Shyam Govinda Videos

Videos by Shyam Govinda. Spirituality | Relationships | Mindset

How do we feel when our friends are successful?

While it comes naturally to extend compassion during challenging times, the measure of our virtues shines through in our response to others’ success. It’s not just about offering solace when they’re down; the real litmus test lies in experiencing genuine happiness and joy for them in moments of triumph. Being there for someone in their lows is commonplace, but true virtue emerges when we authentically celebrate another’s success. Let’s nurture this virtue within ourselves, fostering an environment where the achievements of our loved ones are as significant to us as our own, creating a shared tapestry of success and joy. #successhabits #friendshipquotes #realfriendship #friendsforlife #spiritualrevolution

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How do we feel when our friends are successful? While it comes naturally to extend compassion during challenging times, the measure of our virtues shines through in our response to others’ success. It’s not just about offering solace when they’re down; the real litmus test lies in experiencing genuine happiness and joy for them in moments of triumph. Being there for someone in their lows is commonplace, but true virtue emerges when we authentically celebrate another’s success. Let’s nurture this virtue within ourselves, fostering an environment where the achievements of our loved ones are as significant to us as our own, creating a shared tapestry of success and joy. #successhabits #friendshipquotes #realfriendship #friendsforlife #spiritualrevolution

In the realm of relationships and friendship, it’s crucial to acknowledge that intimacy is a cherished privilege, not a justification for disrespect. It serves as a reminder to treat one another with respect and kindness, preserving the trust we’ve cultivated. Let’s value these connections and nurture them with care. #Intimacy #Respect #Relationships #Trust #connection #friendship

In a world often fixated on accumulation and possession, it’s crucial to remember the profound truth that it’s not the mere possession of money, power, or knowledge that defines a person’s impact or success. Instead, it’s the art of utilising these resources with purpose, wisdom, and compassion that truly sets individuals apart. Money, in its essence, is a tool, a means to enable dreams, support causes, and improve lives. Power, when wielded with integrity, can effect positive change, uplift communities, and inspire generations. Knowledge, when shared and applied, becomes a catalyst for innovation and progress. So, let us shift our perspective from mere possession to purposeful utilisation. Let us strive not to hoard, but to share. Not to grasp, but to give. Not to hold back, but to empower. In doing so, we unlock the true potential of these assets, and in the process, we become architects of a brighter, more equitable world. #UseWithPurpose #ImpactMatters #wisdomandwealth #purposedriven #highervibration

Take note of how we feel towards other people and try to understand why we feel that way, it will tell us so much more about ourselves than it will ever tell us about them. Quite often our opinions are based on the misconceptions derived from our own conditioning, not so much the reality of who people are. #perception #healthymind #mindsetcoach #mindfulness

Share this if you resonate! Doing the right thing will result in people disliking us, it will result in people misunderstanding us, but that’s ok, the purpose of your life is not to be accepted by everyone. We have to act with integrity, for the highest good, and not everyone will appreciate how that looks for you. Act anyway! Rise above public opinion, true humility is when we look beyond ourselves, and that includes being misunderstood, stay aligned to your purpose, and act with a clear conscience. #higherpurpose #humility #purposedriven #lifepurposecoach #lifepurpose

Teaching spirituality to gain and consolidate power and fame is potentially harmful as it can be used as a means of manipulation. Spirituality is a personal and individual experience and should be approached with respect and sincerity. It’s important to teach spirituality in an authentic and respectful manner, rather than using it as a means of gaining followers or control over others. #spiritualjourney #spiritualguidance #bhaktiyoga #authenticitycoach #berealwithyourself

Save this as a reminder! Friendship develops naturally, but like with anything, it’s important to practice restraint, as our lower nature can turn something good to negative quite quickly! Here are 5 rules to look out for!

Stop letting your worries take over! Remember, the mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Don’t suffer more than you need to by believing everything you think. #mentalhealth #mindfulness #selfcare #stopworrying #dontworry

Have you ever felt let down after pouring your heart and soul into loving, assisting, or supporting someone else? It’s natural to expect that same love and support in return, but unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Don’t let the disappointment of unreturned love or support discourage you. Every act of kindness and compassion is never wasted, and it will come back to you in some way, shape or form - maybe not from the same person, but from somewhere unexpected. So, keep spreading love and kindness, and don’t give up on it. The world needs more of it, and you never know how it will come back to you. Remember, love always returns, but not always from the place we invested it. ❤️✨ #spreadlove #kindnessmatters #nevergiveup

✨ Navigating Confidence and Arrogance ✨ There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. “I can do it” - is confidence “Only I can do it” - is arrogance. #confidence #selfdevelopment #motivation

The Bhagavad Gita 2.13 stresses the importance of remaining sober about the changing of our bodies, not just in this life but through to the next. Just observe how we always feel 16 inside but can’t stop the body from aging. The Bhagavad Gita explains that just how the soul transmigrates in different bodies in this life from childhood to youth to old age, it passes into a new body at death. Bhagavad Gita 2.13 dehino ’smin yathā dehe kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā tathā dehāntara-prāptir dhīras tatra na muhyati As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change. . . . . . #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaquotes #bhagavadgitachanting #reincarnation #soul

Growth also means outgrowing the relationships which are not happy to see you level up. #growthmindset #growth

Before you go looking for love, remember these 5 things! . . . . . #love #loveyourself #lovelife #lovequotes #healing #healingcrystals #healingenergy #bhaktiyoga #healingjourney #bhakti #healingpower #healinghearts #india #healingvibes #healingprocess #healings #healingtime #healingspace #HealingVibrations #selflove #selfloveisthebestlove #selfloveclub #selflovequotes #selflovejourney #selflovesunday #selflovefirst #selflover #SelfLoveWarrior #selflovecoach

5 reasons why ALL THAT PRESSURE you’re putting on yourself to achieve more might not be good for you. . . . . . #success #achieve #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #happinessproject #healyourself #innerjourney #bekindtoyourself

Social media and thr false ego
Social media is a brilliant tool but if used in an unhealthy way it affects our mental health in ways we cannot even imagine. The trauma and mental instability created by toxic social media habits is something we can avoid, provided we invest in habits that help us elevate our relationship with social media. Photo credit: Unknown

One of the most liberating breakthroughs we can make is to accept we don’t have the answer to everything, and embrace it. It enables us to live without having something to prove; helps us to be open to learn, and manifests the courage to be ourselves completely.

Growth doesn’t just change us internally, it also makes a lasting impact on where and who we invest our time with. Internal reflection should be our focus and as a result of that reflection we can align ourselves accordingly.

Build the confidence to be yourself and have faith that the right people will enter your life and love you for who you are. Trying to fit in by being someone you’re not will never satisfy your heart.

It’s easy to get sold this idea of an end goal which has us sitting back, relaxing and enjoying the fruits of our endeavour. That idea is a false one, because it doesn’t provide the fulfilment we think it will. We are built to serve, and that’s the way to finding contentment in our lives.

Everyone has their own path, follow it, don’t focus on what others are doing, walk the one meant for you. Look what happens when everyone stays in their own lane.