Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN

Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN

⭐️ Sharing homeopathy at home 🌱Homeopathy Heals online course 🎤


Love this ❤️

"The future of Medicine is Frequency Medicine" Albert Einstein

I have been doing lots of reflection and research over the last few months and have ended up buying a Healy Frequency Device as an additional tool in my clinical tool kit and also to use in the home for my family and our pets.

Here is a great video with a Homeopathic colleague Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN & Doc Steve. Doc Steve is frequently referred to as the “Doctor to the Stars” in the media, because of his high-profile Celebrity practice in LA, where he treats many A-list members of the entertainment community (such as Bella and Gigi Hadid, Britney Spears, Steven Spielberg, Sylvester Stallone and many more!) he is a medical doctor, Homeopath & Frequency Medicine Practitioner.

The video gives a bit of background about the history of energy medicine and why frequency medicine really is the future of medicine! Grab a coffee it’s totally worth a watch…

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 25/01/2024

A remedy for our ‘modern’ times! This can be a game changer where there’s been a history of syntocin during pregnancy! Right now this is a remedy being used in my own home to help ‘rebalance’ the body after having been exposed to syntocin. What an amazing remedy. More to be shared on this later. In the meantime if you think this could help someone you know please share and tag a friend.

DOC STEVE (aka 'Doctor to the stars') - Electric bodies & frequency healing 25/01/2024

This podcast episode was my biggest ever downloaded episode by a LONG LONG way. By popular demand I have now made it available on YouTube so you can go watch in its full technicolour glory :)

DOC STEVE (aka 'Doctor to the stars') - Electric bodies & frequency healing What an incredible episode! The future of healing will be found in frequency for we are electrical beings! I've been wanting to chat with Doc Steve for a lon...


Homeopathy is going mainstream in 2024! Here is the official trailer for the new film ‘introducing homeopathy’ which premiers in April 🔥

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 23/01/2024

Ok please don’t go self prescribing this remedy! It’s DEEP acting and should only ever be prescribed by a professional homeopath. The point of this post is to illustrate the depths of this remedy and what is possible ❤️ 💫

Have you ever taken this remedy? Share your experience in the comments below

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 22/01/2024

Frequency ‘medicine’ is the future of healing. There is a reason I’m sharing more on this on my Instagram page. Homeopathy is my first love but frequencies take our healing to the next level AND, with the right device, can be used at home to help the person with chronic health issues (unlike homeopathy where chronic issues should always be worked through with a homeopath). If you want to learn more about frequency healing then you can sign up to my free webinar! Link below 💫

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 22/01/2024


This is the area people seem to struggle with the most ans I get the most amount of DMs and messages on. We have been programmed with western medicine to follow a set regime and to not listen to our body. It can take time to learn how to listen to symptoms and understand when to repeat remedies. There are no hard and fast rules. So please do save this one - it’s also covered in my free printable fever guide which you can get from the link in my bio 💫

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 19/01/2024

There is just way too much to unpack on this topic for a Facebook post. Might have to do a longer substack blog when I have time. In the meantime please check out my previous post regarding chickenpox. If you do get measles symptoms then the remedies in the third slide are some of the top remedies - all of these are discussed jn more detail in my bestselling book The homeopath in your hand.

If you want to learn more about miasms (the inheritability of energetic patterns) then I do have a webinar available on my website 💫

Empower yourself. Learn how to use homeopathy for acute illnesses.

Contagion...a homeopath's perspective 13/01/2024

I have decided to start sharing my deeper uncensored ramblings over on substack. So far I have a very good feeling about the energy over there 👉 come check my first post!

Metaverse you need to make this a place of free speech otherwise you’re jsut gonna lose more and more people…

Contagion...a homeopath's perspective I want to kick this off by sharing with you a piece of writing that I include at the end of my ‘Intro to homeopathic detox’ course. I have triggered quite a few people in the past who have thought that me sharing an image of an alleged virus means I subscribe to the germ theory narrative. To set...

