

Daily clinical, research and industry knowledge in dentistry.

Everyday at 9AM EST, the Morning Huddle email delivers everything you need know, in order to succeed in your workday.

Covid-19 And Periodontal Disease 11/01/2021

The connection between Covid-19 and Periodontal Disease.

Covid-19 And Periodontal Disease “Theorizing on the influence of covid-19 and oral health.” Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a novel coronavirus namely severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which utilizes cell surface angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as receptor to cell entry. It is ...

Atraumatic Extractions By Tooth Sectioning 08/12/2020

How to complete atraumatic extractions with tooth sectioning!

Atraumatic Extractions By Tooth Sectioning Conventional extraction techniques, using only elevators and forceps cause immediate and long-term changes to ridge integrity. Immediately following extraction, we see buccal plate fracture in 10% of cases, dehiscence in 28% of cases, and even buccal plate loss (4% of cases). In the long-term we can...

Photos from MorningHuddle's post 08/12/2020

How To: Atraumatic extractions by tooth sectioning with a great collab with .deanlicenblat - read the full article in the link the bio.

Managing Pulp Exposures In Mature Teeth 26/11/2020

How to manage pulp exposures in mature teeth!

Managing Pulp Exposures In Mature Teeth The primary goal of any dental treatment is to preserve the pulp or reverse any damage to it. In mature teeth, when there is a carious pulp exposure, the usual treatment is pulpectomy or root canal therapy. The consensus is that pulp capping (most often performed using calcium hydroxide), whether di...

Treatment of Impacted Canines and Posterior Bilateral Crossbite 18/11/2020

Case report: Treatment of impacted canines and posterior bilateral crossbite in a 14 yr-old patient.

Treatment of Impacted Canines and Posterior Bilateral Crossbite During the initial work up assessment of dealing with an orthodontic case, considerations must be made for physiologic growth status of patient in order to adequately manipulate bone and tooth structures to bring about a good occlusion and a nice aesthetic smile. Technicalities aside, a practitione...

Reasons For TMJ Clicking 16/11/2020

"Why does my TMJ click?"

Reasons For TMJ Clicking How do you answer your patient when they ask you why their TMJ clicks? The truth is that the answer is not very clear, and there hasn’t been any consistent research to tell us why. Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) can present with pain, limited jaw mobility or clicking sounds. The most common th...

Covid’s Risk For Dentists 12/11/2020

What are the risk for dentists getting Covid-19 at work? Read the full article here! Subscribe to the Morning Huddle newsletter for daily dental case reports and news.

Covid’s Risk For Dentists Going to work in oral healthcare can make a lot of us anxious these days. The global pandemic is still evolving and there are still many unknowns about the behavior of the COVID-19 virus. Dental health providers are directly in the line of fire, with close proximity to patients and aerosols from com...

Warm Local Anesthesia For Less Pain During Freezing 29/06/2020

A simple way to decrease the pain of anesthetic injection - particularly in pediatric patients.

Warm Local Anesthesia For Less Pain During Freezing “Brace yourself, a 5-year old is coming for a filling.” Treating a pediatric patient can go one of two ways: a) average without any special events, or b) horribly wrong. There is no in-between. When your sweet little 5-year old patient transforms into the monster that turned the operatory upside...

Creating The Ideal Peri-Implant Soft Tissues In The Esthetic Zone 25/06/2020

How to create the perfect soft tissue profile around implants placed in the esthetic zone - by using the provisional restoration.

Creating The Ideal Peri-Implant Soft Tissues In The Esthetic Zone When placing implants in the esthetic zone, the response of the peri-implant soft tissue is just as important as the final restoration. What creates a pleasing smile is not only the size and shape of the teeth, but also the frame that they’re held in – the gingiva. The margin, color, texture, an...

How To Do a Smile Makeover With Composite. 23/06/2020

A clinical case showing how to complete a great smile makeover with resin composite only! Minimally invasive and cost effective!

How To Do a Smile Makeover With Composite. Clinical Case Report A 30-year-old woman presented to the dental clinic to improve her smile, because of multiple spaces between her anterior teeth. The patient is a heavy grinder, leading to generalized attrition and uneven anterior incisal edges. The patient had discolored cervical bonding on mult...

