Haydeé Acebo

Haydeé Acebo

Join my journey as I train to be the first Latina woman to swim solo, 21 miles, across Lake Tahoe Au


Siempre orgullosa de mi lindo Ecuador 🇪🇨 adiós mundial pero hello a todos los hermosos momentos. Por unir a un país entero y por darme la felicidad más grande! VAMOS Ecuador.


Sending you all the awesome swimming vibes!


I am somewhere in smoky . Training season is around the corner 🎉 but I am also working on sharing an important message with all of you!

✨Coming back to Tahoe triggers all kinds of emotions, but at the end of the day, I am celebrating each step: the laughs, the tears, the hard work, and all the wonderful people supporting the journey. Thank you!

🎥📸: Adam Rud


Surgery stitches are still healing, so this is probably as close as I’m getting to the water for now.

✨I miss you guys so much! ✨

ESPAÑOL: los puntos de mi cirugía todavía están frescos así que mejor paseo en bote.

💫¡Les extraño mucho! 💫


I’m recovering from a partial . Lots of small steps but feeling much better today. How have you recovered?

I started having pelvic pain a few years ago, but thought it was normal pain us women go through, wrong‼️There were lots of red flags along the way. Let me know if you have any questions.

Photos from Haydeé Acebo's post 01/08/2022

I’m doing better after five days of feeling like I was going to die. Covid was not messing around with me, and I was thankful to get on heavier medications right away.

I can finally share some family photos from my beautiful 🇪🇨 Sorry I didn’t take any food photos, I had a big appetite.

ESPAÑOL: Amig@s, wow! Estuve muy enferma con covid. El 3 y 4 cuarto día me hicieron sentir que me iba a morir. Gracias a Dios estoy bien y agradecida por todos los cuidados médicos que tuve.

Les comparto unas fotos de mi bello Ecuador y si no han ido, les invito para que coman rico y la pasen hermoso.


Yayyy. We did it! I am incredibly thankful to all of you for being part of this journey and helping raise $23,517.

I will be distributing funds, $19,565 ($23,517, minus gofundme fees, boat fees, and non-profit set up expenses = $3,952) to six organizations nationwide related to mental health, addiction, cancer, rare diseases, sexual abuse, and human trafficking.

*I didn't profit from any of the donations.

ESPAÑOL: Amig@s! Muchas gracias por todo su apoyo a través de la campaña de . Juntos, recaudamos $23,517 las cuales serán distribuidas a seis organizaciones a nivel nacional relacionadas con salud mental, adicción, cáncer, enfermedades raras, abuso sexual, y trata de humanos.

Quiero aclarar que las recaudaciones no fueron a mi bolsillo.


Thank you Rosie Paulsen for sponsoring swimming mile. This is probably one of the most significant causes for me and today I understood it even more.

Thank you to all the women who have supported my journey, no matter what 💕

ESPAÑOL: sabían que Rosie Paulsen también es de 🇪🇨 ? Ella es también la autora del libro Ñeque y auspició la milla de Empoderamiento de la Mujer.

Gracias, gracias a todas las mujeres por apoyarme en mi aventura. Abrazos!


I continue highlighting my dear friends who sponsored a mile, which has contributed to raising over $21,000 to benefit six organizations nationwide.

Thank you, Kent Robertson for supporting Hunger mile because nobody should go hungry, yet, it is still a global issue.

Thank you to everyone out there who is supporting this effort. 💕💕


I am beyond privileged to swim on behalf of and bring awareness to global causes that impact many of us.

is a cause that has impacted my life and continues to give me strength during my trainings. I think about their fight in the NICU and beyond, but also the countless resources needed for premie babies to continue thriving 💕

Thank you, for keeping it real, baby Gideon and thank you Ashley Mireles for sponsoring this mile.

ESPAÑOL: Mis esfuerzos van más allá de cumplir una meta dentro de las aguas abiertas. Llevo una misión humanitaria de apoyar a 21 causas sociales que afectan a nuestras comunidades a nivel global.

