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Prove them wrong.

Here’s a hard pill to swallow…
Most of the people in your daily life don’t want to watch you win or succeed. They may say otherwise, but unless they truly love and care about you like family, they don’t want you to do any better than them. Especially if they have similar goals because then you’re competition.

But the thing is, these are also the people that are more focused on watching others and dragging them down than on working towards actually reaching their own goals.

So let them watch. Let them talk s**t. Let them doubt. Let them smile to your face while they seethe with envy and resentment. Let them waste their energy on these low vibration emotions and sit around while others do the work.

You just worry about you and that vision of yours because as long as your intentions are pure and you move with purpose, everything you’ve been dreaming about is coming. In fact, it’s already yours. Just put your head down and do the work. You got this 👊



11 Lessons I learned from Saturn 🪐

On March 7th, my Saturn return finally ended after 2+ years of lessons on lessons on more lessons…

If you don’t know what a Saturn return is, it’s when Saturn makes its way back into the same place (or sign) it was when you were born. Saturn is a slow moving outer planet that changes signs about every 3 years. Your first Saturn return happens between ages 27 and 30 and your second one won’t happen until your 50s.

Saturn is the father of the zodiac. It represents reality checks, restrictions, structure, maturity, growth, wisdom, commitment and hard work. You will most likely be two completely different people from the start of your saturn return to the end of it. It’s a time of extreme growth and responsibility. Basically, Saturn is going to give you the swift kick in the ass you need to grow tf up. And it has zero mercy…

Here are some lessons I learned from my Saturn return that hopefully help anyone who is now going through theirs (if you were born with Saturn in Pisces, you are currently in your Saturn return btw)

1️⃣ Home isn’t a physical place. It’s a feeling of security and self-confidence you find within yourself by doing the work and dealing with your s**t.

2️⃣ Life is serious, but it’s not THAT serious. Most things aren’t life or death.

3️⃣ Everyone has been through some sort of trauma and everyone has their own demons. Being kind goes a long way.

4️⃣ Resentment, hate, and envy are wasted emotions that need to be released.

5️⃣ You are not for everyone. It’s okay for people toyou and for others to disagree with you.

6️⃣ The lessons never stop. We are constantly learning and growing, no matter how old and mature we get.

7️⃣ No one is you, so stop expecting others to treat you and see things the way you would. and be sensitive, as long as you protect yourself and your energy. If you don’t, you WILL get taken advantage of and feel drained/resentful towards others.

9️⃣ Nothing in life is permanent.

🔟 No one knows what they’re doing. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to have it all figured out and be okay with winging it sometimes. 9 times out of 10, it’ll work out.


Nobody talks about this but success is f*ckin HARD.

It requires you to make some tough decisions, it’s lonely and isolating…why do you think so many people either don’t make it or don’t stay at the top?

It’s not just about climbing up to the top, it’s about enduring the struggles it takes to get and stay there, and STILL wanting to climb even higher. It’s about not sabotaging how far you’ve come to make yourself and the people around you more comfortable. It’s about pushing for more and more no matter how far you go, but remaining humble and grateful for how far you’ve come.

It requires you to constantly remind yourself of who you are, where you came from, and where you want to go.

Stay focused.
Stay hungry.
The climb is never over.

Tunnel vision 👁️
Keep moving forward 🛣️



Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one 🖕


Photos from raquelsfit's post 23/02/2023

Purpose isn’t packaged into tidy, perfect, blog-able moments. Purpose is born in the sweat and tears and hard sh*t. It’s nestled inside the unshowered, overly dry shampooed hair because there are more important things to worry about sometimes. It’s born in the late nights, the hardest lessons, and the most uninstagrammable moments. It’s not posted in the highlight reel, it’s the behind the scenes work. The inner work and the projects that drive us absolutely nuts but also light us up. The journey to your purpose isn’t always pretty or exciting on the outside, but you’ve gotta be willing to work through and deal with the ugly to get to the beautiful.

No matter what your purpose or your journey in this life is…keep. moving. forward.

Sempre em frente 🛣️❤️‍🔥



Happy Tuesday 🖤


Photos from raquelsfit's post 13/02/2023

Remember years ago when you couldn’t even imagine being where you are today?


Now keep going ➡️🔝

We got sh*t to do.

Photos from raquelsfit's post 05/02/2023

Full Moon in Leo Mood Board ♌️ 🌕

Moral or the story: Be yourself. Your people will find you and love you for who you are.