Coronectomy as a treatment option for third molars close to the IAN 19/06/2020

Third molar extraction and IAN damage is not the only Tx option. Coronectomy is also a possibility.

Coronectomy as a treatment option for third molars close to the IAN The most common indication for the removal of third molars is pericoronitis, non-restorable caries or internal resorption. Yet, when a third molar is close to the inferior alveolar nerve, the risk of nerve injury is high. So the practitioner is put in a tough spot, having to accept the high risk of....

How To: Treat Fluorosis 17/06/2020

A predictable technique to treat fluorosis.

How To: Treat Fluorosis Dealing with dental fluorosis is tricky. Depending on the severity of the hypomineralization, there are many different treatment options. Sometimes the issue is solved with simple bleaching, yet sometimes veneers/ or crowns are needed to mask the unappealing “white spots.” Unfortunately, many ti...

The Youngest Recorded Implant Patient 13/06/2020

The youngest recorded dental implant patient with ectodermal dysplasia.

The Youngest Recorded Implant Patient Ectodermal dysplasia can present with a variety of manifestations. 1/10,000 people are affected in different ways. Patients can show up with signs of sparse hair, malformed sweat glands, abnormally developing nails, skin diseases, vision disturbances, hypo or anodontia. Considering that this is a he...

A Novel Method Of Restoring A Fractured Anterior Crown 11/06/2020

Here is a unique method of restoring a complicated fracture of an anterior crown. A conservative treatment compared to all other treatment options.

A Novel Method Of Restoring A Fractured Anterior Crown Case Presentation A 19-year-old woman was referred to the clinic with acute pain on the upper left central incisor, as she experienced a sports injury the day prior. The patient had fractured the coronal aspect the tooth. Periapical radiographs showed previous root canal treatment and no signs of ro...

Case Spotlight: RCT with Dens Evaginatus 09/06/2020

Morning Huddle Case Spotlight: RCT on a tooth with dens evaginatus.

Case Spotlight: RCT with Dens Evaginatus A 16-year-old girl presented to the clinic with a fistula on the apical third of her upper left central incisor. During clinical examination, a tubercle was seen on the buccal cervical third of the tooth. Radiographic and clinical examinations provided a diagnosis of apical chronic supurative period...

Va**ng And Oral Health 08/06/2020

When your patients ask about va**ng, here is what you need to know. Va**ng and Oral Health.

Va**ng And Oral Health The market for e-ci******es and vapes has boomed. First developed in China in 2003, e-ci******es made their way to Europe and North America in 2006. They gained popularity by being branded as a safer alternative to regular ci******es and even a way for smoking cessation. By introducing different des...

How To: Injectable Temporary Restorations 05/06/2020

How to: Injectable temporary restorations.

How To: Injectable Temporary Restorations A patient comes to your office for crown or veneer preparations of multiple teeth. You have spent many hours perfecting the preparations. You’ve looked at them at every possible angle, and your neck/back pain is starting to tell you that the preperations are perfect. You’ve packed cord, and take...

Atraumatic Ridge Preservation In The Esthetic Zone 04/06/2020

How To: Atraumatic ridge preservation in the esthetic zone.

Atraumatic Ridge Preservation In The Esthetic Zone Following the extraction of a tooth, we can expect short-term and long-term resorption of the hard and soft tissues. Even with bone grafting of the extraction socket, there is still 1-2 mm loss of volume. This loss of volume is increased when we delay implant placement or socket preservation, leadin...

Placing Horizontal Posts – Increasing Fracture Resistance For RCT Teeth 01/06/2020

How to increase fracture resistance for endo treated teeth when a crown is not an option. Read the full article.

Placing Horizontal Posts – Increasing Fracture Resistance For RCT Teeth As endodontic systems and methods of disinfection advance, most endodontic failures are due to root or crown fractures, instead of re-infections. As clinicians we tend to make a significant compromise when doing root canal treatments. To gain straight-line (less than conservative) access in order to...

