

Finding acceptance, joy and love through original art and authentic stories. Please do not use or copy without permission. Thank you.

Photos from kidtztalk's post 01/04/2023

Some reflections from participants from I. A.M. Hope workshop on Mar 25 & 26 2023:

From K:
I am thankful that I overcame initial reservations about joining the art wellness workshop. I didn’t think that art would help me to connect with myself but using an unfamiliar medium allowed my thinking self to take a backseat and my emotions to flow more freely. The venue and facilitators provided the physical and emotional space for me to observe emotions and hitherto subconscious drivers of choices in the process of art-making. Experienced an enriching time of reflection that deepened my self-awareness.

From Kathleen
Refreshing and enjoyable .
Helped me to reflect on my perspective n insights from past experiences which shaped who I am .
Learning about my inner child and the art of réparenting and letting go past hurts

If you’re interested to find out more, email [email protected] or WhatsApp (text only) +65 8503-3778.



🍅❤️It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato. (Anonymous)
Anything homegrown represents authenticity to me. This is the season where wonderful thoughts of all things nice and wonderful surfaces. It may be about home or whatever makes your heart feel warm. For me, home features at the top of my list. It's a place I can call my own and where my loved ones are. Life may not be easy for you and home may not be meaningful to you at all but what better time to reflect on what makes your heart feel warm? Pursue it and you'll likely find hope. Renew your hope. Have a blessed Christmas!🎄🎊🎉😘😍
Artist: Anna G. Medium: Colorpencils


🌹The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. (The Emperor, Mulan)
You may not have a choice of the challenges you are facing but you can choose to allow them to either break or grow you. You can be like the eagle that soars over storm clouds or let every tide that comes in wash you away. Even if you feel helpless, you're stronger than you feel. Your emotions don't dictate who you are, nor are you your past. Every day is a new beginning that opens up new opportunities. Learn to let go of what you cannot change and keep going after what truly matters. You can do it.
Artist: Anna G. Media: Watercolorpencils/Colorpencils


If you have ever followed a rainbow to its end, it leads you to the ground on which you are standing. (Alan Cohen)
Whatever you think is waiting for you at the end of the rainbow, can probably be found where you are. That may be depressing for some if your present place is where you want to get away from. Let go of the stuff you have no control of. Change the things that's within your capacity to change. You're not stuck between two walls. Remove yourself if you cannot shift the walls. You're stronger than you think. You are better than where you are. You're as unique as every rainbow in the sky. You can be as refreshing as one. Smile!
Artist: Anna G. Media: Watercolor/Watercolor pencils


The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. (Niccolo Machiavelli)
What has passed, need not be wasted. You can see clearer with the passage of time. So use the tough times, the pain, the woundings to build yourself up. Don't let the winds of change blow you away like the sandcastles on the beach. You're tougher than you think. You're still alive, there is still sand in your hourglass. Don't give up. Treasure those close to you. It is relationships that matter. Even if they make you vulnerable at times. There will be some who will stand by you. That's the only way to live a life without regrets. Enjoy!
Artist: Jackie S. Media: Watercolor pencils/Watercolor quotes 'tgiveup


Keep your face to the sunshine and you can never see the shadow. (Helen Keller)
Shadows exist where there is light. But you don't have to let the shadows bother you. Keep the negative and foolish thoughts away from your mind. Don't fear them. Instead CHOOSE to keep your face towards the sunshine. Focus on things that will lift you up, not tear you down. Take a deep breath and breathe out the foolish thoughts that make you feel small. Keep your thoughts on things that you enjoy, even if they are small little things that will bring a smile. There is hope. You're alive. It's a new day!
Artist: Anna G. Media: Watercolor pencils/Watercolor


🕊Use what talent you possess - the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best. (Henry Van D**e)
You've got talent even if you haven't figure it out yet. Don't give up trying and you may discover that what you've taken for granted may be that which can make you outstanding. You don't need to be compared with others. Just put your best foot forward for whatever you're doing. No need to wait for it to be perfected as we are all WIP (work-in-progress). You don't have to be an Einstein or be in the Guinness Book of World Records. Just so long as you are trying your best and keeping at it, you'll eventually become an expert.
Artist: Anna G. Medium: Watercolorpencils


