Aabi Vel

Aabi Vel

Tired of feeling like you have to do more or be more? Ready to stop living on autopilot?

Well I can help you reduce the stress and start experiencing your life again by teaching you mindset shifts to nurture self-love, grounding techniques to discover calm, and help you re-connect with the activities that nourish your soul. If you're ready to stop hustling and start living, schedule a next step call with me today!

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 06/07/2023

I used to think that I had to finish my responsibilities before I could get around to spending my time the way I wanted to. That meant engaging online, creating content, working on my offer, running errands, and doing house chores first. But by the end of the day I realized I’d be too tired or there would be no sun left for me to enjoy the day😢 The more I fell into this pattern the more resentful I started to feel towards my business and just being an adult with responsibilities in general. I didn’t get how people had the time to do what they wanted and still complete the things they needed to.

And that’s when I decided to take a page out of my husband’s book and seize the day! My husband has always been really good at making time for what he enjoys, whether that’s riding his bike, going out with friends, or playing games. So I figured why not make the time to do what I wanted and allow myself to enjoy it without feeling guilty. And you know what I learned? Making the time to start or end the day doing something I was looking forward to actually helped me feel motivated and energized to do the things I felt obligated to do. I realized taking some time for myself each day wasn’t an option but a necessity, it’s something I needed to prioritize in order to make time for the things I wanted to do like folding the laundry or writing posts!

If this resonates with you and you want to learn how to change your mindset so you’re able to make time for the things you love while running your business, then DM me ‘YES’ to see if my strategy call can help!🤗

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 17/06/2023

May was straight up a mess. The house was a mess, my schedule was a mess, and I was the biggest mess of all. I had all these plans of how to move my business forward in May. But my brain couldn’t handle trying to balance all of the things. I was on the edge of burnout. But because I recognized these signs, instead of forcing myself to do everything and live up to all these unrealistic expectations I set for last month, I gave myself the permission to let it go❄️ I let go of trying to keep up with the dishes, trying to balance work with my business, and trying to have all my s**t together. Instead I just let myself take it day by day. I rested when I felt overwhelmed and did little things when I had some time or energy. And being a bridesmaid in 2 different May weddings, I decided to embrace my temporarily upside down schedule by being present for my friends during such an important time of their lives. And honestly, I didn’t regret taking the business break one bit. If anything it helped me remember why I even started this in the first place! To encourage others to make time for the things and people they enjoy without feeling guilty. If you also want to learn how to change your mindset so you’re able to make time for the things you love while running your business, then DM me to see if my strategy call can help you!🤗


Photos from Aabi Vel's post 26/04/2023

Freedom and flexibility are the main reasons most of us start entrepreneurship. The freedom to do whatever we want, and the flexibility to do it whenever we want. But naturally when you start your own business, you become invested it’s growth and success. And if you’re not careful it becomes personal. Soon all you can think about is your business. You wake up already feeling behind on the day and you go to bed feeling unaccomplished. Before you know it you’re no longer working to support your lifestyle, your lifestyle has become your work. Slowly you lose the freedom to say yes to play, and lose the flexibility to say no to work. And over time you become burnt-out, stressed, and even a little resentful of what you’ve built😥

So what can you do? Well the first course of action is to address the underlying fears you have about being being an entrepreneur, so you can stop being scared of taking a break and start enjoying your life again!

If you’re ready to start putting yourself first then DM me ‘YES’ and have me be your Biz Burnout Bestie! For $150 you get: 1 call to address how your business self talk is sabotaging your personal time, you’ll learn strategies to tackle your self-doubt, and have 5 days of IG DM support (Mon-Fri) to ask any questions you have as you practice these techniques. This is a limited time offer so DM ‘YES’ to get started while spots are still available!

