Author Abelia Sumpter

Author Abelia Sumpter

Author of Lady of the Colum and Atticus


I'm making good progress on my rewrite on Lady of the Colum. I try not to be too hard on myself while reading through the current edition, since it was my first ever book. But it's also crazy seeing how much I've grown, not just in my writing, but my pacing, the way I break up scenes/chapters etc.

Here is a scene you know and love from the new edition, where Milo holds Margot's hair back after Onyx gets her super drunk at the Jupiter. It was one of the most highlighted moments on Kindle, so I wanted to expand on it.

Once I'm done, I want to open the invitation for beta readers. I would like both people who have and haven't read LOTC. It's very important to me that I keep the original charm of the book in my rewrites!

If you know you want to be a beta reader, you can DM me! I'll put out a more formal invitation later on as well.


I'm about 30% of the way done with this new trilogy prequel that takes place 24 years before the events of Lady of the Colum.

When I first started my author journey, I was a discovery writer. I knew where I would start and how it would end, but everything in between came organically. Now, with so many books in the works in the same universe, I'm very dependent on them. I have to plan books in advance for this series and also make sure it lines up with another interconnecting series. Of course, I'm not strict with my outlines at all, but it helps me keep track of the all the thing that need to happen.

I also have a Miro board and have assigned my own year-based system now for each event!


I'm currently working on draft 2 of this WIP. This will be the first book I ever query with an agent so I'm nervous/excited. But because of that, I've been a perfectionist with it. It's also the first young adult book I've ever written, so I have to use a different writing muscle than with new adult romance.

I'm also working on my new Corvus prequel trilogy. I've learned so much over the last two years with writing and plotting and there's less anxiety I carry while I write since it's turning into more of a science!


Want to listen to LOTC in audiobook?

I have some promo codes to use from Audible and I'd like to give some of them to you! I'll post them here in the caption and they're first come/first serve and can be redeemed at

The only thing I ask is that, if you do listen to it, leave me a review when you're finished. It would really help me out! If you do claim one, it may help others to comment which one you claimed (ex. I claimed USA code #2).

Happy listening!

USA codes:
1) 2U7ARH6M37462
2) B6J3K754A6RUG

UK codes:


Photos from Author Abelia Sumpter's post 23/10/2023

I announced this in my email list a few days ago (you can sign up with the linktree in my bio) and now I'm announcing it here! I am really excited to expand the Corvus universe and to also make it easier for new readers to find my books by doing a bit of a rebrand on LOTC.

Let me know if you have any questions! ✨🪐


Your heart beats out of your chest as you hide under the bed from the creature haunting you. It's been like this for weeks, falling into waking nightmares, and narrowly waking up in time. Your bedroom door creeks open, making your breath hitch.

As he steps into the room, you expect to see the red creature, but to your surprise, it's a man with golden waves, dressed in white.

"Come out, I'm here to save you," he says. "Don't be afraid."


You scrub the hallway floors of the holding cells in the Asgardian prison. You were told to avoid eye contact with the prisoners at all costs, but that's nearly impossible today.

The cell beside you holds the prince of Asgard. His eyes burn into the back of your head as you clean. The guards are on break this time of day, but nobody escapes from here. Guards are nothing more than a formality.

A laugh comes from the prince’s cell. Against your better judgment, you look at Loki's cell. Your heart seizes. It's empty.

You back up in a panic before an arm wraps around your waist. There's a chuckle and hot breath against the back of your neck. “You shouldn't have tried to look.”


Last Christmas, my grandma-in-law bought me a Loungefly Loki purse. There's something about it that makes me feel even more in my Villain Era. Even so, I think I am going to purchase a golden shake necklace this week. I have a golden snake ring, but I need more!

(If you're not a Loki/Marvel girl, this can also be a Slytherin-themed week for you, and do green/silver instead.)

Loki was my 2012 crush and all I did was read and write fanfictions about him and Tom Hiddleston. That scene between him and Black Widow in The Avengers knew what it was doing...

