Love & Matters of the Heart Poetry

Love & Matters of the Heart Poetry

A collection of published poems by Mark Masters based on love, the anticipation for true love, heartb

Photos from Love & Matters of the Heart Poetry's post 30/01/2022


Reaching for your love has become painful.
My complete expectation is consumed
by your ability to captivate my love for you
into a thousand pleasurable pieces.

If you were able to stop your ability to consume,
then you would lose your power over life.

Feminine beauty,
laced with deceptive power
becomes your greatest poison,
sweet to my lips,
but damaging to my soul.

I find myself
gazing upon your complete temple,
you know,
the one that you spend so much time perfecting!

Oh, how I made the mistake
of being captivated
by looking past your deceptive pain
that you so eloquently disguised.

You have poisoned my being,
you know,
the one that truly desires to love you.

By Mark Masters
From the book If I Were to Come to Your Shore,
Copyright 2007
Art Work by:



As I set out across the sea
that shimmers in the early morning light,
you are like a lover to me.

My emotions embrace
the liquid currents of your depth,
so you and I continue across our love affair.
With each other’s full consent,
we make love to one another.

You offer your waters of sensuality,
captivated by a being
that has longed to be consumed.
I steer my vessel across your places of pleasure
to find our satisfaction;
in this, you and I become one.

A woman’s passion and a man’s desire.
Your shape is forever changing
as new places are discovered;
with the intent to be satisfied,
I seek to discover.

Driven within to come upon your private cove,
a place that I was truly invited to.
I longed to drop my anchor,
to experience a love
given in liquid passion.

By Mark Masters
From the book If I Were to Come to Your Shore, Copyright 2007


Love & Matters of the Heart Poetry is on Instagram @ markmasterspoetry


A Love Understood

You bring balance to a life that was unstable,
self-controlled strength,
raptured love,
your love is balanced stability.

I believe you have given yourself completely; nothing left at the altar
but self-sacrifice.

You have brought me to a place
of complete abandonment of self;
only to truly discover the ability to know myself
and in this you possess my love.

My whole being I give to you,
a love understood,
longing to join our hearts together.

You have given,
I have received.
It is time to allow yourself to be loved,
the same love you gave for so long.

Embrace the gift that you gave!
For in this,
you and I will become complete.

By Mark Masters
From the book If I Were to Come to Your Shore, Copyright 2007



It’s funny
how as the light changes,
I realize I love you.

You expose yourself while you are sleeping.
The look upon your face was silent while you slept;
your beauty compels my thoughts to expression.

I anticipate our time together,
our bodies intertwined with one another,
hoping our love will endure tomorrow.

Confrontation will be needed
in order to confront our weaknesses.

Walk with me,
hold my hand,
embrace the parts of our lives we seldom visit.
In doing this,
we will expose the areas
that keep us from becoming
truly one.

By Mark Masters
From the book If I Were to Come to Your Shore, Copyright 2007


Love’s Created Time

Unsure of today,
fear of tomorrow—
love found in an unexpected space
consuming the heart.

Passive in pursuit,
time has changed the shape of perception
the perception of love.

Unsure of today,
fear of tomorrow,
but hoping for love’s created time.

Gripping the heart with tender passion,
love knows no other way.

Giving up the fight,
resting in surrender,
comfortably vulnerable with tender passion

Because love knows no other way
in love’s created time.

By Mark Masters
From the book Love & Matters of the Heart, Copyright 2005


Rusty Window

Picture painted windows of our lives.
I look out – they look in.

Hiding behind rusty panes,
the little pieces of pain that collect.
Maybe because so much time is spent there.

I do not dare to open.
What would happen if fresh air came in?
I would have to breathe.

Picture painted windows, rusty,
afraid to open because of pain.
I look out – they look in.

Comfort found in seclusion,
locked away,
only to come out when needed.
The little pieces of rusty pain that collect.

Can I open?
What would happen if I opened?
Would I have to breathe?

Only if I want to truly live.

By Mark Masters
From the book Love & Matters of the Heart, Copyright 2005


The Wedding Dress

A young woman’s dream,
so beautiful, so right.
This dress to be precious in her sight,
from God above, His given right.

This dress, it flows with beauty and grace.
The color you will wear
with honor upon your beautiful face.

So thoughtfully made,
this dress of choice,
your eyes beheld,
your heart rejoiced.

Someday, someday, God’s plan He laid,
be patient my child with your Father above.

The dress you’ll wear on that special day,
God has carefully planned.
Remember back to a time of innocence.
Remember God has washed you clean.

God is preparing you for a love between
a man and woman when time began.

Be patient, my love, for God’s perfect plan.

By Mark Masters
From the book Love & Matters of the Heart, Copyright 2005


Just Suppose

Just suppose,
rocks could fall from trees
and birds flew into our hearts.
Could it be
we would be like the rest?

