Illuminating Tea

Illuminating Tea

Illuminating Tea is a tea shop selling awesome Tea! Through selling tea, we aim to bring people together.



Photos from Illuminating Tea's post 23/03/2022

Lately I’ve been so grateful, for how wonderful my life is. Thank you ❤️


Never posted this referenced piece haha

Photos from Illuminating Tea's post 21/01/2022

So I know I’ve been away…I was given a chance, that I’ve always wanted, by an amazing person, with an amazing group of people. Because of that I haven’t been as active in the community as much as I was. I see the importance of my work currently, and how I know this is so important in my journey. I am learning so much, I am challenging myself so much! I know that I’m on the way for something magnificent, that’s why I’ve been a bit away, because I filled my plate up with so many great things. I truly wish I have shadow clones, so I can be everywhere at the same time! I do miss the amazing community and to be working with so many amazing amazing entrepreneurs, artists, and activists daily. I miss y’all! Just wanna do a photo dump and a feelings dump with y’all. I’m always here to support y’all, if I’m a bit away from y’all plz don’t think it’s of negligence or anything negative. I am sending love to everyone! All the fighters and hustlers! Lunar new year is coming up soon, the year of the water tiger☺️ 🐅embrace greatness and power the spirit will bring, and let’s keep being beautiful in our unique stories.


Tomorrow is the day! Our Chinese music concert is happening at at 3-5pm! Quick get your ticket online via my link in bio! Last chance to get them on sale! I am so excited, so many people have purchased the tickets already, thank you all for the support, I can’t wait to see y’all tomorrow!


I say to you with the brightest smile, happy International Safe Abortion Day. If you had an abortion today, DM me, I’ll send you some of my company, ‘s tea for free, cuz you deserve some peace. Seriously, just let me know.


I started this company with the intention of influencing the community with different cultures! And I am so excited to be throwing a Chinese Music Concert on Oct 30th! Check out Illuminating Tea page event for details!


Hey everyone! I am Julia Tong and my company has it’s own account now! Illuminating Tea is a tea company that sells tea, and celebrates Chinese culture! We sell all loose leaf tea! Green Tea, Black Tea, White Tea, Oolong Tea, and Herbal Tea! Really wish you guys check out that account, and give us a follow!
Illuminating Tea is throwing a Chinese Music Concert, an AAPI Event! Check out my link in bio and join us to celebrate AAPI culture!

Photos from Illuminating Tea's post 24/09/2021

Green tea is a delicious and refreshing beverage that is super rich with antioxidants! Green tea not only is good for your body, but also good for your soul. This info post should raise your interest. Press View Shop now in my profile! Check out some delicious green tea! Also, Matcha is a type of green tea too☺️🍀


Everyone everywhere! Don’t forget to take your “me” time today! Drink some tea, breathe, and love your body❤️

Photos from Illuminating Tea's post 04/09/2021

I am throwing a Chinese Music concert! Featuring traditional Chinese instruments, and contemporary Chinese music accompanied by the traditional instruments. It’s happening on October 30th, 3-5pm, at !
swipe ➡️ to see our awesome Chinese traditional instrumentalists with their 古筝 Gu Zheng, and 二胡 ( Chinese Violin), and our amazing singers joining us on this super special concert! , and . Oh! Also yours truly will also be performing☺️
This event is family friendly, we will be having tea tasting, Chinese afternoon tea snacks, and amazing vibes from our community.
I am so excited for this event, I love Nashville, and I love sharing my culture with y’all! I’m Chinese American, and especially, I want to stand up, and not be intimidated by threats.
Please check out my link in bio for the ticket link, swipe ➡️ to see the QR code of the event and come join us!


our bodies are under attack. Honestly, it is so important to grow our own knowledge , and learn more details about how these extreme abortion bans are trapping our freedom, and endangering our safety. The whole world is reminding us how there are still too many people believing women are property. Check out , they provide so many opportunities for all of us to understand the urgency of this fight!