En este caso, me dirijo a los bebés y a su coraje y valentía mientras están en los cuidados intensivos y a lo largo de su vida.

Gracias a Ashley Mireles quien auspicia la milla de bebés prematuros y un abrazo gigante a Gideon quien me mantiene fuerte y feliz en mis entrenamientos.

Awareness & Prevention,
, Equality & Inclusion,
Climate Change &
Survivors & Victims


Outreach & Empowerment




Pursuing dreams is one of the most courageous things we can do: is not easy, it can be uncomfortable, but always worth it because we are worth it AND because each step toward a goal feels amazing.

✌🏽Three weeks until the big day ✌🏽

ESPAÑOL: Y si no fuera para más, conseguir nuestros sueños no es nada fácil. Pero estos dos años de entrenamiento me han enseñado que está bien sentir: sentir el dolor, sentir alegrías, sentir una derrota, pero también sentir el orgullo de que cada paso luchado es un paso bien merecido.

🔥Tres semanas. Vamo’ Ahí 🔥


I am so thankful for my family for who they are and their adventurous spirit 💕 I’m keeping the cold to keep acclimating to temperature.

ESPAÑOL: Mi familia es mi más grande regalo, y quienes por cierto tienen un corazón re-contra aventurero (desliza para ver más fotos) 😘 mantengo la piscina fría para seguir acostumbrándome a la temperatura del .

Big hugs and gracias por todo el apoyo!


Mi gemela, mi ama querida! Gracias por todo tu amor, hoy y siempre. Todos los días son especiales para celebrar a nuestras mamitas. Felicidades a todas las madres, a los padres que hacen de madres, y a quienes cumplen un rol de madre 💖💖

I’m her twin and she is my mommy! I celebrate often because one day is not enough to show love. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone who has a motherly role 💖💖


Hola hola. Soy Haydeé y les quiero invitar a que le den un vistazo a los testimonios que estaré publicando en mi página. Esta es una manera especial de compartir mi gratitud con quienes colaborar con la campaña de 21 social causes para recaudar ✨$21,000✨ y así apoyar a seis organizaciones a nivel nacional. Abrazos! Chao.

English: I invite you to check out testimonials I’ll be posting on my page. This is a very special way for me to thank everyone who has sponsored a mile or who has contributed to the campaign. Together, we raised ✨$21,000✨for six organizations nationwide related to , , , , sexualabuse,

I’m so thankful for you and ALL of your support 😘😘😘


Here is to the all the adventures we dream of accomplishing✨ To never stop dreaming, and never stop doing.

I know what is like to win and to lose. I’ve cried plenty, but I’ve also laughed the hardest. Lake Tahoe swim, here I come 🏊🏽‍♀️🏊🏽‍♀️🏊🏽‍♀️


Do you like my style? The total awesome look after swimming in 61° F / 16.11 º C.

This is all part of a 30-day 🥶 cold water swimming challenge I set up.

Here are some things I’ve learned that might help you too:

💦 I’ve learned to be comfortable with the UNcomfortable. Not running away from cold water but actually learning to embrace it.

💦 There were days I did not want to get in. I got in anyway, even if it was for less time- Something that helped were different tools: ✅Doing exercises before and during swim. Drinking warm water during swim. Ask friends for comforting words ahead of swim.

💦 I celebrated the heck out of each swim. We don’t celebrate ourselves enough.


I’m almost done with the 30-day cold water swimming challenge and I felt strong enough to swim in Tahoe at 47° F / 8.33º C.

Have a great week! Go chase your dreams, bring people along for the journey, and make a difference.

Timeline photos 14/03/2022

Hola! I’m on day 8 of my 30-day cold water challenge. Do you think I’ll make it to day 30? Please say YESSSSSSSSSSS.

This exercise is helping me get acclimated to cold water in preparation to Lake Tahoe swim.