Photos from raquelsfit's post 04/02/2023

Full Moon in Leo 🌕 2/5/23 at 1:28 pm est

The week leading up to this full moon has been quite a doozy 🥴 The energy and emotions were insanely heightened. Part of the reason for this is that this full moon is squaring Uranus, the planet of radical change & upheaval…so pair that with one of the most dramatic, fiery, loud signs of the zodiac, and you get BIG DRAMATIC CHANGE.

You’ll wanna swipe to read these full moon messages. This is the start of something big.

✨ Full Moon Ritual Suggestions ✨
💜 Do a sweatspell - if you have extra energy or feel the need to sweat it out, do a high intensity workout that gets your heart rate up. Leo rules the heart so any cardio will honor this full moon. If you’re feeling a little on the sluggish or fatigued side, try doing a mellow, restorative yoga flow, maybe one that focuses on the heart chakra.
💜 Journal - write about the things you truly want in life and what you love about yourself. Write about what makes you unique and the things you’re proud of.
💜 Let it go - as with any full moon, now is the time to release what no longer serves us. So on a piece of paper, write down all of the lies you’ve been telling yourself and maybe others, then burn that s**t and release it!

Message me to book a reading, find out how this full moon affects you personally, and deep dive into the map of your soul, your natal chart.

Many many full moon blessings ✨
Remember to be courageous enough to be yourself 💜

Photos from raquelsfit's post 31/01/2023

Stop finding excuses and just do the damn thing!

If it’s important to you, you’ll find the time, the money, the energy & willpower…

There is always a way when you REALLY want it.

Stop letting yourself put off things that will bring you closer to reaching your potential and fulfilling your purpose.

Stop thinking about it and about all of the reasons why you “can’t” do it.

If you want it, go and get it.
Work for it.
Get after it.
Because you CAN.
No more f*cking excuses. 🙅🏼‍♀️

Photos from raquelsfit's post 23/01/2023

Welcome to Aquarius Szn! ♒️✨

Aquarius season is all about explosive leg power and glute strength!

Follow along with these workouts on

Link in bio
***y ***ybuilding


Get in b*tch, we’re ascending 🚘⬆️✨

Photos from raquelsfit's post 23/01/2023

Rocky wisdom tweet dump because these revelations are too good to not be seen and because now is the REAL start of 2023. Only forward movement from here! Let’s make this year ✨amazing ✨ Comment below if you needed to hear any of these! ⤵️

Photos from raquelsfit's post 22/01/2023


All signs point to GO! 🟢➡️

Swipe through to get a glimpse of this positive astrology and how to work with it.

Last slide is a gift 🎁 for you for the Lunar New Year!


You ain’t livin right if you’re liked by everyone 🫡

I used to get so offended if someone didn’t like me, didn’t want to be friends or date me…every time it happened, it would chip away at my self-worth and confidence more and more.

I based my entire perception of myself on how other people viewed me. I drove myself crazy trying to shapeshift and fit into people’s lives. I’d change my looks and personality based on who I was dating and hanging out with…until it got to a point where I didn’t even know who I was anymore.

Underneath all of the different masks I wore, the personalities I tried on, and the bodies I tried so desperately to look like, I lost myself completely.

It’s taken YEARS to build myself back up, to learn to separate who I am from those around me, and to realize that I am not for everyone…to accept that that is okay.

It’s taken me YEARS to embrace my weird, witchy, dark humor, sarcastic, creative, nerdy, sexy, sensitive, and emotional self…to embrace all sides of me.

It’s taken me YEARS to shed the skin of other bodies I was trying to fit into, to remove all of the masks I had on, years of peeling through the layers to find myself.

And I still find myself needing this reminder almost every day.

So, if you’re a people pleaser and/or an empath who has always seeked validation from others, this is your reminder…

You. Are. Not. For. Everyone.

Now go be your weird ass self 🫶🖖👽

Photos from raquelsfit's post 31/12/2022

One thing I’m definitely leaving in 2022…shame. I’ve spent my entire life feeling shame & guilt for who I am, and I. Am. Done.