Photos from Illuminating Tea's post 25/08/2021

What is tea? Tea is the most popular beverage all over the globe, after water. Here’s some cool info about exactly what tea is! ➡️
Camellia Sinensus. This is the plant that we reference as tea! We pour hot or cold water over the leaves and it becomes our beloved beverage. Through time, people started making tea in different methods and rituals, even blending it with different flowers and herbs.
Check out my shop! View shop on my profile, and check out my website! Link in bio❤️

Photos from Illuminating Tea's post 24/08/2021

We -Illuminating Tea- had a great time selling tea at ’s event ! Thank you for this event, we loved being your vendor! Check out our full tea catalog on our website! Link in bio!
P.S. I am going to start making some fun infographic content! From the process of selling tea, I have learned so much more of my audience’s needs! And I think infographics and pamphlets are going to do great! I’m excited for this change, and excited to serve the community with more tea knowledge!

Loose Leaf vs. Tea Bags: What’s the Difference? — Illuminating Tea 23/08/2021

Here’s the secret--most tea bags on the market are filled with ground-up, lower-grade tea leaves called “dust” or “fannings”. While not only weaker in flavor, this tea is lower in overall quality and isn’t able to properly expand in water the way loose leaf tea does to release the leaves’ full flavor and benefits. Check out Illuminating Tea's awesome new article!

Loose Leaf vs. Tea Bags: What’s the Difference? — Illuminating Tea It all begins with an idea.


Hi insta and Facebook family! Some updates! (Disclaimer: no matter what, I will always be able to be your event’s vendor! )I haven’t been able to be as active as I want to be on social media lately, due to my EMDR treatment. Because of the nature of the process, temporarily, it’s been really difficult to function as well as I was before. I am having lots of side effects, including depression, flashbacks, and gaining lost memories( truly terrifying, they were lost for a reason), and many more. This is a process with so much pain but I’m handling it! It’s a painful process to walk over to get better! I’ve been documenting it, so when I’m better, I will do a live video or a post to share with you guys my experiences.
Even though it’s been hard, I have been crossing some milestones for Illuminating Tea! For the rest of this year I will be doing pop ups in downtown Nashville selling tea! I think I will put a physical banner saying : Tea from Afar! So people know that this isn’t the same as the iced tea commonly seen in the south☺️
I am super excited for the events I will be joining as a vendor! One happening this Saturday! Check out , this Saturday we will be celebrating their 1 year anniversary!
I am glad to be doing fun work, I will always say yes to vendor needs! So please include Illuminating Tea for your events! But social media wise, I will be a little less active🙏🏼
Sending you all so much love!!


Stormy Friday, perfect to chill at home with a cup of tea 🍵
Amazing tea in our shop! Link in bio🐈‍⬛🐈


I am super excited to be an official vendor for THE Music City Open Mic Night] ‘s 1 year anniversary Open Mic event! There will be great music, great link up with a diverse community, and awesome vendors! More slots for performances and vendors are open, check them out and DM THE Music City Open Mic Night] to join this event either as an artist, or a vendor! Tickets Link in their Bio! Use discount code ILLUMINATING to get 10% off for tickets for a super fun night!


Latest customer review of Blue Is The Pinkest Color , “ This taste like a flower!”. Japanese Sencha green tea, with a less strong caffeine level, this tea is great for mornings and early afternoons. With hibiscus and other dried fruit flavors, this tea is great when you desire something fruity, try this amazing tea out!
🍵 ☕️

Photos from Illuminating Tea's post 05/08/2021

1st session of my new tattoo! I’m finally getting a half sleeve!!! It’s my girls Lasagna and Sesame! Thank you and the amazing artist for designing and creating this amazing work! I am so happy! I have been waiting so long to get a new tattoo! So glad that this is happening! Will post the later sessions with y’all too! ❤️❤️


