Kate's -The Good Life -Café

Kate's -The Good Life -Café

Bringing sophrology, the French healing modality, to the USA!

A unique combination of breathing-movement & guided visualisation, sophrology helps you deal with the stresses of modern life, unlock yr inner resources & reveal your full potential.


I’ve been silent for a while.
Taking my time to go within.
I felt the need for a retreat.

Also I started a part-time job. It’s both very basic and very interesting for me.
It’s a new experience for me as I’ve always been self-employed.
I am grateful because it helps keep my income steady and to -step-by-step- build a project I have.

I’m also studying Native American Wisdom. Shamanism. I have always had an attraction to this.
When I was a little girl living in Canada, I loved reading their stories of wisdom. About the Coyote. The Raven, the Eagle…
Little did I know (at the time) that I had “Indian” blood in me. My Dad’s biological father was from Colombia..(long story, lol)

Today -in strange ways- I feel I have come “full circle” by living here -in “America”- and now am in the process of giving birth to something I don’t quite understand.
Something wants to be born.
All I can do is stay present for it.

But for now, I just want to say : Hello !

Spring Blessings from South Carolina.


May we spend less time correcting and more time connecting with ourselves and others.



I don’t know who wrote this poem but every word resonates!
How about you?


Law of Gender

The Law of Gender states there are two types of energy: masculine and feminine (also called the yin and the yang).
We’re not talking about men and women but about archetypal energy and both are within every human being.

Masculine energy is tied to practical, achieving, taking risks, establishing boundaries and doing.
Out of balance, it can take the form of control, anger, and conflict.

Feminine energy is tied to surrendering, allowing, forgiving , and just being.
Out of balance, it is vulnerable and weakened in its personal power.

Neither energy is better or worse than the other.

In order to live a fulfilling, joyful, purpose-driven life, we must achieve a balance between these two energies.

When you find a balance between the two, you’re able to live your truest, most authentic life.

Very soon we’ll talk about embracing our Divine Masculine and our Divine Feminine.
The practices we can easily incorporate into our lives to bring harmony and access our creative powers.

Stay tuned.

With love,


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"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."--The Kybalion.

The energy in the universe is like a pendulum.
Whenever something swings to the right, it must then swing to the left.
Everything in existence is involved in a dance : swaying, flowing, swinging back and forth.

Cycles are a natural part of the universe.
The law of rhythm also governs our health, relationships, and spirituality…

Take note of your inner rhythms and try to work with them instead of fighting them.
Notice when you have energy in the day. When you feel alert, focused. When you need to relax.
When you need to allow yourself to rest rather than power through.

The key is BALANCE.
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The Law Of Polarity

Everything in the universe has a polar opposite:
If there’s an up, there’s a down.
If there’s warmth, there’s cold.

One cannot exist without the other.
We cannot experience sadness without an idea of happiness.
Light cannot be experienced if we do not know what darkness is.
To feel successful, we must have a sense of what failure is. 

The key is understanding these are all two sides of the same coin.
Experiencing these polarities is part of our human experience.

How can this work for you?
We learn from our mistakes; the negative polarity teaches us a lot about what we don’t want in our life so we can gain clarity surrounding what we actually do want.
The contrast brings more clarity.  
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Things in our lives have meaning because we give them meaning.
Things are neither “good” or “bad” until we think them so. Everything just “is”.
I see lots of people making someone else wrong when they are not thinking in the same way as them.
(I do this myself at times too.)
What helps me to stop and slow down, and get a hold of judging someone else, is this Universal Law of Relativity. 
This Law tells us that everything in our physical world is made real by its relationship to something else.
Light exists because we compare it to darkness.
Hot can only exist because we compare it to cold.
If you say something costs too much, you have to be comparing it to something else, right? Compared to what? Are you getting what I’m saying?
There is way more to this Law….understanding it can be truly liberating.

It’s something I use a lot to help my clients shift their perspective on life when they feel stuck.

For now, I’ll just say that being aware of this law can help you live consciously (rather than on auto-pilot).
It can help release a lot of the judgement we pass on others, and remind us to put our focus on what truly matters and helps us.

This law helps us “give space” to ourselves and to others.

Michael Beckwith said “It is. It is what it is. Accept it. If you don’t control it, it will control you. Harvest the good. There’s good in everything. Choose to plant it. Forgive all the rest.”
Everything just is.”

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This law tells us that energy is always in motion and changing forms.

This is one of my favourites when I’m feeling especially stuck.
So far we’ve talked about the importance of energy and maintaining a high vibration.
Of course that all sounds good, but we know that life throws us curve balls that just plain suck.

This law reminds us that there’s nothing to be afraid of because energy is always in flux and better still, you have the power to transmute (change) it. 

How do we do that?

Stay tuned.

With love,


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The Law of Cause and Effect

Basically, this law can be summed up by : we reap what we sow.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Every effect has a preceding cause.

