space to openly discuss what happens.

Register here:

More information can be found at the ASUCD Office of the External Affairs Vice President.

And make sure to if you haven't already! Stay safe!


Safety comes first this Halloween!

So call your friends, pop some popcorn & candy corn, and get on Twitch with the fantastic team at ASUCD Entertainment Council to watch some spooky movies!

Looking for some spooky n safe fun during Halloween? The ASUCD Entertainment Council has got you covered with a MOVIE NIGHT on Twitch this Saturday!

Follow this link to learn more:!

Stay safe and spooky, Aggies!

Photos from Office of ASUCD Senator Samantha Boudaie's post 19/10/2020

Happy Monday, Aggies! Friendly reminder to and !

We are FIFTEEN days away from Election Day!! Resources on Voting can be accessed via the amazing ASUCD Office of the External Affairs Vice President Maria Martinez! Don't be afraid to reach out to learn more about how your vote counts!

Resources on COVID testing available on my previous post! Get tested frequently and make sure to socially distance when possible.

Photos from Office of ASUCD Senator Samantha Boudaie's post 16/10/2020

Shabbat Shalom, Aggies! Yesterday, the senate table officially voted down BDS.

While there were some senators who were okay with voting in favor of something that came at the cost of a neglected minority on campus, we were able to stand with the Jewish community.

As I presented to Chancellor May yesterday morning, Jewish students do not feel comfortable on this campus. It is absolutely imperative that we work to support every community at this university.

My office collected the thoughts and experiences of Jewish Aggies over the course of six months and compiled them in a report (attached below). I shared this data both to the Chancellor and at last night's senate meeting.

We are ready for positive, intersectional change at UC Davis.


After personally getting tested last week, I was able to meet the supervisor of the UCD testing center here on campus. Here's what I learned and want to share with you all:

1. Yolo County Testing Resources:
- Important Documents (including info on tenant rights!):

2. Find a testing site near you!

3. Free COVID testing in Davis for anyone (by appointment only) at the Davis Senior Center. Hours are 7am-7pm. Use this link to make an appointment or learn more:

As always, my inbox is always open for any further questions: [email protected]. Stay well & safe!

Coronavirus Testing | Yolo County There are multiple ways for residents to get tested in Yolo County, including options that are free. You don't need to have health insurance to be tested; many sites are free to Yolo County residents.


Hey Aggies! We're back. Who's ready for some weekly updates again?

First of all, we had a BUSY summer! Here are just the top three things:

1. My taskforce and I are almost done putting together our Transitional Betterment Seminars (which will essentially revolutionize how we function as an association-- for the better).
2. We've gone through MANY hours of interview blocks for important positions in ASUCD such as IVP, Controller, and Interim Senators-- shout out to Senators Malik and Velasco!
3. We're working on improving transparency with a senate anonymous Comment Box! Any undergraduate will be able to submit questions/comments/concerns to be reviewed by the senate!

Now on to last Thursday's special session senate meeting with Chancellor May where we were able to receive some insight on what campus will look like this Fall. For those of you who weren't able to make it here's what you should know:

1. Free testing at the Pavilion with results in 24-48 hours: Make sure to get tested frequently and wear a mask! Hours are 8AM-5PM and appointments can be made at the student health center.
2. We're all relying on internet right now. For those of us who cannot afford the average internet costs of $50+/month, look into
3. Check out this guide (as put together by the incredible team at the ASUCD Pantry) frequently for updates on student resources:

For more information on COVID and Campus, please check out:

Stay well & safe! For any follow-up questions, please email me at [email protected].

UC Davis Basic Needs Resource Hub: Living Doc 10/09/2020

An amazing resource guide! Make sure to check out all the incredible resources ASUCD and UCD can provide as compiled by the phenomenal team at the ASUCD Pantry!

Stay safe!

UC Davis Basic Needs Resource Hub: Living Doc It has become increasingly difficult for students to juggle the costs of living while working to obtain a University degree, thus many students find themselves choosing between basic essentials, such as food and hygiene items, and the required costs of college.


We are so incredibly proud and excited to release the DREAMers THRIVE Basic Needs Voucher.

Acknowledging that COVID-19 has presented detrimental financial setbacks for many UC Davis students, the Office of the External Affairs Vice President and ASUCD Senator Velasco has created a one time, $100 basic needs voucher.

