Deaf Dystopia
Deaf utopia dream is becoming a dystopia nightmare!
The Family Covell members: Joseph Covell. Diana Lynn Moers-Covell, Patricia Covell, John Covell
Diana Lynn Moers (Phi Kappa Zeta) - Moers has too many Kappa Gamma in that deaf family lineage.
This is one deaf family picture that looks like Covell parents groomed and pressured their children.
As a big picture, you can see this….
Anthony McLetchie is a kappa gamma member
Peter Bailey’s brother, Jesse Bailey is a kappa gamma member
Jeffrey Bravin is a kappa gamma member
Russell O. West is a kappa gamma member
Harvey Corson is a kappa gamma member
Harvey Corson’s brother, Mark Corson is a kappa gamma member.
Laith F**d Fathulla, Peter and Angelo Leccese are affiliated with kappa gamma members.
Watch out for kappa gamma members!!!
*KG Aaron Trotter’s TRANSLATION*
Hi, all deaf community! A few weeks ago, I made a vlog. Now again, why? I am declaring yes, I am racist, and yes, I’m still learning. What helped me? BLM (Black Lives Movement): Yes. I'm Mexican, and I'm still a racist. My identity ever since has been white, but currently I’m looking within, and I’m a Mexican male, but yes, this world is full of racists. We cannot lie. We just can’t. I’m seeing it all white. I’m still calling out whites. Whites call out whites. Wow. You all fu**ed the black movement; that got me wondering. I’ve chatted with black friends. I admit that yes, I am racist and explained my background; others responded by saying, Oh, I see, but they tell me again and again how their lives are just like oppression. As a Mexican, I didn’t realize BLM is still ongoing; I want BLM to stay ongoing.
Yes, I am a Kappa Gamma brother. Many of you detest Kappa Gamma. So many of you detest KG, and I’ve wondered about it. You all detest KG; look at yourself. Look at yourself. death threats—threats of all kinds. That is what BLM is about. I suggest you look at Wawa’s vlog. He himself, a black male, made a vlog. He clarified very clearly that death threats are not what the black movement is all about. I’ve seen many whites making a vlog apologizing. I am sorry if I used my privileges and blah blah blah all typed out a long letter. I see it and am thinking, OIC, still white privileges? What’s the matter? Sign out, make a vlog, and show your face like I am doing it, right where you all can see me and my face. I want the deaf community all over the world to see me and forgive me, just like I forgive you all for insulting me as a Mexican person. I forgive you all. The deaf community is very small. I want to collaborate and be in unity to support the black lives movement (BLM), cherish BLM, cherish the deaf community, and support me as a person, me as Aaron, me as Kappa Gamma brother, and me as an overall. Support our journey.
In 24 days, it will be my birthday. Maybe, as of now, I’m researching ways to raise money and donate to BLM, my people, and the deaf community. Deaf clubs here in Austin: maybe I can raise money to give to Austin Deaf Clubs. You all white people, open up, yes, racist, open up, yes, oppression, open up, yes, isms, open up, yes, time. I promise you I will not insult or oppress you. I respect you more if you open up. I’ll respect you and support you for it. This supports overalls and creates unity. I am racist.
Oh yes, I am Kappa Gamma, brother. Yes, I am Mexican. Yes, I am deaf. Yes, I am Aaron. Stop insulting, pulling others down, and deflating; stop it. U N I T Y. You all, the deaf community, need to be in unity. What should I do? Support BLM and elevate them. All people watch it. to target and diss, deaf is small, BLM as whole, BLM as overalls. Since I have not been able to sleep, not sleeping well, tossing and turning in bed, at 6 am, I woke up thinking yes, sure, I need to confess to you all. You can unfriend me if you feel I am racist and want to kick me out; that’s fine. I respect you. If you feel I am racist and want to kick me out, that’s fine again; I respect that. but I am here to support BLM and my black brothers, Kappa Gamma. Thank you all.
Here is KG Aaron Trotter's FB video link:
Deaf Art Central group’s drawing picture link:
Mother of all Deaf Souls gives birth to the Owl of Wisdom, who advises all truth seekers who seek, heed, and do do
Owl = Phi Kappa Zeta, darkness, bad omen, bringers of death news, bringers of bad news
Tree = Deaf community in**st families; many families are connected to one family tree by KG and PKZ marriages, expanding more deaf DNA and deaf families.