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 17/04/2023

Do you every just feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to do to run your business and keep it going? As a solopreneur it’s a lot! You’re in charge of creating all the content, thinking of the marketing, building out life changing offers, engaging with clients! And on top of all that you’re expected to do it consistently and frequently. In today’s world it feels like you’re expected to show up every hour of everyday 😵‍💫

But the thing we forget to consider is we’re humans, we’re not robots. We all got into being online coaches or entrepreneurs for different reasons. We have different strengths and different skillsets so some parts of working on your business will come easier than others aspects. Naturally that means you’re going to feel frustrated, confused, stressed, or lost a LOT of the time. And if we don’t deal with those feelings then it either leads to us working ourselves to the bone until we’ve lost who we are to our business OR it means we avoid taking steps forward in our business because the fear of not being enough to be an entrepreneur kicks in. I’ve been on both sides myself😪

So what do we do? If we want to be consistent and be in this online business space long term we need to start with addressing our mindset. So next time you feel like running away or feel like you’ve just had enough with your business, try out these tips and see if they help!

And if you want more 1 on 1 help to address the root cause of YOUR burnout and want to learn strategies to save you months of overworking or avoiding your business, DM me ‘YES’ to join Biz Burnout Bestie for just $150!


Photos from Aabi Vel's post 09/04/2023

As coaches and solopreneurs most of our time, thoughts, and energy revolve around our business. Even when we’re not working we’re worried about what needs to get done, when we’re going to reply to those DMs, or when we’ll have time to create or work on the backend processes. So taking a break, stepping away, or dedicating time and space to actually think about anything else seems impossible. Yet when we don’t take the time to unwind, to enjoy, to rest, to live, we don’t just neglect our needs but we unknowingly hurt our business too. We are less inspired, less focused, more irritated and resentful. Not all at once, and not right away. But over time the more we ignore what we need the more we lose the drive to keep up.

So what do we do? The obvious answer seems to be “just take a break!” But when you’re passionate about the business you’ve built it’s not as easy to step away. You think about all the things that can go wrong and before you know it you’re cancelling another plan because you’d rather be safe than sorry.

But if you’re tired of feeling stuck and ready to start putting yourself first then DM ‘YES’ and have me be your Biz Burnout Bestie!

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 27/03/2023

It’s so easy to take things for granted. We can get so caught up in work and our personal responsibilities that we forget to take in and enjoy what’s around us. But why is that important? Because life is about more than just “success” or keeping “busy,” it’s also about the experience.

Don’t believe me? If I say “I’ve done a lot today but there’s still lots of work that I haven’t even gotten to,” how does that make you feel? How about when I say “I got to work by the flower garden today with the cool breeze and warm sun beaming down on me,” how do you feel then? When we pay attention to our experience it helps us connect with our emotions and that gives us the knowledge to understand what experiences can increase our stress or calm us down.

So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed I encourage you to take some time to do an activity you enjoy and really be in the moment. Admire what’s around you, and when you’re done see how you feel afterwards!

Need more 1 on 1 support to manage or prevent burnout? DM me and let’s chat!☺️

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 23/03/2023

Lately I’ve been craving all the little things. Quiet morning meditations. Ending the day with a clean kitchen. Laying with my dog in his bed. Curling up in the corner of the sofa to watch reality tv. It all sounds like a dream to me now, except once upon a time that used to be my life!

The thing about life is, it’s constantly changing. And for a lot of us, work takes up most of our time, energy, and mental bandwidth. What’s important to remember is there’s always going to be more work to do, but your time on 🌍 is limited.

So what do you do when you have no time but you want to prioritize your life again? Make a miss list and start with just 1 thing you want to add back in to your life!

Comment below and let me know what’s on your miss list! And if you need more 1 on 1 help with preventing or managing burnout DM me and let’s chat! 🤗

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 23/01/2023

This phenomenon is actually a thing known as SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or seasonal depression, and it’s thought to be largely related to the lack of sunlight in winter months. I mean it makes sense if you think about it. Remember that alot of the things we normally do to feel better like being outside, socializing, or being active, is usually harder to enjoy in the winter compared to summer months. So let’s start with managing our expectations. I mean how would you expect someone to feel if you told them they were going to live on an island where they can’t go outside much, it’s cold almost all day, it gets dark by 4pm, and it’s a losing bet to expect the sun to show up on most days. I don’t think they’d be thrilled 🤷🏽‍♀️

So what can you do? Start with being more mindful of what’s going on for you. Take stock of your thoughts and behaviours, what’s been serving you and what hasn’t. Do more of what’s been working and less of what hasn’t!