It's been years since I've gotten around to rewatching the Avengers, so I'm more than ready to sit down with my bread bowl soup and watch it all the way through. I don't eat dairy, so I am going to link a creamy vegan soup. I will likely get my bread bowl from Panera to put it in. You can also make the bread homemade!

The Loki quote I'll never get over: "Slowly, intimately, in every way he knows you fear."


The pines of Eregion envelope you on your usual morning walk. The birds flutter with their morning song, attempting a harmonious accord with the songs of the Valar. You sense, before you hear, the presence of the one who follows you. Turning to confront the man, you find instead a fair elf, eyes gentle like the rain, but lethal as a storm. He smiles, and you feel his warmth roll over you, smothering all reservations of the darkness beneath his facade.


Ever since I learned that Sauron was hot before he lost his physical body, it awakened something in me. I also want to admit that my husband wrote this week's POV because I wanted it to be as canon as possible 😂

Every spooky season needs to have a good dark book in the mix. I'm going to be reading Illusions of Grandeur by Kathryn Ann Kingsley. Some other recommendations are Corrupt by Penelope Douglas, There are No Saints by Sophie Lark, Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton, or Stephanie Garber's Caraval trilogy, if you want something a bit cleaner. (See my blog for more book recs).

You can drink the mocktail while you watch the movie or while you read. Comment below which book you're reading this week!


Father moves his queen’s bishop near the center of the board. “Remember what I say every time we play chess?”
I smile. “That the moves parallel our lives. That one unwise choice, no matter how insignificant, can destroy empires.” I move my pawn up. Maybe I can capture his bishop.
“Certainly.” Father raises an eyebrow at my choice to move my pawn. “Though you’re already forgetting my other rule.”
I lean on my forearms. “What?”
“The goal of chess isn’t to capture pieces.”
And then I see it. The way I left everything wide open.
Father checkmates me. “The goal is to checkmate. Short-term goals can blind us to long-term ambition. You must look at life this way too. Don’t waste your time on trivial things. Not unless they lead to greatness. And above all, make wise choices.”

(Book: Atticus by Abelia Sumpter)


🌜 The first line of my first published book. 🌛

I wrote this line before I ever got the idea for Lady of the Colum. The first sentence was based on this phenomenon I would have (and still have) every night I go to bed. I would not think much about certain health habits of mine during the daytime, but at night time my body would say things to me like "wow, we really need to drink more water when we're awake" or "perhaps we should stretch every morning." It was really annoying, so I wrote it in my diary. Then, in a spur of creativity, I thought about how mysterious it would be to have that second sentence tacked on and saved it in my "cool lines for later" note on my phone. Didn't even realize I wanted to be an author at the time!

Also, how do some of you girls have such pretty highlighting and underlining skills? Everytime I try to do it, it's always so wonky and crooked 😂 When I was in nursing school, and would fill out the sign in sheet, I felt so guilty signing my name because all the other girls' handwriting was so cute and neat and then I'd come in with my sloppy boy writing and ruin the whole gel pen vibe. 😭

Photos from Author Abelia Sumpter's post 25/09/2023

I ended up getting my vampire-inspired decoration for the week from Dollar Tree! They had bunches of faux black and red roses that looked stunning next to my golden skull. I also found an "ashes of vampire" candle at Kroger (it smells like cologne if that doesn't sell you right there).


A chill in the forest passes along the back of your neck as you walk home from your book club. The crunch of autumn leaves follows steps behind you, but every time you turn around, nobody is there. You sigh in relief as you near the edge of the forest toward your backyard. But that relief is short-lived as an arm wraps around your waist and teeth graze your neck, a wicked chuckle reverberating against your throat.


I'm not a Twilight girl, but it doesn't mean I don't love vampires. I'm going to blame all the One Direction vampire fanfics I read in high school for that one.

This week, I'm going to watch Dracula Untold and drink red velvet hot cocoa. (Yum!) But you can watch any vampire movie of your choice. The recipe is on my website's blog!