Water temp: 65 F / 18.3 C
Air: 50 F
Time to get in 1:38, down from 3 minutes 🔥


is something we can do together by supporting, celebrating, and fighting for each other 💜

💜Thank you to all the amazing women and allies who fight for a better tomorrow.

💜 And here is to those, who in silence, also fight in their hearts for change.


Happy International Women’s Day. Felicidades en el Día Internacional de la Mujer

💖 Thank you to all the women who have given me so much love and continue fighting for an equal and peaceful world.

🎉 Gracias a todas las mujeres quienes me han dado lo mejor y me han ayudado a salir adelante. Gracias por luchar por un mundo mejor para tod@s.


How do you overcome obstacles? I don’t like to be cold 🥶 but I’m challenging myself to get acclimated in preparation of my Tahoe swim.

Welcome to the 30-day cold water swimming challenge 💦

Check out my reels for day 2 of coldness. My hope is to be more comfortable with the “situation” by the end of 30 days.


GREAT NEWS 🎉No doubt my proudest work has been to make a difference through my swims. In 2021, I raised over $19,000 for six organizations nationwide related to cancer, mental health, addiction, rare diseases, sexual abuse, and human trafficking. This work inspired me to open a non-profit organization to continue helping others.

And drum roll please 🥁 the IRS recently approved the non-profit as federally exempt from income taxes, which means your donation this year qualifies as tax deductible as well as any gifts you provide to the organization.

THANK YOU my dear adventurers for being a part of this journey. Your love supports so many voices around the world.


Photos from Haydeé Acebo's post 03/03/2022

Yay or Nay, comment below ✨Open water swimming is not just a sport, it’s a community. It’s a way to challenge yourself but also be vulnerable enough to ask for help and love when you feel so crushed.

Open water swimming is not just about the swimmer, but the support team around you, coaches, kayakers, pacers, supporters, family, friends.

I am grateful for open water swimming and all the friends I’ve made through this journey ✌🏽✌🏽


When in doubt, do planks in the snow 😂

At least I don’t have to worry about my sunglasses falling off my face because the grip is solid! Thank you for all the support and love.

You can also get these glasses with discount code: HAYDEEADVENTURER10 with link in BIO

tyroptics, , , , , ,


Que nadie te quite la sonrisa y tus ganas de vivir a lo máximo 💖🏊🏽‍♀️

Gracias por estos días de entrenamiento y hermandad. La vida es más bonita nadando, compartiendo, y ayudando a la comunidad.


What is your favorite thing about open water swimming? One of my favorite moments is to touch the buoy. It reminds of my dad and brother 💖💖

Oh the joy of touching a buoy!!!


I’m grateful for the people I meet on my swimming journey and who open up about their struggles and their goals.

✨Today was a great reminder that we don’t need to go through situations alone. And as hard as it is to ask for help, there are people wanting to be part of your journey.

✨Asking for help or even opening up about your struggles can be embarrassing, I get it, but it gets easier after a few tries.

🏊🏽‍♀️🏊🏽‍♀️Thank you for providing all the equipment I need so I can follow my dreams🏊🏽‍♀️🏊🏽‍♀️

💖💖Pleasure meeting you today ,

Timeline photos 23/02/2022

Thank you for all of your support the past few days. I received lots of messages asking me to stay positive and strong. In all honesty, I first need to let all the sadness and frustration out so I can concentrate on being my best.

This swimming journey has been full of BEAUTIFUL moments but there are so many tears and sacrifice behind the scenes AND I love finding the best out of those trying moments.

Lake Tahoe 2022 here I come with my new swimsuit from .

Timeline photos 22/02/2022

Today is the perfect time to make your dreams come true ✨ I'm feeling strong and getting ready for my big day (my swim, not a wedding). Thank you to all my family, friends, partners, coaches who are helping me get to the top of my journey.

Check out the shirt! I'll be swimming across the length of Lake Tahoe's 21 miles and dedicating each mile to a social cause. Campaign will be opening soon 👀


I’m looking forward to my hubby feeling better 😷 He became infected with covid almost a week ago and his symptoms got bad quickly. X-rays are looking good. Please keep sending prayers🙏🏽🙏🏽

🤗The kids are almost back to normal and I’m still testing negative. Check out their picture on my stories.

