

Home of Joyologist, NLP Mindset Coach, Hypnotherapist and business coach Donna Easton.


Meet my little “friend,” Crow. 🐦‍⬛

Ever feel like you’re carrying an uninvited guest on your shoulder, whispering doubts in your ear?

Imposter syndrome and that neggy voice sneaks up and gives us advice and opinions when we least need it.

It helped me to name that little voice. Her name’s Crow and yes, Crow loves to chitter chatter in my ear, little claws gripped tightly to my shoulder, telling me all the things I am doing wrong and reminding me of my worst memories…

🐦‍⬛ “Errm, I assume you know that you’re not meant to be here.“
🐦‍⬛ “What if you fall on your ass as you step into the workshop?”
🐦‍⬛ “Remember the last talk? Just wait until you stumble over your words again in front of everyone.”

I used to get angry with Crow and would give her a sharp metaphorical flick off my shoulder and tell her to ‘sod off’, BUT before long she’d be back stronger with the next jibe or a new reminder.

And worse than feeling angry, I would start to believe her!

Our very own Crow will pop up when we’re flying, when we’re doing something new or when we’re breaking new ground.

Our brain will feel us leaving our comfort zone and make a desperate bid to pull us back to keep us safe.

So, in a funny sort of way, that negative voice has your back. I now give Crow a little ‘Thank you’ then reassure her that ‘I’ve got this’ and she softens and quietens and flies off to do whatever crows should be doing.

When I hear Crow’s chirpy little voice now, I use it as confirmation that I am exactly where I need to be, in the growth zone.

So, next time you feel that nudge of doubt, remember that without growth, we stay exactly where we are. So let’s embrace our journeys, Crow and all!

P.S. What name could you give your negative voice?

Photos from LifeShine's post 19/04/2024

Now that’s how you do it!

Lucky enough to spend the morning with the incredible for the press day for their new collection.

The brand just looks delicious (those colours!) but what struck me the most was the fact that this brand has real heart. You can feel the beautifully aligned purpose, mission, joy, kindness and big dollop of fun running through every touch like a stick of rock.

you truly have created something so utterly beautiful and it was just wonderful to meet you 🤩🤩

Particularly excited with my embroidered ‘JOY’ bag. The colours are to die for. 🕶️

Thank you so much for having and I 😍


…make a pretty meme about lemonade! 🍋

Now, I love a motivational meme as much as the next person but the truth is that sometimes those damn lemons are just too bitter and hard to squish even the tiniest drop of lemonade from.

Sometimes there just ain’t a meme in the WORLD that will get us into the kitchen and reaching for our juicer.

We can’t always make the bad stuff glittery and honestly would we really want to? We have to feel our feelings and allow them to pass through otherwise we’re building up a pretty nifty pressure cooker in our system.

When a big clanger of a life moment takes our breath away, we often add shame as a cherry on top of our emotional cake.

🍋Why am I not dealing with this better?
🍋Why am I not seeing the positives?
🍋Why am I not making sense of this?
🍋Why am I not making damn lemonade out of these unbelievably nasty lemons?

Sometimes we just need to feel and go through it and do all we can to take care of ourselves in those moments and make sure we are safe and doing the things that we can and celebrate even the seemingly tiniest of wins and ask for help if we need it and know that we are a human being with human emotions and responses and that to feel is be alive.

When you are out the other side (and there will be another side), we can make a giant vat of the tastiest lemonade ever and have a Goddam pool party in the stuff! (with inflatables and a Dj and everything!)


📣📣📣 Well, I am beyond excited to announce that the fabulous and I are bringing something super spesh to the world and we’ll be popping up at a bunch of festivals and events this Summer to talk about it. We’ll be at and and and that’s just for starters!

Get your tickets for these cracking events and we’ll see ya’ll there!


‘Calm down. It’s only hair!’

That’s what someone said to me when I was beside myself about my hair loss years ago. Losing my hair was one of the most horrible and out of control things that had happened to me at that point in my life. I was only 24. It was f*cking horrible. I was talking about it in a session this week and even though I feel in a good place about my hairloss, I felt a catch in my throat as I shared a part of the story.

24 years ago, wigs weren’t great, I was told by a doctor it was ‘purely cosmetic’ and so I just had to kind of get on with it!

There certainly wasn’t amazing things like these bottom lash transfers from the amazing

It’s my first attempt at using them so I am sure I’ll get better at the application.

It is such a simple little fix but for someone who hasn’t had lower lashes for around 7 years, it’s frickin’ huge.

Trying out the brows tomorrow! Wish me luck 👁️👁️


Here I am, hanging out in the amazing again.

I loved writing this article about my journey to happiness and the power of reclaiming your essence of self at any age.