When I go to the craft store to buy my vampire-themed item, I have my fingers crossed that I'll find some spooky-sexy decorations. Because what's desire without a little bit of fear?


⚡$0.99 Sale until 9/23! ⚡

What’s in your head, Dominic? What makes you tick? I look forward to meeting you. Sinking my claws into your fears, vulnerabilities, and desires.

Breaking you before you realize what I’ve done.

Photos from Author Abelia Sumpter's post 18/09/2023

Are you ready to meditate to Imperial Ambience? Get your blue lavender moon milk and imagine your sith boyfriend massaging your shoulders while you enter a state of deep relaxation.


You walk into a tea shop on Coruscant for a blind date your friend set up for you. As you order your blue milk, you see no sign of the man you're supposed to meet. That is, until the glass door slides open and you see darkened eyes staring at you with desire and a death wish.

Anakin or Kylo? If you've known me for more than five minutes, you know that I'm a Kylo girl, but I find Revenge of the Sith to be my go-to Spooky Star Wars movie.

The activity is located on YouTube and is titled: Imperial Star Destroyer Bridge | Star Wars Ambience by the user, Lucid Dimensions. Drinking the tea while doing this activity will likely bring you into a Jedi-level meditative nap. 🌙

The recipe for the Lavender Moon Milk is on my website in the blog section titled "Spooky Season Week 1: Blind Date with a Sith"

If you don't want to watch Revenge of the Sith, I recommend watching The Last Jedi if you want some Reylo action. However, any Star Wars film or episode will do!


Spooky Season has become a staple of my life the last few years and led to Halloween becoming my favorite Holiday.

This year, I'd like to share in my traditions with all of you! Every week, I have different things planned (foods, activities, and movies) I'll be doing that you can follow along and do too! I'll also include alternatives in the captions as well as recipes to certain foods on my website (

Since I prefer "spooky" over "scary," this Spooky Season is villain-boyfriend themed. Every week, a different villain will be your guide and inspiration.

Use the hashtag if you do any of the activities! I'd love to see it. You can choose any day of the week to celebrate or split it up into different days. I typically prefer Friday nights for the movies & food and Wednesdays for the activities!

Are you ready to begin?

Don't be scared...

Or should you be?


A dark historical fantasy told from the perspective of a pl***oy villain hell-bent on revenge.

Eight years ago, Atticus Desimir had only one goal: becoming as strong and mighty as his father. But one night, a group of immortals broke into the Desimir estate, ripping his family away from him, leaving Atticus the sole survivor. From that moment forward, his purpose became revenge.

When years of magic and combat training don’t bring him any closer to his goal, his sympathetic mentor suggests a solution—preserve his body by sleeping in water from the Spring of Perpetuity until killing immortals becomes an obtainable reality.

Four hundred and eighty years later, Atticus awakens in London in the year 1890.

He quickly learns that the first immortal was killed decades years earlier by a man named Ezekiel Blythesea. Atticus sets his sights on Ezekiel’s grandson, Dominic Ashworth, a twenty-year-old student at Roche University, and one of the few people who holds Blythesea magic.

Immersed in a world of academia, and with revenge within his grasp, Atticus is set to go to any length to steal Dominic’s magic, even if it includes exploiting one of Dominic’s deepest desires for his own gain. But when Dominic and Atticus grow closer in their friendship, Atticus quickly faces a crossroads between betraying Dominic and his long-standing dream of revenge.

Atticus is a new adult historical fantasy book. Please see the author's website for a full list of content warnings.


I don't promote this novella a ton, but it deserves some love 💜 It was a Kindle Vella project/experiment for me that I eventually published officially on Amazon. It's still available on Kindle Vella too!

She's a maid on the Imnicus.

He's a proditor. Talented in the art of psychological torture. And one of the right-hand men of the Colum himself.

When Sloane meddles with confidential information in a commander's office, she is caught by Proditor Onyx Tanaka.

