Ashi Sharma

Ashi Sharma

If you like to see some sass, motivation & entertainment all at the same place, you have reached jus


Sometimes destiny takes you places,
Sometimes places have a huge hand in creating your destiny....

Never experienced such strong magic of the land and its ancestry before I visited The Hill Of Tara. Here stands the Stone of through the rise and fall of kings through time. A witness of battles to claim it. Yet it belongs to no one.

🍀 🇮🇪


to last year Indore trip. mode on... It's time to people...


Here Here! Take your Tarot card reading skills to the next level. Did you complete your tarot course? Is reading cards still intimidating for you? Do you still refer to your notes? Are you still not sure if you have really learnt it? Do you struggle to read for yourself? Are you someone who always doubts their readings? Are you unable to effectively practice your tarot reading skills?

Well here is the one stop solution for it all! The Personal Growth Tarot Workbook is especially designed to help you make sure, that you don't have any of the questions mentioned above. Here is what will happen Once you finish this book-
1. Your intuition will be on autopilot.
2. Your Tarot card reading skills will be on next level.
3. You will have what it takes to be an amazing Tarot card reader.
4. You will be a natural Tarot card reader.
5. You will be able to flawlessly read for yourself.
6. You will unlock the secrets of this mystical Art.

And much much more...
I can't tell you everything here because you have to experience it for yourself. So save the Date. The book comes out on Friday, 5th of May, 2023 only on Amazon. Pre-bookings opening soon! Stay tuned for more updates on the book.


It's time to close your eyes and make a wish✨


That mandatory tilted head pose😂


Super Personal Growth Workshop

Master the Art and science of Personal Growth Without Reading Dozens of books or spending money on High-pressure webinars or courses.

I am looking for 24-32-year-old people who want to accelerate growth in their professional and personal life to experience ultimate happiness by testing out my new 5 days super personal growth WhatsApp class.

Here's what you are going to discover:

Day 1- The Hidden Rules of the Universe
Day 2- How your Emotions can either Make or Break you
Day 3- How to identify hidden roadblocks and bring long-lasting changes
Day 4- What to do when your uncontrolled emotions are getting you in trouble(Reverse the situation)
Day 5- The ultimate secret to experiencing instant peace

I plan on charging Rs.1999 for this 5-Day WhatsApp Class when I launch it officially.

But, for the first 10 people, the 5-Day WhatsApp Class is completely FREE, and it’s only Rs.299 for the rest of the people.

The batch starts on August 16 and ends on August 20

All you need to do is to click this WhatsApp Group link and if you are among the first 10, you get it FREE


It almost feels like this is an absolutely different person. It all started 2 weeks ago. Applied for miss Diva. Now I am on my way to be an author. Excited and thrilled, this absolutely changes you inside-out.
P.C.- *tatyagi
Edited by-


Stay tuned for the publishing details...

Get ready for the massive evolution to become the best version of yourself…


Have I the courage to change today?


When opportunity arrives, look straight in its eyes and say.........


Homosapians, we want to get ahead in life. The key to it has always been in a state of constant growth. We even get determined to conquer our vices. We pick up our devices and start our internet expedition to find that one thing that is going to change our lives forever. After hours of research, we get all the motivation. But eventually, due to lack of direction and absence of tools to assist us, we end up back to square 1. Sounds Familiar?

Tarot is a tool that is generally looked upon as a party-entertainment gimmick or a fortune predicting device. But did you know that you can systematically use it as a tool to completely transform your personality and life? Yes! You read that right. Read that again if you want to.

Join us on this journey of personal transformation by learning the mysterious use of your deck of 78 cards. Forge your own path by conspiring with a trusted divine guidance system of the universe.

You don’t have to know tarot reading in advance to understand this process. ‘The Personal Growth Tarot’ will take you through each card step by step. At the end of the book, you will be able to use a deck of Tarot cards and turn them into your personal coach or your most trusted advisor.

Would you like to have your own copy at a Special Discounted Price on the launch? Type ‘Yes’ In the comments section below.


Smile! That is literally the meaning of my name.☺️ What's yours?


It is vital to work on your personal growth. But without the right tools, it is like cutting down a tree with absolutely anything you can find. Stones, butter knives, anything. What tools do you have? Lets talk about this...


When music calls,
My heart stalls to the beat,
Of a rhythm only my soul can understand,
And if my mind just follows the cues,
Lost in a world of symphonies....


Your confidence is empty without it,
Your masterpiece will always be incomplete,
You will always end up chasing perfection,
With the lack of it, carelessly...


Today, I am not who I was yesterday
And tomorrow, I will not be who I am today. But all these parts of me will always remember that they are loved.
All these parts collectively will make me the best version of myself.
It is always teamwork that wins.


I live my flow each moment by lifting up everyone around me through my work and let it shine bright like a diamond.
The flow state🌊


This , here is a for you. The the as a of rotation around the .

Motivation Is a #Myth! How to get your #motivation back. vlog Day 21 04/02/2020

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How to set realistic Goals this New Year? vlog Day 12 This is the right time to start working upon your New Year resolutions. But this New Year, make it count. Watch this video to know how.
