Prophet Elijah Berrian

Prophet Elijah Berrian

Prophet Elijah Berrian is a Christian minister and speaker involved in ministry all his life preaching, teaching, healing & prophesying to God's people.


You will touch sooo much money in December ! 🤩 claiming it now..


Sometimes we have to stop being scared and just go for it. Either it'll work or it won't. That's life.


Your due season is coming! God promised it. (Galatians 6:9) Keep planting good seeds. You will reap!


Prophesy over your finances RIGHT NOW



Dear Lord,

Today, I am inspired by the spirit and power of Jesus! All things are mine. I walk in sovereignty, and in the truth of my identity and whose I am. The light of God illuminates my entire being, channeling my path and providing me clarity with each step I take. Amen🙏🏾


Some things are about to fall in place for you effortlessly 🔥


By Fire,🔥 Every Seed Of Rejection And Fear That The Enemy Has Planted In Your Life, Be Uprooted In Jesus Name...


The God you serve is bigger than the storms you face. Keep going!


God didn’t bring you this far just to have you Quit. Keep marching Soldier, the enemy is a Liar🤥


Again, I decree to all partners, in the midst of economic confusion, strange favours will come to you


Our God specializes in doing what others believe cannot be done. All things are possible with Him.


God shall not withhold any good thing from you! Psalm 84:11


This is your year. God’s doing unheard of things in your life. Congratulations to you


Your bank balance is going to explode with more money than You could have imagined.


God has reversed what was meant to be a curse and turned it into a blessing. The enemy’s plan has been disrupted by a divine plot twist. An amazing turnaround is headed your way!


Your failure is not final! He has great grace for great mistakes.


Dear Lord,

Today, I declare over my life, that I am loosed from dysfunction, debt, entanglement, poverty, unbelief, disbelief and the wrong circle of friends. I speak new money, new mindset, new influence and a new location. My atmosphere is shifting. In Jesus' name. Amen🙏🏾


Your broke days are over, money will MEET money in your account🔥


"Indeed God speaks once, Or twice, yet no one notices it. In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men, While they slumber in their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction." Job 33:14-16. This is your night of miracle


Heaven is looking for men and women who are intercessors, men who will stand in the gap for their families, for their village and for their nation as solutions to collective and individual problems. Today, ask God for that grace in understanding Gods timing and empowerment as a warrior, doing great things for heaven. May you remain connected to Heaven.


Whatever is being plotted against you just got dismantled in the name of Jesus!!


Great Givers do so not because they have no need but because they have conquered selfishness. My God will lavish you with good things Deuteronomy 28:11-14


The woman with the issue of blood said to herself “If I may touch” Mark 5:28, she believed there was going to be a transformation. She refused to Poison her destiny or allow anyone to poison her Destiny and she got her miracle, You too shall receive your own miracle.


What are you doing to activate your miracle? What are you doing to be enlisted as a commander of the miraculous and to have an Amazing Testimony? May you not disappoint destiny


This new month, You must become a candidate of Prophetic Pronouncement because when you stop speaking, you stop manifesting. I declare your day blessed.


God is opening a NEW DOOR for you! EXPECT BIG!


Abraham was not called by God because his faith was perfect. He was called by God because he was willing to follow and to believe God, and along his journey he “was strengthened in faith” through God’s promise (Romans 4:20). That is how Abraham became a “God-made man,” and that is how we become the same. Just be willing, and He will take and make you.


Ask God today to make you a daily candidate of supernatural exploits and for heaven to sparkle your Divine Passion in grand style and to become An Ambassador with a Difference.


Say to yourself, ‘Because greater is he that is in me, I am a creative overcomer and I will realized my destiny because Jehovah is my Number One