Ryan Gadles

Ryan Gadles

Follow our page to keep up with the adages, adversities and experiences of the life of a Real Estate

Photos from Ryan Gadles's post 22/12/2022

For over a year and half I had adopted this mentality that I had to be a teacher. I lost my ability to become a student.. which is life’s true perpetual call.

I had to lead young people to make them achieve their full potential. To out position their peers, their family, their rivals.

I was sickeningly focused on outcome over anything.

In these recent months I realized in being outcome focused and results based I lost all of my compassion and love for people and their process. I lost all consideration for feelings and Individual journeys.

Over the past couple months however people close to me have taught me that the student really can become the teacher. Humility and curiosity which I traded for my egos hunger have been re-promoted to the head of my personal household.

I used to look for people who’d say “who’s car we taking” now…. All I have to say to those who love me is…

“Who’s cahhhh we takin guy???”

Ill be drivin 😎


For over a year and half I had adopted this mentality that I had to be a teacher. I lost my ability to become a student.. which is life’s true perpetual call.

I had to lead young people to make them achieve their full potential. To out position their peers, their family, their rivals.

I was sickeningly focused on outcome over anything.

In these recent months I realized in being outcome focused and results based I lost all of my compassion and love for people and their process. I lost all consideration for feelings and Individual journeys.

Over the past couple months however people@close to me have taught me that the student really can become the teacher. Humility and curiosity which I traded for my egos hunger have been re-promoted to the head of my personal household.

I used to look for people who’d say “who’s car we taking” now…. All I have to say to those who love me is…

“Who’s cahhhh we takin guy???”

Ill be drivin 😎


In a surprising turn of events… at our annual Chairman’s Club dinner zzz Jack Haley (Basic) was officially knighted and became Sir Jackson Haley. Wow. Never saw this coming. Lets say congrats to Sir Jackson!!!!


Ummmmm. How are these not more popular? BY far the cleanest spiked I have ever had!!!! F and

LFG !!!!

More marketing please!


Part 2 of 2… cont

Lucky me, people that don't f**k with me
Are linkin' up with people that don't f**k with me to f**k with me
This s**t is gettin' ugly
And every situation is transactional
And every thing they sayin' is irrational
And every way they movin' is promotional
Everybody's actin' irreplaceable, it's like they ain't disposable
My urges for revenge are uncontrollable
I know we're gettin' older though
But I gotta get a phony back for that, It's non-negotiable
It's not even debatable
I'm gettin' so rich, my companys not even relatable
I blow ahead up, it's an inflatable
Matte white G class, I feel like a kid again
Prayin' on my downfall don't make you religious, man
All I hear is plug talk comin' from middlemen
All I hear is tall tales comin' from little men
When I say "Bitch", I'm very rarely referring to women
Most of the bi***es I know are fakas, they not even women
I know that sounds like I'm being funny, I'm not even kidding
Same ones that say they run the game when they not even in it
To be honest, y'all financial situations my biggest motivation
And how you should take that statement is based on what you makin'
Whips and chains like a do******ix
If I see ya, I'll spit in ya faces
Daytonas with the diamond faces
Kentucky Derby races, my presence in the spot is so abrasive
Boxed at the Churchill Downs, that's motivation
And shorty be like, "You know that boy Jack is goin' places"
And shorty be like "You know your boy T be going places"
And then she be like "You know JD be going places"
And finally like "Your whole crew be goin places"
I know


People been asking me… what’s the deal with all the IVs and NaD+??? Well for one… I get this feeling… but really my guy Pop Smoke said it best…




Every. Single. Day….. forever.

“What’s the best advice you have ever gotten?”

I was asked that question the other day.. which on the surface isn’t so bad. Is it? Well.. if one piece of advice could change your life… don’t you think most people would know it? Of course they would.

Here is the reality that people struggle with especially young people living in this “right now” generation.

It’s consistency that will make the greatest impact on your success. We are what we repeatedly do. But people don’t generally have the fortitude to be consistent. To keep taking the supplements or keep hitting the gym or keep making the calls. Or keep reading the books. Or keep eating healthy. Or keep doing anything. They just don’t.

Wanna know why???? Ummm. Because it’s hard. It’s brutal to be consistently doing all of the above when you sick, hurt or discouraged. It’s even harder when you face real adversity. But here’s what I learned and now know.

That adversity.. those bad feelings… they aren’t going away. They will always be present.

So… create the good habits and do them…

Every. Single. Day.

Photos from Ryan Gadles's post 21/06/2022

No idea where this came from this morning at 5am…..

Why don’t you go after them? They stole so much money? The fooled you? They took advantage of you.. how could you let them?

I usually can’t answer properly but Something in my heart doesn’t allow me to be spiteful or vindictive other than in my own time and with my close circle.. mostly just venting.

