Bad Backs R Us

Bad Backs R Us

Self Help Forum For Back and Neck Sufferers.

Timeline photos 27/05/2023

When I get confused, annoyed, or disheartened by someone’s behavior I repeat the words of Maya Angelou as my affirmation of truth:

“When people show you who they are believe them.”🌼

(People will call it "Holding grudges." I call it "I saw who you are and I'm not unseeing it."-unknown)


I have not shared an update for a while, but then again, I have NOT received any comments either!

With regard to 'recent' changes to my pain levels, and increased nerve pain, I have a noticed a clear response following periods of stress, which worsened the 'inflammatory' response.

So, for anyone already suffering medium or significant pain from recent or long term injury, REDUCE stress, or any other aspect of your life which might produce an 'inflammatory' response! This might include foods, alcohol or ANY other issues that you might as an individual be sensitive to.

As always, do what you can do, and do it as best as you can!


As nobody has responded to my posts, I presume either nobody is interested, or are perfectly well balanced physically with no bad backs etc! How the F!!! is that possible!

I will put a question out there. Who has had an operation, or invasive attempts to reduce significant pain? Were they successful, or worth the pain, effort, or further degradetion to the body?

As a sufferer from whiplash since I was 23, I have had a pretty good time of it...not! In fact it ruined my participation in cycling...that and coming to Australia as the countryside and pubs are not as nice for cycling! Lol!

Recently, ie around September last year, things got to a point whereby I lost strength in both my arms, had significant 'tennis elbow' like pain/weakness in BOTH my arms, as well as a pretty much crushing pain in both arms as well, which lasted 2 1/2 months leaving me unable to lift more than a cup of tea (or coffee) without severe pain, until I got a cervical steroid injection.

Firstly, I must strongly suggest considering this ONLY if you are suffering considerable pain, which painkillers can't remedy. It was a very painful procedure, which requires a needle being inserted very slowly, bit by bit under a CT scanner to determine the correct positioning. In my case, it then took two weeks to recover (as opposed to the few days I was advised of), as it both caused extreme headaches, and messed up my blood sugar response (so be wary if you are diabetic). I obtained info from my doctor (which was BS), other info from the internet (which was closer to the truth), but in reality, it was a very painful and short lasting experience, especially if you can't avoid any physical work in the near future.

As it has turned out in my particular case, after having cervical spondylosis for a number of years, I recently had inflamed and bulging cervical discs casuing actual nerve compression in several places, thus resulting in my lost of strength, sensation etc in my arms, which was only relieved after having said cervical steroid injection. I might still have long lasting effects for the period of nerve compression.

Unfortunately, as a result of being terminated from my new position due to being off work for just less than 3 months in the first 12 months of employment (unpaid of course), I had to return to physical work, and upset the short recovery and treatment I had...or face losing my home!

Whilst not as bad as it was prior, I still suffer a lack of strength, and severe sensitivity in my elbows, as well as considerable pain in my neck, back and everywhere else (almost like following my first injury), which the most potent of pain relief seems not to touch. I have not yet tried any wacky backy, which is supposedly good for pain relief. Mind you, when it first occurred following my collision in early 1993, about a year prior to returning to Australia, I would sink 10 pints at my local pub watching Monday night football, whereby everything else was numbed EXCEPT the pain, but I was also not being prescribed decent pain relief at the time!

It might be considered a weakness on my part, that and living alone, therefore not having anyone to keep me in check, but I blame my increased alcohol consumption on chronic pain! For years, I have complained to doctors about my increased levels of pain and discomfort, without being provided any sufficient assistance. Geez, you can say you feel long taking a long drop on a short rope and they don't bat an eyelid, but just give you a script for more painkillers! And you wonder why the Government keep making it difficult to get pain relief, the only problem, is that they make it more difficult for the people that actually need it!

Anyway, there is I believe a difference in the location of 'injuries' and the detrimental and dibilitating effects upon the body, and unfortuntely, the higher up the injury, the more effects upon the body, just ask a quad or paraplegic. Only one would rather be the other!

It is not as though I wish to complain, as I only experience pain from the top of my head to the tips of my toes...and that is not an exaggeration.

Inflammation is the biggest hurdle to overcome, and the greatest enemy of temporary or permanent injuries. As such, avoid stress if you can. Try to eat anti-inflammatory foods, such as wheat based products.

Unfortunatley for me, I am constantly stressed, suffering a so far permanent Anxiety condition does not help, and the more crap that keeps happening to me does not make it get any better.

A pre-diabetic condition with a dysfunctional insulin response also fuels the fire, which makes things even more problematic, and effects the other two conditions. I will admit, I make poor choices, and do not heed my own advice (or that of others) in respect to making changes, so I cast no judgement, instead I share my experience to help others, or for others to share their experiences and help me.

One thing is for sure, there seems to be very few medical professionals able to help, at least not without costing us all a fortune, and with very little to show for it!

Pleas feel free to comment.


Following a bicycle collision with a car in 1993, when I might add I was in my peak physical fitness as a regular and recreational cyclist, as well as running a family owned bicycle shop, I must point out the signficicant injuries I experienced as a result of what was, in general terms, a minor injury, being only 'whiplash', I unfortunately experienced very long lasting effects. If only I had known prior to settling my first claim.

For those who have not yet come across this issue, when you have had a long period of extreme to chronic pain, and present to a 'specialist' who examines you for a 'micro-second' of your life, and believes they can determine the extent of your 'injuries', well BEWARE! I almost punched out the 'specialist' who said the pain and injuries were 'in my head'.

Almost 30 years on, I still have issues, and more besides, and the ENTIRE period I have been in so much pain I would liked to have put a noose around my neck and done the Tyburn Jig! However, many of us just carry on, and in pain, self medicating with alcohol, painkillers or whatever in order to keep on keeping on, even when we feel we dont wish to.

This post is to provide an open forum for anyone dealing with, and coping with chronic pain issues.

Please share, especially if if it can help others.


For those of us who are neck and/or back sufferers, and whose needs are not being satisfied by present medical assistance.

Please feel free to share and provide self proven methods of coping with pain and discomfort for others to try, and (by multiple proven theories) assist many other sufferers present and future to live a somewhat normal and comfortable life.