Truth seekers = owls attack all truth seekers because the truth is ugly, which is why you’ll see many truth seekers speak up and suddenly go quiet again or somehow get covered and hidden because the evil wants to ensure that the evil kingdom wins by taking over the Earth and dominating.
Possessed ghost: demonic, possession, darkness, evilness, sickness, madness
Is there anything more you're seeing in this artwork?
By David Luis Medero
They haven’t mentioned, “I’m so grateful for grassroots." Why? Because the word “grassroots” has specific energetic meaning behind it, which they all disapprove of, instead of them thanking the grassroots, they would say, “I thank the deaf community,” and by saying that, they are in reality referring to “elitism” by saying the “deaf community." Those of fraternities and sororities—they and Gallaudet—are all in unity, a very high upper-class group of people.
Now do you understand why I look down on Gallaudet? Gallaudet tend to practice it; GU needs to practice what they preach, oh yeah, like it or not. Again, you all elitists better unfollow me.
The clock is ticking.
What does that mean? That kind of attitude, that kind of energy, I have enjoyed; FYI, I have not. but I will declare when it’s ready. Do you know the title? Many different countries have formal phrases for saying, “We are declaring war." Remember September 11, during that NYC attack on 9/11? Remember? George W. Bush declared, “We are declaring a war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran." That declaration he made to declare war That was what he did? That’s what I will be doing, just the same. I’ll be making one phrase: “We are declaring war with deaf elitism."
You think you can tell me, Oh, you’re joking... Oh no, I have been finding many different techniques that will destroy your careers and jobs; we will destroy your reputations, believe it or not. Oh yes, really, I thank Ricky Taylor.
Phi Kappa Zeta Sorority’s Spring 2023 Rush Slideshow
Betty Miller the deaf artist made this, she's not PKZ herself, but plenty of KG and PKZ members are in her family lineage, could it be that they influenced her mind from KG & PKZ brainwash program?
Their strong disdain for the hearing community, anything of hearing. Have you noticed anything?
If you want to see KG and PKZ pictures, check the links in the comments and dig further in the comments.
The FINAL VERDICT of Gallaudet University’s Kappa Gamma Fraternity and Phi Kappa Zeta Sorority by Mikey Barrett:
Hi, this is a YouTube video. I’m expressing that I still stand by my truth. A long time ago, in 2009, in Rochester, New York, in my own home, I graduated from RIT in 2007.
Eventually, I got chosen to work as a counselor at the National Association for the Deaf's (NAD) youth leadership camp (YLC) during 2008 in person while socializing.
The first two weeks at that camp, they were bullying me extremely, making me look bad in front of many campers. As the last two weeks of YLC went by, I worked hard and won the best group award. My group name was Eyeth during 2008, and the campers knew who I was, Mikey. Many of them are KG and PKZ—way too many.
That, yeah. As I went by, I didn’t know about Kappa Gamma and Phi Kappa Zeta. Until 2009, I gladly invited a few of them to my home in Rochester, NY, during that weekend at Brickfest. I thought I trusted them, but no, I was wrong.
They took advantage of me and messed with me. Cannabis with awful drug m**h, know beer, they put P*P or co***ne in the beer with no consent or agreement. I’ve never asked for that, oh no. I got placed in the mental hospital, and I was stuck there for a month. No mom, no dad, no family members to help me to get out of the hospital, including my last brothers, he has some accountability for what has happened to me.
Finally, I got out of the hospital for a month. For just a month, I was stuck there. I finally got out after a month. I tried to move on from figuring out what was wrong with me, but in reality, it was nothing. I struggled with it, and I nearly killed myself several times.
And then… Uh, I lost my job at the university in Rochester. I found a job at New Mexico Deaf School (NMSD) that year, in the fall of 2010–2011. Kappa Gamma, GU, Jonathan “Jonaz” Mcmillan. The sickest kappa gamma guy who enjoyed smoking cannabis with the sickest bug spray “RAID” baked it then smoked it—that's Jonaz Milan tend. Andrea Meehan her wife, Krista Brown is from Illinois, and worked in Austin, Texas. She did it to me back in 2009.�Uh.. um. Wow.. extreme… It took me years and years, approximately 10 years, to finally understand myself in relation to my health and mental health and move on.