And if you’re an online coach and want to learn a step by step process to minimize burnout and overwhelm so you can enjoy your life and still work on your business, then DM me ‘COACH’ and let’s chat🥳

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 22/01/2023

I remember going to a tutor for physics, and I absolutely hated it. It made me feel dumb, I didn’t understand any of the concepts we were learning, and the tutor did little to help me. So eventually I convinced my parents to let me quit. And you know what that tutor told me when I gave him the news? He told me I was a quitter. That happened when I was 16. I’m 28 now, and for the majority of my adult life up until now, I believed I was a quitter. Someone who couldn’t stick to or follow through with a commitment, a job, a hobby, or a dream. That’s what I believed about myself. Except what I failed to realize was, what I thought about myself was contradictory to my own life experience. Sure there were times where I quit things. But there were also times I didn’t. I’ve completed puzzles, graduated from schools, finished entire series of shows, stuck to jobs for years at a time, been in a relationship for 9+ years, and now I’ve committed to this business.

This was a man who knew me in one context, who I saw once a week for an hour for 1-2 months, who interacted with me for maybe 5 minutes each class. I believed a man who essentially, barely knew me. And it only took him seconds to utter words that left years of impact. And yet I never questioned why he may have said that. His business was tutoring. If someone quit, he lost money. If he convinced me not to quit, he would have more money. He could have said those words not in reflection of who I was, but due to the actions I had taken. But instead I blindly believed he knew me and had definitively assessed my character.

That is the power of words. The power of unhelpful thoughts. And most of us tend to believe those unhelpful thoughts with blind certainty. Without taking the time to question them.

As an online solopreneur if you believe every doubt, limiting, or unhelpful belief about yourself, you know how detrimental this can be to your business. So if you want to avoid years of self-sabotage, are ready to prioritize your wellbeing, and need to prevent business burnout, then DM me ‘COACH’ and let’s get started📲

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 18/01/2023

Hustle culture is dangerous because it makes us feel guilty for resting, enjoying ourselves, and essentially living our lives! Instead we’re told to fill every part of our day, to be productive, to accomplish the most, to be the best, because that’s what makes us worthy. And if you inevitably fail, then you’re not good enough. But who’s the one arbitrarily making these rules? Who decides that the only way to be good enough is to hustle harder and sleep when we’re dead? And what are we trying to be worthy of? I don’t know about you, but last time I checked I’m the one in charge of my own life. And I want to enjoy it! I want to make time to walk in nature, to be silly with my dog, to hang out with my friends, to be there for my family, to do things that nourish my soul, to be creative, to relax, and yes, to even sleep. And we shouldn’t be made to feel bad or guilty for it! Sure accomplishment is important, but we get to define what makes us feel accomplished. We get to decide what makes us feel good and what fulfills our sense of purpose. So next time you notice you’re feeling down about not enough done, remember you get to decide when to stop, when to rest, and what “enough” is.

As an online solopreneur it’s so important to be able to set boundaries with your business and stop feeding into the comparison game, otherwise you’ll burnout before you even get started! So if you’re ready to get serious about putting yourself first to prevent business burnout then DM me ‘COACH’ and let’s chat!☺️

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 16/01/2023

You might be wondering why internal chaos is such a big deal? I mean if most of us go through it isn’t it normal, isn’t it something we just have to put up with? Well yeah you’re right it is really common, but just because something is common doesn’t mean it’s not a problem. Internal chaos is unhelpful for lots of reasons: it diminishes our ability to focus or be productive, it fragments our thought processes, and it elevates our sense of stress or overwhelm. As an online coach or solopreneur you know how detrimental this is when it comes to getting things done. Tasks and decisions that should take minutes take hours to do. It gets in the way of creating content, connecting with your audience, and running the backend of your business. And if this goes unchecked for long enough eventually it’ll lead to burnout. That’s why being mindful is so important. Mindfulness allows us to manage the everyday internal chaos. When we learn to pay attention to what’s going on for us, and we learn what we need to support ourselves in moments of stress, we learn to prevent burnout.

If you’re ready to protect your wellbeing and learn how to prevent business burnout then DM me ‘COACH’ to get started!