Being a mama can be tough but always remember in the eyes of your child, no one does it better than you. (Anonymous)
You're stressed! Even on Mother's Day, I'm my child's kitchen helper. Help? Don't despair, you may not know it, but you're appreciated. You may not know it, but your family will feel it when you're not around. Keep living, you won't always feel overwhelmed or under-appreciated. Take each day as it comes, celebrate small happenings. Breathe! You're strong. You're a MUM. Even then, you can make mistakes, it's ok. You're still important. It's relationship that counts, not performance. You're loved! You're significant - more than you can imagine or ask for. Happy Mother's Day even if this greeting reaches you late.
Artist: Anna G. Medium: Watercolorpencils


🍦If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and be without flavor. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Life is full of surprises just like the new flavors of ice-cream. We enjoy trying them but may settle for the familiar. Life's unpredictability can get us down, so... laugh out loud. Let it out! Don't avoid new experiences. From them we learn, we cope, we overcome. Does it get easier? Not sure, but we get good surprises too. We also learn more about ourselves and others but it doesn't mean discarding the old or erasing our past. Instead, we are enriched by the new, like blended tea, coffee. So open your arms wide to embrace and enjoy life!
Artist: Kat C. Medium: Watercolorpencils


❣️What counts can't always be counted, what can be counted doesn't always count. (Albert Einstein)
What really counts? Money, time or relationships? Most are preoccupied with chasing after money thus leaving very little time for ourselves or family. Ironically, we often use our families as an excuse to prioritise work over them saying it is for their sake, we are pursuing money. Take stock, don't be a hamster, get off the running wheel. Make that call, relationships grow cold if not nurtured. Don't take them for granted. They may not always be around. Treasure your health and what you have. Stop pursuing material things, they don't last. Leave no regrets, your joy will tip over.
Artist: Jackie S. Media: Watercolor pencils/Colorpencils


❤️132 years ago, Charlie Chaplin was born. He was a comic actor, filmmaker, composer and his screen persona, The Tramp is known the world over. Among his many notable quotes, he shared this on children.
"All children in some form or another have genius; the trick is to bring it out in them." If you're successful today, then someone must have brought out the genius in you. Be thankful. Do you bring out the best in others? Have you tried? While you think about that, can you guess which of Charlie Chaplin's movie did this scene come from?🌹
Artist: Jackie S. Medium: Watercolorpencil


❤️Happy Birthday Charlie Chaplin! 🎉132 years ago, this iconic man of the film industry was born. He rose to fame in the era of silent movies. Be encouraged by these uplifting words from one who has lived through hardship and poverty and lived to tell.
"All artists experience a lull in their work. It is a period of replenishing the soil - of plowing in and turning under our past experiences and watering them afresh with new ones.";
"Time heals and experience teaches that the secret of happiness is in service to others."
You too can make a difference. He did.🥂
Artist: Anna G. Medium: Watercolorpencils


I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples. (Mother Teresa)
What's the use things will never change, you may think. Those who scheme, seem to be better off. Yet there is a God who sees, hears and will ultimately judge. We may not know Him but He does exists. It may take more courage to do what is right, even then, do it no matter how difficult it may seem. You may not even want to change the world, but your wise choice may create an impact beyond what you can imagine. You will also find Peace and Hope with your choice. So don't give up! Press on!
Artist: Anna G. Medium: Watercolorpencils/Watercolors


Be like a dandelion whenever they fall apart, they start again. (Anonymous)
Life is as temporary as the dandelion that is easily blown away with the wind. Even then, make your life count. At times, you'll face unfair and difficult situations that may be caused by those closest to you. You hurt so bad, but you should still get up and start again. Possessions are also like dandelions, they get blown away if they don't belong to you. Life does not consists of what you own. Instead treasure the moments with those who truly care about you. Even if you're only ten, make your moments count. You're your best cheerleader. Cheers.
Artist: Jackie S. Medium: Colourpencils/Watercolorpencils


If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of others. (Isaac Newton)
We don't just learn from our mistakes or failures. We also learn from family and people we know. But how often have we looked back and acknowledge those faceless and nameless people who have helped us to be where we are. Someone stopped and took the time to listen and share. While others wrote down their experiences, so others can learn from them. Have you decided what you would like to leave behind so that others too can make your ceiling their floor?
Artist: Anna G. Medium: Watercolorpencils


Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. (Albert Einstein)
Keep moving, but remember to take breaks too or you'll feel like a circus monkey after awhile. Rest breaks will help you to think better to move ahead. To go further and longer in life's journey, prioritise on developing character traits that will build you up such as tolerance. As Helen Keller shared, it "requires the same effort to tolerate as to balance oneself on a bicycle." Be compassionate and tolerant of others' shortcomings. Don't fear or be too proud. You'll find they'll cause you problems one day. You're precious, there is more to you than you can imagine. Cheers!
Artist: Anna G. Medium: Watercolorpencils.