I entered Gallaudet thinking it was ok, but again in the fall of 2011, finally, uh, I got taken advantage of again by who? Melissa Malzkuhn, plenty of KG and PKZ at GU, they are the worst of all, the Latin guy named Mark Anthony Ramirez who lived in Maryland, that is labeled as K*K Hispanic guy, he thought it was no big deal, nothing of it, oh no, he laughed at me while I was clueless, I had no idea, I didn’t know what’s happening or what was wrong with me walking.
I had no home for 2 months in the dirty city of Washington, D.C., during 2012, then I begged this good, sweet deaf woman to give me a job at the ASPEN camp for the deaf. 2012 went by, slowly healing, working hard, going back to Gallaudet, having to endure, getting money, all good, moving along, and graduating in 2014!
At the same time, I knew many Kappa Gamma and Phi Kappa Zeta, all from Gallaudet; too many KG and PKZ, they did all these to me. Any questions?
That’s why there’s no future for gay, le***an, or transgender communities in America except me. I consider myself maybe a possible spiritual perspective gay god of gay s*x because I’m clean HIV negative still, but whew anybody who graduated from Gallaudet overalls or even RIT they are EKK.. uh, just a friendly warning to you all. Any questions? I have a soft spot for a few people I knew from my days at GU or RIT, but am I sure you all want to date or be in a relationship with them? No! Not at all. within interpreters, hearing interpreters who lived in Washington, D.C., Boston, Mass. San Francisco, California. Sadly, Los Angeles, CA, too. Austin Texas. And basically all over the USA.
Is America standing strong? Don’t think so. Any questions for you all? I have vented; it’s done.
Funny, there are many that persist in saying, Mikey, som**hing’s wrong with Mikey, som**hing’s wrong with me. No. I tell you honesty; I tell you the truth. that’s it. any questions? I am blessed; money came in, I worked out the budget, and I trusted myself to find a job. As I go on, Toronto? not sure, trying to manage by educator ASL? I don’t know. why? I use International sign language; that explains it.
Any questions? So, basically, the point of this video on YouTube is to inform you all that there is no such as “” America (strong actually weakened) deaf culture.” Who is accountable for all these? Guess who? Organizations? all these are Phi Kappa Zeta from Gallaudet University and Kappa Gamma from Gallaudet University.
Any questions? I got my 2014 degree in culture studies, but I have realized, since taking the class, should I keep my degree from Gallaudet? I do not know. Yep. Thank you all for watching my honest vent, but I trust myself to continue to heal. Any questions? you all? Thank you for your time spent watching me.
There are plenty of siblings who were brainwashed by this same cult. How do you think it impacts their family and lineage? Impact their future generation? Impact their friends? Impact the world everywhere they go, carrying that N**i belief with them. Most of all, how it impacts the collective community, like the deaf community, where more and more people are succumbing to these illnesses, thinking it’s normal, and trying to convince more and more souls to sell their souls and get themselves fully brainwashed.
The grooming usually takes a long time, starting at home for deaf children of deaf families and at a deaf school for deaf children from hearing families, where deaf children get to meet deaf teachers and deaf staff who secretly are training them by giving them plenty of sick seeds and pushing them when they see the advantages and opportunity to push them to align with the sicknesses.
That’s exactly why many deaf families are filled with incurable diseases, sadly, because of this indoctrination program that’s been going on for generations, claiming more souls every generation until it grows into this serious collective illness that they’re not able to stop.
Take this picture, for example. It’s just one picture, one example of how this has been going on for so many generations. Many deaf families are infested because they've been taking deaf souls, especially if they carry the deaf family's last name from so many generations, so it's som**hing that's happening in the deaf community... and are infested with this indoctrination disease, which in turn is affecting the collective community.
Wake up, think for yourself, and ask questions. Does this make sense, or are you just following along to the slaughterhouse like the sheep are?
Deaf Power N**ism in the Deaf Community, the obsession is widespread and real. Wake Up, People!
(Hat: Deaf Power Man) (Look here at my hat and the message it says)
Deaf Power! Deaf Power! Deaf Power! Deaf Power! Deaf Power! You may be startled and wonder, oh deaf power, meh?
Hey you guys, don’t worry! Don’t worry! Just live your life.
Uhhh, you may think?
I …. DEAF POWER, lift it higher! to you world, all good! Yep yep! Deaf power Yep yep, Deaf power! yep yep yep
Deaf power, deaf power, deaf power? Mehhhh.
It’s all good! All good.
Deaf power, deaf power, deaf power, deaf power, deaf power!