Most people think about this law in terms of purely physical actions, and don’t consider the energetic implications of cause and effect.

Ralph Waldo Emerson referred to the Law of Cause and Effect as the "law of laws". 

Every human thought, word and deed is a cause that sets off a wave of energy throughout the universe which in turn creates the effect whether desirable or undesirable. 

This is why good thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds are essential to create a better world.

Remember, right now, we’re just trying to understand how the Universe works.
In the next weeks, we’ll see how we can change our energy and start applying these laws to change our lives.

You are the creator of your life.

With love,



Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly using the Law of Attraction.

Let me tell you a story that illustrates how this law works.

In June last year, my husband and I were still living in Denver, CO.
We had decided to move to Greenville, SC in August.
We booked a week in an AirB&B to go house hunting.
A week before our trip, we started looking online for places to rent.
We spotted a place that looked pretty perfect: the place itself (a townhouse), the location, the price. We could easily imagine ourselves there and this vision filled our hearts with joy.
But the day before we left, it was no longer available.
We weren’t surprised, just a tad disappointed but we didn’t dwell on our disappointment.
Quite the opposite: the excitement and joy we had felt imagining ourselves in the townhouse stayed with us.
Once in Greenville, we made a few appointments to visit possible places.
The fist place was horrible. The energy was awful.
We drove to the second place and didn’t like the location at all.The 3rd place was in a great building but there would be nothing available before Oct.
Suddenly we were feeling quite drained.
We went back to our AirB&B.
It was only 3 PM but we had a nap and slept for about an hour.
When we woke up, we felt full of enthusiasm again; we were going to find our “home”.
We started looking online again.
Robert spotted an interesting place. He called & left a message on the answering machine.
About an hour later, he got a call back from Anthony, the property manager, who congratulated Robert on his beautiful message.
There was an immediate joyful connection.
The place was no longer available but Anthony suggested something similar and would we be interested in visiting it? He hadn’t yet put it on the market.
Well, "Hell, yes!".
He sent Robert the address. It was in the same street as the very first place we'd imagined living in while we were still in Denver!

It was in a “sister” townhouse. Better: renovated and fitted in with new appliances.
We met Anthony and his wife the following morning. They were just adorable. Genuinely friendly.
We had found our home.
To sum up how the LoA works(see comments)


The Law of Correspondence

In other words; “As above, so below”.
The Law of Correspondence states that there is a correspondence between what is going on around us and what is going on inside us.
We could say that the outer world is nothing more than a mirror of what is going on inside us.

If you are not happy with your life, it’s basically an invitation to examine your thoughts and beliefs.
A perfect illustration of this Law is found in the movie; “Groundhog Day” where the protagonist (an arrogant man who looks down on everyone in the beginning of the movie) is stuck in the same day…until he starts to change his thoughts and ways.

The Law of Correspondence is very practical in its application: you can look at any aspect of your life and what you see will be a reflection of how you think and feel about it.
Ask yourself what the situation can reveal to you about yourself, and what requires healing within.

The power to change is within you.

With love,



Understanding the 12 natural laws of the universe can help shift your perspective and approach to life.


Have you ever walked into a room and noticed the energy of the space?
Or maybe you know people who make you feel good even though they’re not “doing” anything in particular.
What you are noticing is energy, their vibration.
You can’t see it or touch it but you can certainly feel it.

The Law of Vibration states that everything (every atom, object, and living thing) is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency.
Every small particle in this cosmic realm is moving and generating energy vibrations at specific frequencies.

Take a look around you: every object you can see is emitting a certain frequency.
Some are higher frequencies and some are lower.
What are you attracted to? What makes you smile and feel happy?

Now look within.
You, too, are emitting a vibrational frequency.
The vibrational frequency you emit has a profound effect on your daily experience.

Becoming conscious of this is really important if you desire to change something about your life.
You have the power to tune your frequency to a higher vibration.

How we can change our vibration is something we’ll talk about as we discover these 12 important spiritual laws of the Universe.

Stay tuned.

This is practical spirituality.
Nothing woowoo.

It is to help you in your everyday life.


Like Newton's law of universal gravitation, there are immutable laws of the universe that govern our reality and life experience.
Understand these laws can help us shift our lives in a very powerful way.
You’ve probably already heard of the Law of Attraction.
That’s not the only law.

There are 12 laws.

The fist law is the Law of Divine Oneness
The Law of Divine Oneness states that everything and everyone is intrinsically connected as we all come from the same source.
We are like an interconnected web of energy. Everything we think, everything we do sends vibrations throughout the entire web, affecting the collective consciousness.

This foundational law of the universe is rooted in empathy and compassion.
As we gain awareness of how we are intrinsically connected to all beings, we cultivate more empathy for others.
We inherently understand that other people are no different from us.
We are all one.
“Everything that exists, seen or unseen is connected. We are divinely inseparable. There is great power in our collective mind.”


