The Reading Party Podcast

The Reading Party Podcast

Megan and Lexie read, watch, snack, and chat their way through books, films & tv shows set in the ancient world.

Together, they bring their expertise as ancient historians to the table to dissect every detail and spill the tea on these ancient stories.


🎉Season two starts on January 16! This season, Megan and Lexie will be talking about Egypt. You won’t want to miss it.

Are you obsessed with mythology and the ancient world? Does seeing Medusa in movies make you smile? Do you tell yourself, “Just one more page!” at 3am when reading a novel based on an ancient myth? Then your friendly neighborhood Ancient Historians have got you covered.

Join Megan and Lexie (with tea and snacks, of course!) as they read and watch books, films, and TV shows set in the ancient world and dissect every aspect of them.


New episode today! We wrap up Troy: Fall of a City. It's as depressing as you'd expect, but also the only possible way to end it.


New episode drop! Part 3 of our thoughts on Troy: Fall of a City.


New episode dropped on Tuesday!
Yes, I'm late again. Yes, my kids are sick...again.
Yes, I am now also sick! 🤣
But sick or not, Troy: Fall of a City is EXCELLENT tv and you should all go and watch it.


New episode drop! What do Megan and Lexie think of Brad Pitt's Troy? No-one asked, but we're going to tell you!


Episode 3 is out now! Come and hear us talk to the wonderful and talented Maya Deana about writing "Wrath Goddess Sing". Available wherever you get your podcasts!


Our second episode released on Tuesday!! Sorry for the late announcement, 3 of my kids are down with the flu 🙄
But join Lexie and I to spill the tea on the second half of Maya Deane's wonderful book, Wrath Goddess Sing!


Our first, full-length episode launched today! Come and hear about Maya Deane's amazing "Wrath Goddess Sing" (the first half, at least), and hear about her innovative take on a very old story.
If you listen to the episode and enjoy it, please consider leaving a positive review and help us reach a wider audience!


Want to read & watch along with us? Then here’s our full media list for Season 1 focusing on adaptations of the Iliad and Odyssey. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the release of Episode 1 on October 4!