Healthy relationships with boundaries are so hard to cultivate when both sides are living with tremendous pain. My mom and I, our relationship has gone through so many twists and turns. We both made so many mistakes, we both got wounded so deep. Years, years of growth on the both of us has gotten us finally having a healthy relationship, with healthy boundaries, and healthy ways to express love. The truth is it hurt so much back then because of the love we have, but we had no knowledge on how to love. I think society justifies unhealthy habits and unhealthy ways of being too much. We love characters on our shows that are flawed, that is fine, but the content of the show makes us fall in love with the flaws those characters have, so instead of changing bad patterns, we indulge them, we let them grow, and we think- ha, I’m just like so and so, - we find a sense of company from these characters, but the truth is, we are not growing, and not mending our relationships in real life.
I gotta say, one of the biggest reasons I decided to sell tea is because, no matter how bad it was growing up, my mom and I always had our tea time together. In East Asia tea time isn’t that planned, we just drink it, however, growing up, my mom wasn’t really around, and when she is around, either lots of fights or dramatic incidents happen, or we drink tea, read, and enjoy the calmness.
Now that I’m selling tea, I’m having some trouble showing this angle of tea. Sure it’s on my website, in my blogs, and my bio. Sure I mention it here, but how do I bring this out to people I meet face to face? How can I get people to be drawn to tea, this product of relaxation and connection? How do I introduce a very foreign concept and get people to understand it, and interested in it? I guess I’m having some trouble with my sales plan and marketing plan.
What do y’all think? Any advice?❤️ if not it’s all good, if y’all read this, I hope what I say can bring some positivity in y’all’s life❤️


Many many important news lately, from the olympics to Texas, mental health to trans rights. I will have more to tell you folks very soon, been a bit busy with the new phase of the business. But here is a statement that will always stay true. Stay out of my Uterus, stay out of children’s bodies, just, out. No, thank you.


TONIGHT! Pull up on 100 Taylor Street , the awesome Goddess is having a launch party for her LLC ! I am so grateful to be one of the vendors, come and get some good tea and meet many more great small businesses entrepreneurs! Oh right and there’s music and food haha☺️


You can never go wrong with Matcha! Check out my selection: Zen Green , Unapologetic Love , Barista's Alternative , Refreshing Radical! Matcha’s rich and creamy texture combining with its effect of cooling the body, it really is the perfect summer tea!
🍵 ☕️


Illuminating Tea is Officially Open!! From Herbal tea to Matcha, we can fulfill all your tea needs! Check out my shop tagged with this post, or go to Link in Bio to access our website directly! I am so excited to be sharing this awesome entrepreneurial experience with y’all!
( I know I said we will open on Wednesday, but I love surprising y’all this way!!!)
❤️ 🍵 ☕️


So! If everything goes well, Next Wednesday will be the launch date of Illuminating Tea! I am really excited to be officially opening up shop! I want to open up and be vulnerable, I am nervous 😬 I have a constant fear of failure. Speaking out your fear and shame decreases it’s power! So I am super nervous to be officially selling tea! Lots of “What if ( insert negativity) “ in my head, but I am going to trust myself, and keep pushing forward! I won’t let fear take over my life, and I am excited to step into the new phase of the company!
💪 💪


So, some mental health update! I want to open up to you all. Due to my mental illnesses, I really have been living a life where I have to do a lot of work to be able to stabilize my emotions, I constantly am in different kinds of pain, and I spend so much mental labor to try to feel normal, one day at a time.
Back then when my conditions were really bad, my mental illnesses affected every aspect of my life negatively. One of the major aspects was dating. It was so hard. It was so hard to date, all the important elements of dating - communication, compassion, respect, trust, intimacy, wow and so many more elements, were all a mess. I am not blaming it all on my ex’s. They are all good people, and I know that they have tried their very best back then too. I am not blaming it all on myself either, I have lifelong genetic illnesses that I must learn to live with and control, even though it is so hard. Dating was so hard, it’s too hard to trust, to hard to put down the mask of an angry women, and actually be the wounded person I was.
Lately it has gotten really hard again. I was doing really well but we had to switch my medications, and this process has been so painful. I pretty much have been having one break down a day. I can manage them, so they are more controlled, but it’s still a break down. My triggers are on fire, it’s been hard to work, and it’s so exhausting to the body and the mind.
But my man, , was prepared for the situation, we spoke about this might be happening because of the medication switch, and he has been so patient, compassionate, kind, and loving, I am so so so so moved. I am just so lucky to have you. We are really in sync together, we strengthen each other, we get each other, and we take care of each other. Alejandro has been so kind and loving to me during this tough moment, I really want to say to you, thank you my love, I am just the luckiest person in the universe.