Deaf POWER! Deaf Power, Deaf power! Deaf power!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Danny had just entered college to study his dream career. He never imagined that a fraternity would force him to participate in a dark ritual to be accepted. Security cameras captured every moment of the reprehensible act, which shattered the boy's dreams and now has his family demanding justice.
Would you like this to happen to you? Your loved ones?
A similar thing happened to Kevin Clark in 1993 by the Kappa Gamma Fraternity-Cult. Read more here -->
Compliant for compensatory and punitive damages, arising from negligence, assault, negligent supervision and infliction of emotional distress, and hazing incident done to Kevin Clark by his so-called kappa gamma “brothers”. Kevin Clark has a permanent physical injury that causes frequent and severe headaches and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
What kind of reality do you want to support? Evil, sick, n**i, k*k, mind control soulless reality? Or Unity for Humanity?
Silence is consent!
More info in the comment. READ! and THINK.
By Tavis Koopman responding under one of Joy Maisel’s video
Hi Joy, I want to discuss... You mentioned “one bad apple doesn’t mean it’s for everybody.” With that statement, I stand with you and I agree! However, there are simply too many bad apples. Way too many. I am not going to elaborate on that.
The point is to take a good look at deaf schools, Athlete Directors (A.D.), and Out of 6 Sisters schools, like Fremont (CA), Riverside (CA), Indiana, Maryland, and Texas. Except for one, the rest are Kappa Gamma! Yeah! ? Are there any other fraternities or sororities? None.
Now, with that being said, I’ve noticed that prior to my time, there was equality and diversity, like BIPOC players and Deaf and Hearing Families players, all at random.
Now there’s a certain group that becomes more obvious targeted, and that is Deaf Families, who tend to come first as players. Kappa Gamma and Phi Kappa Zeta get this special pass as well, and the rest get to sit back. You cannot deny this; you just cannot. To this day, it’s being practiced. I see it: BIPOC members for 5 players; none of them gets to start except one as the “token” with this fake appearance for doing it. Look at this picture, especially the female players.
It’s still being practiced, and now you get to say, Oh no, not a big deal? No. It’s still being practiced. Now… for the superintendent, MD deaf school, Fremont, rampant of KG PKZ still practiced… Do they provide equal education for the students? Not at all. Nope. For example, Tucker himself, Kappa Gamma, and how he treated Maryland Deaf School are horrible, awful! For the other Kappa Gamma Superintendent, Brooks, chaos is still ongoing at the deaf school.
Look at these examples happening. Think! It's still being practiced nowadays. Simply way too many, if it was just one out of 5 to 6 schools... I can easily let it go, saying I’m ok with it. But no? That’s not the case; up to six schools are doing this. More than 50%, actually. Yikes, that just does not appear good at all.
Are all deaf children being focused? No. Certain deaf children are being focused on. Why not focus on BIPOC children? Now hot trending, showing how they’re alarmingly behind in language and being deprived of language. Why not focus on them and push whites aside? Why not? But no, that’s just not happening. Certain deaf children and deaf adults are being focused on.
It's easy for you to say, "Oh, it’s just one bad apple” . . . Plus, nobody is taking their own accountability for what’s been done in the past; come forward to say, “I apologize; it was a fault on my part." But none of that whatsoever, all silent. Pushing it under the rug, sweeping it aside, until somebody calls it out and you say, “Oh sh*t," ??? Accountability?? It does not matter if it was 20 to 30 years later. It does not matter. Children will always look at it and think, Oh, you did wrong, which means it’s ok, which isn’t acceptable. Same idea for the K*K being involved and you finding out 20 years later and feeling disgusted by it and expel that person out—same example!
Think! For future harm to children seeing how it’s being done. It would be nice if the rest of us could get together at a deaf school and teach children. Yes, the idea is nice, but at the same time, do think! Do we treat children with equality? No, we do not. Do we provide other adults with different background experiences than those from deaf families (KG, PKZ)? It’s not even equality at all.
The others have been working hard to climb up with a slap in the face to see how so many of the KG PKZ easily grab the job with ease. Know that the opportunities for others are being blown off very thin. KG and PKZ easily climb up the ladders of all types. Those who aren’t KG and PKZ do not get the same opportunity, even when their skills are better than those of KG and PKZ.
In the future, will they have opportunity? None! For sure. Now for you to say, "Oh, have heart.” You must understand... How is the system being set up? Why do you not criticize that? And let others have the opportunity? Why do you all not do that? Critique whose is the good apple and the bad apple. Why don’t you all? All silence. Sweeping under the rug Accepting. That! Think! Thank you!
