Pot and Torch Gospel Ministry

Pot and Torch Gospel Ministry

A name inspired by Genesis 15, Pot and Torch will strive to bring you relevant information for your

Photos from Pot and Torch Gospel Ministry's post 20/06/2023

New tracts!

Photos from Pot and Torch Gospel Ministry's post 09/06/2023

Working on another tract. Feedback would be very much appreciated!

Photos from Pot and Torch Gospel Ministry's post 09/06/2023

Another tract Glen Harnish and I are putting the finishing touches on.

Photos from Pot and Torch Gospel Ministry's post 08/06/2023

Putting the finishing touches on this tract. If you want a couple let me know, and I'll let you know when they are done printing.


Christianity is exclusive because salvation is exclusive. It is only found in Jesus. Not the Jesus people make up, but the historical Jesus of the Bible. The Son of God who came to earth to live the perfect life we were required to live and then to die for us, thus paying the penalty we deserved. Jesus - No Other Savior.


There is a Drag event happening in a nearby town. David is planning on praying and handing out tracts with a couple other people at a location across from the event. Pray for them as they hand out tracts. Pray for wisdom, clarity and increased love as they share the gospel. Pray for those who grab a tract that they will read it and the truth would pe*****te their hearts. May God be glorified! 🙏


God's instructions are clear. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children. When they wake up, as they go through the day, and as they go to bed, we are to continually instruct them about God and what He requires of us. We can do this in many ways, such as reading the bible together during family devotions, catechism, listening to solid scripture rich songs, going on walks and pointing out how different things point to God, and lots of other ways!

What are some ways you teach your children about God?


It's Sunday, the day that we as Christians gather together to worship God. It's a time of equipping and encouraging through songs, preaching, and prayer that is focused on God and stems from His Word.

Since the beginning, these times of gatherings have always included the whole family - children and adults. Children learn best through imitation. What better way is there to show how good and great God is than by lovingly worshipping God infront of them?


"There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it.” (Acts 4:12)

A big thank you to everyone who voted. This one was the winner! We will be doing a preorder for it in June, so keep checking back for updates on that! All proceeds will go back into making gospel tracts, stickers, and t-shirts.

Photos from Pot and Torch Gospel Ministry's post 24/05/2023

We are planning on doing a preorder next month and we need your help! We can't decide between these two shirt designs. Both of them are inspired by one of our stickers.

Follow the instructions and let us know which one you like.


The church is the original fringe minority, holding unacceptable views (by the world's standard) since the beginning of its formation. Are you a member?

How do you become a member? Jesus said, "Repent and believe." Repentance is a turning to Jesus from sin, and belief is not merely intellectual assent but trust. Trusting Jesus alone to save you from the judgment to come because of your sin. It is to trust that His saving work on the cross is enough to forgive you of your sin.

Want to know more? We are here to chat!


Be Bold!


For different reasons, one of the challanges when talking to New Agers about Jesus, is clearly articulating the exclusivity of Christ. At one vendor event we shared this Bible verse, and the individual spun the verse to refer to herself and all people. In her understanding, the words "I am" refer to self. It's the teaching of the Cosmic Christ that Richard Rhor teaches and many New Agers embrace. They deny the exclusivity of Jesus as the ONLY way of Salvation.

We need to be prepared to have conversations like this. Read your Bible and be familiar with grammar.


"Is that a sticker?!", David's daughter says with delight each time she sees one of our stickers. Her two favorites are "Love Your Unborn Neighbour" and "Teach Your Children." Which one do you like?

If you are considering purchasing any, you can always mix and match! 😀

*All proceeds go back into making more stickers and tracts that we pass out.


If you're alive today, thank your mom. Happy Mother's Day!


"That's a baby!", David's daughter always says as she sees this sticker. It's one of her favorites. He has used this sticker to lay a foundational truth that life begins in the womb. You can get your sticker by going to our online store at potandtorch.com.