The Four-Layer Graft Technique – The Esthetic Zone 29/05/2020

The Four-Layer Graft Method In the Esthetic Zone - Immediate implant and graft in one procedure.

The Four-Layer Graft Technique – The Esthetic Zone Immediate implant placement following tooth extraction is a predictable treatment with a high success rate. However, when it is done in the anterior esthetic zone, bone and gingival recession can be expected following extraction of the natural tooth. It has even been shown that this soft and hard ...

Replacing An Avulsed Tooth 28/05/2020

A unique treatment of replacing an avulsed central incisor,

Replacing An Avulsed Tooth Case Presentation A 35-year-old woman presents to the office due to a spontaneous avulsion of her upper left central incisor. Her chief concern is to replace the missing tooth. Medical history shows that the patient is pregnant in the first trimester and she also has uncontrolled Diabetes Type II. C...

Growing Hair In The Mouth 26/05/2020

Case Report: Growing Hair In The Mouth

Growing Hair In The Mouth You will always remember the day you found hair growing in someone’s mouth. The oral cavity is derived from the stomodeum, and ectodermal derivatives like sebaceous glands are not unheard of. However, the presence of sebaceous glands and hair growth together is extremely rare. So rare that only 5 ...

An Asymptomatic Nodule In The Cheek 26/05/2020

Case Report: An Asymptomatic Nodule In The Cheek

An Asymptomatic Nodule In The Cheek Case Presentation A 65-year-old woman presents to the clinic for periodontal treatment and during the routine intraoral exam, a firm nodule is noticed in the right buccal mucosa. The nodule is well circumscribed in the posterior right buccal region, measuring 2.5 cm in diameter. The mucosa overlying...

Nodular Swelling Of The Tongue 24/05/2020

Caser Report: Nodular Swelling of the Tongue.

Nodular Swelling Of The Tongue Clinical Presentation 44-year-old woman presents to the clinic due to a lesion on the left lateral border of her tongue (17x10mm). The lesion shows a soft nodular swelling, circumscribed, with white irregular papillary projections. The lesion is non-indurated. The lesion has been present for 4 years...

Vitamin D and Covid-19 20/05/2020

The connection between vitamin D and Covid-19

Vitamin D and Covid-19 Much has been uncovered regarding the risk factors for contracting Covid-19 and for being harshly effected by its symptoms. Yet, little is known regarding any protective factors that could possibly improve outcomes once the virus is contracted. It has been shown that vitamin D protects against acute...

Preparing Conservative Veneers with Reduction Guides 19/05/2020

Reduction guides for conservative preparation.

Preparing Conservative Veneers with Reduction Guides The final esthetic outcome and longevity of veneers depends on the tooth preparation. Excessive reduction can compromise bond strength (due to exposed dentin), cause sensitivity and limit possible treatment options for the patient in the future. The goal of veneer preparations is to be maintained wi...

Treating Amelogenesis Imperfecta 18/05/2020

Treating a case of Amelogenesis Imperfecta

Treating Amelogenesis Imperfecta Amelogenesis Imperfecta (AI) disrupts the composition of enamel in teeth. The condition can be x–linked, autosomal recessive or dominant. AI can affect both permanent and primary teeth. Clinical presentations of AI can include sensitivity, surface roughness, and discoloration. Diffuse pitting or g...

Saving Hopeless Teeth with Replantation 15/05/2020

Saving hopeless teeth with replantation.

Saving Hopeless Teeth with Replantation Extraction is the only treatment option for a hopeless tooth caused by severe periodontitis. Once extracted, we are left with the options of implant restoration, fixed prosthesis, or removable prosthesis. All of these options involve considerable investment of time and money for the patient. Intenti...

How to find the MB2 canal 13/05/2020

How to find the MB2 canal: A step-by-step guide.

How to find the MB2 canal In 1917, Walter Hess first showed the presence of the MB2 canal. 90%-95% of first maxillary molars have been shown to have a MB2 canal. The identification and treatment of the MB2 canal is particularly challenging. However, leaving this canal untreated consists of an incomplete root canal treatment,...