🏊🏽‍♀️Let’s see if I can still train in San Diego, CA this week.



I’m looking forward to having my family healthy again and FREE of covid. I’m still testing negative.

🙏🏽I’m thankful for friends/family and all the porch food drop offs. They help with the heavy load.

🙏🏽 I’m thankful for all the prayers and people checking in on Adam and the kids. They help with my mental health.

Timeline photos 10/02/2022

The extra happy smile when your little heart had an awesome swimming practice. I keep training, dreaming, doing.

🏊🏽‍♀️ I'm not obsessing so much about the big day, but living and enjoying this amazing journey.

🏊🏽‍♀️ I'm thinking about those who inspired me today: The fighters and the vulnerable.


Timeline photos 08/02/2022

🏊🏽‍♀️I see my swimming journey through a different lens today than I did two years ago. I've learned that emotional pain can be the big door for bigger things if we allow it.

✨ I am more compassionate not just toward myself but other people's journeys. I am more aware of social causes and what is important to people.

✨ I have a new screensaver on my computer that says "A little progress each day adds up to BIG results." Has this worked for you?

💕 Thank you for bringing joy and support to this amazing swimming journey. I'm keeping you in mind as I train for my big Lake Tahoe swim this summer.

Photos from Haydeé Acebo's post 04/02/2022

Confession time 🙈I usually don’t post my swimming times because I’m pretty sure I belong to a secret and very selective team of slow swimmers 😂 (no offense to anyone btw).

I am super insecure about my swimming speed but I also LOVE showing up consistently, improving technique, and finding the fun in training👇🏽👇🏽

💕💕And at the end of the day, I think of all the survivors & recovery addicts out there who are taking things day-by-day. Thank you for your strength and inspiration 💕💕

And thank you to my amazing therapist who has helped me to evolve.


🔥This girl is on fire🔥


Send me the first emoji from your keyboard and I’ll send you one back 🏊🏽‍♀️ My big swim is less than five months away 😱 and this is a big week for me. I’m looking forward to sharing more about it with you 🥳 (clue- it includes )

🏊🏽‍♀️🏊🏽‍♀️Lake Tahoe 2022 here I come with lots of cross training and my hoodie.

Timeline photos 30/01/2022

Send me the first emoji from your keyboard and I’ll send you one back 🏊🏽‍♀️ My big swim is less than five months away 😱 and this is a big week for me. I’m looking forward to sharing more about it with you 🥳 (clue- it includes )

🏊🏽‍♀️🏊🏽‍♀️Lake Tahoe 2022 here I come with lots of cross training and my hoodie.

Videos (show all)

I’m recovering from a partial #hysterectomy #surgery. Lots of small steps but feeling much better today. How have you re...
Hola hola. Soy Haydeé y les quiero invitar a que le den un vistazo a los testimonios que estaré publicando en mi página....
Check out a live interview on @gooddaysac with @dinakupfer. We are talking about last hours before the big day for #21so...
Have a great day! You know where to find me (#laketahoe). Yes, water feels chillier than other days. I’m training to be ...
Wish me luck. About to go in to 50 F water. I love you Lake Tahoe, please warm up soon. Have  great Saturday, don’t let ...
Look cool and do good. Order swag at www.HaydeeAdventurer.con and a portion of your purchase will go to six nationwide o...
I’m so thankful for this interview with Dina Kupfer and CBS News’ Good Day Sacramento. We are talking about the swim, th...
My aquatic way of saying “Make it an AWESOME week” and support #21socialcauses  as I attempt to break a WORLD record and...
Big big shout out to all of you who purchased gear in support of #21socialcauses campaign. Online store closes tonight, ...
Great news! Merchandise for the 21 reasons campaign is live and is dog approved as you can see on the video 🐾 Please buy...