Then I realized why. Without fail. Year after year. Trial after trial God gas proven himself faithful. The battle belongs to Him. God is far far great vindicator of me than I could ever be. He has continuously prepared the table for me in the presence of my enemies.

No matter the hell on earth that’s been endured it’s always been a stepping stone propelling us to the next dimension. Excited for this next level.

When I look at my life. What I have been given both spiritually and materially. Yes. Materially too… it’s beyond my wildest imagination. But what I noticed today it’s far far far exceeds anyone who has sued us, stolen from us, bad mouthed us or tries to sabotage us in anyway.

Praise God.


What’s the secret to “Getting Rich?” They all ask.

Well. Just read this book until you are rich…. Then read it again.

There are really no secrets. Seriously. Most people realize that by now. A lot of what makes its way online is all gimmicky. Maybe it helps a little. God forbid it does because then the suckers all double down on the gimmicks “I did make money ya know” I’m talkin about wealth. Real wealth. The kind no one can take away. Yes in money of course but also in spirit. You gotta be rich AF in spirit or you don’t stand a chance of getting rich in cash and assets. Not a chance. It’ll be here today. Gone tomorrow.

Getting “rich” is relative. I’ve woke up with more money than I ever dreamed of and felt poor. I’ve also woke up with no money and credit card debt and felt rich as hell.

Getting rich is a mind set. An approach to life. An approach to situations.

Make wealth decisions over income decisions. Trade short term pleasure and gain for long term sustainability. This is true in business and in relationships. Choose wealth over income. Choose the pain of discipline over the pain of regret.

Photos from Ryan Gadles's post 16/05/2022

Out of the office 🔥


Giving the kids some free game. 🚀


When sales training goes wrong 🤣🤣🤣



At least it’s going to a good cause. (Insert foreign country here)


“As a team you’re always trying to improve and there’s a different identity this year than there has been in the past. We have to find that identity and continue to improve on our weaknesses while maintaining our strengths.” -

Oh and btw shout out for dealing with my lil bros.



Jingle Bells. Jingle Bells. Jingle all the way. It’s a pleasure celebrating Christmas with this gang here. Too many more!



When Opportunities become obligations you are not on the right path.

At the very beginning of anything In business, relationships and life we often find ourselves surrounded by opportunities. Opportunities to serve. Opportunities to impress. Opportunities to earn. Sometimes that “opportunity” is not an enjoyable task but our beginners mind makes it seem like light work.

But as time goes on those opportunities, which we once would have killed for, somehow feel like obligations.

If you ever find yourself overwhelmed by obligation… just step back to the beginning and view them with that beautiful beginners mind.

The power of your perspective will shift an obligation to an opportunity in an instant. But be vigilant because the inverse happens… drip by drip




At the very beginning of anything In business, relationships and life we often find ourselves surrounded by opportunities. Opportunities to serve. Opportunities to impress. Opportunities to earn. Sometimes that “opportunity” is not an enjoyable task but our beginners mind makes it seem like light work.

But as time goes on those opportunities, which we once would have killed for, somehow feel like obligations.

If you ever find yourself overwhelmed by obligation… just step back to the beginning and view them with that beautiful beginners mind.

The power of your perspective will shift an obligation to an opportunity in an instant. But be vigilant because the inverse happens… drip by drip


Life is an endless series of opportunities, if you choose to view it that way. Treat life as a gift, put your hands down and just appreciate the opportunity in front of you.


Even the big dawgs get bit

Timeline photos 15/11/2021

Mornings like this make it all worth it.

Timeline photos 12/11/2021

This is a picture of me quite honestly in a place and position I never thought that I would reach. I am driving my very first boat in Nassau Bahamas leaving being docked at the world famous Atlantis hotel.

Think about that... It still chokes me up to this day.

I remember it so clearly. We stayed at what is now the White Elephant in Palm Beach Florida waiting to get up early and catch a little flight on Silver Airways to Nassau Bahamas. While we slept, the crew was getting ready for the 12 hour trip from Palm harbor Marina to Atlantis. We took off that next afternoon and landed in Nassau. We were whisked in a Black Chevy Suburban to the hotel where we pulled in through a back entrance. The driver had us greeted by the captain and crew and they took our bags to boat, which was docked in the most beautiful marina I had seen. Atlantis. We made it.

The next morning we got up and drove the boat to a remote island through the crystal clear water. Right here in this picture, I realized that this was a story I never thought I would tell.