CASE REPORT: Full Mouth Rehab. 12/05/2020

An amazing case of full mouth rehab - collaboration between endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, and restorative dentistry.

CASE REPORT: Full Mouth Rehab. Patient Presentation A patient presents to the orthodontic office with a chief complaint of straightening her upper and lower front teeth. She is particularly concerned about the vertical height of the two upper central incisors, which also cause an unbalanced upper lip position at rest. Dental hist...

Rapamycin For Treating Periodontal Disease 07/05/2020

Rampamycin as a possible treatment for periodontitis.

Rapamycin For Treating Periodontal Disease Periodontal disease has a strong correlation with the aging of an individual. As a person’s biological age progresses, so does risk of gum inflammation, periodontal bone loss, and transition of the oral bacteria from good to bad. Unfortunatley, other than maintaining good oral hygiene, there is no...

Respirators For Dentists During Covid-19 07/05/2020

The latest knowledge on respirators for dentists during the covid-19 pandemic.

Respirators For Dentists During Covid-19 According to OSHA, dental health care providers have one of the highest risks of being exposed to Covid-19. This is mainly due to the fact that a large proportion of the procedures that dentists perform are aerosol generating. These droplets can easily transmit covid-19 from person to person, direct...

Long-term Stability of Take Home Whitening 05/05/2020

How long do the effects of take-home whitening last?

Long-term Stability of Take Home Whitening At-home teeth whitening systems are the new craze. A scroll through your social media shows everything from “laser activated” gels to charcoal toothpastes. With the flood of new whitening systems into the market, clinicians have to choose which system to invest in. Mode of action Hydrogen peroxi...

Autologous Blood Injection – Treatment of TMJ Dislocation 04/05/2020

A treatment of chronic TMJ luxations.

Autologous Blood Injection – Treatment of TMJ Dislocation TMJ dislocations can be horrifying for our patients. A full TMJ luxation is when the condyle translates anteriorly of the articular eminence, and does not return to the fossa. This can occur after excessive mouth opening in yawning, eating or dental procedures. Patients present with a wide-open mout...

Intrapapillary Injections for Anesthesia of Mandibular Teeth 04/05/2020

Another way of freezing mandibular teeth.

Intrapapillary Injections for Anesthesia of Mandibular Teeth For the majority of dentists, inferior alveolar nerve blocks (IANB) are the only way to achieve anesthesia for mandibular teeth. Periapical infiltrations are blocked by the dense buccal cortical bone, so injection into the pterygomandibular space is the only way to go. Yet, this method isn’t witho...

When to defer an appointment if blood pressure is elevated. 02/05/2020

When to defer an appointment with hypertensive patients.

When to defer an appointment if blood pressure is elevated. International governing bodies of dentistry have actively recommended measuring patient blood pressure, since at least 1998.  This practice has allowed uncovering undetected hypertension and possibly safeguarding against cardiac events during outpatient surgeries. This recommendation is logical, gi...

Prescribed Meds and Oral Ulcerations 02/05/2020

Diagnosing and treating drug induced oral ulcerations.

Prescribed Meds and Oral Ulcerations Oral ulcerations are a very common sight within the oral cavity. Luckily, due to the high reparative nature of the oral mucosa, many oral ulceration cases can be resolved with minimal or no intervention at all. However, diagnosis the ulceration is the easy part. Determining the cause is much tougher...

A Unique Method of Treating Subgingival Class V Lesions and Root Caries 01/05/2020

A new way of treating class V lesions!

A Unique Method of Treating Subgingival Class V Lesions and Root Caries Class V lesions and root decays are very common. However, the durability of the restorations of these lesions is not promising. Once restored, we can expect a loss of retention, marginal excess, secondary caries and tissue inflammation. These problems are directly related to challenges in isolation,...

What To Do With The Missing Lateral Incisor 30/04/2020

How to treat the missing lateral incisor.

What To Do With The Missing Lateral Incisor Once you notice that the primary lateral incisors aren’t present in a child, you can almost be sure that the permanent later incisor is not going to erupt either. This is a situation that has to be dealt with often. Third molars, lateral incisors, and lower second premolars are the most commonly m...