We cordially invite Undocumented, DACAmented, and members of mixed-status families to apply for this support.



All lives canā€™t matter until black lives matter too.

Weā€™re horrified by the senseless murder of George Floyd as well as all black lives taken by police brutality. We will never see justice in a system that racially profiles and violently targets people of color. At the bare minimum, these officers must be convicted for their crimes. AFI unequivocally condemns white supremacy in all forms, and we stand with the black community in this time of immense pain and anger.

zā€™ll ā€” may their memory be a blessing

Official George Floyd Memorial Fund:

Minnesota Freedom Fund:

The Jewish Experience at UCD 24/04/2020

Hey Jewish Aggies! In an effort to better understand how we're doing as a community, take 2 minutes to fill out this survey about the Jewish Experience at UC Davis.

Shabbat Shalom!

The Jewish Experience at UCD This is a 2 minute survey to learn about the Jewish experience here at UC Davis. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please email [email protected]. All questions are optional, but please fill out the survey to the best of your ability. Please note: your identity and email will be....


Chag Pesach Sameach!! For those of you who aren't familiar with the story of Passover, please see image below.

Passover in UCD Dining Halls is still on!! Starting tomorrow, the incredible dining services will still be putting together kosher meals for those of us still in Davis! If you signed up, make sure to pick up your food from the Segundo Dining Commons!

Further, Hillel at Davis and Sacramento (amazing as always) is doing their best to provide Kosher for Passover meals and a virtual seder! Email Seth ([email protected]) to request a Passover Seder bag, then be sure to join in on their virtual seder programs TONIGHT (Haggadah be kidding me? An online Pesach experience), TOMORROW (Hillel Virtual Seder), and on SHABBAT (Passover Shabbat!).

Stay safe and Moadim lā€™Simchah


Hey! I hope everyone and their families are doing well

Living Well 29/02/2020

Hey everyone!! Looking for free wellness classes?

In promotion of student mental and physical health, I've been in communication with Living Well and I'm super excited to share the great free programming offered for Spring Quarter!

- Free Zumbathon: April 14th, 6-8PM

- Free Evening Yoga: May 13th, 6-7PM

- And of course, ā€œFree Fitness Daysā€ during Week 1 and 2 where Aggies can attend Group Exercise Classes, Series Classes, and Small Group Training Classes for free!

For the remainder of this quarter, there are ā€œFree Weight Room Orientationsā€ until March 14th!
- Mondays: 10ā€“11 a.m. (Alisa)
- Tuesdays: 8ā€“9 a.m. (Zach)
- Thursdays: 6ā€“7 p.m. (Zach)
- Fridays 4ā€“5 p.m. (Erica)
- Saturdays: 7ā€“8 p.m. (Bryce)

So mark your calendars and get active!

More information can be found on their website:

Living Well


Office hours at Hillel at Davis and Sacramento!


Office hours!! Come by the senate office on the third floor of the MU to ask me about the fee referendum and elections!ļæ¼ļæ¼


Hey Aggies! I hope everyone has been enjoying their long weekend!!

Here's my weekly update about Senate & ASUCD:

1. Elections are THIS WEEK! Voting opens TOMORROW at As a proud member of the Thrive UC Davis slate, I encourage you all to read about their amazing platforms and impressive experience.
2. Furthermore, the Basic Needs and Services referendum is on the ballot! Please watch the video below (made by the incredible Aggie Studios) to hopefully make an informed decision when voting this week.
3. Iā€™m currently working with Jewish leaders in our community to bring Kosher food to UC Davis. To learn more about the Kosher Initiative & our Passover program, shoot me an email! ([email protected])
4. Due to presidentā€™s day, I will not be having OH today; however, Wednesday OH are still on! Stop by from 2pm-4pm at the Senate office (MU 3rd floor) or schedule an appointment with me (!
5. As always, please reach out to me with any questions about ASUCD: from the referendum, to projects Iā€™m currently working on!


Office hours happening NOW in the senate office!! Stop by the third floor of the MU to chat with me!!ļæ¼


Office hours happening NOW at Hillel at Davis and Sacramento! Stop by anytime before 4!


Staff for me! Applications are closing THIS TUESDAY!