Pot & Torch 12/05/2023

Things are happening behind the scenes here. The store is up and running! We have a number of gospel and faith-based stickers that you can order. Go to potandtorch.com and click on store, then stickers, and take a look at the ones we have. Please consider buying a couple. All profits will go into making more stickers and tracts to pass out at vendor events. May the gospel advance and God be glorified.

Pot & Torch " For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures..."


The newest sticker in our collection. God has given us a sacred duty to teach our children. Now everytime I drink my coffee I'm reminded of this wonderful blessing.

Do you want any of the stickers that we have shown? We are planning on opening an online store where you can buy them. All proceeds will be put back into the ministry allowing us to continue being at vendor events throughout the year.


We were given a box and a half of New Testaments yesterday. We are so grateful to those who are supporting us and we can't wait to hand these NT's out to those who want a copy! Soli Deo Gloria.


Today is another day that we have the opportunity to present the gospel to those who are interested in chatting about it and hearing the good news of salvation.

Prayer from all the believers of Christ is requested. Pray that God will be glorified. These vessels of flesh and sin made righteous in His eyes will attempt to be ready to present the only truth one can hinge eternity on.


Tomorrow is the beginning of, what we are praying will be many more events we visit with our table and the gospel message.

This event is called a Spiritual Expo. It will have many vendors including practitioners of different spiritual activities such as fortune telling, readings, spell making etc.

We are not attending this event with a heart of pride or arrogance, but of humbleness, realizing we are the least of the saints.

We just want to let those who are already aware of the spiritual realm that there is one who is called the Sovereign of Sovereign the ruler of all things on and above the earth. That the one we serve is the ruler of all things, including all things in the spiritual realm.

We will have a table with small tracts and stickers on them. They will be free for the taking, and we will be available to anyone who wishes to talk about our Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega, the author of our faith.


Another sticker that will be available at the markets we attend.

Be wise with your time. If not a christian, please remember; time is short. Will you trust Him today? If a christian, how are you using your time for the Lord?


In the next few days we will display the stickers and then the tracts that we will begin our ministry with. We will have a site launched soon where you can order some of these stickers and tracts if interested. To God be the glory.


After noticing a need for the gospel message in a certain area of our society. Glen and David prayed about and discussed the idea of forming our own program and going out to reach souls who need to hear about the love of Christ.

We decided to use this name and platform. Our business card sized tracts and stickers are starting to roll in now. Our first event we are attending is April 1st.

We would appreciate all your prayers as we begin this ministry together. We simply spread His word. Growth is of the Lord.


We didn't intend to lie to you last week, but since the episode announcement a lot has happened.

I feel a strong pull from my Saviour into another ministry direction. I've ignored this prompting in the past and can no longer.

I'll reveal more shortly, but it has to do with children, the outdoors and the gospel.

Thank you so much for listening and I hope to make my presence again soon on other podcasts and the updated platform that will be released soon.

Prayers are always appreciated. For now this is paused.



When struggling with the behaviour of your children, this sometimes can be hard to remember.

It's worth reminding ourselves that it's times like this when God's word is most true. That we are to instruct them in the ways of the Lord.

Then there are moments you are reminded of these verses, smile and may get a tiny bit emotional on your way to work.

My little girl woke up early this morning and had the opportunity to see me off. When this happens she always wants to wave to me out her bedroom window.

This morning I was slow leaving because of ice on my windshield. While dealing with this, I noticed her banging hard on her window and crying, trying to tell me something.

I run into the house to see what's wrong and she quickly tells me she needs the washroom and please don't leave until she's done.

I wait and we part ways, a little girl now smiling.

The panic in this little girl's face, afraid her dad would leave before she did what she had to do, was moving.

It reminded this dad of the value he has in the eyes of his children, and a renewal on a Monday morning to train them up in the way they should go.

Dads and Moms, be honoured with the children God has blessed you with. Even on the bad days, are the days we can use the opportunity to put our instructions from God into work.


Something to ponder.

