Women at the Well - WATW, Inc. Videos

Videos by Women at the Well - WATW, Inc.. We believe that no woman should have to walk alone in the hardest season of her life. We are committed to empowering women and children in trusted spaces and conversations for healing from physical and sexual trauma.

Other Women at the Well - WATW, Inc. videos

A Woman's Worth - Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion on Gender Equality

Yoga on the beach and in the workshop was so uplifting and fun...... #WATW #HealthisWealth #IAmAWholeWoman

Hello Ladies, I pray everyone has enjoyed a sister outing or planning one; it can be in other months outside of February if schedules work out, but please connect and enjoy getting to know each other. I enjoyed meeting and lunching with Women at the Well in California, and they are working on a Women at the Well retreat in the coming months, So we are looking forward to that. Join us starting tomorrow for the 40 days of Walking meditations! Yes, we have committed to walking every day for thirty minutes, whether it's a stepper at home, a gym, around your house, yard, neighborhood, or a walking trail. We want to see those walking selfies. If you have your shirts, could you take pictures and post them? I will also add them to the website's Health and Well part. Let's get it, sisters; let's start walking together physically and spiritually! See you on the track, trail, and online!!!. Here is the link for the meditations: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87335351701?pwd=d1p0VVBoVTZzTWpQeEZ2NXFUK1JPZz09 Meeting ID: 873 3535 1701 Passcode: 143095