It’s nuts that I talk about ‘midlife’ and as I was writing I smiled to myself as I hadn’t even realised I was officially a grown up 😜

Enjoy the article. You’ll find some tips in there about quietening down that inner buzzy bee critic that loves to whisper doubt into your ear!

If you would like me to come along and share my system for happiness at your business or event, give me a holler.

**kadulting **kyouare ⁠

Photos from LifeShine's post 16/01/2024

The colours of the beautiful work on display at

The fair is on all week and is truly a joy to behold.

What better way to spend your time, than surrounded by colour, joy, creativity and soul brightening works of beauty?


⭕️ A full circle moment back at my old company ⭕️

Amazing afternoon delivering my signature talk, The ELATED System for Happiness.

This was one of those brilliant ‘full circle’ moments for me. Being back at Immediate in a totally different capacity was a little surreal but definitely left me with a huge warm glow.

I suppose the biggest realisation yesterday was in sharing my story, I realised how far, I myself have come since I was working there.

Some of the things I shared in front of a room packed with people, I would have struggled to share with just one person a few years ago. To me, it’s evidence of the work I have done on prioritising my own happiness and now I’m lucky enough to be able to share it with others.

I am just so grateful that amazing companies like Immediate Media are prioritising happiness and I get to do this as a job.

Thank you for everyone in the Immediate advertising team that listened, engaged, asked brilliant questions and took the time to come and chat afterwards.

If your organisation sees happiness as a priority, drop me a note.

I’d love to show you how game changing happiness is for your life and work.

**kadulting **kyouare ⁠


Repost from

January doesn’t have to be miserable, so Joyologist Donna Easton explains why she loves this month (and how you can too!) via the link in bio ☀️
**kadulting **kyouare ⁠


Happy New Year my little bunnies!

How about, instead of new year’s rezzies, you decide how you want to feeeeeeeeeel this year?

I’ll give you an example. Instead of having a resolution that says ‘Go to the gym every morning’, we could say ‘This year I want to feeeeeel healthy’.

One of my feelings for the year is ‘STRATOSPHERIC’. Now I know that ‘stratospheric’ can’t even really be described as a feeling but nevertheless it’s on my list.

I suppose my point here is there’s no pressure with this one. I have chosen a word that isn’t really a feeling, I have a few words on my list now but as the weeks roly-poly by, I may change them to new ones. At some point I may add news feelings.

That’s the beauty of being a fully-fledged grown up. We get to decide what feels good.

I’d love to hear how you would like your 2024 to feel.

Let me know 👇🏻

Love you ❤️

**kadulting **kyouare ⁠


Entrepreneury business kittens in this group,

People keep asking me about my speaking and events work soooooo, I have a opened 5 x 1:1 Step into the Spotlight days.

We will craft your keynote and give it a compelling and sellable title
I will direct you (like Steven Spielberg) so that you communicate with your audience

AND if you get in before Monday, you'll get a bonus where we'll write a speaker strategy, identify places you can speak and I'll share how I have been able to speak on some of the country's biggest stages.

This is only for people who know what they want to say but are struggling to make it succinct and sellable or you feel wobbly about standing in front of a room full of people or are hitting brick walls with speaking opps.

DM me today if this sounds like something you need.

UPDATE - 4 left 😲


On the radiogram with the incredible on tomorrow morning at 10:10 so tune in for a dose of joy 🤩

Talking all things happiness, sharing my story and giving some joyful tips to Kaye and the gorgeous BBC Radio Scotland listeners.

I can’t WAIT 😜


Wearing a jumper that is totes appropes.

Introducing ‘Joy Nibbles’. You’ve heard of glimmers, we KNOW we need to do joyful things to keep us motoring but man where do we fit it IN?

So, here I come to rescue you with ‘Joy Nibbles’. Follow for daily advice on where I get my nibbles each day.

This morning:

⛱️I put on a bright jumper even though it was pi***ng down.

👧🏼My girl wanted to sort her colouring pens and pencil case out this morning. Did we have time? Hell no. Was it important to her? Yep. Soooooo we sorted the pens and then ran around like a pair of lunatics to get ready in time for her dad picking her up.

👵🏼Had a little ‘hello, what a yucky day’ kind of chat with a nice lady at the station.

Three little nibbles. All together, they add up.

If we are the whole cake in one go, we’d probs puke, if we took little nibbles throughout the day, we’d a) not puke and b) the calories literally don’t count if you nibble!

What nibbles could you enjoy today?

Stay tuned for your daily nibbles. Yum yum 😋


It’s my absolute 100% BIRTHDAY!!!!!! One big old circuit around the sunshine.