Sad songs were sung
upon sleepy nights of sorrow,
but as for us,
we were not meant for such pain or turmoil,
only to experience tender love
and wet dreams of each other’s passionate touch.

You and I have each other for eternity,
for endless days of joy,
and countless nights of passion.

So, we will travel to distant shores,
cross over mountains of snowy finger tips,
through the valleys of forgotten lovers,
only to come
into each other’s arms of love’s intent,
completely captivated by one another.

The world will cease to exist
and allow us to live together
by the seas of liquid dreams.

By Mark Masters
From the book If I Were to Come to Your Shore, Copyright 2007


Pool of Love

I remember the time we first swam in the warm liquid waters.
The way the sunlight glistened upon your feminine sun-touched flesh,
and all the other areas that have been so carefully covered.
So as not to be seen, but now exposed to your lover.

The way your hair draped itself upon your shoulders of splendor,
captivating my whole structure.
Helpless, but only to absorb the completeness of your whole feminine being.
This time spent together with you will forever consume the needful areas of my heart.

Years have come and gone,
but never again to experience the captivating liquid pleasures
of our bodies swimming together in the pool of love.

By Mark Masters
Copyright 2021


If I Were to Come to Your Shore

Would you allow me to embrace your textured places,
and swallow you with passionate love?

For you have had few lovers,
you do not confront those whom have landed on your rocky shore,
without knowing their intent.

I have come to fall in love with you,
to find myself consumed within the feminine places of your being.

The rock that is strong,
the cliff that discourages,
the sand that embraces the only one with pure intent.

I have come to smell your perfume of liquid salt;
your waves secretly whisper of your enduring desire to be embraced.

I relinquish my pride at your shore,
resting my vessel upon your being.

You have now opened your shore,
your secret place,
to the one that was destined to love and be loved.

So, I will reside beside you,
explore your beautiful creations,
and in the end, I will truly know I have been loved!

By Mark Masters
From the book If I Were to Come to Your Shore, Copyright 2007


Beneath the Sheets

We lie beneath the passionate sheets of splendor,
embracing the texture of love.
The kind of love that consumes our entire beings.

Must we leave this place?
Could we remain here forever?

Wrapped up in the complete understanding of the love;
the kind of love that can only be exchanged between eternal lovers.

Must this come to an end?
Must we relinquish this place of love?
Or could it be, in becoming one with each other,
we could travel through life,
simply finding ourselves returning to the passionate sheets of love.

By Mark Masters
Copyright 2021


Still I Look

I looked for you among the forest that meets the sea, the tall, wet pines.
I thought I had seen you, beside the fallen trees that have lived,
but have now given up their lives.

You were nowhere to be found,
along the jagged edges where the land meets the sea;
I walked with hopeful expectation, but I could not find you.

Oh my love, where have you gone?
What has become of our love?
I will not stop searching for your precious being!

You are a part of me.
I have joined myself to you;
as long as I possess the breath of life, I will search for you.

Come back to me my love, let us be together!

My love has gone away!
Are you among the rocks that look out over the sea?
Can you be found in the deep, liquid waters below?

Sometimes I hear your voice calling, calling my heart to you, but I cannot see you.
Have you gone away?
Have you taken your love to a different place?

To have loved you is like the tall, wet, towering trees;
the needles have fallen, and now lay upon the breast of the earth.

I hope you are waiting for me, beside the fallen trees that have given up their lives.

I will not give up my love for you!
I will live among the places where the forest meets the sea,
for this is where our love was conceived,
where our love for each other will forever remain.

By Mark Masters
From the book If I Were to Come to Your Shore, Copyright 2007


Consuming Love

Because of your consuming power of existence
and choosing to consume me with your love;
I cannot help
but to surrender to your being.

The complexity of emotions
that continually shape my whole world
is in need of only allowing
this beautiful process of transformation;
with one intent of only loving you.

By Mark Masters
Copyright 2021


Love Bleeds

Yesterday’s painful love,
pain without explanation,
covered up in layers of pride.

So much emotion
not allowed to be expressed.
bleeding not for you to see,
but cuts so deep within.

Blood everywhere – can’t stop the life
from draining away.

Bleeding on the inside,
not seen by most,
but as painful as cuts
from sharp objects in life,
has caused layers of scarred emotions
numbing the heart to no longer feel
love’s painful cuts.

Only to know,
but not the ability to feel,
the bleeding of a slow death.

By Mark Masters
From the book Love & Matters of the Heart, Copyright 2005
Artwork by Sandra Winther


Liquid Dreams

How I found the areas of your shores,
unnavigated lagoons
smooth liquid clarity,
untouched sandy beaches
waiting to be discovered.

To place this vessel upon these areas,
anticipating the ebon and flow of love exchanged,
only in acknowledging our beings,
will the fullness of these liquid dreams
pour themselves upon all that it was intended to be given.

By Mark Masters
Copyright 2021

Timeline photos 13/07/2021