Free Homeopathic Fever guide 12/01/2024

Have you downloaded this yet? It’s free! I created it as I know it’s one of the areas people struggle with the most. This includes the top remedies for fevers, how to make your own ABC, how to dose and answers your FAQs

Free Homeopathic Fever guide Do you want a printable reference guide on homeopathic remedies for fevers? Then you've found the right place! This also includes FAQs, dosing guidelines and how to make your own ABC remedy. Copyright Lisa Strbac. All rights reserved.


I love receiving emails like this (this was in ref to my Homeopathy Heals flagship course). Thank you ❤️ 🙏🏻 💫


If only I had a penny for everyone who asks me ‘what remedy can I take for [insert named condition]. While homeopathic remedies ARE magic pills, there is very rarely just ‘a’ magic pill. Homeopathy is always treating YOU and nearly always involves peeling back layers including inherited predispositions, drug layers, ancestral trauma and more. On occasion we can see extraordinary results from a single remedy when we get the simillimum BUT most commonly we see healing taking time. It can take years for symptoms of dis-ease to appear and as such it can take time for us to work through the layers to return to full health. We often see AMAZING improvement with the first remedy BUT please lets keep it real. If there were just ‘a’ remedy for [insert diagnosis label] then we wouldn’t really need homeopaths - we could just have a book of corresponding labels with their remedies - but this is the ALLOPATHIC model not true healing where we always always treat the individual.

The Homeopath in Your Hand: 77 remedies & how to select them using Homeopathy HEALS 30/12/2023

My book has gone into a flash sale in Amazon uk. I have no control over pricing so this coood disappear at any moment. if you’ve been thinking of getting a copy now is the time 🙌

The Homeopath in Your Hand: 77 remedies & how to select them using Homeopathy HEALS

The Homeopath in Your Hand: 77 remedies & how to select them using Homeopathy HEALS The Homeopath in Your Hand: 77 remedies & how to select them using Homeopathy HEALS

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 28/12/2023

Highly sensitive people have an earlier warning health system. It can be a double edged sword. Yes it’s annoying having sniffles, rashes, headache and other such symptoms but have you ever thought that maybe your body is better at detoxing...? It’s time to reframe the way we see symptoms. Of course if they’re out of proportion or inappropriate in relation to the external stressor we should seek to question why we’re getting them. But remember we live in a toxic world and our bodies are designed to detox. Have you ever stopped to think that the people who don’t ever get acute symptoms, or suppress them, are the ones who end up with chronic disease later in life. Today I’m celebrating my sensitive body.

It’s so important we learn how to manage everyday acute health issues WITHOUT suppressing them because it’s when we suppress them we can drive dis-ease deeper leading to chronic illness later in life. While our bodies are designed to detox and symptoms have an intelligence, it’s easier said than done to do nothing when your child is suffering. This is where homeopathy is a game changer like no other modality. It’s gentle, can be used even in pregnancy and for newborns with no toxic side effects and it doesn’t suppress! It’s time to get a homeopathy kit and learn how to use it. For more information click on the link in my bio

January Kickstart - Homeopathy Heals & bonus live group Q&As 27/12/2023

Doors closing in 4 days…get your place on my course and 3 live q&as. In 2024 I’ll be focussing my energies into some new avenues so this is the last time I’ll be doing live q&as where you can ask me anything on the course and home prescribing more generally. You get course lifetime access so can do at your own pace and refer back to when you need to.

January Kickstart - Homeopathy Heals & bonus live group Q&As INSTANT ACCESS E-COURSE & BONUS group live Q&As by Zoom in January 2024 Described as 'life changing' by its attendees, this self paced course teaches everything you need to know to start using homeopathy at home! Upon purchasing you'll get instant course lifetime access to nearly 4 hours of....

