Soul Alchemy For Women

Soul Alchemy For Women

We are energetic vibrating beings sending out our energy to the universe and attracting back the frequency that we are vibrating on.

We offer workshops, energetic and crystal healings, and clairvoyant readings to support a vibrant energetic field.


If I could start again, go back all those years.
I would inhabit the hidden part of me, the part I had put away to be approved of, liked & supposedly safe.

I would let her fill my skin, let her voice roar & her truth echo through the bones of life.

I would let her feet run for safety, her energy throw down boundaries & her words call in the wolves & witches.

I would back her, not hide her, I would love her, not shame her.

I would be completely her, for I know now, she was my compass, my truth, my wild.

~ Brigit Anna McNeill

Art by Debra Bernier



Mobile uploads 21/06/2022

What a delightful sentiment for the I am planting undercover as there are cold showers🌷


I feel like some parts of my life are a product of this....

When children are raised in environments where they’re always achieving, producing, competing— when they’re always “going” they enter into fight or flight.

Parents are also within fight or flight. Unable to be present. Always overwhelmed. Parents also need to be at work, get their kids where they need to go, + deal with all the things life naturally throws at them at the same time.

What happens? Stress hormones like cortisol + adrenaline are released into children’s bodies. And we now know that this (over time) structurally changes the brains of children.

Am I surprised that ADHD rates are skyrocketing? No, I’m not. Our environment shapes our brains + nervous systems.

Here are some things I believe we can do to support a more *emotionally healthy* society (much of this means a flexible, adaptive nervous system)

1. MORE STILLNESS: more time for children to just be. You know how when you get rest time your mind tends to not even *let* you rest? This is the result of a hypervigilant nervous system. We need to prime children’s nervous systems to be flexible + healthy. Open to rest. SAFE in rest.

2. PLAY: Without it being judged, scored, + without giving participation trophies. Pure, unstructured play without an end result.

3. LESS FOCUS ON ACHIEVEMENT MORE FOCUS ON UNFOLDING CHILDREN’S NATURAL GIFTS. Lack of purpose + meaning is directly connected to depression + anxiety.

4. EMOTIONAL EDUCATION: education on healthy family dynamics, emotional intelligence, + nervous system awareness. Note: this education would lead us to an entire upheaval of current systems.

5. RELATIONAL EDUCATION: relationships create our wellness (or lack of it.) Focus on healthy, safe, secure attachment education so children can create healthy families as adults (even if they are born into dysfunctional family systems)

6. COMMUNITY SERVICE: collaboration + community connection helps children to understand we are all connected. It also allows them to be exposed to marginalized people or others who are “different” to them. Meeting + connecting with people who are different than us is key in tolerance + empathy building

The Holistic Psychologist


Love this.....sometimes I need to find time to take a breath

You are enough 🤎


This makes my heart sing today....


Beautiful 🌈

Timeline photos 19/01/2022

Christmas blessings to you. May you be safe and feel loved at this time of year.


My thoughts today are focused on what I want to experience

Timeline photos 28/11/2021

Humanity is going to start living longer for a number of reasons. There will come a day when quantum energy can be used for amazing life extension and healing. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Excerpt from The New Human⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The Evolution of Humanity⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


This suits me as a way of living

Amen to that!


We are all rising above the odds in so many ways every day.


I could not put this better. Joy is something i can let slip away from me when tasks take over.



Today I choose to love the world and to receive love from the world in abundance


At times we may feel broken. Our strength comes in the action we take to heal


See and feel the gift in every experience. Truly hold in your heart the belief that the universe supports you


Nature is the basis of all life and economic activity. This is immutable


Let humans unite as one family. To do otherwise is a human scale autoimmune disease.


Is what your observing creating your thoughts and vibrations?
Can you say that you are in the driving seat today?


Allow what is to enfold you.
Release the past
Be at peace today


You don't always need a plan.
Breathe , trust, let go.
And let magic happen.


Allow your mind to be limitless by letting go of the feeling of should


Welcome we are here to work together to heal and create in a safe environment


Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 19:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 19:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 19:30
Thursday 09:30 - 19:30
Friday 09:30 - 19:30
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00