I remember studying Albert Einstein’s equation (E = mc2) in my science class when I was 18.
It was in the late 70s and I was absolutely thrilled.
I understood this to be something deeply meaningful but, alas, I seemed to be the only one in my class to feel excited about this discovery.
What does Einstein's equation tell us?
Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared : basically, this means that energy and mass (matter) are different forms of the same thing.
Right down to our very basic nature, we are made of energy-not matter.

This knowledge opens a whole new world of possibilities.

If everything in this universe is energy with its own vibration and frequency, it means that everything can be shifted.
Your body, thoughts and emotions are all energy.
They have a frequency and vibration of their own.

If you get intentional about the way you think, feel and believe, you can alter and shift your reality.
I know it may sound “woohoo” to many …

I say: try it and see for yourself.

Tomorrow we’ll start exploring the laws of the Universe.

With love,





We tend to hold a lot of tension in the face.
Especially if we are anxious or worried.
Do this simple exercise several times a day to ease the stress away.


Set reminders to-several times in the day-
Drop your shoulders
Relax your jaw
Relax your forehead
Tension leads to pain, headaches, backache…
I’ll soon be posting videos to show you quick and effective ways to release tension in your body.


A friend of mine sent me this picture, asking me if I missed Paris.
Of course I miss Paris!
It was my home for many years from 1974 to 2017.
I know Paris very well.
I usually walked from one (drama) class to another or took the bus.
I didn’t leave Paris because I didn’t like it; I loved my job and I loved my city.

Whenever I am missing Paris, I close my eyes , relax my body with a quick body scan and then imagine I am walking down a street I know.
I focus on my 5 senses.
What can I see, hear, touch, smell, taste ?
I focus on the happy sensations it gives me.
I smile as I remember the details.
Generally this is enough to make me feel totally at peace and content.
And I don’t miss Paris anymore.
Paris is in me, it breathes in me.
And I feel grateful.
📷 Peter Turnley 🙏


Found this beautiful poem while hiking the Camino de Santiago in 2019.

TO COME HOME TO YOURSELF May all that is unforgiven in you Be released. May your fears yield Their deepest tranquillities. May all that is unlived in you Blossom into a future Graced with love.
John O’Donohue


Do not let the day slip through your fingers, but live it fully now, this breath, this moment, catapulting you into full awareness. Time is precious, minutes disappearing like water into sand, unless you choose to pay attention. Since you do not know the number of your days, treat each as if it is your last.
Be that compassionate with yourself, that open and loving to others, that determined to give what is yours to give and to let in the energy and wonder of this world. Experience everything, writing, relating, eating, doing all the little necessary tasks of life as if for the first time…pushing nothing aside as unimportant. You have received these same reminders many times before, this time, take them into your soul. For if you choose to live this way, you will be rich beyond measure, grateful beyond words, and the day of your death will arrive with no regrets.
~Danna Faulds


Do you want to be right, or do you want to be connected (and happy)?

Instead of focusing on your truth and trying to convince the other that you are right, focus on the INTENTION of the communication.

Ask questions:
What does that mean to you?
How do you see this?
How does that sound to you?
How do you feel about this?

Don’t deny the other what they are feeling.
Don’t deny yourself what you are feeling.
Become curious about your feelings, your thoughts and those of the other.

You may still feel triggered.
Breathing deeply can help a lot.
So can learning to rewire your nervous system with somatic healing.

Remain open and curious. In yourself and in the other.
I know : it takes time.

You may mess up and become all angry and start shouting.
That’s OK.
You’re human.

But you will get better at it.

Take great care of yourself.
You are so deserving of love.
Of your love.


Sophrology is a holistic training program that integrates the mind and the body.

It uses very simple, quick and easy-to-do exercises that create a profound sense of physical and mental wellbeing.

Using the breath, gentle mindful movement, guided visualisation and meditation, sophrology draws on Ancient Wisdom and the latest findings of Neuroscience to rewire the nervous system.

As you go through the exercises, you develop an awareness of your body and of your mind and their interaction.

Aka Dynamic relaxation and widely used across Europe, sophrology is a path of self-awareness that leads, step by step, to greater consciousness.

It’s a powerful method that brings immediate and long-term relief to people suffering from the stresses of modern life, anxiety, burn-out, poor sleep …

It’s also used to help people develop their inner capacities (confidence, concentration…) and creativity.

It’s a holistic program that offers simple and life-long tools to help people unlock their full potential and create a life they love.

See BIO to download our free e-book.


2022 is a LOVERS YEAR according to the Tarot.

2+0+2+2=6, and 6=The Lovers

and that's about:


In these troubled times, there is nothing more important than to pull together and help each other up.
Be patient.
Be kind.
Be blessed.
Happy 2022.

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