Csaba Kobol

Csaba Kobol

✨‍Helping Entrepreneurs Build A Business on the Internets ✨

Timeline photos 21/07/2020
Facebook, Google and Apple Announce New Emoji Updates for World Emoji Day 20/07/2020

Facebook, Google and Apple Announce New Emoji Updates for World Emoji Day Today is World Emoji Day, and several platforms have taken the opportunity to announce new emoji updates.

2020 Social Media Content Calendar Packed with Post Ideas [Infographic] 20/07/2020

2020 Social Media Content Calendar Packed with Post Ideas [Infographic] Looking for a great 2020 Social Media Content Calendar packed with Social Media Holidays? You've found it! Plus a handy infographic to save for later!

Former Facebook executive: "you don’t realize it, but you are being programmed" 02/07/2020

Former Facebook executive: "you don’t realize it, but you are being programmed" “I think we have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works. The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops we’ve created are destroying how society works,” former Facebook vice-president of user growth Chamath Palihapitiya, told an audience at Stanford Graduat...

Facebook Will Finally Tell Your Aunt That Article Is From 3 Months Ago 01/07/2020

Facebook Will Finally Tell Your Aunt That Article Is From 3 Months Ago Raise your hand if you sometimes forget to look at the publication date of an article before you breathlessly share it with a friend? It’s okay, you’re only human. After years of promoting old and outdated content, Facebook finally wants to help you remember. According to a recent blog post by J...


Do you use Facebook ads?

The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Influencer Marketing 30/06/2020

The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Influencer Marketing Digital marketers have to deploy AI. They also have to defeat it

24 Book Quote Tattoos That Are Equal Parts Heartwarming And Beautiful 24/06/2020

24 Book Quote Tattoos That Are Equal Parts Heartwarming And Beautiful Literature is forever, and so is tattoo ink.

Husband Gives Wife a Birthday Cake Shaped Like Her Favorite Thing: a Giant Amazon Package 23/06/2020

Husband Gives Wife a Birthday Cake Shaped Like Her Favorite Thing: a Giant Amazon Package Waylon McGuire outdid himself this year for his wife's birthday -- he got her a custom cake shaped like her favorite thing: an Amazon package.

The Most Beautiful Photo We Could Find of Every National Park 22/06/2020

The Most Beautiful Photo We Could Find of Every National Park Including the national park hot springs you can swim in—and ones you definitely can't.

People Are Recreating Paintings In This Dutch Instagram Account And Here Are 30 Of The Best Ones 21/06/2020

People Are Recreating Paintings In This Dutch Instagram Account And Here Are 30 Of The Best Ones The Instagram account “Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine” invites everyone to join the real-life painting recreation challenge. And some of the shots are so creative, I dare to say—better than the originals.

12 Fun Facts About You Can't Do That on Television 20/06/2020

12 Fun Facts About You Can't Do That on Television The show that set the standard for Nickelodeon's kid-friendly comedies has some fascinating behind-the-scenes stories.


I am getting itchy fingers with travel reservations, but there is still the social distancing thing, so I must wait to get photos like this

Facebook Adds Option to Send Marketing Emails via Pages App 16/06/2020


Facebook Adds Option to Send Marketing Emails via Pages App Facebook is testing a new option that would enable Page managers to send emails to their contact via their page.



37 Pinterest Board Name Ideas that Will Get You MORE Clicks, Pins & Followers 09/06/2020

37 Pinterest Board Name Ideas that Will Get You MORE Clicks, Pins & Followers Looking for Pinterest board name ideas that will drive clicks, pins and followers? No problem. Your Pinterest board names will ROCK after reading this guide!

Cowboy Museum Puts Their Head Of Security In Charge Of Their Twitter, And His Tweets Are Hilariously Wholesome 07/06/2020

Cowboy Museum Puts Their Head Of Security In Charge Of Their Twitter, And His Tweets Are Hilariously Wholesome Americans have found their new icon. Since the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma put Tim Send, their head of security, in charge of their Twitter, the whole country has been praising his tweets.

How to Research and Plan Your Blog Content for a Year 04/06/2020

How to Research and Plan Your Blog Content for a Year Discover how to use your blog's editorial calendar to plan and publish strategic content on a consistent schedule.

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

Did you know June is officially National Dairy Month. Yep, it's true. So let's discuss cheese. State your case ~ what's your favorite cheese ever?

8 Dogs That Are Better at Instagram Than You 01/06/2020

Are you afraid to create and run your Social Media page for your business ?

Even dogs can do it :)

8 Dogs That Are Better at Instagram Than You We take a look at some of our favorite dogs of Instagram and find out exactly what it is that has made them so successful.

Timeline photos 31/05/2020

Now we have awesome tools to do online marketing - use them to your leverage.
I still remember typing code manually for a whole website, it took ages . Now I use tools - they helps to done a task in a hour at most,
(and I have IT developer background).

What is your go to tool for your SM posts?


How you know you became a digital networker :
If you morning routine looks like this:
1. Wake Up
2. Check phone for messages
3. Check Facebook for any notifications from your business page
4. Check how your ads were doing through your sleep.

Attraction Marketing 10 Day Recruiting Bootcamp 30/05/2020

Question: How much progress have you made on your business this year?

Not sure? Well, are you measuring your progress against a predetermined standard, such as your own personal goals?

If this for you is a sore subject because you don’t have specific goals yet, or you simply have trouble accomplishing them, then read on.

You're about to learn a few tips and battle-tested tricks about the process of goal setting.

Check out to learn more it is FREE

Attraction Marketing 10 Day Recruiting Bootcamp Click the "GET ACCESS NOW" button below for your Attraction Marketing Boot Camp and receive step-by-step instructions on how to ATTRACT prospects & customers to your business!

Spoiler Alert: Millennials Prefer Digital for All Communications - eMarketer 30/05/2020

Spoiler Alert: Millennials Prefer Digital for All Communications - eMarketer On a typical day, young people are more likely to communicate with others through varying digital channels than in person, according to a new study.


Q: How many hours a week do you spend on social media sites?

23 Easy Instagram Post Ideas that Will Boost Your Engagement - Socially Sorted 29/05/2020

23 Easy Instagram Post Ideas that Will Boost Your Engagement - Socially Sorted Looking for Instagram Post Ideas? This post is packed with 23 handy Insatgram Post ideas for when you're planning your Instagam posts.

Timeline photos 28/05/2020

How long of a consecutive time have you spent in a car?

Google is coming for Facebook budgets with Discovery ads, now available globally 28/05/2020

Google is coming for Facebook budgets with Discovery ads, now available globally Discovery campaigns are available to all advertisers globally.


Fun fact time : There are more than 30,000 diets on public record.

Why You Need a Social Media Hashtag Strategy (And How to Create One) 26/05/2020

Why You Need a Social Media Hashtag Strategy (And How to Create One) How do you use hashtags on the top three social media platforms? This article looks at how to create a hashtag strategy for your business.

Timeline photos 25/05/2020

Happy Memorial Day, Fans from the USA! A BIG thank you to all those who have served your country.

Timeline photos 25/05/2020

Not the horror comedy from 1993, I rather prefer watch the original inThe Smurfs even after 40 years , where in the Hungarian version Gargamel was called HocusPocus. Just too good to remember while rewatching