Photos from Illuminating Tea's post 05/07/2021

I’m 26 today!!!! Woohoo!!!!! I am so so so grateful for all my family and friends here and EVERYWHERE! I love you all so much ! I feel so so so loved today, by friends, family, and the universe! Thank you God for giving me so many blessings, thank you knowledge for helping me dig deep in life and truth, thank you friends and family for giving me strength and love, thank you life for all the adventures and beauty!
I am having such a great birthday! And I’ll cherish this day and you all forever!


This week, is all about vocalizing my gratefulness! I am so lucky to have you as my partner in life, in business, in love, and adventures❤️ love you so much , I am so grateful for you❤️
❤️ ❤️


Vocalize what we appreciate and are grateful for in life, is a really healing experience, helps us move on from anger and pain❤️. Share what you are grateful for on the comments! I Would love to support everyone’s heart❤️
I am so grateful for the transformation I have had during my mindfulness and mental health journey, I am so grateful for my friends who’ve always been here for me even when I was not well, I am so grateful for all the support I received from my family and my partner, I am so grateful for my cats and my dog, I am just grateful ❤️
Sending love to you all❤️


Suffering from mental health issues, Britney Spears was forced to work none-stop during the past 13 years. Her father, who legally controls every aspect of Britney’s life, claims all his doing is to help Britney. I would argue that, someone who claims to want his daughter to get better, but then constantly put her to overwhelming work, which obviously is not healthy. This, is, Gaslighting.
It is Plain wrong to stop your daughter to get her own lawyer team. He forced her to stop, and stated that not having legal representation is apparently good for his daughter, and saves his daughter’s money. …Jamie Spears are you F***ing kidding me?
Conservatorship is often used with the elderly who have severe health issues. Britney, though suffered mental breakdown years ago, is not a none functioning person. She has the guts to speak out, even though she is not legally in control of any aspect of her life at all.
A major step of the mental health and mindfulness journey is for the people to be able to take control of their lives. Yet they hinder this important step for her, claiming that it’s better for her. This is gaslighting.

I am a fan, I’m not saying I know all of the details of their legal battle, but I do know what it feels like to have my life completely being controlled by a man. It ain’t fun. I trust Britney isn’t in a critical place where she can’t function. I see a strong vibrant woman, who just wants her life back.


Recently, the ‘s ignorant and offensive segment is finally being talked about.
This segment offensively use food that seems odd to western culture, but actually important and high class food in especially East Asia’s culture, to gain a reaction from viewers. They purposely make the food seem disgusting, without introducing any background on how this should be prepared, or what health benefits comes from this food, hence why these culture eats it.
They take the ingredients completely out of context, and promote disgust on another culinary culture. They fuel the online ignorant groups to further comment and share in disgust of another culture. This is terrible. Please go to , link in bio, sign the petition to get this segment taken down.
Please have a dialogue with your Asian friends, and ask them, why we eat them and how.
, dude, C’mon. .


“The most important lesson I have learned in the fifty years I have spent working toward the building of a better world is that the true work of social transformation starts within.” - John Lewis.
I started reading “ Across That Bridge” by John Lewis, and I am getting so inspired by every word. Every message makes me self reflect, I truly have sunk into this man’s brilliant and compassionate mind.
This paragraph, which I quoted partially in the caption and fully in this video, hit me very hard. I grew up so privileged, that even though I had my own traumatic experiences, I had forgotten how to be compassionate to others. I wasn’t mentally well, so I did not have the capacity and ability to truly cultivate relationships, connections, and bonds. I am so grateful for all the friends I’ve made, for them to accept me when I wasn’t well to myself and others as much as I should have. Now that I am on a path of awareness, I somehow internalize my shame of how I react to things in the past, I’ve made many mistakes, but reading this paragraph from the intro, has given me hope of my own growth and what I can continue to contribute positivity to the community, the people.
The change in oneself, that very first step to awareness. It was a touch but beautiful moment. For everyone on this journey, I send you all the love, and keep marching towards that empowering pull from your heart❤️.