Lots of learning. Lots of digging. Lots of wigging. Lots of fun. Lots of soul-searching. Lots of loving. Lots of thinking. Lots of growing. Lots of laughing. Lots of snogging. Lots of Joyology-ing!

Hold on to your tights……48 is looking GOOOOOOOOOOOD!

If you wanna join me in shifting your happiness barometer and changing your life, Linkydinkyplinky in the bio.


7 November. 6 Tuesday evenings. 6 sessions. Online. Life changed. Job done 😘😘

**kadulting **kyouare ⁠

Photos from LifeShine's post 17/10/2023

Sometimes we don’t feel like the benefits of joy are tangible. Like happiness is a ‘nice to have’ and sits at number 867 on your to do list!

Over the next couple of weeks, I am gonna give you all of the beautiful benefits of happiness starting with today’s helping.

Imagine being a brand new you in time for the Christmas season?

Ready to jump in to change? The Elation Station is my new 6 week online programme where after 6 weeks, you will feel like a rinsed out and freshly excited self.

Link in bio my beautiful ones.

Anyone who books before the end of this week gets a special 1:1 ‘Unlock your story’ session with me too!

**kadulting **kyouare ⁠


It’s official!!!!!!!

Super excited to be speaking at Latitude Festival in a couple of weeks.

Festivals always bring such a mixed bag of humans to my sessions, it fills me with all the good stuff!

Beyond delighted to have partnered with and of the incredible

Pop along and say hello if you’re going to be there ❤️❤️🏕️🏕️🎶🎶🌳🌳


A story about a little thing shifting the moment 🐜

The other day I was on the 7:56 to Charing Cross heading to Hammersmith.

It was a pretty standard affair that morning. People looking at their phones, tapping on laptops, snoozing, drinking their coffee from those reusable cups, a light chatter from behind me, a gentle beat of someone’s music from their AirPods.

Something caught my eye. A little ant crawling up my top.

I gently flick her (just Googled it and apparently worker ants are all female) off before she makes her way….well, into my bra. Clearly a slightly pervy ant!

All of a sudden, the man next to me calls out “What was THAT??” I’d flicked the pervy ant onto my commuting neighbour and she was now crawling along his laptop bag (probably heading for his pants. Apparently ants love pants. I didn’t have to Google that….everyone knows ants love pants!).

So, I said “Oh sorry! I flicked that onto you”

He said “OH! So it’s YOUR ant!!”

I said “Well, it’s not strictly MY ant. I mean, it’s not a pet or anything like that!”

At which point he paused and looked at me…..then laughed…..loudly.

And so did I.

And so did some of the other people on the train.

And for a moment, that little ant reminded us of everything we needed to know.

Look out for the little things. They are EVERYWHERE 🐜🐜



Still chance to book for tomorrow!

If you need a reboot
If you need a jump start
If you need some time to remember
If you need some tools to shift you
If you need some fizz in your bang

Come along tomorrow where we’ll be absolutely having it!

Full deets here duckling:


Countdown to next Thursday is on!

🫧If you are feeling like you need more fizz in your bang, I reckon this could be just the afternoon for you. 🫧

Linky in the bio sugar pie!

**kadulting **kyouare ⁠


Come on little sausages!

I am doing a little ti**le with excitement about this so I'd love for you to join me.

🪄You've kind of forgotten...
🪄but you are sure it's still there...
🪄you feel a glimmer...
🪄a burning ember, not quite extinguished...
🪄there's a feeling of something more...
🪄a little sensation of knowing...
🪄a hint of a belief that there's still magic!

It may just be time, to Remember Who The F*CK You Are!

Thursday 1th May - 12:30 - 4pm
Heist Bank - Paddington, London

You may just walk out a different person!


Who's coming munchkins?

📆 11 MAY
⏰12:30 - 4:00
🎮The Games Room
🐻Heist Bank Paddington

Join me, Joyologist and creator of Joyology®️ to re-ignite your passions, banish blocks, re-align energy and leave with solid steps to embracing the rest of your life like a frickin' rockstar! 🎸

The day will include:

💎Unlock the buried you with 'The Digging for Diamonds Method'💎
⚓Discover and anchor in your happiness with 'The Joy Cultivation System'⚓
🪁Learn a happiness code for life with 'The E.L.A.T.E.D System'🪁
🌟Next chapter of YOU - 'The Pillars of Permission Blueprint'🌟

Imagine living like a goddam firecracker? 🪄


It’s not all moonlight and roses is it?

What about the days when you feel a bit cluck cluck f**k f**k s**t s**t?

Do we need to wiggle around in the mush with a fake smile on our face?

Do we always need to be ‘on’?

The beautiful thing about being a glorious humanoid upright walking person who can chat and giggle and love and laugh and say idiotic things and get our words all twisted around our necks is that we FEEEEEL.

We feel all the things and some days we just aren’t there with our rainbows, red lipstick and ‘guilty (disco roller skatey) pleasures’ playlist. Sometimes that feels like an ‘us’ that is just out of reach.

Sometimes we have a horrible health scare that when we get the all clear makes us realise that we have been walking around in a bit of a daze for the past month.

Sometimes finances can be so wibbly wobbly that we feel like we’re scrabbling around for bits and bobs and our nervous system is all jangly.

Sometimes we love our little baldy heads and sometimes we feel like we would just LOVE to remember that feeling of going to the hairdresser and getting a swanky new ‘do’.

Sometimes sometimes sometimes.

And it’s all ok.

If we practice joy, gratitude and happiness on the reg. we are more likely to take a more zoomed out look at those times and know that this shall pass and we will notice the sun peep from behind the dark clouds*.

We are allowed to feel our feelings.

We don’t have to pretend we’re FINE all the time.

If you are in it right now, find the things to comfort your little self. Nourish your body nicely, read things that make you smile, be aware of what you are consuming on telly and socials, be aware of the people around you, know that without the s**t, we can’t fully appreciate the shine.

Love you my little buggers.

Oh, come to my event on the 11th May sweet ones. Linky in bio.


*As with all of my posts, the advice is designed for people who experience life’s ups and downs. If you feel there is no way out for you, please speak to a therapist. I can put you in touch with someone if you DM me.


Have you forgotten?

Do you need a little reminder?

Is it all lost under a pile of grown up stuff?

What is the very essence of you that makes you you?

The bit that shows up when you are fully relaxed?

The bit that's giddy and giggly and sexy and silly and dickheadyfied and artistic and hopeful and excited and knows.....just knows that they were destined for magic.

It's there. Glimmering away. Just buried. Just visible. We can dig for it. We can release it. We are allowed it. Damn, we deserve it.

Let's go sugar pies.

An afternoon to unlock your desires. To dig for the diamonds. To take you back to you. To have some fun. To feel brave. To feel unstoppable and to remember....

🌟Remember Who the F*CK You ARE!🌟

11 May 12:30 - 16:00

The Games Room in Paddington, London.


**kyouare **kadulting


Oooh!!! It’s happening kitties. I’ll be hosting a workshop at on Friday 26th May at 11am.

Joyology®️ - How to live a more joyful existence.

I’ll be sharing my formula for happy and we’ll work through some practical exercises to re-awaken the kick ass passion rocket inside all of us!

Ready Freddy? Let’s go daddyo.

**kadulting **kyouare ⁠


Hello sausages!

I’ve had quite a few new pals join my gang recently so thought I’d re-intro myself.

I’m Donna Easton.

I’m a Joyologist.

Joyology®️ is a code by which we can live our lives and I LOVE seeing people change as a result of this work.

Joyology®️ teaches us to shift up the way we look at ourselves and the world around us and allows us to start to feel more vibrant, alive and more….well…more of the ‘us’ we were always meant to be.

My work helps people tip over to the positive side of the scale and shift their work and personal life as a result.

I work with individuals, entrepreneurs, organisations, colleges and teams to move the dial on happiness and joy which in turn packs a life-changing and world-changing punch.

I’m not your typical ‘wellness’ person. I believe well-being can be delivered in a way that is entertaining, rebellious, a bit silly, utterly digestible, memorable and complements our lives.

I speak at amazing events and have had my face and words all over the press.

I have a system for happiness. The E.L.A.T.E.D. System.

I bloody LOVE what I do.

If you wanna work with me, drop me a little note 📝

Love you sweet babies.

Dons xx


**kadulting **kyouare ⁠

Photos from LifeShine's post 20/03/2023

I was only in online last week!

What a total dreamboat of a thing to happen.

Such a gorgeous article about my ‘One Good Thing’ where I talk about ‘Dialling up your fizzy’, which is my absolute fave thing to do.

All you need to do is imagine you have a on your tummy and press the button and let a stream of imaginary colourful bubbles course through your system. Easy peasy!

It’s world happiness day so let’s get this Monday full of fizzy wizzy let’s get busy.

Here’s the full article…

Love you my little glove puppets!

**kadulting **kyouare ⁠

Videos (show all)

Still chance to book for tomorrow! If you need a rebootIf you need a jump start If you need some time to remember If you...
The Shiny Life Experience is coming!! Feeling like there has to be more?? Feeling stuck in that groove and you can’t see...
🙏🏻 My peace and tranquillity 🙏🏻#mylifeshines #mumlifeuk #mumlife #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #confidenceinkids ...
For all the mumma's
How is washing up now one of my most favourite parts of the day?