Ardent Arian

Ardent Arian

Quote T-Shirts and sweaters for the soul.


Some gentle words from Jung Hoseok for today. :) The moments and emotions you feel today will also pass. Let yourself feel, be gentle, be patient, and be open to growth in what you let in today. Every step and every day is just another gain to your strength, bby.


Some gentle words from Jung Hoseok for today. :) The moments you feel today will also pass. Let yourself feel, be gentle, and be open to growth in what you learn in today. Every step and every day is just another gain to your strength, bby.


Reminder, you are important to even one person. You are needed and wanted. To one person you may be too much and to another you may be chaos. But never forget that there is also someone out there who sees you and you may be what they needed, wanted, and have been looking for all their life. You can be the whole world to one person. It can be someone who loves you sincerely and it can even be just you. :)


Inspired by Bangtan. Fearing change is a natural part of life and becoming friends with it and validating it in our lives is a good way to keep moving forward. It takes courage to face your fears. The best is yet to come, bby.


Theme of the week. Having to be gentle with the essence of starting new and fresh. You have to be okay with being gentle with yourself in all stages of your life, bby. It’s okay to start new. Don’t be hard on yourself for it. You are doing what you feel is best for you with every choice you make each day. :) Good times are ahead.


Wishing is the longing for something you feel you deserve but have yet to accept it into your existence. Make it a priority to yourself to realize you are worthy of it each day by working on it. What you are wishing for exists already but it is up to you to see it and then create it in front of you. 🌱


Live today being who you know you will become. Don’t doubt it. Be it, bby. Believe in the power of your mindset.


To start the week, look back at how far you have come today, it is that feeling that matters. You have gone through a lot to be where you are today and you are killing it, bby. Keep growing. Keep flowing. Keep paving your path. :)


A self-love reminder to end the week. Have you given some love to yourself today? No matter where you are at in life even if you feel your are not where you want to be, remember that you still deserve to give your efforts and your self some love. :)


Loving someone is also learning to love yourself. Sometimes you may think that your worth is in what you give to others but remember that it is in the acts of being who you are and giving to yourself that matters at the end of the day. In loving others, don’t forget your worth and that you deserve to feel special everyday too.


Happiness is at any level you choose it to be in your life. Make it viable in your life. Make it happen. See it in the small things that make up your day. Don’t wait for the “right time” or moment for it to mean happiness today. Don’t miss out on what you are already worthy of.


There is beauty in you even if others don’t see it. I hope you remember to see it in you today, bby.


As you experience life you find that what you are going through is also something that someone out there is also going through it too. You may feel like no one gets it in your life at the moment, but someone out there does. You are never really alone.


While perfectionism is real and it is valid, this is a reminder that like most things in this life, the idea of perfection and being perfect is something that is subjective and you get too define what perfect is. Above all, just remember that being real and being human and making mistakes and being okay with that and to just learn from it all is the main priority for just being and living. You can be perfect by being already imperfect by being real and being just you. :)


Whatever happens today, tomorrow, or in the future remember that happiness is not too far away. It is not in the destination but in what you give meaning and importance. Happiness is in what, who, and where you give meaning to it. :)


Sometimes it is the warm air, the view of a small cat approaching you, a small encounter with a stranger in the day, and even one look from yourself in the mirror that lets you know you are doing okay. One day at a time will lead you to where you want to be. May the small things in each day remind you that it is possible to see more in what you think you lack. You are the constellations of the many stars that make up who you are.


Just a small reminder. Stop and appreciate your presence.


Photo by a friend who’s birthday is today but is no longer with me in this world. She passed away young but her spirit to me is forever. She was a libra and she loved saying baby as “bby” and it is something I love to add in many notes these days.

Oct. 14 is the angel number 1014 and it means to remember your self-worth. My friend became an angel 11 years ago and with this angel number I wanted to give a little note to anyone who needs it today.

Remember that love starts with learning to understand and love the things we dislike and even hate about the world and even within ourselves. If you felt like you couldn’t have a good day with yourself today, give yourself some love. It’s okay. It’s in the little things you give to yourself that matters. Trying is what counts.


Do you.


Dare to do it all, bby. Dream. Let it go if it no longer is what you want. Restart again. Follow what calls to you. Learn to live for you.