Photos from raquelsfit's post 30/12/2022

You know you at the top when only heaven’s right above it ☁️✨

Photos from raquelsfit's post 29/12/2022

Family ❤️

The distance really makes it priceless when we all come together 🫶

Amo todos vocês 🤍

Photos from raquelsfit's post 22/12/2022

Happy Winter Solstice & Capricorn Szn! ❄️♑️✨

This season is all about pacing ourselves so that we can sustain our energy and strength for the long haul. Capricorn energy is grounded, disciplined, reliable, focused, and goal-oriented. Use this energy to start the new year off with a brand new mindset and a readiness to kick some ass! Make a list of your goals and get ready to CRUSH THEM! 👊

Swipe ➡️ for details/recommendations for Cap Szn

You can find all of the Capricorn workouts on under the “Move With Me” section. Link in bio to download the app. Try it out for a week for free!

If you’d like to book a reading with me to find out what’s in store for you this season and what your chart says about you, message me!

Photos from raquelsfit's post 08/12/2022

GEMINI FULL MOON 🌕 ♊️ 12/7-12/8 (Last Full Moon of 2022)
Conjunct Mars retrograde
(Also aspecting Saturn in Aquarius & Neptune in Pisces)

Full moons illuminate things. They bring something to light, depending on where it’s happening in your natal chart.

This full moon is in the air sign Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury, making this a good time to express our wants, needs, boundaries, and to look at our emotions with logic & objectivity.

This week may bring about frustration, anger, irritation…all of the above. Try not to react out of those volatile emotions. Observe them and why you might be feeling them. Realize how much harm words can do…

Things are not happening to you or at you. You are not a victim of your life. Some things are in your control and some aren’t.

Some of the things you are frustrated or annoyed with might be commitments you made or things you said “yes” to when you wanted to say “no” or were just unsure. What are these things? Make a list and cut them loose. Use the Saturnian energy to create boundaries. Doing anything out of resentment or frustration has never benefited anyone.

And be aware that most of the time, when we are frustrated or angry, we often take it out elsewhere. If you’re lashing out in the car because someone cut you off on your way to work, you’re probably not actually angry at the driver of that car…maybe you don’t want to be working that job or maybe you overcommitted to too many hours and you feel burnt out…you know what it’s really about. Deep down.

Because this full moon is aspecting Neptune as well, we may create or hear stories that aren’t true. Some of these may be tempting to believe because they might put the blame on others and relieve us taking responsibility for our own decisions. Don’t fall into this trap. Own your decisions, mistakes, failures and all. You cannot grow without failing. You cannot learn lessons without making mistakes. You are H U M A N.

Stay grounded in the truth and own your power. You are co-creating your life with the Universe. It’s time to get in the driver’s seat and take control.
✨ ✨ ✨

Photos from raquelsfit's post 25/11/2022

g r a t e f u l 🤍

Photos from raquelsfit's post 23/11/2022

Happy Sagittarius Szn! ♐️🥳

I had to be a Sag in a past life because all I wanna do is travel and squat 😂

This season is all about LEG DAY! We’ll be focusing on building strong glutes and hamstrings specifically…my fave ☺️

Swipe ➡️ for details/recommendations for Sag Szn

You can find all of the Sagittarius workouts on under the “70 Day Challenge” section and under the “Sagittarius Workouts” section. Link in bio to download the app. Try it out for a week for free!

If you’d like to book a reading with me to find out what’s in store for you this season and what your chart says about you, message me!

Also, this Sag New Moon is bringing us sooo many blessings, abundance, good news, & positive vibes after the eclipse s**t storm we just suffered through! Bask in it. Enjoy the ease that the planets have to offer us this week because lord knows they been acting up 😅

Many New Moon & Sagittarius Szn blessings ✨
***y ***ygrowth ***yday


3 Keys 🔑 to Life

✨ Presence
✨ Purpose
✨ Passion

When you are doing what you love and being of service to others while doing it, that’s purpose. You’re already winning at life.

The reason we get so unhappy/down on ourselves is because we’re not present anymore and we’re comparing our lives to others, getting caught up in societal norms/standards.

Just focus on each day, each moment, and ground yourself in the present.
Be where you are NOW.
How do you feel NOW?
What do you want to be doing NOW?
What can you do NOW to get you to where you want to be 5 or 10 years from now?

Focusing on the N O W and doing what you love, whether that’s drawing, flipping burgers, or coaching others through their health/fitness journeys, is all you need to do.

Trust that if you are living your life with these 3 things - presence, purpose, & passion - everything will unfold as it should for you.
Stop comparing.
Stop with the coulda, woulda, shouldas.
Stop worrying about the next thing.