By Steve Longo under Tamera Gaudet Doody comment:
Hi Tamera, Yes I agree with you 110%. See this black curtain and all the clips, for my background. Point… Kappa Gamma, fraternities, in general, history have their own traditions, you know, deaf tend to be delayed in growth, well known, but still you’re right because it’s no excuses, many of them are older, alumni, already graduated, should have changed the traditions and set up the examples for the youth to follow through in the right steps. Yes you’re right, it bothers me, I see how it’s not right, the pointy hood in the robe, the n**i salute, the cross on the robe, just like K*K style I have never supported that, I’ve never liked K*K period because my beliefs do not align , match up to the K*K’s beliefs. It’s wrong. Already know, inside tells me, that’s it, now its’ time to open the can of worms, and clean up, make the changes, KG must make the changes, because because of nowadays they are suspended, cannot use KG to keep going period until they have cleaned up. Now is the time for the change. Racism needs to go, period, BLM keep moving, create change, time to look at America and create more changes and unity, white argues or complain? I push them aside. Vote new Congress, President, all must unite to represent America and not just Rich, no, all , no selective, no. I agree! All good?
V-log responding to Jr. Doody by Barbara D :
Oh yes Hail to Kappa Gamma and Deaf Power is a Deaf supremacist group practising hatred against AGBell, divide Deaf from “d”eaf of hearing or oral deaf of hearing who doesn’t sign ASL fluently, blames everything on hearing people. KG and PKZ wants to have a deaf family so they can groom their children to follow their path to Gallaudet and join KG or PKZ. Continue to use their power and abuse the education system against vulnerable deaf children sadly high percent of Deaf schools are exposed with r**e, nepotism hired KG and or PKZ and all forms of on going abuse including neglect. That truly divide our community. You need to read and learn more about Kg and PKZ history on Deaf Dystopia FB page. There’s enough evidence there stop denying, truth is there!
Good morning. I want to respond to one guy named Goody. It seems I do not know who he is, but he made a comment mentioning watching the “Deaf Dystopia” page, N**ism. Looking at its history of how Hi**er destroyed, like the Holocaust, so many people were murdered, we’re familiar with gas chambers. All people gathered together with doors shut, and gas filled up as they all died from it. When it was over, everybody, the Jews, was in the chamber room. It was very extreme. I cannot fathom nor imagine what has happened. I’m touched.
Now, your comment mentioning Deaf Dystopia… how it is not N**ism; what are the Kappa Gamma and Phi Kappa Zeta? How are they not N**ism? Oh really? I can confirm yes, they’re n**i. Oh yes, I’m sorry to disappoint you all. Many Kg and PKZ have known the guy who did the hail during the graduation ceremony. A large group of people got their picture taken with the N**i salute. They did it on purpose, for Hail to Kappa Gamma. Why? Hail to Hi**er... now Hail to Kappa Gamma, both N**is salute the same things. Why? Hail to Hi**er destroyed like genocide; it was intended because he doesn’t want Jews, and Hi**er's expectation is blonde hair and blue eyes, no disabilities, no nothing; he must be perfect. That’s Hi**er’s expectation.
Now for Kappa Gamma and Phi Kappa Zeta, what is their expectation? You all know what it is: Hail has become a deaf power, becoming a deaf supermacist, oh yes. Crimes against humanity Why? They’ve all mentioned and named it repeatedly the same thing for seasons!
Grand brainwashing against Alexander Graham Bell, which I can relate to on some levels because they’re flawed because AGB’s wife was deaf and AGB is a phone inventor, which is a lie because he stole it. He brought a project phone line from an Italian male and used it for his own benefit because AGB had history. The man of science, with money involved, was able to afford to buy and steal their idea, thanking other men’s inventions and becoming AGB’s own invention. That’s how history has investigated and discovered the truth. AGB, what's the matter with you? And he’s been involved in rooting for Dr. Itard, you know who? That Dr. who invented IItard technology that equipment killed so many children deaf that have died due to the experiments, how can we cure them by focusing on all the fixes for deaf children doing what? With equipment like tools putting deep in the ears with a hammer drilling deep in the ear, which results in a bloody situation, trying to see if they can remove fluid but it was blood, causing brain damage and death. “Let me see, let me see": doing more experiments, cutting beneath the skull near the ear, many failures, many deaths; “Let me see, let me see": putting long sticks of telescope equipment that he invented to put in the nostrils going up in the brain to observe and see, which only led to more death. That has been proven facts in history.
