Extinction Rebellion Reykjavík

Extinction Rebellion Reykjavík

Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an att

Exxtinction Emergency (Official Icelandic Trailer) 30/09/2022

A new movie about Extinction Rebellion in UK will be released in Iceland during the Reykjavik International Film festival: “Exxtinction Emergency” by Icelandic film director Sigurjón Sighvatsson.

In the cast all the founding members of the movement: Gail Bradbrook, Roger Hallam, David Meyer, Clare Farrell, Rupert Read, Farhana Yamin, Sam Knights, Alison Green!

We are curious to see it and encourage all who are interested in Extinction Rebellion to check it out!
On Sunday October 2nd at 15:30 in Háskólabíó.

There will also be a Q&A session after the movie with the director and Sam Knights!


Ný kvikmynd um Extinction Rebellion í Bretlandi verður frumsýnd á Íslandi á RIFF: "Exxtinction Emergency“ eftir íslenska kvikmyndaleikstjórann Sigurjón Sighvatsson.

Í leikarahópnum eru allir stofnmeðlimir hreyfingarinnar: Gail Bradbrook, Roger Hallam, David Meyer, Clare Farrell, Rupert Read, Farhana Yamin, Sam Knights, Alison Green!

Við erum forvitin að sjá myndina og hvetjum alla sem hafa áhuga á Extinction Rebellion að kíkja á frumsýninguna á Sunnudaginn 2. október kl 15:30 í Háskólabíói.
Það verður líka Q&A með leikstjóranum og Sam Knights!

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/743308399

Extinction Rebellion UK
Extinction Rebellion
Exxtinction Emergency Film
RIFF | Reykjavík International Film Festival

Exxtinction Emergency (Official Icelandic Trailer) Exxtinction Emergency (Official Icelandic Trailer) Property of Palomar Pictures

Exxtinction Emergency (Official Icelandic Trailer) 30/09/2022

A new movie about Extinction Rebellion in UK will be released in Iceland during the Reykjavik International Film festival: “Exxtinction Emergency” by Icelandic film director Sigurjón Sighvatsson.

In the cast there are all the founding members of the movement: Gail Bradbrook, Roger Hallam, David Meyer, Clare Farrell, Rupert Read, Farhana Yamin, Sam Knights, Alison Green!

We are curious to see it and encourage all who are interested in Extinction Rebellion to check it out!
On Sunday October 2nd at 15:30 in Haskólabíó.

There will also be a Q&A after the screening with the director and Sam Knights.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/743308399?embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=2213932

Extinction Rebellion UK
Extinction Rebellion
Exxtinction Emergency Film

Exxtinction Emergency (Official Icelandic Trailer) Exxtinction Emergency (Official Icelandic Trailer) Property of Palomar Pictures

Photos from Loftslagsverkfall - Fridays for Future Ísland's post 22/08/2022

Thank you Loftslagsverkfall - Fridays for Future Ísland for organizing the first Climate Festival in Iceland!

Here the pictures of the event:

Eld­ræð­ur í bland við skemmt­i­at­rið­i 19/08/2022

Finnur Ricart Andrason, Climate representative at Ungir umhverfissinnar, wrote an article about the Climate Festival happening tomorrow in Austurvöllur at 15:00-18:00 during the Cultural Night. See you tomorrow!!!

"We need to address the important issue (of Climate Change) in all sectors and culture, as one of them, cannot be left out. There are great opportunities in launching all kinds of solutions and we want to highlight the common benefits we can have as a society in climate action, even though that can be difficult .''

Loftslagsverkfall - Fridays for Future Ísland

Eld­ræð­ur í bland við skemmt­i­at­rið­i Menning Eld­ræð­ur í bland við skemmt­i­at­rið­i Að sögn skipuleggjenda verður Loftslagsfestivalið bæði fjölskylduvænna og aðgengilegra heldur en sjálft Loftslagsverkfallið. Mynd/Aðsend Þorvaldur S. Helgason [email protected] Fimmtudagur 18. ágúst 2022 Kl. 05.00 Deila Að...


