

Our goal is Restoration of indigenous representation in media coverage! Please Donate or share link below:

Photos from Buffalo Youth Nation Project - Wakanyeja Tatanka Oyate's post 20/01/2024



People keep saying Lily Gladstones speech was "so perfect", because
She shouted out native kids...
In reality
It was a pathetic and superficial speech
For a representative of indigenous people.
who are in an active genocide.
and for a film that was supposed to shine light on indigenous suffering, it sure did place our struggle in the past.
Her speech implied unity, progress, indigenous success...
but there is no unity, progress or success when every treaty is broken daily,
When there's an ongoing MMIW crisis, water crisis, adoption crisis, food crisis, economic crisis, resource crisis, treaty crisis, mental.health crisis, extreme poverty crisis. Etc etc.
There's no unity, progress ot success
When indigenous people lay at the bottom of every social health and economic indicator in 2024, dwarfing any American struggle by major percentages.
No, a ball was dropped here.
that room was filled with the most genocide compliant and complicit democrats and Republicans who've profited off stolen land, resources and stories for their whole lives.
People could stand to hear an indigenous person call them out for their continued ignorance... Yea she's a good actor
But doesn't make her a good representative and definitely doesn't make it a "perfect speech"

We’re all so proud of you !! ❤️


We need to start taking our status in this country seriously. We are in an active genocide in 2024 and the representation we have, whether that's Reservation Dogs, Deb Haaland or Lilly Gladstone, is superficial and Lacking. Imagine having a world stage and not mentioning our active genocide. WE ARE DROPPING THE BALL ON OUR SOVEREIGN FUTURE BY PLACING THESE PEOPLE ON PEDESTALS. It's time to wake up and start leaning towards traditional leadership who know our place and solutions out!


Disheartening at best.


The truth is.... Awards from the colonial entertainment industry... An industry that profits off of stolen land and resources daily. Fueling American privilege at the cost of indigenous lives. Lily Gladstone is indigenous yes, but would you not expect an indigenous person to mention the genocide we all face in 2024... Where we lie at the bottom of every social health and economic indicator. This superficial representation just isn't going to cut it anymore. I'm trying to imagine the educational moment we would have had, had Russell Means won a golden globe... Times are changing and unfortunately the representation is being more watered down.


The truth is... We have a lot of work to do. It starts with education on our federal and International treaty rights. Self determination is key.


We're indigenous...NOT bought and paid for Colonia propaganda...


We need better representation on all levels. For years we've let pretendians steer the narrative. Which is never the reality of Indian country. Our people need voices and medias who will speak up for our best interest, not their capitalist one.


Colonial America will cry out against genocide* when it's thousands of miles away, yet be silent on the Indigenous genocide that is active in their own backyards from Argentina to Alaska in 2024.
The Indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere live at the bottom of every social health and economic indicator Hemisphere wide. Hundreds of Indigenous nations live in constant states of emergency from lack of adequate healthcare, lack of food, lack of water, lack of housing, addiction, su***de, lowest life expectancies, lowest education rates, MMIW- Pipeline- Adoption- Language- Treaty crisis, puppet leadership who condones and complies with revised kill the Indian save the man policy.
The hypocrisy of the colonial leadership, citizens and media shows the indigenous community exactly what we already know...
We are alone in the fight OUT of our active genocide. When the colonial population stands to only LOSE from our Sovereignty... How can we expect anything less.


Happy Winter Solstice


Artist: The Original Voice - Slim Luck




The Lakota people are in a genocide and this does nothing to help that. Obey treaties, uphold international law... This statue is honestly offensive, it gives a false sense of unity between us and the colonial West Hem.

I don't know why this hasn't received more publicity, but this fifty-foot sculpture was unveiled recently in South Dakota.
It's called 'Dignity' and was done by artist Dale Lamphere to honor the women of the Sioux Nation.
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The RISE Academy 11/03/2023

Looking forward to a Possible Partnership happening between The Western Hemisphere Indigenous Network and RISE academy!
Heres some info on RISE and their goal!
"The free online Revolutionary International School of Emancipation (the RISE Academy) will achieve what we cannot do individually - voice the truth in a way that can't be ignored, drowned out, or denied.
The RISE Academy's curriculum will be designed and curated by both Indigenous and non-Indigenous experts in the fields of anti-racism, decolonization, Traditional Knowledge, psychology, and so much more. World-renowned experts such as Dr Gabor Mate will be enlisted (and paid) to help provide free various educational videos, content, and/or resources.
It will not only educate Allies; equipping them with the knowledge and tools to oppose Colonial Mindsets and oppressive structures - but also equip all marginalized groups in society with new tools, network connections, and knowledge to maximize their own individual efforts both personally, and communally (especially crucial for influencers, activists, front-line workers, etc).
The RISE Academy is a living and growing knowledge-base, combining the knowledge, skills, and efforts of those doing the work to create a more just and equitable society. 1 plus 1 equals 11 when it comes to social change - add more batteries to a flashlight and each battery harnesses the power all the others, making the light brighter.
Anyone willing to help add to the RISE Academy knowledge base and curriculum as an instructor or contributor - you can amplify collective and individual voices to an audience seeking the very knowledge you have to offer the world, increasing your follower-ship base and reach.
Great videos are often lost in the noise for many content creators, and the formats of many social medias don't allow for easy searching of specific information. Voting systems will bring the best content to the forefront, enabling important lessons to be widely shared on the world's first and only free online educational system geared for this purpose.
Video courses and learning modules will also enable the instructor that designed them to directly receive optional donations from viewers and students globally - for as long as the RISE Academy exists, directly to your bank or PayPal account.
Many have invested tremendous physical, mental, and emotional effort to gain and share their knowledge - it’s time to create an environment where that knowledge is not only sought and appreciated, but even rewarded so that great work can continue."