Timeline photos 11/11/2021

Earn it and Burn it! hahaha


Lovin the Crew

"Smoking w**d under star projectors
I guess we'll never know what Harvard gets us
But seeing my family have it all
Took the place of that desire for diplomas on the wall
And really, I think I like who I'm becoming
There's times where I might do it just to do it like it's nothing
There's times when I might blow like 50K on a vacation
For all my soldiers just to see the looks on all they faces
All it took was patience
I got a lot of friends to come up off the strip for me
The same ones that'll come up off the hip for me
The realest n****s say "your lyrics do s**t for me"
I told my story, it made history
Tell 'em I'ma need reservations for twenty
I never really been one for the preservation of money, nah
I much rather spend it all while I'm breathing
That OVO and that XO is everything you believe in, I know"

Timeline photos 04/11/2021

Every so often you capture a moment together where the only place you are is enveloped in the present moment.

This picture seems boring as hell, but, in reality my relationship and state of mind feel so full, so right, so aligned in this moment... no one or nothing could stop me.

When two people come into that alignment there is not much that cannot be fulfilled.


In my decade experience as an entrepreneur I realized there were many patterns I had, which seemed to repeat themselves.

There were moments of the selling out and pushing all my chips to the middle of the table willing to risk everything for what I believed. That could be money, it could be location, it could be different relationships or partnerships. Tony Robbins calls it "Burning the Boats" It was in those times I was the happiest and most alive. After successes I found I had the tendency to want to "Keep" what I had earned for myself and began to play it safe and play small ball because... after all... that is "Prudent" right? Well... In many cases, pushing your chips to the middle of the table when you are aligned with God's plan for your life really IS the prudent thing.

In this video, I was having that moment of realization that I was feeling small, soft, offendable and weak because I stopped doing the very thing I was being guided to do.


Some of the best times I’ve ever had have been on this little tender. It’s not always about big flashy things, but sometimes it’s about quality time on the water… with drinks 😉


If I’m “beating” on these guys it’s because I know what they are capable of.


Sometimes things don’t go according to plan… Thats when you need to run the two new drill to punch it into the end zone!


When you work according to your purpose, and according to the timing of your purpose, that is when success is achieved.

Find your calling and work towards it. Success and the rewards that come with it will inevitably follow.


If there is anything I have learned along my journey, it is that the best bet you can make is on yourself.

When I am making investing decisions, one of the first things I look for is the level of control I will have in it.

Recently I made a large investment in Florida. Before doing so, I personally researched the areas of interest online and in the field for months.

By doing the research myself, there is no speculation or grey area in middleman sourced data. In the worst case scenario that I made the wrong decision after all the research is done and an investment has been made, the only person to blame is myself.

Begin to bet on yourself.


I have seen it time and time again... Where people say I need to do something because they know it's their calling or their purpose but then they fail and end up quitting.

The reason isn't that they were wrong about their purpose. The reason is timing.

Just because you know the destination doesn't mean your ready to be there yet.

One of the best things people can do is learn to wait, take a breath, and enjoy the ride to there.

You know your ready when doors open for you, instead of you trying to force them open.


I’ve said it before and I will say it again… Once phone call, one text, one email.

It's sad to see someone give up on their dreams because they lost hope or grew weary. This comes from a lack of belief.

When you shift your mindset to know that all it takes is one phone call, text, or email to completely change the trajectory of where you are going, that is when the drive and desire to continue will kick in.

Fill yourself up with this belief and nothing will stop you.


You can get 1,000 no's but all it takes is one yes to change your entire life.

The credit line is one example of one email opening doors of opportunity that we would have not had if it wasn't for that yes. But ask me how many no's I got before then.

One Phone Call, One Text, One Email. That's all it takes. Begin to believe it.


Always wondered what were like… I guess Now I know.

All this for rent! See the link in bio on the page!


I used to get to work at 6AM to create a company specific presentation for prospects JUST to sell a box of paperclips!

Go above and beyond what is expected of you. Do it not because you are looking to get paid, but because you want to be great. And once you have achieved that greatness the reward will be far greater than what you ever could've thought possible.

Timeline photos 04/10/2021

One phone call, one text, one email is all it can take to completely shift the trajectory of your life.

Not getting the response you're looking for? Try Again
Not getting the right engagement on social? Try Again
Can't seem to close a sale? Try Again

You might not get the response you're looking for the 10th, 50th or even the 100th time, but, you might get it on the 101st.

All it takes is one moment for your life to change forever.

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When sales training goes wrong 🤣🤣🤣@Conquest_Funds •••#BorrowBetter #ConquestFunds #TakeOver #FloridaLending #7% #GoneWro...
Lovin the Crew"Smoking weed under star projectorsI guess we'll never know what Harvard gets usBut seeing my family have ...
If there is anything I have learned along my journey, it is that the best bet you can make is on yourself. When I am mak...
You can get 1,000 no's but all it takes is one yes to change your entire life. The credit line is one example of one ema...
I used to get to work at 6AM to create a company specific presentation for prospects  JUST to sell a box of paperclips! ...
So here is a tip I learned from years of door to door selling and the history in buying, building and developing real es...
At the end of the day when you give people the big picture and show them where you came from, where you are and where yo...
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