‎Raw Health Rebel with Lisa Strbac: (E56) SEASON FINALE - Water, the living language of life with Veda Austin on Apple Podcasts 27/12/2023

The season finale of Raw Health Rebel podcast with the amazing soul Veda Austin has dropped. This is one of the most important episodes I’ve ever recorded. I have no doubt in my mind that Veda’s pioneering work is helping us rediscover our lost knowledge and the healing powers of water and so so much more 💫 💧

Also available on Spotify, Amazon, google etc

‎Raw Health Rebel with Lisa Strbac: (E56) SEASON FINALE - Water, the living language of life with Veda Austin on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Raw Health Rebel with Lisa Strbac, Ep (E56) SEASON FINALE - Water, the living language of life with Veda Austin - Dec 26, 2023


Apparently the algorithm thinks you can’t cope with a clip longer than 7 seconds but it would’ve been a sin to shorten this beautiful clip from the formidable Veda Austin ‘s recent appearance on my podcast (which will go live on 27th December). What a beautiful episode for the season finale of Raw Health Rebel. Veda moved me to tears with the power and implications of her work, including hearing how water could give the voiceless a voice 😭 you’ll have to listen to the full episode to learn more but of course, as a homeopath I couldn’t help but include this excerpt of Veda sharing her thoughts on homeopathy into my page. How lucky are we to be alive at this time where ‘s visionary work is going viral. Now please share this post and let’s prove the algorithm wrong and that we collectively do have more of an attention span than a goldfish.


What a note to wrap up my podcast for 2023… just got off recording with the amazing Veda Austin. We laughed, we cried, we chatted about life and death and I even managed to ask her thoughts on homeopathy remedies. I can’t wait to share this with you all later this month 💫 ❤️

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 14/12/2023

The ‘100 day cough’ is making the headlines. Here are the top homeopathic remedies which are possible matches. Remember we are always treating the individual with the symptoms. Also before I get a barrage of DMs from those saying I’m supporting g3rm theory through this post, I’m not. Homeopathy acknowledges the energetic contagion of illness (in the same way we can ‘catch’ a yawn) - you can listen to my recent guest appearance on to learn more about my thoughts on this, homeopathy and my personal experience of ‘whooping cough.’

‎Raw Health Rebel with Lisa Strbac: (E55) The biofield & electric health with Eileen McKusick on Apple Podcasts 13/12/2023

This podcast episode with the AMAZING Eileen Day McKusick has just dropped! Essential listening if you want to learn more about how our trauma and life events are stored in our biofield (the energy field that surrounds us) and how that STUCK energy can be moved with simple tuning forks.

You’re going to be hearing much more about this in the future as Eileen currently has a large scientific study underway for the treatment of anxiety with tuning forks which is due to be published in 2026. 💫 🙌

‎Raw Health Rebel with Lisa Strbac: (E55) The biofield & electric health with Eileen McKusick on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Raw Health Rebel with Lisa Strbac, Ep (E55) The biofield & electric health with Eileen McKusick - 13 Dec 2023


Check out my recent podcast appearance with the amazing Eugenie Kruger Homeopathy ❤️ 💫


The royal family (and many other rich and powerful) have always used homeopathy. Interesting that the media are now publicising this.. 🤔 why do you think this is ? Is any publicity good publicity? 🙏🏻 💫

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 06/12/2023

I hear you all and I see your DMs even if I can’t reply. I promise when God allows I will deliver more work in this area. For now there are two things you can do to help yourselves. One is to get Ton Jansen’s book so you can understand how this form of homeopathy works. Two is get a homeopathy kit and learn how to use it - by using homeopathy at home for acutes you can start to reduce the toxic loads (the early bird rate for my homeopathy heals course is available now and comes with 3 bonus live q&as. Link in bio )

Sending love and strength to every family on this healing journey ❤️



This brand new homeopathy MEGA kit is one of the largest homeopathy home kits you can buy. In total it includes 90 remedies. This kit is designed for home use to treat everyday acute health conditions, safely, naturally and without any side effects. Homeopathy is one of the few modalities that can be used in pregnancy and for newborns.