❤️Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible. (Albert Einstein)
That's impossible, how can that be? But the slow and steady snail can really mount a razor blade and not be cut by it. Don't be overwhelmed by the circumstances you find yourself in. Can you imagine running a mile in 3.43 minutes? That's the fastest record to date achieved since 1999. When faced with difficulty, we can choose to see the opportunities or give up trying. It's up to us. Don't be discouraged, someone else may be counting on you to break the mental barrier for them. Take one step at a time, you'll overcome or ask for help.
Artist: Anna G. Media: Watercolorpencils/Colorpencils


Simply shine your light on the road ahead and you are helping others to see their way out of darkness. (Katrina Mayer)
You are the STAR that shine brightest when it's dark. Never let what others say dim the goodness that is inside you. Your good deeds will one day see the light. Just continue to share the joy and kindness to others like headlight to help others out of the darkness they are in. It is their choice whether they leave the darkness and your choice to lead the way. That makes you the star you are born to be. Continue to do what is right and keep humble. That's the best way for a star to live and shine. Cheers!
Artist: Lydia C. Media: Watercolorpencils/ Colorpencils


What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. (Joseph Addison)
Sometimes, you think you've got nothing to smile about, even then smile. We don't know when a smile is needed or how much a smile can make another's day. But we do know that when we receive an unexpected smile; our day is brighter and life seems more tolerable. So don't be stingy with your smiles, let it spread widely, you never know the good it does or when it'll return when you need it. For life is a journey and we life it well when we find connections like flowers we discover in unexpected places.
Artist: Lydia C. Media: Watercolorpencils/Colorpencils


Our most basic instinct is to find where we can belong. Be it from our biological family, adopted family or even a community. The family bonding comes not necessarily from blood ties but rather from feeling secure and loved. The very family that nurtures us and provides us with an identity will also have to learn to release us to apply what we've been taught. Let's pay it forward for the next generation by embracing those around us and releasing them to be all they are meant to be. That's family.
Artist: Lydia C. Media: Watercolorpencils/Colorpencils
# drawing # illustrationartists


Each moment is just what it is. It might be the only moment of our life; it might be the only strawberry we'll ever eat. We could get depressed about it, or we could finally appreciate it and delight in the preciousness of every single moment of our life. (Pema Chodron)

Life can be as simple as eating the first strawberry you find or as complicated as trying to find one to eat. Whichever leads to happiness, enjoy the process and remember it. Don't overthink or oversimplify it. Happiness is within your grasp if you learn to enjoy the moments you have, not those you've left behind or even those that has yet to happen. Appreciate the precious moments of your life, especially the people who help make it happened. No one knows when the strawberries will come your way again. So enjoy them when you can. Even better share them.
Artist: Anna G. Media: Watercolorpencils/Colorpencils


We can only open our hearts to those we utterly trust, such as the accepting page. (Gille Bolton)
Journal your life journey to know and love yourself. Your story matters because you matter. You can draw or write whatever you want, in however way you wish because it is meant for You, the writer. You don't have to write in perfect sentences, or spell your words correctly. It will help you to reflect and think. On this Valentine's day, if you don't have anyone to send a love letter to, why don't you start with yourself. Take it as part of self-care. From us to you, more love for today and all your tomorrows. Cheers!
Artist: Lydia C. Media: Watercolor pencils/Color pencils


Whether wine is a nourishment, medicine or poison is a matter of dosage. (Paracelsus)
Stop excusing yourself. If you cannot be responsible for your behaviour, then don't overindulge in wine. Overindulgence in the best food or wine is bad for your health. How much you consume will determine if the wine is beneficial or detrimental to your body. Being drunk can cause harm to yourself and even to those around you. It is not the wine that is at fault but the one who misuses the wine and lapses into poor judgment and lack of discipline that is to be blamed. Be kinder to yourself, nobody makes a good drunk.
Artist: Lydia C. Media: Watercolor pencils/Colorpencils