The program of the Climate Festival 2022 is out!!!🎉🎉🎉
We look forward to see you this Saturday! 💚

Loftslagsverkfall - Fridays for Future Ísland

Dagskrá Loftslagsfestivalsins 2022 er loksins tilbúin!🥳 Við getum varla beðið þess að fá að njóta menningarinnar og baráttuandans með ykkur öllum á laugardaginn✨ Endilega deilið dagskránni sem víðast - því fleiri sem mæta, því skemmtilegra!💚

Ungir umhverfissinnar LÍS - Landssamtök íslenskra stúdenta Stúdentaráð Háskóla Íslands - SHÍ Umhverfis- og samgöngunefnd SHÍ Samband íslenskra framhaldsskólanema - SÍF Extinction Rebellion Reykjavík Landvernd umhverfisverndarsamtök Náttúruverndarsamtök Samtök grænkera á Íslandi

Sam­staða á tímum lofts­lags­breytinga - Vísir 17/08/2022

Another article written for the Climate Festival by Francis Laufkvist Kristinsbur about the importance of cooperation in our society at the times of climate change.

"When it comes to the consequences of climate change, it is even more important to stand together. We are starting to feel the effects right away. Climate change is causing natural disasters, forest fires, heat waves and melting glaciers. Although we are lucky to live in Iceland, it does not mean that these changes do not affect us.

A lot of refugees will flow here. It is really important that we welcome them all and that the Directorate of Immigration stops deporting people out of the country. We need to create a society where everyone is welcome and everyone helps each other. It has long come the time for us to stop this endless competition and to come all together to create a better world and a better planet.

A society based on cooperation, not competition, is not only better for the planet, but also for all of us. Together, we can create a good environment where everyone can satisfy their needs and desires. Diversity is so beautiful and important, both in nature and in humanity."

Sam­staða á tímum lofts­lags­breytinga - Vísir Eins og þið hafið eflaust oft heyrt erum við stödd á tíma mikilla loftslagsbreytinga. Þetta eru loftslagsbreytingar sem eru nú þegar byrjaðar að hafa mikil áhrif á líf fólks og munu halda áfram að gera. Til þess að koma í veg fyrir meiri skaða og takast á við verðandi aflei....

Í dag > Í gær - Vísir 16/08/2022

Our dear fellow rebel Stefán wrote an article in Icelandic about climate change encouraging us to take the responsibility in our own hands with behavioural changes and pushing for system changes. 🙌

"The unwanted influence of special interests and government greenwashing can prevent the public in becoming well-informed, putting both our species and others at great risk. The current system needs systemic change to take better account of ecological considerations, corruption, consolidation, pricing and harmful practices.

We know this, yet virtually all problems continue to develop in the wrong direction. That is why it is very important to empower critical thinking and the democratic participation of the public in public policy-making."

Í dag > Í gær - Vísir Ég fæddist inn í þennan heim þegar mánaðarlegur meðalstyrkur koltvísýrings í andrúmsloftinu á Mauna Loa mælingastöðinni á Hawaii var rúmlega 357 milljónahlutar (ppm). Ég vill nýta tækifærið og þakka Charles David Keeling fyrir að sýna mikla þrautseigju við upphaf mæling...

Life in a 'degrowth' economy, and why you might actually enjoy it 14/08/2022

What does "degrowth" mean and what would life be like in a degrowth society?

Life in a 'degrowth' economy, and why you might actually enjoy it What does genuine economic progress look like? The orthodox answer is that a bigger economy is always better, but this idea is increasingly strained by the knowledge that, on a finite planet, the economy…

Ég skora á þig að verða vegan! - Vísir 13/08/2022

Samtök grænkera á Íslandi (The vegan association of Iceland) just published an article in Icelandic on why it is important to go vegan in the fight against climate change:

"The fact is, if you want to reduce your carbon footprint, changing your diet is one of the biggest steps you can take. Avoiding eating animals and animal products and switching to a plant based diet as much as possible has enormous positive effects. Some people think this sounds extreme, but we are looking at an extreme situation where it is necessary to take big steps. It has never been easier to give up animal products than it is today, and it certainly does not reduce people's quality of life to take a step in that direction. On the contrary, it can have a positive effect."

