Author Marcus Belvin
Shared insight and information on books, blogs, and other proprietary intellectual content and opinions.
Wishing every father a Happy Father's day!
If you are part of a blended family, know that your challenges are often not ones you are enduring alone. This book shares some experiential learnings from many sources to prayerfully help you and your family thrive.
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Wow...this year has flown by! And in the midst of all the challenges, there have certainly been blessings. The stories I have heard regarding blended families have been heart warming, and the hope this book has driven in others to find guidance has been a blessing.
If you haven't already, order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today, or gift a copy to someone you know, at !!!
"You will not live your stepchild as much as you will your own child!
There are many more examples, and I am sure some are unique to certain situations; not every stepdad hears the same thing. However, the psychological effect is often the same. First, you start to second guess your decision to engage in this more complicated relationship. Second, you choose to either leave the situation, or as the book covers you double-down because you know and believe in your "why"...why you love your wife and love whatever they love which most certainly includes their child. For every one that chose that path of doubling-down, I salute you. I believe it takes more commitment, and a stronger love to truly parent a child you did not bring into this world and treat them as if they are your own. It is like you chose them like you chose your wife.
The key point in this chapter is not to allow the "doubters" to move you off your mlm purpose."
-Ch 7: Weathering the Doubt of Others, "A Stepdad's Journey", of 60
Order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !!!
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"It takes a village" is a reality that helps tremendously when raising children; especially as a single parent! So as a stepparent entering into a single parent's world, it is important to get a sense for that child's village into which you are joining, and to help craft its residents accordingly to support the vision you have for their foundation for success.
Just because someone was already in their life doesn't always imply they should remain for the duration. And that holds true in general for anyone's life.
Reflect on who you have around you and who is feeding into you and vice versa on a regular basis. Your future (and the future of your blended family) literally depends upon it!
To read more about the role of a village and joining into an established one as a stepdad, order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !!!
SHERO Publishing
Doubt enters the mind from various sources and shows up in various forms. To overcome it, we have to recognize it for what it is and respond accordingly. God has not given us the spirit of fear. And certainly doesn't want us to give way to doubt when pursuing our purpose. So don't let the doubters throw you off the path of building a strong blended family!!!
To learn more about how doubt appears and can be overcome in blended families, order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !!!
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This week's quote comes from the chapter "Weathering the doubt of others". Doubt is prevalent in most people's lives, often commencing after a few unexpected outcomes as you begin to grow. But with that growth we learn there is strength to gain through overcoming the internal pushback stemming from doubt.
As a step parent, doubt often shows up to the blended family party on day 1! However, focusing on the purpose of your being there, and realizing your strength to endure comes from a source more powerful than you, helps you weather that storm of doubt and lead your family into a blessed place!
To delve more deeply into this topic, order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !!!
Residual challenges are a key part of any great achievement. Often innovators gloss over the challenges they face as they creatively resolve problems, but in hindsight there were challenges around every corner and every step of the journey. The key is that the more challenges you face and overcome, the stronger you become! There are testimonies (plural) that you now possess to encourage others with.
In blended families, this challenge aspect is no different. You will face various challenges as you encounter new situations; however the foundation you set regarding how you address those challenges often determines your success rate. For me, I use the teachings of the Bible and direction of the Holy Spirit to guide me as best I can. Additionally, there are also some key relationships you can nourish as part of your blended family village to help you surpass challenges.
To learn more, order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !!!
SHERO Publishing
Growth is always preceded by some level of 'pain'; it's where the new strength originates. Relationships are no exception. I expand upon this thought in Chapter 5 of my book, "A Stepdad's Journey".
Order your copy today at to dive into some best practices to leverage for your blended family.
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Commitment takes on an extra level of importance for a stepparent. Learn more about the first key commitment faced on the proposal day by ordering "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !
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Order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !!!
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Patience is valuable in most aspects of life. For a stepdad, it carries even more weight. Receive some targeted insight and guidance on the role it plays by ordering today at !
Patience is needed in every aspect of a person's life, but it carries a specific weight of importance for step-parents. This week's quote alludes to that, but for more insight and in-depth understanding order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !!! (Note: this Wisdom Wednesday quote is being posted on a Thursday, exemplifying the need for patience 🤔😉🤯).
Publisher: SHERO Publishing
Learn about your "protective shield"!
Order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !!!
Order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today at !!!
SHERO Publishing
Books are in! Shipments for pre-orders begin today...
If you haven't already ordered yours, "get you a look in"!
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Much like a Friday new movie premier, today I announce a New Release that's NOW AVAILABLE! Order your copy of "A Stepdad's Journey" today for yourself or as a gift to a step dad, single mom, or anyone you feel this book could be a blessing to. First shipments going out this weekend to pre-order customers!!!
Great insight on entering into a blended family from a few different couples. There are plenty of lessons to learn if we share!
Step By Step | S1 : E8 | Black Love: The Untold Stories Couples share what it was like to meet and connect with their partner's children from a previous relationship.________________________ DOWNLOAD THE BLACK LOV...
Wisdom Wednesday!!!
SHERO Publishing
Hi All. Sorry for those that visited/liked my first Author page, but I decided to delete it to create one optimized for engagement with you all. I trust you'll find the content I post here educational, enlightening, and engaging to guide you, your family, and friends through blended family scenarios based on lessons learned from a community that has experience in it!