Don't seek to be happy; let everyone else chase after that rainbow. Seek to be kind and you'll find the rainbow follows you. (Richelle E. Goodrich)
"You think kindness doesn't pay. You only get taken advantage of." That's a lie the devil wants you to believe. Kindness produces kindness. You may not immediately see the good that is produced by your kindness but definitely hear about it one day. For a good deed will kickstart other good deeds that will come a full-circle back to you. If you sow good deeds, you will reap goodness. Kindness can truly bring you happiness. It takes more courage and strength to be kind. It is a language that communicates even to the deaf and blind.
Artist: Lydia C. Media: Watercolor pencils/Colorpencils


Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. (George Patton)
Yikes, I'm falling. It's okay! Hitting bottom will happen to everyone, with no exceptions. You're already a success when you get up each time you fall. Fear will not have any room in your heart if you tell yourself it is alright to start again. There is still hope because you're alive! You never know what the future will bring. So don't dwell in the past. Move on. You're not alone. Find Peace, love again.

Artist: Jackie S. Medium: Colorpencils


Its first instinct when feeling threatened is to place nails at its feet. (Anna G.)
I'm sick of being stepped on. I've had enough! I'm going to protect myself with nails. STOP IT! Whether you're the victim or not, when you set out to hurt others even if it's in retaliation, it will not do you any good. You're better than that. Don't let fear direct you. It is irrational and unreasonable. Reject it! You don't want to be like the people who hurt you. Chase after Peace. Have Peace in your heart. You can overcome your current difficulties and see Hope in your situation. Life will be better!
Artist: Lydia C. Media: Watercolour pencils/Colorpencils


There is something called the Tall Poppy Syndrome; people like to cut tall poppies. They don't want you to succeed and they cut you down - especially people from your own social class. (Mark Burnett)

"Life is unfair. She only made it because someone had her back." Whether this is a fact or not, does not matter. Giving in to such thoughts is the key issue. If you share it with someone, that's even worse - it's gossiping. When you succeed, you wouldn't want others to speculate either. Putting down someone when they succeed or being a 'wet blanket' doesn't raise you up. You are better than that. Focus instead on being a better person. Celebrate with others when they do well. You'll gain more friends than enemies. Isn't that what life is about?
Artist: Lydia C. Media: Watercolor pencils/Colorpencils


When you spend all your time imagining yourself in other people’s shoes, your own story goes unwritten, and there is nothing more painful than that. (Amanda Lovelace)
“I wish I can be in her position.” Stop it! Don’t pine for other people’s lives. You’re wasting your life wishing you’re someone else rather than being you. Your life matters. Your identity is not tied to what you possess or your status in life. You’re already unique, special and precious. What you take for granted, may be the very thing that differentiates you from others. Even your struggles and hurts shape you to be who you are today. Your story is waiting to be told. Start living your life, it’s not too late! Enjoy!
Artist: Lydia C. Media: Watercolour pencils/Colorpencils

Videos (show all)

🍅❤️It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato. (Anonymous).Anything homegrow...
🌹The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. (The Emperor, Mulan).You may not have a choi...
If you have ever followed a rainbow to its end, it leads you to the ground on which you are standing. (Alan Cohen).Whate...
The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. (Niccolo Machiavell...
Keep your face to the sunshine and you can never see the shadow. (Helen Keller).Shadows exist where there is light. But ...
🕊Use what talent you possess - the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best. (Henry Van D...
Being a mama can be tough but always remember in the eyes of your child, no one does it better than you. (Anonymous).You...
🍦If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and be without flavor. (Eleanor Roosevelt).Life is full of surprise...
❣️What counts can't always be counted, what can be counted doesn't always count. (Albert Einstein).What really counts? M...
❤️132 years ago, Charlie Chaplin was born. He was a comic actor, filmmaker, composer and his screen persona, The Tramp i...
❤️132 years ago, Charlie Chaplin was born. He was a comic actor, filmmaker, composer and his screen persona, The Tramp i...
❤️Happy Birthday Charlie Chaplin! 🎉132 years ago, this iconic man of the film industry was born. He rose to fame in the ...