The kit includes:
- 90 remedies in a plastic box
- Each remedy is in a 2g glass bottle containing approximately 75 doses of 2.5mm organic sucrose pillules - NO lactose/dairy. Refills are available.

You can see the full contents of the kit here

As well as the most commonly needed single remedies, the kit includes:
- 8 combination remedies to cover symptoms such as fevers, inflammation, infections, post-surgey healing, acute anxiety, coughs, colds and flu symptoms
- 3 'nosodes' (Streptococcus, Candida and Tuberculinum)
- 4 cell salts (Mag Phos, Calc Phos, Ferrum Phos, Kali Phos)

This MEGA kit includes all the remedies featured in Lisa Strbac's new bestselling book 'The Homeopath in Your Hand. The kit is priced at £240 (approx USD$290) without the book or £260 (approx USD$315) with the book, plus shipping. Ships to the UK, USA, Canada and Australia.

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 03/12/2023

The future of medicine has arrived 💫 I bought my Healy for the homeopathy but got a whole load more than I realised. Loving the digital nutrition electroceutical programs (comes with Professional edition or as an additional subscription for lower editions). So grateful to be part of this amazing movement in health ⭐️ 🙏🏻

Photos from Introducing Homeopathy's post 01/12/2023

I can’t explain how excited I am about this new film coming April 2024! I’m on a collaboration call with the producers right now and homeopathy is going to reach the masses in 2024 ⭐️

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 01/12/2023

Reposting this because my inbox is flooded with people relaying their symptoms and requesting homeopathy help. Help is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week at the incredible . You can also get free telephone advice from and for the Uk there’s the homeopathic helpline. I have used the helpline in the past when I need input on treating my own family.

One of the reasons I created my courses was to help you empower yourselves so you can effectively treat acute health issues at home without seeing a homeopath- link to book in bio at ❤️ 💫

Photos from Lisa Strbac Homeopath LCHE & Health Coach IIN's post 28/11/2023

HiStory has been rewritten. If people could grasp the extent of this society would be horrified. As this is a homeopath page I'll keep it just to homeopathy. If ONLY TODAY'S PSYCHIATRISTS (even the holistic ones) knew about the power of homeopathy. This post is inspired by ‘scstory yesterday (see second slide) and a podcast I listened to on ‘s homeopathy hangout. The history of homeopathic psychiatry has been suppressed immensely despite its astonishing success. I am often asked whether homeopathy can help for mental health and the answer is a resounding YES - it can go as deep as some of the most extreme mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. If you want to learn more than go check out Kantor's book and his podcast on Homeopathy Hangout.

Oh and if you want to help spread the word please tag your favourite holistic psychiatrists and psychologists in the comments below. If only they knew about homeopathy... it could so easily be integrated in their practices even if it was just prescribing acute remedies like aconite, adrenaline and cortisol for panic attacks....

Videos (show all)

Love, love, love this remedy! Tuberculinum is also a miasmatic remedy but it can also be useful in some acute conditions...
There’s more than one way to skin a cat so they say… I found out about number 4 back in April 2023 and continue to LOVE ...
YOU CAN NOW DOWNLOAD MY FREE HOMEOPATHY FEVER GUIDE - it covers the most useful remedies in times of a fever. This is su...
This is my biggest ever downloaded podcast episode with the amazing @docsteve315 . I loved hearing about why, when we us...
I know how overwhelming it can be when starting out! I didn’t grow up with homeopathy and my only tool in my toolbox bef...
I was a previous sceptic of this little device. I’d seen it floating around on the gram for years but was put off by its...
Apparently the algorithm thinks you can’t cope with a clip longer than 7 seconds but it would’ve been a sin to shorten t...
Where would we be without these amazing remedies?! A must have for every household. These are the top remedies for first...
Do you want to change your life? Do you want to have access to knowledge that will enable you to treat a wide range of e...
My drinking water just got a whole new LEVEL UP! I’m still getting to grips with all the amazing things my MagHealy can ...
I’ve been wanting to do a post articulating this for a long time… honest post alert, when we take deep acting constituti...