If you are interested in staffing for me, (I'm looking for a (1) Communications Director (2) Legislative Director and (3) Executive Assistant along with (4) a Chief of Staff) please let me know! I'd love to have a wide variety of people on board.

ASUCD Jobs - Student Government: Senate Staff for Samantha Boudaie (3) 04/02/2020

Applications to staff for me are up! If you are interested in staffing for me, (I'm looking for a (1) Communications Director (2) Legislative Director and (3) Executive Assistant along with (4) a Chief of Staff) please let me know! I'd love to have a wide variety of people on board.

ASUCD Jobs - Student Government: Senate Staff for Samantha Boudaie (3) Hours per Week: Varies between approx. 3-7 hrs/wk depending on individual circumstances. Hours beyond specified hours per week are considered volunteer educational experience.


Hey Aggies! Happy Sunday!

Here's my weekly update about Senate & ASUCD:

1. My office hours have been extended! Stop by Mondays from 2pm-4pm at the Sam Len Hillel House, and Wednesdays 2pm-4pm at the Senate office (MU 3rd floor) or by appointment (!

2. Look out for my ASUCD vacancy (! If you are interested in staffing for me, (I'm looking for a (1) Communications Director (2) Legislative Director and (3) Executive Assistant along with (4) a Chief of Staff) please let me know! I'd love to have a wide variety of people on board.

3. Last senate meeting, we had our quarterly town hall! Thank you to all of you who were able to make it! If you have any further questions, please email me ([email protected])!

Good luck on midterms, Aggies!!


Hey Aggies! Happy Sunday!

Here's my weekly update about Senate & ASUCD:

1. My office hours are set for Mondays from 3pm-5pm at the Sam Len Hillel House, and 5pm-7pm at the Senate office (MU 3rd floor). Please come by and say hi!

2. I will be posting positions on ASUCD vacancy! If you are interested in staffing for me, (I'm looking for a (1) Communications Director (2) Legislative Director and (3) Executive Assistant along with (4) a Chief of Staff) please let me know! I'd love to have a wide variety of people on board.

3. If you are interested in joining the Thrive team (my slate committed to helping every student thrive on campus), shoot me an email or message our page, Thrive UC Davis!

4. For all my friends & family following along from LA, thank you! And if you know of/have any connections to franchised kosher food (we'd like to start having kosher prepackaged meals on campus) please get in contact with me!

5. Some highlights from senate: we most recently passed legislation
(1) condemning UCPATH & calling for restitution due to the problems it caused for student workers, SR #8 (
(2) solidifying our goal of going paperless in Senate, SB #18 (
(3) supporting the incorporation and promotion of Fair Trade products on campus, SR #7 (

Have a great week 4 & go Aggies!

Photos from Office of ASUCD Senator Samantha Boudaie's post 28/12/2019

Shabbat Shalom. Two weeks ago, a synagogue in my neighborhood was ransacked & vandalized. Two weeks ago, I read dozens of Facebook posts, both hopeful and fearful, discussing the attack and the safety of our community (please read this noteworthy post by Paige Leitman: Two weeks ago, I thanked G-d the perpetrator attacked the night before Saturday servicesā€” and not the day of.

Shivers were sent down my spine as I saw the photos: torahs & talits thrown about, pages & scrolls torn out-- I was devastated to see antisemitism infiltrate my home (images below).

It was a clear attack on Iranian Jews.

Along with Westwood Blvd., saffron ice cream, and lavish Mehmoonis (parties), Nessah Synagogue is definitively a pillar in my community. A long standing, traditional Iranian temple, Nessah means something to every Persian Jew in my neighborhood. When it was attacked on December 14th, I felt the flush of sadness and fear rush through the veins of my community with every post, message, and call.

Within a week, however, the attack solely became something of the past. At face value, looking at the attack as ā€˜something of the pastā€™ is hopeful and promising. But it is wrong to see it as 'past' because it is our presentā€” and if we donā€™t continue to support one another and fight against antisemitism, it is also our future.

Within the same week, American Jewish University, Milken Community High School (a private Jewish high school many of my friends attended), and the Westwood Charter school, were all victims of antisemitic attacks (

So to my peers, community members, and friends: Antisemitism is real, deadly, and inadmissible-- don't ignore it, fight it.

(photos courtesy of George Haroonian)

Read more: