Day z rust camp

Day z   rust camp



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Chlorine Tablets, commonly known as Water Purification Tablets, are used to disinfect unclean water in Canteens, PET Bottles, Gasoline Canisters, and Water Pouchs. As of update 1.10, you can stack the tablets in your inventory.
Water is unclean when it comes from a pond or river and by drinking the unclean water the player has a high chance to contract Cholera.
It is not necessary to use these tablets on the water which comes from a water pump, as this is clean drinkable water.

TIP: When you loot a player and they have a Canteen or Plastic Bottle, empty them or use Chlorine Tablets on it. You don't know where they got it, so it might have contaminated water.



CZ 550
Weapon CZ550.png
Magazine Size 5
Ammo Type(s) 9.3×62 Ma**er
Magazine Type(s) CZ550 Mag
Damage 7733 Blood
Fire Modes Semi (Bolt Action)
Shots to Kill body:
head: 1

Effective Range 800m
Rate of Fire Slow
Recoil Moderate
Noise Very high
Zeroing Yes (up to 800m)
Location(s) Farms
Rarity Uncommon
Attachments Hunting rifle scope
Alternate version(s) N/A

Photos from Day z   rust camp's post 05/04/2021

Base Building
Main Article: Base Building

Base Building equipment refers to a variety of items and tools that are used in the construction and fortification of a survivor camp. A combination of tools, resources and Base Building equipment are needed in order to construct a fortified camp. With or without a fortified camp, survivors can use several items for storage, including things like tents, barrels or chests. There are also several options for adding functionality to a camp: generators, camouflaged netting, construction lights, battery chargers, etc.


Main Article: Health
Health, a core stat in DayZ Standalone, is perhaps the most important player stat in the game. A representation of a character's life, having your Health reduced to 0 results in instantaneous death. Easy to lose and slow to gain, Health must be monitored at all times.

All Survivors begin with 100 Health, the maximum that can be had, and lose Health from things like injury or starvation. Although the methods for losing Health are the same for all Survivors, the complexity of DayZ Standalone's Health and Damage system vary the amount of Health lost based on several factors. Even if two survivors are injured in the same way at the same time, they will still often lose different amounts of Health.

The other reason Health is so important is the difference between being alive or dead. The amount, or lack thereof, of Health you have, has a large impact on your movement speed. The more injured you become the slower your character is able to jog, sprint, and even crawl, which can make you an easy target for the Infected, other Survivors or feral animals.

There is also no method, either through items or medical treatments, to instantly restore lost Health. Natural Health recovery over time is the only method for restoring lost Health. Recovery speed is tied largely to Blood so it is important that a Survivor treats their wounds, stays well-fed, and well-hydrated and out of the elements in order to maximize their recovery speed.

Main Article: Blood
Blood, a core stat in DayZ Standalone, is second only to Health in terms of importance. Representing the amount of blood in a character's body, losing too much Blood can result in unconsciousness or even death.

All Survivors start with 5000 Blood, the maximum that can be had, and lose Blood from injury. While a small amount of Blood is initially lost when a character suffers certain injuries, the primary method of blood loss is bleeding from wounds sustained when a character is injured. Although individual wounds typically do not result in much blood loss, multiple wounds, with varying degrees of severity, can occur in moderate to severe injuries resulting in a high amount of blood loss very quickly.

Blood is a unique stat in a few of ways. First, the effects of blood loss don't happen when it gets close or drops to its minimum value of 0. Instead, the serious effects of blood loss begin to occur around 3,000 Blood, wherein a survivor will begin to take Shock damage until they either fall unconscious or regain enough Blood. Second, Blood is one of only two stats, the other being Health, that cause death to occur when it falls below a specific value. With Blood, a character only needs to lose ~2,500 Blood for death to occur. Finally, Blood is unique in that every character has a blood type, which is randomly determined when the character is first spawned. A character's blood type is unique to that character and does not transfer when a new character is spawned.

As long as a Survivor remains moderately fed and hydrated, they will regenerate lost Blood automatically. While the natural recovery process is faster than it is with Health, the larger amount of Blood a character has makes the recovery time approximately the same. Unlike Health, there are medical treatments a character can receive to increase recovery speed, via Saline Bag IV, or even instant restore lost Blood, via Blood Bag IV. Caution is advised, however, as an improper Blood Transfusion can result in the Hemolytic Reaction.

Main Article: Shock
Shock, a core stat in DayZ Standalone, is more abstract that the other three core stats. Rather than representing a direct facet of a character's state, Shock instead represents the amount of trauma (and ensuing circulatory issues) a character's body has received in a short period of time. While not exactly the same as its real life counterpart [Shock], the underlying causes are similar.

In DayZ Standalone, loss of Shock is cause by certain injuries, a drop in blood pressure due to too much Blood loss or suffering from a Heart Attack.

Being a more abstract stat, Shock has no UI or visual indicator. Suffer too much trauma or lose too much Blood, too quickly and your character will simply fall unconsciousness for a period of time (determined by the cause). This makes Shock the hardest of the core stats to manage as you simply do not know, even approximately, what your Shock level is after suffering an injury.

While falling unconscious definitely leaves a Survivor vulnerable, it is not necessarily a death sentence. Relative to both Blood and Health, Shock regenerates rather quickly, even when unconscious. As long as a character's wounds aren't too serious or they have been bandaged, the character will regain consciousness within a couple of minutes. Additionally, the use of an Epinephrine Auto-Injector will instantly restore a character's Shock value back to its maximum value allowing them to regain consciousness. Alternatively, another Survivor can perform CPR on an unconscious character, speeding up their Shock recovery and allowing them to regain consciousness much faster.



As of 1.0, players can construct bases or camps, ranging from simple loot stashes in underground stashes or barrels, to complex walled structures with Fences, Watchtowers, an electricity system and vehicles.

Objects such as tents or electricity system items can be placed using a ghost 'precision placement' model. This allows you to accurately place items in a specific location and rotation.

In addition to building a camp from scratch, players also have rudimentary barricading in the form of lockpicks. Just about any functioning door on any existing structure in Chernarus can be locked for the purpose of impeding another person's ability to enter that building. This is only temporary however, since melee weapons can be used to break through the locked door. Given its current limitations, most people choose to use this ability as a distraction for creating a surprise attack or to alert them when another player may be trying to enter the building that they are currently occupying.

Player camps can be constructed out of a small variety of building pieces currently in the game. These consist of tents, barrels, and base building pieces. You can find tents and barrels spawning naturally in the world, whereas you are required to hand-make pieces like walls and towers. Keep in mind that that construction of towers and fences can only be completed with planks, nails, wooden logs, and sheet metal, though the kits themselves have to be made out rope and short sticks.

Some of the items that can be used involve the following


food plant cook home do kill for play

Photos from Day z   rust camp's post 14/01/2021

look food die
