Heal within- Healing from Past Trauma

Heal within- Healing from Past Trauma

we are ALL dealing with painful things we have had to overcome in life... don't go at it ALONE... le


No matter how tough it seems to get.. Just keep going... Diamonds are made from pressure... You my dear are meant to be a diamond!


YOU WILL HEAL.... If you choose too..


Hey guys sorry I have been away for awhile... 2020 has been a doozie... how is everyone doing!

Toxic People Never Apologize For Anything Or Admit Their Mistakes 07/03/2020

They will NEVER admit THEIR faults...they will use terms like..you push my buttons.. And they will NEVER seek to improve their own behaviors. https://www.healthyfoodhouse.com/toxic-people-never-apologize-for-anything-or-admit-their-mistakes/

Toxic People Never Apologize For Anything Or Admit Their Mistakes Everything is energy, and even though we are often unaware of it, the influence of negative people around us can ruin our life. These people destroy our inner peace and self-esteem. As all relationships in our life should be positive and meaningful, the true secret to happiness in life is to learn t...

I Rather Be Single Than Settle For The Wrong One 17/02/2020

YOU MUST HEAL... stop looking for people to save you!!! No ONE is going to save you!!! only YOU can deal with the Pains of the past and begin your journey of healing!!! You must heal or we will continue to hurt each other https://www.facebook.com/1696370004007212/posts/2446161179028087/

I Rather Be Single Than Settle For The Wrong One Sometimes low self esteem and the feeling of being lonely create unhealthy bonds that can be hard to break no matter the relationship. When we get with someone just to fill a void we get caught up in the wrong connection that later becomes our hurtful heartbreak.

If You Want To Be Truly Happy, Stop Giving Energy To As****es 13/02/2020

SELF LOVE IN 2020!!!! https://awarenessact.com/if-you-want-to-be-truly-happy-stop-giving-energy-to-assholes/

If You Want To Be Truly Happy, Stop Giving Energy To As****es Everyone you spend time with or allow in your inner circle is someone you’re giving energy to. The more you give these people the energy that you have to offer, the more they will either build you up or break you down. If you truly want to be happy, you really need to stop giving energy to people ...


✔ I was encouraging
✔ I was uplifting
✔ I was loving
✔ I was motivating
✔ I was honest
✔ I was funny
✔ I was mature
✔ I was a great communicator
✔ I was sexy and playful
✔ I was resourceful

And it STILL didn't work...
Just goes to show you that you can be a great partner for someone..but if they AREN'T into you in the same way, if they aren't mentally and maturely ready for you, if they are stuck in previous patterns of dysfunctional relationships..or they just DON'T want a relationship or to settle down... THEY WON'T.... even if YOU are a healthy mature partner.

I will continue to be a WHOLE and healthy person on my own..i will continue to love and have a great family to enjoy my time with...and I continue to hope for the best.


If we ALL did our own SELF WORK... Heal from past trauma... We wouldn't be looking for someone else to be our savior... And we could love EASIER!!


The meaning of number 444 also resonates with stability and forming solid foundations. It means hard work and determination.. Keep moving towards the positive!!!! But, also let me go charge my phone😜❤❤


Sometimes we just HAVE TO LOVE ourselves enough to know when something feels off.. It is!!! Move on friends... You DON'T need unhealthy love in your life!!!!


You MUST take some time to HEAL after toxic or damaging relationships... You CANNOT jump in and out of relationships. You CANNOT look for a distraction.. DO NOT Look for someone else to make you "feel happy" or you will CONSTANTLY be disappointed and add more heartache and stress in your life...YOU MUST HEAL...READ GOOD BOOKS...GET STRONGER AND WHOLE....ENJOY SPENDING TIME WITH YOURSELF ....BUT DO NOT GET INTO ANOTHER RELATIONSHIP WITHOUT DOING YOUR HEALING WORK!!!!! ❤🦋


When you try to talk to a narcissistic person...there is NO rationalization or healthy communication... There is ONLY manipulation... Do NOT go round and around with these people...there's no winning.


YOU were always the problem

Sometimes we give and give to the wrong person... And sometimes we KNOW BETTER but continue to hope....we all know how those painful situations turn out... https://thesituationship101.com/you-were-always-the-problem

thesituationship101.com Often times a woman stays in a relationship not because she's stupid or dumb like some people like to call it but because it's hard to walk away from someone she's invested her heart, time, and energy into.


Change your mind set


It's hard to walk away.... But walk away you must... For self preservation!!!


5 Warning Signs You Are Dating A Toxic Man

Men and women... Isn't it time you love YOURSELF more!!! https://thesituationship101.com/5-warning-signs-you-are-dating-a-toxic-man

thesituationship101.com Beware of the man that stabs you and then tells the world he's bleeding. Toxic men will project their own character defects on to you by accusing you of the exact actions they themselves do, but deny.


PTSD is not just for veterans, it’s a trauma disorder that affects millions

Great article... So many of us have suffered with PTSD.. There is so much help and resources available to you..don't suffer alone!!! https://www.uab.edu/news/youcanuse/item/10726-ptsd-is-not-just-for-veterans-it-s-a-trauma-disorder-that-affects-millions

uab.edu Research shows that individuals who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder are not just war veterans, but anyone who has experienced some form of severe life trauma.


25 Tiny Habit Changes That Will Make You A Different Person In A Year From Now

This is a phenomenal article!!! https://thoughtcatalog.com/kim-quindlen/2018/02/25-tiny-habit-changes-that-will-make-you-a-different-person-in-a-year-from-now/

thoughtcatalog.com Tell people you are proud of them, thankful for them, inspired by them, grateful to them, here for them, honored to know them, and comforted by them.


Day 1 of 365 opportunities...
What are you hoping to accomplish this year?? Lets start with decluttering.. You declutter your house... your spaces ...you declutter your mind... Start in ONE ROOM... go through EVERYTHING...every drawer...every closet..GET RID OF STUFF YOU HAVEN'T WORN OR USED in over 12 months.. Use The backwards hanger technique.. Hang everything in your closet with the hanger hook facing you rather than away from you, which is the normal way we hang up clothes, that way every 6 months to 12 months WHATEVER is still hanging backwards... You didn't wear or use it...get rid of it!!!! Stop buying crap you DON'T need... Declutter your house...one room at a time...declutter your mind and create peace and less anxiety!!!


The decade’s last full moon will occur at 12:12 a.m. on 12/12

we are moving into the new decade this is our final full moon of the teen era!!! it is time to set your intention NOT resolutions set your intentions!!!!!
Release TOXIC energy...Release bitterness and anger...Release ANYTHING you have no control over changing... Release your past mistakes...forgive others and enter the new decade lighter and more open to love and positive energy..experiences..and people...❤https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2019/12/11/decades-last-full-moon-will-occur-am/

washingtonpost.com Wednesday night's full moon is the last of the decade and is known as the "cold moon."


Read this COMPLETELY...then read it again


Sometimes we get STUCK..we can get stuck in the past, and we can become bitter..resentful..and hold on to past hurts... we can wish and hope things were different...and dwell on negative thoughts..but just like a stone thrown into the sea.. It can never be retrieved.. The past is the past.. We can acknowledge it...and grieve it for a while...but at some point, we need to begin to let go..and move forward, and towards the future and what life has ahead of us.. We need to let go of what's behind.. And then and only then a great shift begins to happen... You can live in the noeww and let go of the then... Let's shift...


Thank you to all who have added the page.. Please stay tuned for plans of action moving into the new decade!!! But here's a good start!!


Let's be REAL CLEAR.... Women are Not the only ones hurting!!!! Men have been victimized too!!!! Let's ALL HEAL TOGETHER!!!


Let's not STAY STUCK in the trauma of the past... Let's MOVE.. Use your pain to drive you further!!!! You are an overcomer!!!! You made it THIS far...don't give up now baby!!!!!


We will continue to hurt ourselves..if we constantly look back... Move forward..accept each new day and find progress in it... .. Just keep moving.


In 61 days y'all...SIXTY ONE DAYS... This decade comes to a close...we enter 2020!!!! Man... Some of us are closer to the end of our lives than others... I will be honest and say most of my life has been difficult.. tumultuous..unhappy..heartbreaking.. And NOT AT ALL the life I wanted, thought I could've and should've had.. And I CANNOT enter the next half of my life like THAT. I have allowed myself to remain in TOXIC relationships far too long because I thought I could help or they would change... I have cried more than I have laughed.. I have begged for love more than I have been loved.. I have been crushed by the weight of caretaking others and rarely have taken care of myself.. I have had the WORST years of my life these last 4 years.. I lost so much... So so much I can NEVER get back... Lost my family home to a fire.. all my grandparents and lost my Dad.. And watching my Dad suffer..and die far too soon..and with SO many regrets...that has forever changed my life and I will NEVER get over that. ... Somehow...someway.. This ALL has to turn around... I want to FINALLY have MY TIME to find WHO and WHAT I AM supposed to be.. To begin the healing journey of letting go of a life I thought I should've had..to accepting what I do have..and picking up the pieces to create something beautiful moving forward. ... And before I get comments that say you should be so grateful..you have beautiful healthy kids... I am more grateful for that than ANYTHING in the world... But YOU REALLY don't KNOW my journey. You DON'T know the pain..and the traumas.. The family background..the s**t that lives in my head... I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse..childhood traumas..rape..and multiple near death situations..i am a survivor of abuse at the hands of those who should love and protect you... And I am ready to not only be a survivor..but to be a Thriver. If any of you can relate to being held down by the weight of your past..let's start a HEALING journey TOGETHER.. Let's enter this new decade with NEW PURPOSE and create our new Destiny!! We will call it "The New Decade Destiny" .. (Stay tuned for the YouTube and page.)
Let's heal together!