Ég skora á þig að verða vegan! - Vísir Í amstri dagsins er auðvelt að gleyma sér í hversdagsleikanum. Við hugsum um vinnuna eða skólann, og hvað verði í kvöldmatinn. Við heyrum talað um loftslagsvána í fréttunum og hversu stórt vandamál hún er. Við fáum hnút í magann og skiptum um rás.

This heatwave has eviscerated the idea that small changes can tackle extreme weather | George Monbiot 18/07/2022

Can we talk about it now? I mean the subject most of the media and most of the political class has been avoiding for so long. You know, the only subject that ultimately counts – the survival of life on Earth.

Never has a silence been so loud or so resonant.

This is not a passive silence. It is an active silence, a fierce commitment to distraction and irrelevance in the face of an existential crisis. It is a void assiduously filled with trivia and amusement, gossip and spectacle. Talk about anything, but not about this. But while the people who dominate the means of communication frantically avoid the subject, the planet speaks, in a roar becoming impossible to ignore.

So let’s break our own silence. Let’s stop lying to ourselves and others by pretending that small measures deliver major change.

Let’s build our campaign for systemic change towards the critical 25% threshold of public acceptance, beyond which, a range of scientific studies suggests, social tipping happens.

This heatwave has eviscerated the idea that small changes can tackle extreme weather | George Monbiot Dangerous heat will become the norm, even in the UK. Systems need to urgently change – and the silence needs to be broken, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot


Yesterday, the bodies of these two fin whales took their last journey together.

Commercial whalers removed these magnificent and precious animals from the North Atlantic.

The Great Whales are our aquatic allies in the fight against human-made climate change and their contributions to a healthy ocean ecosystem are invaluable.

We need these animals alive.

Please 🐋🇮🇸

📷 Arne F.

MONBIOSIS with George Monbiot: Ep15 - Debt for Climate 03/07/2022

From Monbiosis, Essential Climate Conversations:

Debt For Climate
A conversation with:
🌍 Esteban Servat - Founder of Ecoleaks and Shale Must Fall.
🌍 Louise Wagner - Sociologist and climate justice activist.
🌍 Sunny Morgan - Social and climate activist, CEO of Enerlogy.

MONBIOSIS with George Monbiot: Ep15 - Debt for Climate In this 2022 series of essential climate conversations George Monbiot continues to discuss and investigate the complex challenges we face in this time of cli...

There’s a simple way to unite everyone behind climate justice – and it’s within our power | George Monbiot 02/07/2022

"Forced austerity and forced exploitation of fossil fuel reserves are threads that could draw together climate and social justice campaigns all over the world. Debt for Climate proposes a global revolt against debt and austerity, tied to the prevention of climate breakdown. It calls on poor world governments to refuse to honour their debts, and to channel the money they would otherwise have had to pay into public services, climate adaptation and a just transition out of fossil fuels. It calls on activists in the rich world to demand the cancellation of debt and an end to austerity, both at home and abroad, and reparations for the devastating loss and damage caused by our greenhouse gas emissions."

There’s a simple way to unite everyone behind climate justice – and it’s within our power | George Monbiot Cancelling poor nations’ historic debts would allow their governments to channel money into climate adaptation, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

Photos from Debt for Climate's post 01/07/2022

Last Saturday's mobilisation in the streets of Munich with 6,000 people against the to push our demands for debt cancellation for climate action.

Photos from Scientist Rebellion's post 01/07/2022

Over 100 activists from Scientist Rebellion, and joined the campaign blocking the entrances of the Ministry of Finance in Berlin earlier this week!


On June 26th-28th the G7 took place in Germany and the Debt for Climate activists were there too with their campaign and actions ✊✊✊

To know more about the Debt for Climate campaign https://www.debtforclimate.org/

Photos from Samtök grænkera á Íslandi's post 26/06/2022

This week commercial whaling started again in Iceland after four years break...

We stand in solidarity with Samtök grænkera á Íslandi (The Icelandic Vegan Society), Samtök um dýravelferð á Íslandi (Association for Animal Welfare in Iceland), Hard To Port (Marine Conservation and Animal Rights Advocacy NGO) who aim to protect and conserve Icelandic marine life and ecosystems.


Climate Change As Spiritual Practice: A Deeper Exploration with special guest Joanna Macy
June 27 @ 12 – 2pm PDT

This gathering is a follow-up to a gathering we recently had with Joanna Macy on June 14th. When you register today you will also receive the link to the video recording of the first meeting with Joanna.