Onyx agrees to keep her transgressions a secret, on one condition: She must do whatever he says for ten days. But Onyx has more than blackmail in mind. He's fascinated by her innocence...
..and how good it would feel to corrupt her.


I have too many WIPs right now from dark sci-fi to a fairytale romance to a Halloween novel? I'm going to have to force myself to choose one to focus on at a time and I don't want to 😭

Photos from Author Abelia Sumpter's post 14/08/2023

Some throwback pics from the pre-awards dinner photoshoot from the book signing last month 💜

In 2024, I want to travel more. I've never left the USA even though I'm an hour drive from Canada, and I want that to change next year.


Atticus is a dark historical fantasy told from the perspective of a pl***oy villain hell-bent on revenge.

Photos from Author Abelia Sumpter's post 25/07/2023

💜About my self-care tablet💜

(Full post on my website blog)

I got a tablet on Prime Day with the intention of upping my graphic design skills, but I didn't expect it to become a way to support my nervous system.

I've struggled with mental health as far back as I can remember, and this year challenged me psychologically and emotionally, almost bringing me to my breaking point more than once. A lot of the issues stemmed from being cyberbullied online, so I didn't realize how much simply opening my cell phone spiked my anxiety. There are still days where I'm lucky to force down even one full meal.

It wasn't intentional to keep the apps on my new tablet to a minimum, but once I realized how much my nervous system relaxed with the simplicity of only having streaming, reading, drawings apps, and Pinterest, I was hooked on keeping social media and work as far away from this tablet as possible. It also stopped my doom scrolling while also allowing me to be online.

My rules for my self-care tablet are this: No social media, no work or business apps, no calendars or to-do lists. Only things that bring self-care and self-love. 10/10 highly recommend.


The day has finally come! Atticus is available on B&N, Kobo, Amazon, Apple Books, and Google Play. Happy reading!


Eight years ago, Atticus Desimir had only one goal: becoming as strong and mighty as his father. But one night, a group of immortals broke into the Desimir estate, ripping his family away from him, leaving Atticus the sole survivor. From that moment forward, his purpose became revenge.

When years of magic and combat training don’t bring him any closer to his goal, his sympathetic mentor suggests a solution—preserve his body by sleeping in water from the Spring of Perpetuity until killing immortals becomes an obtainable reality.

Four hundred and eighty years later, Atticus awakens in London in the year 1890.

He quickly learns that the first immortal was killed decades years earlier by a man named Ezekiel Blythesea. Atticus sets his sights on Ezekiel’s grandson, Dominic Ashworth, a twenty-year-old student at Roche University, and one of the few people who holds Blythesea magic.

Immersed in a world of academia, and with revenge within his grasp, Atticus is set to go to any length to steal Dominic’s magic, even if it includes exploiting one of Dominic’s deepest desires for his own gain. But when Dominic and Atticus grow closer in their friendship, Atticus quickly faces a crossroads between betraying Dominic and his long-standing dream of revenge.

Atticus is a new adult historical fantasy book. Please see the author's website for a full list of content warnings.


Some ADORABLE Atticus art I had commissioned by the amazing not too long ago! Please go visit her profile and support her art 💜


Suddenly, he's in my head, lips on my neck, teasing and taunting me for thinking about him while I'm bedding another.


Atticus is a biter. It's canon.


Dominic breathes out. "Atticus. What the hell are we doing?" He shutters as I lick up the column of his neck and find his lips again.

"What we're meant to do."


Atticus releases in SIX days!!

Eight years ago, Atticus Desimir had only one goal: becoming as strong and mighty as his father. But one night, a group of immortals broke into the Desimir estate, ripping his family away from him, leaving Atticus the sole survivor. From that moment forward, his purpose became revenge.

When years of magic and combat training don’t bring him any closer to his goal, his sympathetic mentor suggests a solution—preserve his body by sleeping in water from the Spring of Perpetuity until killing immortals becomes an obtainable reality.

Four hundred and eighty years later, Atticus awakens in London in the year 1890.