The RISE Academy (To make a pledge for a Settler Treaty Card - and to read the Settler Treaty Rights article by Tyler McCreary Phd, Click Here) The free online Revolutionary International School of Emancipation (the RISE Academy) will achieve what we cannot do individually - voice the truth in a way that can't be ig...



This conversation needs to be had but it needs to be had by indigenous people ONLY. Non Indigenous people love to use us as entertainment but have never mentioned the genocide we face daily in 2022.


Help WHIN expand and reach millions with the truth and accountability.



Help us expand and restore representation to the Western Hemisphere.


We NEED a network that will light a fire under our leadership and any entity who is compliant or complicit with genocide and Assimilation policy.
Help us expand by donating today!


The two party oligarchy will not give our people the Sovereignty we need to leave this genocide.
Donate at our GoFundMe below! https://gofund.me/6b14778b


Accountability isn't covering up history.
Donate at our GoFundMe below! https://gofund.me/6b14778b


Compliance is COMPLICITY! ALL federally recognized tribal councils need to be held accountable and many need to resign because they Have purposely failed our people for monetary gain.
Donate at our GoFundMe below! https://gofund.me/6b14778b


The Department of Interior released a highly anticipated report on indigenous Boarding Schools Wednesday. The report identifies over 400 schools, more than 50 gravesites and least 500 indigenous children who had died while attending the schools.
The report is the first time in U.S history that the federal government has made an attempt to acknowledge the horrors it inflicted on indigenous children under kill the Indian save the man policy. Policies that still live on today.
The Department of interior report is a step in the direction of justice but falls very short by leaving out the real Number of Indigenous child deaths and causes. Preston McBride, an Indian boarding school historian and a Comanche descendent stated “The United States doesn’t even know how many Indian students went through these institutions — let alone how many actually died in them”
The real estimated overall number of deaths is as high as 40,000. The report also fails to shed any new light on the severity of the physical and sexual abuse our indigenous children faced for over 100 years.
No official apologies have been given by the federal government for their sole responsibility in this part of indigenous Genocide and no present action has been made to address the trauma and policies that are still left in the boarding schools wake. a truth and reconciliation commission on Indian boarding schools Created by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and Rep. Sharice Davids may change that.
While acknowledging the "boarding school" era atrocities are important, a 106 page report that covers only a fraction of the statistics most of us already knew,
is about right for the DOI. This report is a thrown together, throw the dog a bone action and it really illustrates just how much effort the federal government will go through To address everything but the active genocide we face today. Yes being educated on their genocidal past is important and we will never forget but what about 2022, where indigenous people still suffer from Highest poverty rate highest addiction rate, highest su***de rate, highest unemployment rate, Lowest life expectancy, highest death by law enforcement rate, lowest education rate, mmiw crisis, foster care crisis and water crisis all brought on by the same policies that were enforced at thes boarding Schools, something they left out of there report. There should be an open investigation for our active genocide until the hundreds of tribes that have treaties have full Sovereignty! Only then will we applaud the federal government for any action regarding our nations.
Donate at our GoFundMe below! https://gofund.me/6b14778b


While acknowledging the "boarding school" era atrocities are important, a 100 page report that barely covers any of the statistics we wanted to know about is ridiculous. This report sheds very little light on the hundred years of physical and sexual abuse our ancestors endured and is no where near accurate on the amount of children who actually died, and who was responsible. This report is thrown together, performative action just like their MMIW "website". The federal government will bring up the past and do extreme investigating of it, just so they don't have to be accountable for todays atrocities still being perpetrated by them.
In 2022 indigenous people still have the Highest poverty rate, highest addiction rate, highest su***de rate, highest unemployment rate, Lowest life expectancy, highest death by law enforcement rate, lowest education rate, mmiw crisis, foster care crisis, water crisis, the list goes on. Why is there not an investigation for our active genocide? Is it because doing the bare minimum is easiest and opening an investigation of the indigenous genocide would clear every judge, senate and congress seat for war crimes and negligence? I think so and I think it's time we get some real action from the federal government. FULL SOVEREIGNTY per supreme law of the land!
Donate at our GoFundMe below! https://gofund.me/6b14778b

Videos (show all)

We need to start taking our status in this country seriously. We are in an active genocide in 2024 and the representatio...
Disheartening at best.
The truth is.... Awards from the colonial entertainment industry... An industry that profits off of stolen land and reso...
The truth is... We have a lot of work to do. It starts with education on our federal and International treaty rights. Se...
We're indigenous...NOT bought and paid for Colonia propaganda...
We need better representation on all levels. For years we've let pretendians steer the narrative. Which is never the rea...
Artist: The Original Voice - Slim Luck
#westernhemisphere #indigenous #network #nativeamerican #americanindian #nativetiktok #nativetiktoks #indigenoustiktok #...
#westernhemisphere #indigenous #network #nativeamerican #americanindian #nativetiktok #nativetiktoks #indigenoustiktok #...