Be here now.
Do what you love.
Help others.

The rest will come…


Photos from raquelsfit's post 04/11/2022

Don’t fear the ✨E C L I P S E ✨

Eclipse szn gets a bad rap but it shouldn’t be feared. Eclipses bring about change…usually much needed change in certain areas of your life, depending on what houses they’re occurring in for you.
(Message me if you want to know!)

The eclipses we’re experiencing this year are occurring in both Scorpio and Ta**us. The last eclipse we had was a solar eclipse (new moon) in Scorpio on October 25th and the next one is a lunar eclipse (full moon) in Ta**us. They always happen in pairs of opposite signs, so the last time we had eclipses in these two signs was back in late April and mid May.

Think about what has changed and developed in your life since April and May…maybe it’s something that is still developing. The changes that the eclipses bring don’t always occur at the time of the eclipse. It can take a few months after the eclipses but they normally mark huge turning points in the year, especially if they’re occurring in signs that are prominent in your chart. For example, if they’re occurring in your sun, moon, or rising sign. I’m a Scorpio rising, so I am definitely feeling the shifts these eclipses are bringing…🥴😵‍💫😅 (it’s fine, I’m fine)

One big thing to remember during eclipse season is that “an end is only a beginning in disguise.” Eclipses normally bring about some sort of ending to something that no longer serves a purpose in your life, so try to view this as a redirection rather than a failure or loss.

And remember, life is not happening TO you. It’s happening FOR you. There’s always a reason.


10 more days to take advantage of the 25% OFF Eclipse Szn Sale on astrology readings & coaching sessions!

You’ll find out what areas of your life to expect changes in over the next few months due to the eclipses and take a deep dive into your birth chart/transits.

Message me or book online at fitfoxwellness.com and enter discount code ECLIPSE SZN at checkout 🫶



I’m excited to announce that I’ll be starting ✨exclusive✨ small group training sessions at !

These classes are for the woman who has been working out consistently for 6 months or more and is looking to get stronger & leaner (aka tone up 💪) If this is you and you feel like you’ve kind of hit a plateau or you’re not pushing yourself to your potential, these classes are for you!

Message me for details/pricing info!


You asked and we delivered! Train with get in the best shape of your life!

Photos from raquelsfit's post 25/10/2022

Welcome to SCORPIO SZN 🦂 & Happy Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 🌒

Swipe ➡️ for details/recommendations for Scorpio Szn

This week and this season are INTENSE. It’s no coincidence that Halloween is during Scorpio season….but this year eclipse season does as well, highlighting the Scorpio themes of death/rebirth, transformation, depth, power, etc.

This season in Move With Me, we’ll be upping the intensity and introducing some power moves into our program. Now that we’re all balanced out and symmetrical after Libra szn, our bodies are primed for more!

You can find all of the Scorpio workouts on under the “70 Day Challenge” section and under the “Scorpio Workouts” section. Link in bio to download the app. Try it out for a week for free!

Be sure to take time for rest & recovery this week, especially over the next few days with this solar eclipse happening on 10/25. This is not a time to manifest or burn yourself out with working overtime. Take time to unwind and listen to what your body needs.

Photos from raquelsfit's post 18/10/2022

Working hard and playing hard 💃🏻

I really channeled this season’s Libra energy by trying to find balance between my work and social life ⚖️

There are seasons for everything…
Seasons to work your ass off
Seasons to take it easy
Seasons to go out & socialize
Seasons to retreat & go inward

How do you know when it’s time to rest and when it’s time to push yourself?

Listen to what your body & mind need. We always intuitively know what to do. We just don’t listen to ourselves because we’ve been conditioned to cater to what others want and expect us to do. There’s so much noise going on in the background that our own voice often gets lost in the static.

But when in doubt, look to the stars ✨
As someone who has trouble hearing her own inner voice, I look to astrology when I don’t know what to do. I look at what house the current sun is in to gage what the overall theme of the month is going to be. I look at current transits and how they’re affecting my personal chart. Astrology grounds me and reassured me that I’m on the right path. I don’t know what I’d do without this guidance honestly.

If you’d like to book a birth chart/transit reading with me, message me 🤍

Photos from raquelsfit's post 18/10/2022
Photos from raquelsfit's post 01/10/2022

Unbothered by your opinion of me 🤷🏼‍♀️