�Now, Deaf leaders were outrageous, of course, which I can understand. Oh yes, in history, there were plenty of mistakes. Back in the day, there were no laws, and doctors permitted them to do whatever they wanted with their investigation, and AGB was part of it. What happened is that many deaf children got killed. The deaf leaders from Gallaudet were against AGB. See how bad he is? And spread the word about how AGB has destroyed the Deaf community, blaming AGB for dividing, AGB being hearing-minded, AGB didn’t support Deaf rights, and Deaf needs because of the Milan Conference AGB attended, and he encouraged speech and auditory were all for it, so really, AGB did stand with a deaf person during the conference, and that deaf person was, uh, Clerc. I can't remember who anyway, but deaf leaders were there with AGB in Milan, Italy.
Why did the Deaf lose and the AGB win? AGB had money, and many of those bowed to AGB. Of course, it had impacted the Deaf, oh yes, but at the same time, 300 Deaf teachers were fired. Why? Good question. I’ll have to do more investigation and homework to find out why anyway.
My point is that I want to go back to this point about Kappa Gamma and Phi Kappa Zeta. They are deaf leaders, and of course they were familiar with Gallaudet, who wrote books. Harlane Lane herself, hearing wrote the book psychologist deaf studies, wrote many books. Other really, those groups of deaf leaders know and detest AGB for focusing on speech and auditory, and the deaf leaders from GU have fought against AGB, which burdened them for advocating deaf rights, language, deaf professors, trying to expand, deaf studies, all of that, trying to enlarge it, and they have grown.
All of that group, including Deaf teachers, has fought for ASL language, preventing language deprivation. That's gone on. I stand with them. Oh yes, as a deaf from a deaf family, I can understand, but at the same time, I cannot stand them because of KG and PKZ. They have seriously hurt the deaf community all over. Too many proofs and evidences are there through the court. Those who are victimized have made their claims and filed paper work and all their signatures.
I’ve looked through it and read them all. PKZ is involved in too many of them repeatedly. Mostly Kappa Gamma, but still PKZ there. This is overwhelming to see. Now that I look at KG, they all have done Hail and Deaf Power. KG has done Hail and Deaf Power repeatedly and again, which have spread to the community and are now becoming a fad and loud. I’m not supporting that; I am sorry because that group knew they had the power but abused it. You all abuse the system with your powers.
Nepotism, all the winks, deaf of hearing families,,, you all putting blame on them, look at them sign oh not so fluent, the attitudes KG PKZ carries, your attitudes have caused barriers for those students… learning got barriers placed in their path, not even funny, I’ve witnessed it all, conversations with many, reading cases, finish it’s all there. Most common deaf schools have hired too many KG and PKZs. I’ve read so much evidence in the USA that it’s rampant for KG and PKZs.
Now in Ontario, finally, Deaf Superintendent Linda Wall was the first deaf superintendent. Prior to that, there was a deaf assistant who was hearing, but people in the community complained and were outrageous, and against the hearing, I was stunned and confused and didn’t understand why.
They responded, “Deaf must move up while hearing must move down; that’s how it should be done." I have to say, Wait a minute, hold on! Do you understand that woman was hearing her name, Jeanne Leonard JL? She was treating everybody with equality, just as Heather Gibson herself is deaf?Jeanne was hearing, both parallel to each other on the same path; both were principals and teachers; both signed; Jeanette could sign, but she tends to have an interpreter for the audience, which I can understand; no big deal; I let it go; but compared to other former hearing supervisors, they didn’t know any signs, using interpreters the whole time.
I understand deaf people have been deaf for over 150 years, which is enough to want deaf supervision but to disseminate negatives to Jeanne Leonard, which I do not support at all. She’s a good woman, but the problem is that the system deaf teachers complain because they don’t like her just because she’s hearing, feeling oppressed by hearing, but she had no favoritism for anybody; she was straight and to the point, you be disciplined, suspended, or fired, straight to the point, which I liked about her; she had no favoritism for others like others do, which I resisted; can I trust the deaf for that?