1st hour – exploration of Six Maxims with Joanna & authors David Schenck & Larry Churchill
2nd hour – connection between Purpose Discovery & Climate Engagement

Event details, contact info and registration: https://workthatreconnects.org/event/transforming-anxiety-into-empowerment/

Image provided.

Navigating Your Relationships in an Age of Climate Crisis: Anxiety and Alienation 24/06/2022

Anxiety and Alienation, Navigating Your Relationships in an Age of Climate Crisis, by Neil Simpson.

This is not an article about the phenomenon of eco-anxiety. Reams have already been written about ecological anxiety, including XR’s Special Report: A Short Guide To Eco-anxiety. Thankfully, this response to the climate and ecological crisis is increasingly accepted by professionals to be quite understandable from those of us focused on the perilous state of our planet… or anybody who’s paying even the slightest attention to the news. This article is about why some of your loved ones are struggling to support your eco-anxiety.

Navigating Your Relationships in an Age of Climate Crisis: Anxiety and Alienation Neil Simpson explores how navigating relationships in an age of climate crisis can be anxiety-inducing and alienating, and what you can do about it. The wonderful original illustrations which enhance Neil's writing were created for XR Global by Dustin Jacobus.

Adobe Acrobat - Schenck - Ethical Maxims.pdf 18/06/2022

Ethical Maxims for a Marginally Inhabitable Planet:

This essay asks which ethical norms will serve us well in the face of the coming climate catastrophe.
It sketches the climate changes likely for the year 2031 and offers six adaptive maxims, drawn from bioethics work in ICUs and hospices, to guide us through the devastation and transition following environmental and social collapse.
These six maxims are: work hard to grasp the immensity of the change; cultivate radical hope; have a line in the sand; appreciate the astonishing opportunity of life at this time; train your body and mind; and act for the future generations of all species. Because we are already in an environmental collapse and the beginnings of social collapse, these maxims are relevant today as well as for the future.

Adobe Acrobat - Schenck - Ethical Maxims.pdf View this file, and add comments too.



Transforming Anxiety Into Empowerment with Joanna Macy!
June 14 @ 12 – 2pm PDT

A powerful and unlikely spiritual teacher has arrived, sweeping everyone into the shadows of its cloak. This teacher has begun to interrupt life as we know it, showing us the impermanence and fragility of our lifestyle and our way of seeing the world. This teacher goes by the name of Climate Change. Join in this special gathering to imagine a new future together.

Event details, contact info and registration link in bio under facilitator-hosted events.
Event details, contact info and registration: https://workthatreconnects.org/event/transforming-anxiety-into-empowerment/

Image provided.

Timeline photos 11/06/2022

David Suzuki, Vandana Shiva and Greta Thunberg are among the 57 laureates of the Right Livelihood Award (often considered the “Alternative Nobel Prize”) who urged the world leaders at the UN Conference to “acknowledge ecocide as a crime”.

They call on governments to: “enhance the concepts of Rights of Nature and Earth Trusteeship in our relationship with the Earth and in our political and legal systems: This includes acknowledging Earth systems as living systems, ‘ ’ as a crime against humanity, and the Rights of Nature as relevant and binding on governments”

View their full statement here:

More info in our press release: https://www.stopecocide.earth/new-breaking-news-summary/right-livelihood-award-laureates-call-for-ecocide-law

RightsofNature GARN Europe Lawyers for Nature IUCN


Existing laws are proving inadequate to deter and protect from the destructive side effects of many industrial practices and exploratory extractive projects, like bottom trawling and deep sea mining.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

With a crime of , we can protect key marine and coastal ecosystems into the future, and support oceans to regenerate.

On this , demand to support legal protection for life underwater: https://www.stopecocide.earth/become

We will also be hosting a virtual event on June 30th at the UN Ocean Conference: 'Criminal law as planetary safeguard: paradigm shifts in ocean protection'.
Register: https://www.stopecocide.earth/events/criminal-law-as-planetary-safeguard-paradigm-shifts-in-ocean-protection


IT'S ALL FU**ED 🎶❤️‍🔥

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, It seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the Sun (doo, doo, doo)
Here comes the Sun and I say
It's all fu**ed

As the temperatures increase, the ice caps melt, and heatwaves disrupt communities and crops, droughts will increase.