A quote from Kurt that I needed tonight. “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.”

Have been in a state of confusion with what I wanted to create and add here and I think I finally found what my thing is.

It is so easy to look at something and look at things posted by others and just react and let the voices in your head bring in the self doubt.

Some days it becomes easy to want to do things and wanting to be like others because of what they do and what they post because you feel stuck in who you are, but then when you really look into who you are and what you want to give to people you finally see the purpose in being who you really are even if it seems it is unsupported by the outside world.

To be who you are is the biggest gift you can give to people in this world. The right things and the right people will come to you if you stop forcing yourself to be like others.


“Remove yourself from my personal space, please.”

Created this top and quote with the idea that to ask for consent to be within someone’s personal space is hot. Being asked if it’s okay to be that close to someone as anxious as me makes me smile. I feel some of us like it too and more than we say to people in our lives.

When someone goes against that consent and lacks the boundaries to give you space, I feel it is best to point out that you cherish your personal space :)

Depending on how a person responds to you, you have the power to leave the situation or stay and explain why. No matter what, speak your truth even if it is not taken well. What matter is that you take care of you first.

Top is in my shop and made 100% with a lot of love. Hehe


“All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.” - Gandalf the Grey

A second Lord of the Rings quote that has stayed with me and just hit a lot more after rewatching the whole movie series again at my adult age.

Remember that in the times when you feel overwhelmed and sunken in by the world as a whole and even your own world, choose you. Choose to step back and to really look at what you are and where you are giving your energy.

At the end of the day we can blame circumstances, people, and the energy of the day for how we feel right now, but we always have the choice to get up redirect and go another way or think another way to change how we feel and in most instances change the course of our circumstances. We get to put value in the things we think, the things we love, the things that make us angry, that make us frustrated, and if all this is possible you get to put value in the things you choose to do with the time you have today and the day after.


“Be careful of thinking that 100% of your outcomes will be determined by what happens to you today.”

Created this after reading a book on the idea of risk and luck.

Here is a list of why 100% of the time your outcomes will not be determined by what has happened or will happen to you in your present day:
-Life always has consequences no matter what you choose to do. You just have to see how you respond to those consequences. This can alter the course through various means.
-Sometimes luck plays in and you will never know why it happened to you, but you can just be thankful and carry on.
-When you carry a proactive attitude and build proactive habits, your outcomes can be determined by what you do and not what has happened externally in your every day lives.
-The world is vast and you are just one person amongst it all, you CAN CHANGE THE COURSE ANY DAY. But put in the work and stop contemplating your circumstances and thinking they are the only thing that is molding where you want to be in the future.
-One moment of happiness nor one moment of sadness nor one moment of having a horrible day ever lasts forever. Life is different and moves different each day, but your attitude stays with you.

100% of your outcomes in the future is not determined by your circumstances but it is determined by how you respond to it and what you do next.

Next time you feel the universe is against you, instead think, “what have I learned thus far and how can I be resourceful with what I know and how much I improved to pivot this issue and be on my way?” You got this.

Photos from Ardent A***n's post 12/09/2022

“For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know.” -The Wise Man

Any Sucker Punch film fans out there like me? Haha

Came back with another costume that I wanted to sport for Halloween and finally did it two years ago. I loved Baby Doll, but I wanted to be her in another different look. In my own way. That is what I did and I felt so powerful even for a bit just posing and shooting photos in the woods on my own.

I take photos on my own with self-timer and although it is hard at times to run into position it has taught me so much about what I am capable of and this is one of those photos I found.

With this quote, I wanted to bring a message that didn’t get looked at as much from the film compared to other quotes which are just as nice.

With life we give it meaning through all our experiences but what are the things that call to us to fight for it? Sometimes we see things and think that a life of flavor looks a specific way and it has to be travel, doing insane things, and doing big things, but that is not always necessarily true.

While it can be those things, a life of flavor can also be just being able to finally say “no” to things that don’t give you joy and saying “yes” to even the smallest things that finally light you up. It is called “fighting for life” because you are always fighting yourself from getting out of a zone that no longer fits you but you feel you need to stay in.

When you feel something doesn’t align with what you want to do, fight your way out of your doubts and constrains and get the hell out. Life is delicious and flavorful, but remember that you have to season it the way you want to in order to finally TASTE IT.