In 1978 Gilbert Baker created the Gay pride flag. Unlike God's rainbow, the gay pride flag had 6 colours (originally 8)

During gay pride month here, these benches popped up everywhere. I noticed quickly though that the colours were of the real rainbow, God's rainbow, with seven colours.

I'd like to thank whoever painted these across the area I love in, for painting a symbol of God's love. A bench with the 7 colours of the rainbow.


Is Tertullian correct? Next Wednesday I'll do some digging to see. These episodes aren't planned and recorded with the desire to offend anyone. The hope is to challenge accepted beliefs and cause us to pause for a moment and think.


A hymn from the late William Kelly. A great man of God who lived from 1821-1906.

William refused opportunities to go to a christian school. Refusing any type of recognition or class within the church, which is God's people.

Mr. Kelly over the years grew in his knowledge of God's word, gaining a firm grasp on the Greek language.

These words from this hymn display the power of God so well.

He has forgiven all our sin, brought us near to Christ and His love can cast out all fear.


A few days ago I had an individual kindly (he's a nice guy) tell me my timeline on Jesus was wrong. That He was not before Abraham. He did not appear on the scene until the New Testament times.

A social media post cannot explain properly the implication of Jesus' words here, but they were powerful enough for the Jews to want to stone Him for blasphemy when He used the term.

They knew what He was saying. That He is God, and always in existence. Do you?


Story behind this image:

Most in this picture wouldn't profess to know Jesus as their Saviour, but they understand the proverb found in this image.

This is a small group of individuals in a small community who have organized to watch out for each other. The group is growing and the bonds are strengthening. They feel this fall and winter could be hard for some folks with rising prices and want to help.

My question to you as a Christian reading this. Are you thinking in the same way? We should be even more determined to help as we look at what we have been rescued from. A judgment we deserved, yet have been forgiven and rescued from it. Such love that has been shown to us, are we now showing it in return to others in many ways? From open doors, to food, shelter and the gospel?

The cold weather is coming, are you ready for another winter and rising prices? If so, are we prepared to help others who couldn't get ready?

In the next coming weeks I'll have one of the organizers of this movement on my podcast to hear what he has to say about this movement. As I learn when he can sit down with me, I'll let you know.

Photos from Pot and Torch Gospel Ministry's post 23/09/2022

Storm chips! Get your storm chips!

I had a comical interaction with folks at my local Walmart last night. It made me chuckle, but after watching so many people have their tiny panic over the coming storm here in Nova Scotia, I have to ask.

Are you anchored to handle the storm of life? When you cross over into eternity, will you land in a place of judgment or the land of forgiven souls?


Where one spends most of their time, that's what they usually become like.

Stand strong and pull your children away from this corrupt system. It's not always easy, but it's possible.


Ambassadors for a heavenly home. Soldiers for the king of Kings. A servant of but one master.


While on a job site one day I saw this sign above an employee door. I never had the opportunity to ask the context of it, but it reminded me of Ephesians 4 where the Apostle Paul speaks of one faith.

I don't know what these employees were being told to believe in, but what I do know is that there is only one saving faith. There is only one person you can believe in to have eternal salvation.

People put their faith in many things on a daily basis, from the car they drive to the chairs they set in. But so few think of what happens after death. An event that could happen to anyone at any time.

Do you believe in what Jesus did at Calvary? Do you believe it was done for you? That's the only living faith there is. It's the only thing worth believing in. The redeeming, forgiving, rescuing work of Calvary.


The collaborated episode between Pot and Torch and is now live.

Thank you David for the opportunity to join forces and share an episode. Stay tuned for the next episode from me and also from Church Awake.


This is applicable to the Christians today too! Praise Yahweh! Amen. ... Enough said.


Kindness to the poor doesn't look like what you see on social media. Give as if you're giving to the Lord. Don't give just to drive up your YouTube subscribers.

There's a number of passages in scripture that tell us to help the less fortunate. It doesn't tell us to not help if that person smokes or has a habit you disagree with. When we think like this we have forgotten our state before Christ saved us. We forget that we are called righteous now only because of Christ.