Timeline photos 09/06/2021

*Exclusive Launch* of my podcast - Illuminating Talks- on my website, link in bio! My company, Illuminating Tea, is on a mission to create a space for dialogue and discussion on interesting and important topics! I am so happy to share the first episode with you all featuring and as my amazing guests! In this episode, we discuss many subjects that involves social activism, mental health, politics… and so on! We talked freely and connected deeply.
I am so happy to share this podcast with you guys! Take a listen on my website, and share with me your thoughts!
Now only available on my website for the exclusive launch!
Thank you and for being amazing guests!
Thank you for this awesome branding photo! I am so lucky to have you on my team!
Take a listen and enjoy☺️
💯 📚

Photos from Illuminating Tea's post 07/06/2021

Illuminating Tea reached a milestone yesterday! We were one of the vendors at the Made Fluent Music Festival/ celebration of the Tony D Saunders Foundation ! This was our first time as a vendor, first time selling our tea! I cannot be more overjoyed! I am so glad to be working in the same space with so many amazing entrepreneurs, and artists, and children entrepreneurs! So sorry I wasn’t able to take pictures with every vendor, but please check them out! They have amazing businesses!
Ms Bri is a brilliant singer with beautiful music! .
a beautiful business with super unique products from crystals to to herbal blends, all natural body care and many more! .
infused mixture and treats that tastes like juice!.
with vegan catering, meal prep and alkaline water and juices!.
handcrafted lemonade based beverages!.
Luna! Who is an amazing fire dancer with many more talents!.
who is an amazing Bartender!.
who makes awesome apparel that expands consciousness and self reflection!.
Amazing company that offers great, and a variety of CBD/Hemp products! From oils to lemonade!.
Amazing Promoter with many talents!.
Amazing company lead by an amazing girl, handcrafted accessories like bracelets and keychains and so much more!.
who is a gorgeous model, entrepreneur and just many more talents!.
a great campaign to bring awareness to All Black Businesses!.
, great musicians & , who performs @ the of their Monday night Jazz shows!.
who organized this amazing event!.
who is an entrepreneur, jack of all trades, and a dear dear friend!.
who always shares his kindness and talent!.
, last but not least, my amazing man, love of my life! Thank you!
If I missed someone please forgive me! It was so great getting to know you guys, can’t wait for another opportunity to be a part of amazing events with y’all !
@ Nashville, Tennessee

Timeline photos 04/06/2021

I am so excited for so many new things! My company, Illuminating Tea, will debut tomorrow at the Make Fluent Music Festival, I am so ready to start bringing my products to people! Thank you and for giving me this opportunity!
Tea, being such an integral part of my culture, being able to share this important part of Chinese culture to people is such an honor! Check out my website for some fun blogs, podcast and article summary will be coming next week! Online Sales is on the way! Follow .flames , yours truly, for updates of the company!
Thank you for so much support from all of y’all, I feel so loved!
Website link in bio!

Timeline photos 01/06/2021

1st day of Pride month! We must celebrate every win, however the fight is still not over. There are still many obstacles trying to eliminate the rights that the LGBTQ community deserves. Through out the past few years, I see more and more unity within minority groups of ethnicity and sexuality. I do feel happy that we are getting stronger together, However, our strength was risen from pain, loss, and injustice. How we wish to not fight and live in peace! But the rooted discriminative systems cornered us, so we had to be strong and break free. Rights, didn’t come easily, won’t come easily. Sacrifices were made, so many sacrifices...
So I will smile proudly , we will smile proudly, for who we are, and what we deserve.