Ruben du Toit Financial Advisor

Ruben du Toit Financial Advisor

Ruben du Toit is a Financial advisor, specialising in Personal Financial Planning for those who wish


Is this you? 😅


Simplifying your finances can help you use your money to buy time and focus on what's important to you. Here are a few tips to get started:

1. Cancel unused subscriptions: Do you have subscriptions you don't use or no longer need? Consider canceling these subscriptions to save money and reduce clutter in your life.

2. Automate your bills, savings, and investments: Set up automatic payments for your bills and automate your savings and investments to make it easier to manage your money. This can help you stay on track towards your financial goals and reduce the time and effort you spend on managing your finances.

3. Pay off debt with the avalanche method: If you have debt, consider using the avalanche method to pay it off. This involves prioritizing your debts by interest rate and focusing on paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first. This can save you money in the long run and help you become debt-free faster.

4. Budget with the 50/30/20 rule: The 50/30/20 rule is a simple way to create a budget that works for you. This rule suggests that you should allocate 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings and debt repayment. This can be a helpful starting point for creating a budget that aligns with your financial goals.
Simplifying your finances can help you use your money to buy time and focus on what's important to you.

5. Use your money to buy time: Consider how you can use your money to save time and reduce stress. This could mean hiring a cleaner, signing up for a meal delivery service, or paying for a lawn service. By using your money to buy time, you can free up more of your own time to focus on what's important to you.

If you need help getting started, don't hesitate to reach out. I'd be happy to assist you in simplifying your finances and achieving your goals.


Ready to take control of your finances? It all starts with the 50/30/20 rule. Here's what it means:
- Allocate 50% of your income to cover essential expenses, like rent and groceries.
- Put 30% towards discretionary items such as entertainment, dining out or other non-essentials.
- Reserve 20% for financial goals like paying off debt or building an emergency fund.
There's no set time-frame for following this budgeting tip, so take each day as it comes and make sure you're staying on track – you'll be proud of your financial situation in no time!


Let's get together and discuss your financial plan.
Advantage 2/5:

Streamlining your money matters is easy with me. I'm here to help you cut through the noise and jargon of the financial world and make decisions that are right for you.

I assemble portfolios of recommendations that can be easily followed, so that all aspects of your financial life - from estate planning to investments - can be made simpler.

That way, you can take the time to do the things you want to do when you retire.


Don't let your financial portfolio get out of control. Reach out for help consolidating and understanding it all. With a few simple steps, you can save time and money!


Let’s get together and discuss your financial plan.

Advantage 1/5:

1. You will have a secure financial plan that you are confident in.

Bottom line: I want to help you create a sound financial plan, that will allow you to make financial decisions with confidence.

You can rest assured that my professional advice will be based on thorough research – no strings attached.

I will prepare and present to you, a well-researched plan on each topic you need advice on. This will allow you to see the facts upon which I have based my advice – to further ensure you that your financial plan is tailor-made instead of stock-standard. We can tweak it together, to suit all your needs.

This will allow you to sleep peacefully at night, knowing that your investments are exactly where you want them to be – in good hands. You will always be aware of what is happening in your portfolio, and what you can expect from each of your investments.

Live crypto price crash news as Bitcoin, Luna & Ethereum market values PLUNGE 13/05/2022

Crypto is all fun and games until...

Don't keep all your eggs in one basket by making crypto-currencies your only investment portfolio.
Diversify your portfolio! There are a lot of investment options out there with consistent and substantial growth!

Live crypto price crash news as Bitcoin, Luna & Ethereum market values PLUNGE ETHEREUM has become the latest cryptocurrency to plummet in a market-wide crash that’s costing investors “billions”. Ether has plummeted in value by 20 per cent during the last 24…


Comment all your financial planning questions below, or feel free to send me a personal message on Facebook or Whatsapp (+27 83 401 8800).

Remember, if you never ask, you'll never know!
Start your financial planning journey by clearing up all your uncertainties regarding insurance policies, retirement, investing, budgeting etc.