He quickly learns that the first immortal was killed decades years earlier by a man named Ezekiel Blythesea. Atticus sets his sights on Ezekiel’s grandson, Dominic Ashworth, a twenty-year-old student at Roche University, and one of the few people who holds Blythesea magic.

Immersed in a world of academia, and with revenge within his grasp, Atticus is set to go to any length to steal Dominic’s magic, even if it includes exploiting one of Dominic’s deepest desires for his own gain. But when Dominic and Atticus grow closer in their friendship, Atticus quickly faces a crossroads between betraying Dominic and his long-standing dream of revenge.


One week until release! Here is an unhinged Atticus quote lol.


Some of the Atticus hardcover exclusive art that made for me! There is also art from Vec's sketchbook in the back of herbs and stones.

Atticus releases July 18th on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Apple Books, and Google Play!


The preorder for the ebook of Atticus is now live! Soon, it will also be available for preorder on Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, and B&N Press. The hardcover will have exclusive art in the back, which is super exciting!

If you would like an ARC, it is now available on Netgalley!

Official Blurb:

Eight years ago, Atticus Desimir had only one goal: becoming as strong and mighty as his father. But one night, a group of immortals broke into the Desimir estate, ripping his family away from him, leaving Atticus the sole survivor. From that moment forward, his purpose became revenge.

When years of magic and combat training don’t bring him any closer to his goal, his sympathetic mentor suggests a solution—preserve his body by sleeping in water from the Spring of Perpetuity until killing immortals becomes an obtainable reality.

Four hundred and eighty years later, Atticus awakens in London in the year 1890.

He quickly learns that the first immortal was killed decades years earlier by a man named Ezekiel Blythesea. Atticus sets his sights on Ezekiel’s grandson, Dominic Ashworth, a twenty-year-old student at Roche University, and one of the few people who holds Blythesea magic.

Immersed in a world of academia, and with revenge within his grasp, Atticus is set to go to any length to steal Dominic’s magic, even if it includes exploiting one of Dominic’s deepest desires for his own gain. But when Dominic and Atticus grow closer in their friendship, Atticus quickly faces a crossroads between betraying Dominic and his long-standing dream of revenge.


Waiting for my edited manuscript to come back before I put a preorder up. Atticus will be available in ebook (Amazon, Kobo, B&N, Apple Books, and Play Books), paperback, and hardcover with a dust jacket.


Buckle up because this will be one of the tamer quotes you get.


Lady of the Colum is now in audio and was narrated by the wonderful Kelly Foerster!

Available on Audible!


✨Book Announcement✨

The time is finally here. I have been working on this book since late February and have put 100's of hours into it. I cannot wait for it to release. I've never had so much fun writing a book! Atticus is such a fascinating character. Sometimes it feels like he wrote himself.

Official cover reveal coming soon!

Unofficial Blurb:

Eight years ago, Atticus Desimir had only one goal: to become as strong and mighty as his father. But one night, a group of immortals broke into the Desimir estate, ripping his family away from him, and leaving Atticus the sole survivor. From that moment forward, his purpose became revenge.

When years of magic and combat training don’t bring him any closer to his goal, his sympathetic mentor suggests a solution--preserve his body by sleeping in water from the Spring of Perpetuity until killing immortals becomes an obtainable reality.
Four hundred and eighty years of sleep later, Atticus awakens in London in the year 1890.
He quickly learns that an immortal was killed for the first time decades years earlier by a man named Ezekiel Blythesea. Atticus sets his sights on Ezekiel’s grandson, Dominic Ashworth, a twenty-year-old student at Roche University, and one of the few people who holds Blythesea magic.

Immersed in a world of venitor academics, and with revenge within his grasp, Atticus will go to any length to steal Dominic’s magic. Including exploiting one of Dominic’s desires for his own gain.


What's your favorite Adam Driver movie?


I'll miss the old covers, but I'm also in love with the new ones!


What book have you been reading lately? I've been reading The Traitor's Kiss by Erin Beaty.