Droughts cause death, destruction, and disruption. Unless we act now, suffering will increase for billions of people.

Right now, in 2022, more than 2.3 billion people face water stress, and almost 160 million children are exposed to severe and prolonged droughts.

The number of droughts is rising, and although they are not the most frequent of natural disasters, they are one of the most deadly. Between 1970 and 2019 650,000 people died from droughts, despite them making up only 15% of all natural disasters.

By 2030, an estimated 700 million people will be at risk of being displaced by drought,

By 2040, an estimated one in four children will live in areas with extreme water shortages,

By 2050, droughts may affect over three-quarters of the world’s population, and an estimated 4.8-5.7 billion people will live in areas that are water-scarce for at least one month each year, up from 3.6 billion today.

The media aren't reporting on the crisis today and where we are headed.

The Government aren't responding to the crisis today or building a better future.

It's time to share the science, and stand up for the billions of lives at stake, if we fail to act like it's an emergency.

📢 Take part in ACTIONS: https://bit.ly/3tJEwuS
📌 GET INVOLVED in your local community group: https://bit.ly/3kgoDcg
🌍 Help ORGANISE our movement: https://bit.ly/3nFYvJY
🗓 SIGN UP to our newsletter for updates: https://bit.ly/2VZJE16



Spanish, French & English interpretation will be available.

How ending the debt-trap diplomacy will pave the way for climate justice

🗓 We are applying for an associated event at the Stockholm+50 international meeting of the United Nations, and we are inviting you all to join us for a one-hour online webinar showcasing - a grassroots, Global South-driven campaign uniting social, labor & climate justice movements from the Global South & North.

🌍 The Global North can pay its climate debt to the Global South by canceling the monetary debt in return for leaving fossil fuels in the ground. It is the pre-condition for a just transition, freeing countries from a strangling debt burden often used as a tool for expanding extractivism.

💰Climate finances have been in the discussion since the beginnings of global climate summits 50 years ago. Everything that we have seen from them, is broken promises. It is time to turn promises into action. Just climate action is not possible within debt-trap diplomacy that forces countries into ever deeper dependencies on countries that are most responsible for the climate crisis and act in the interest of the richest, not of the most affected.

🩺There is no healthy planet without a healthy economy, and there is no healthy economy when the people are dying. Canceling the debt has been portrayed as a powerful leverage to address the current multiple crises. But if the same social classes responsible for leading us into this deadly pincer grip are left to set the conditions of change, it is likely to turn into eco-austerity, rather than a just transition.

✊🏿 This is why we are organizing on a grassroots level, spearheaded by MAPA – the most affected people from the most affected areas to bring new narratives, new proposals, and new discourses to achieve an inclusive and just transition for all, not for the few.

🔊 Due to their central role in controlling colonial creditor institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, we will call for a global action during the G7 meeting from June 26-28.

Join us in the webinar and on the streets!

🔳 Register in advance for this webinar:

All details here: www.facebook.com/events/465229492022647

After registering for the Zoom, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Stjórnvöld blekki almenning með villandi framsetningu - Vísir 22/05/2022

The government is deceiving the public:
emission reductions between 2005-2030 will only be 4.3% if we follow current plans, far from the 50% they set as their own climate targets.

Iceland could do much more than that, but we can't wait around for the government to do what it has been failing to do, we don't have time left, we need to push for real action and the push needs to come from all of us!

Stjórnvöld blekki almenning með villandi framsetningu - Vísir Stjórn­völd blekkja al­­menning með villandi fram­­setningu á tölum um mark­mið sín í lofts­lags­­málum að mati Ungra um­­hverfis­­sinna. Allt stefni í að sam­­dráttur í heildar­losun gróður­húsa­­loft­­tegunda frá árinu 2005 til 2030 verði að­eins 4,3 pró...

Carbon Dioxide Concentration | NASA Global Climate Change 18/05/2022

Carbon Dioxide Concentration | NASA Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet: Global Climate Change and Global Warming. Current news and data streams about global warming and climate change from NASA.