Now, the current superintendence is Linda Wall, with whom I disagree; I do not like her, and I apologize deeply. My husband’s sister is Linda Wall; she has never acted in good deeds; she has always been a cold, snotty snob, arrogant, pushing us away, and rejecting us like shoo! I am in higher positions; I’m better than you; I know everything, not you; all of those behaviors and attitudes are so bitter and sour. That’s why I am disgusted by her, including her family, because she is the leader influencing the whole Wall’s family. The sisters and other sisters, the parents, all of them gravitated away from me, which means all it took was just one bad leader to influence.
That is why I do not support KG and PKZ. I’ve experienced through PKZ I’ve experienced and seen in Deaf school my son. He grew up in this one deaf school, and that situation was so serious due to all the KG PKZ. At that time, I was oblivious to it until later, after graduation, it finally dawned on me. Oh, that’s why the school abuses classmates were agains…t the group of deaf against my son, and he has been fighting all the way until it got to appeal court. I suggest you to google and type down; you will be finding more. Now I am here to respond to your vlog on Facebook about Deaf Dystopia.
The history is all there, all the proof you cannot hide that away, trying to mask it up, challenging this, Oh, “Hi**er has been massacring; KG and PKZ killed, not?" Oh right… KG and PKZ did not kill, but…They destroyed everything deaf people of hearing families, spirits, joy, mental health, job barriers, and favoritism. Nepotism: too many winks supporting each other.
Oh, KG and PKZ tend to marry each other. KG and PKZ marriage blah blah. Why? Purpose? To expand deaf families, expand... News flash! We are all looking at them, and their behaviors are just the same as n**i! N**ism! I want deaf families and children to continue the generations of deafness, birth the baby, and question if the baby is hearing or deaf. WHO CARES?!
I have five children, and I shrugs when they are born. 1st deaf born 2nd hearing, born 3rd deaf, born 4th deaf, born 5th hearing I've never brag about having two hearing and three deaf sons. My ex-husband's father is hearing. I feel blessed, meaning my genes are strong dominant and recessive, so now for KG and PKZ to marry each other with the purpose of creating more deaf children, the goal has been established, the goal is decided, and that’s it. Whoa, that’s dangerous. Why? Because what about the rest of others or if they have hearing children? Meh, priority is the deaf, *eye rolls* at hearing, reverse role, "Oh, same concept, now you know how I feel, you are hearing... same me..." whilst carries that type of attitude and all of that. Stop it, YOU.
KG and PKZ, they’re all truly recruiting many of those deaf-of hearing families, recruiting them to exploit them and their stories and their experiences while they think. Ok, I will fight for you. I will write your stories, your experiences, etc.
Whoa? How KG PKZ say: I will make it for you; I will write; I will elaborate on all of that so we get more public attention for how KG and PKZ are “helping” others. But in reality, they can fight for themselves what you’re all doing. KG and PKZ are attempting to steal them; finish cutting them off; leave them alone; you want to see them thrive; support deaf education and deaf language; prevent language deprivation; don’t use their titles for KG and PKZ’s positions.
That’s wrong; reverse it: you all, KG and PKZ, are all behind the curtains, meaning you hide behind the mask of that person who is...
For example, let’s say “Avril Hertneky." She’s Iraq, a Person of Color (POC), woman, deaf, language deprived, she learned how to sign much later in life, she has hopped back and forth from hearing school to deaf school, and all of that experience wow, she’s so experienced. Trump beats all, so they “need” her and her lecture because it’s powerful and will rumble for sure, and Avril has a goal to save deaf children from what? Same bad experience, language-deprived; she doesn’t want to pass on the bad experience she has endured for generations to come; she wants to cut it out, stop it, and create a change for the better.
KG and PKZ work with a title like… "teachers" principal, the superintendent”…. think twice about who you all need, and understand that we do not really need you. You all need the rest of us. It’s up to you, KG and PKZ, who continued to be arrogant and think, "I, ME, ME," "I do do do all of that.” Fine.
Tru-biz, the community is dividend Oh yes, I see it already. It’s so clear, but I have to hold it in. Suppress it. Mourn for it. Heart broken. What is the future for my deaf grandchildren if I put them in deaf school? No, thank you! Trust is lost or destroyed; it’s done. My spirit, my joy, my identity, and my **** all have crumbled down to the floor; the feeling is all lost. As of now, I am humble and working hard. My life what? focus on family, my family, my children, my life, my earning salary, and supporting myself to keep going. My life is not perfect, but my experience is rich. I knew you needed me, but I left you all and backed out. I have to say Kg and PKZ. Yes, they are N**i behaviors. Oh, yes, just the same, yep! Period.
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