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 12/01/2023

The concept of mindfulness used to seem so abstract to me. I didn’t understand what it was supposed to do, or how it was supposed to feel. I used to think mindfulness only applied to meditation or yoga. But through learning more about it I realized mindfulness, being mindful, having a mindfulness practice, all boiled down to the same thing - living your life! That’s it, that’s what it is. Seems easy enough right? Well the reason being mindful is so tough is because in today’s world we’re all taught it’s a good thing to be busy, and if you’re not busy then you’re not doing enough. So we add multitasking as a strength to our resumes, we pack our days to eliminate any free time in fear of being lazy, and we even divide our attention between all forms of media to simultaneously consume as much as we can and none of it. The downsides - well there’s a lot. But to name a few: it impacts our concentration, it overworks our brains, it leaves little room for true lasting enjoyment, and when we inevitably can’t keep up we think we’re the problem. But in reality it’s not our fault, it’s just not possible to keep up with all of it for a long period of time without eventually burning out. Plus it takes time and effort to restructure our habits and brains to learn to enjoy, experience, and focus on things again.

If you’re an online coach and you’re sick of overloading you’re plate with all the things to keep up with hustle culture, and instead want to enjoy having a work life balance again, then DM me ‘COACH’ to get started✨

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 10/01/2023

I used to wakeup most mornings feeling so anxious about getting started on my business and I didn’t understand why. I would go through the motions of the day feeling guilty and stressed even though there was no “reason” to feel this way. Except reflecting on it now, there was a reason! I would wakeup, look at everyone else’s pages on Instagram and immediately feel behind. I thought about what my life was “supposed” to look like, all the things I hadn’t done that I said I was going to do, and what I “should” have been doing or “could” have been doing but wasn’t. And I did all this spiralling before 8am. No wonder I woke up everyday overwhelmed and riddled with self-doubt! But what I learned was the more I ignored my thinking patterns, the more I avoided what I really wanted to do and the more I was stuck in inaction. So instead I decided to make a change and tune into my thoughts using mindfulness. I learned to recognize and let go of my limiting beliefs and release the unhealthy expectations, so I could move on with my day and keep taking little steps forward in my business and with my wellbeing. If you would also like to learn how to prioritize your wellbeing while working on your business to prevent burnout, and you feel ready to put in the work, then DM me ‘COACH’ to get started!

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 08/01/2023

After working from home for hours on end my thoughts were running a mile a minute, while simultaneously not making any sense at all. My mind was scrambled and I couldn’t stand the thought of staring at my screen for any longer. Clearly I needed a break.

On the one hand, I thought if I took a break then I wasn’t doing what I needed to get done and I’d be even more behind at work. On the other hand, I knew if I didn’t step away I wasn’t going to get anything accomplished being in the mental state I was in, and I would still end up behind. I felt stuck, overwhelmed, at a loss. My mind felt chaotic and I didn’t know what to do. But after taking a moment to just be still and enjoy time with my cat, you know what I realized? I didn’t regret taking a break, and it didn’t take away from my productivity. If anything I ended up being more productive! After my break I regained some mental clarity and energy, which helped me re-focus on work and complete what I needed to get done. And to think, all I had to do was take some time to take care of myself and prioritize my needs first!

If you’re a burnt out online coach who’s ready to reduce their stress and prevent burnout using mindfulness, DM me ‘COACH’ to work together 1 on 1!

Photos from Aabi Vel's post 07/01/2023

When I’m not taking care of my needs and I continue to ignore my feelings by trying to “push” or “power” through them instead of dealing with what’s really going on, the feelings don’t go away like I hope. If anything I end up feeling worse. I start to dread waking up because it means I have to finally tackle everything that’s piled up, then I avoid all of it because I’m at a loss of where to begin, so I go to bed feeling like a failure for not accomplishing what I said I would and worrying about all the things I need to get done the next day. And the cycle repeats…but it doesn’t have to! Through mindfulness I’ve learned that tuning into my feelings has been a powerful indicator in telling me what I need to do to show up for myself so I can get work done, but also enjoy my life again. It hasn’t always been easy and there have definitely been setbacks, but that’s a part of life! The important part is whether you’re willing to try again and make a different choice the next day, hour, or moment. If you’re a burnt out online entrepreneur who’s ready to make a change and put themselves first but don’t know where to start, DM me ‘COACH’ if you’d like 1 on 1 support to help you set boundaries in your business and prioritize your own needs using mindfulness!
