Lloyd E. Wesley Jr. Author

Lloyd E. Wesley Jr. Author

Lloyd E. Wesley Jr. offers you his book, Guard Your Heart, which encapsulates the teaching and God "


Don't miss out on the resources available here: https://www.guardyourheart.life


Friends, what is one thing that has stood out to you so far as you have read Pastor Lloyd's book?


Jesus has guaranteed us that we will experience trouble or go through tribulation in this world (John 16:33). He has NOT promised a pain free life. However, He has promised to never leave us or forsake us; to be by our side the whole way, but how will we receive His help? How will we persevere; know what choices to make? How will we be aware of His presence and hear His voice? We must be equipped for this journey. Pastor Wesley answers your questions and lays a foundation for being an overcomer in his new book, "Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life." Get your copy today at www.guardyourheart.life.


Pastor Lloyd has provided great free resources and tools for you at the link below. Check them out!

Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life 16/08/2020

Available for purchase now!!

Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life


Available Now!


This is ROOTED Publishing, posting on behalf of Lloyd E. Wesley... Huge congratulations on the publication of your new book Pastor Lloyd! It will be up and available on Amazon at the beginning of next week, Monday, August 17, 2020. I will post the link.
Friends, check out the review from Readers' Favorite...
Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Readers’ Favorite:
"Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life by Lloyd E. Wesley, Jr. is a valuable Bible-based self-help guide to help get your life out of the ditch. While you read this book, you'll feel like the author is talking to you one-on-one as he defines what he believes to be the nine issues of life everyone has. Those in this simplified list are self-esteem, relationships, prayer life, health, education, vocation, prosperity, legacy, and eternal rewards. The book points out that perhaps of the nine, self-esteem is the most important as it often dictates how we handle the other eight issues on the list. Each issue has its own section in the book and is elaborated on in much more detail. These often overlap, which shows how interwoven they are with one another in our lives. Some of the book emphasizes listening to God, hearing God, and then acting on or doing what He is saying.
One thing that stands out about this book is how the author backs up what he is saying with Bible passages. This book may not be for everyone, and some would disagree with the content, but Wesley encourages readers to see themselves as God sees them--not so much as a child in need of punishment or wrath, but a child in need of guidance and love. I especially like how he explains the significance of the number nine in the Bible. Wesley's advice, along with his personal anecdotes and Scripture, can help unlock biblical secrets to success on a supernatural level, sometimes using spiritual gifts God gives us, therefore changing generations of defeating thoughts, behaviors, and choices. The author's style offers a practical approach that can be applied on a daily basis. The advice isn't philosophy or pep talk, it's a new way of Christian thinking that's been in the Bible all along. It's a different way of listening to what Scripture has to say about people in general, about success, and about the future. Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life by Lloyd E. Wesley, Jr. is a book to help you get your life onto a brighter path."

I'm so excited to introduce to you... "Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life" by Pastor Lloyd E. Wesley Jr.!!! COMING SOON!!
Editorial Review from readersfavorite.com...
Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Readers’ Favorite
Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life by Lloyd E. Wesley, Jr. is a valuable Bible-based self-help guide to help get your life out of the ditch. While you read this book, you'll feel like the author is talking to you one-on-one as he defines what he believes to be the nine issues of life everyone has. Those in this simplified list are self-esteem, relationships, prayer life, health, education, vocation, prosperity, legacy, and eternal rewards. The book points out that perhaps of the nine, self-esteem is the most important as it often dictates how we handle the other eight issues on the list. Each issue has its own section in the book and is elaborated on in much more detail. These often overlap, which shows how interwoven they are with one another in our lives. Some of the book emphasizes listening to God, hearing God, and then acting on or doing what He is saying.
One thing that stands out about this book is how the author backs up what he is saying with Bible passages. This book may not be for everyone, and some would disagree with the content, but Wesley encourages readers to see themselves as God sees them--not so much as a child in need of punishment or wrath, but a child in need of guidance and love. I especially like how he explains the significance of the number nine in the Bible. Wesley's advice, along with his personal anecdotes and Scripture, can help unlock biblical secrets to success on a supernatural level, sometimes using spiritual gifts God gives us, therefore changing generations of defeating thoughts, behaviors, and choices. The author's style offers a practical approach that can be applied on a daily basis. The advice isn't philosophy or pep talk, it's a new way of Christian thinking that's been in the Bible all along. It's a different way of listening to what Scripture has to say about people in general, about success, and about the future. Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life by Lloyd E. Wesley, Jr. is a book to help you get your life onto a brighter path.
Watch for the release at www.guardyourheart.life or here on Rooted's FB page.

The Beginnings of “Guard Your Heart”

In 1980 the Lord showed Lloyd the first of four visions. In the first one the Lord showed him leaving the house at night with his family and driving to the downtown area of a large city. At the time of leaving, it was dark beyond anything he had ever experienced, and the Lord spoke, “this is spiritual darkness.” As they drove towards the downtown area, skyscrapers exploded with their rubble falling into the streets. The Lord spoke, “this is the world system coming to naught.” Driving away from the chaos, the road kept getting narrower. The Lord spoke again, “Wide is the way that leads to destruction and many are on that road. Narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it.” The road became so narrow that only the wheels of the left side of the car fit on it. At that point they left the car as they saw a small church in the wilderness. As they mounted the stairs of the church, two things stood out: the church was made of one large stone and it was red. Again, the Lord spoke, “Those within this structure stand on my word and the blood of Jesus washes them of their sins.” Immediately, Lloyd was carried by the Spirit back to the inner city and above the exploding buildings. He then, in the Spirit, descended through a glass dome of a large church. As he hovered over the church he noticed the inside to be ornate and magnificent but the structure was not made of stone nor was it red like the other church. As Lloyd peered upward through the glass dome, the Lord spoke, “Yes, I can see right through it!” The large church then exploded just as the skyscrapers had surrounding it. Finally, the Lord translated Lloyd swiftly back to the small church in the wilderness again and oceans of people were coming into it through the roof. The Lord spoke one last time, “Teach them how to go through tribulation!”

Around 1995-97, Lloyd asked the Lord two questions regarding the vision. “Father, the city that was seen could not have been Detroit, as there were too many skyscrapers that were taller than Detroit’s and how could all the non-ending oceans of people fit into the church in the wilderness without it bulging at the seams? The Lord’s response was that the city’s name was irrelevant and the skyscrapers represented the “world system” of greed, lust, envy, ungodly behavior, etc. The Lord also told Lloyd that the wilderness church was able to hold so many people because it represented the “internet.” At the time of the vision, in 1980, the internet didn’t even exist but now later, as Lloyd asked the questions, he had understanding. About eleven years ago, at the Lord’s leading, the classes for the course, “How to go Through Tribulation Victoriously” were posted on the internet for the first time.

The book, “Guard Your Heart: Hearing God to Master the Nine Issues of Life,” is a supplement of God’s instruction at the end of the vision to “teach them how to go through tribulation.” The present times we are living in represent the “darkness covering the earth and gross darkness the people” which the Lord spoke of in Isaiah 60:2. Consequently, people are going through increasing “tribulation” and they must learn how to go through it victoriously.

Get your copy of “Guard Your Heart” from Amazon today and visit www.guardyourheart.life to get free “tools” and to register for the course, “How to go Through Tribulation Victoriously”(HTGTTV).