Stack'd Financial Coaching

Stack'd Financial Coaching

We offer financial coaching to help pharmacists lower stress with your day-to-day finances.


Have you ever wondered what working with a financial coach looks like?

It begins with a…

Q/A Call - to see if we are a good fit and if I can help you with your goals. I want to make sure we have a good working relationship and that I can support you in reaching your objectives.

Stressed to Stack’d Session - During the first session, we will work on getting your finances organized and setting some goals. My goal is to help you go from feeling stressed to feeling more in control and on track.

During the first 30 days, we will focus on setting up automated systems to help you meet your goals. My aim is to help you achieve success and automation makes this very simple.

For the next 5 months, we will focus on aligning your finances to your values. We will continue to work through common roadblocks and strengthen your confidence. My priority is to support you and help you succeed.


Have you ever wondered what working with a financial coach FEELS like?

I'm going to give it to you straight.

It's not all rainbows and butterflies, but it's so worth it.

When you get off the Q&A call with me, you'll feel excited that you're finally going to tackle your finances. This excitement comes from the trust you put in me, the process, and yourself. You know that with the right help, you'll crush your goals.

But then, as soon as you hit that purchase button, you'll start to doubt everything.

Worse, little thoughts that you aren't good enough will start creeping in (tell them to shut up - you've got this).

The prework comes, and you're back to being determined. It's a little harder than you thought, but it builds your confidence that this is actually going to work.

We complete the Stress to Stack'd Session, and your confidence grows. You know the automated process and coaching support will help you, but that night more and more questions start popping into your head.

Your questions are answered during the next session.

As you keep growing over the next six months, you'll feel less and less stressed about your finances and actually excited about the progress you've made and where that puts you for the future.

Check the comments to get started.


Spending just feels way better when you're not stressing about whether you've got enough money.


Want to experiment with me?

Give financial affirmations a chance by joining me in a month-long experiment. Twice a week, every Monday and Friday, I'll be posting a financial affirmation to see how we feel by the end of the month.

Let's see how this simple yet powerful practice can improve our financial mindset.

This is how you get the most out of these affirmations:

1. Read with intention: Approach the affirmation with an open and positive mindset. Clear your mind of any distractions and focus your attention on the words of the affirmation.

2. Visualize: As you read the affirmation, try to visualize the words coming to life. Imagine yourself in a situation where the affirmation is true and feel the emotions that come with it.

3. Repeat it: After reading the affirmation, repeat it to yourself several times. This will help to embed it into your subconscious mind and reinforce its positive message.

4. Reflect on its meaning: Take a moment to reflect on the meaning of the affirmation and how it applies to your life. Consider any changes or actions you can take to align yourself with its message.

5. Use it as a tool: Use the affirmation as a tool to inspire and motivate you throughout the day. Whenever you feel discouraged or anxious, read the affirmation to remind yourself of its positive message.


Balance is such a blah word, but that doesn't mean it's any less important. As a financial coach, I work with pharmacists every week to help them find balance in their finances. It's not just about having enough money in the bank or avoiding debt - it's about feeling empowered and in control of your financial situation.

Finding balance is not always easy, and it looks different for everyone. It might mean creating a budget that allows for some splurges or finding ways to save for the future while still enjoying the present. It might mean addressing limiting beliefs or behaviors that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals.

As we strive for balance in our finances, it's important to remember that it's not just a one-time achievement. It's an ongoing process that requires constant evaluation and adjustment. It's about finding what works for you and being willing to adapt as your circumstances change.

Through my financial coaching services, I work with pharmacists to identify their unique financial goals and create a personalized plan to achieve them. I believe that financial freedom is not just about having more money - it's about finding balance and feeling CONFIDENT in your ability to make informed financial decisions.

So, let's embrace the "blah" word of balance and use it as a tool to empower ourselves and achieve our financial dreams. With a little bit of guidance and support, we can all find the balance we need to live our best financial lives.


😂 🤦‍♂️
Happy Monday!


Have you ever wondered if $20,000 is a good emergency fund to have? The answer is, it depends.

Firstly, let's acknowledge that having $20,000 set aside for emergencies is a lot better than what most people have. So, if you have that amount already saved up, you're already ahead of the game.

But when it comes to emergency funds, the good news is that it doesn't have to be 3-6 months of your current spending. During an emergency, such as a job loss, you would likely cut down on your non-essential purchases. This means that building a 3-6 month emergency fund becomes a lot more reasonable.

For example, let's say your current monthly spending is $7,000. A 6-month emergency fund would be $42,000. However, if you were to cut down to just essentials, let's say $3,500 per month, then your emergency fund goal would be $21,000.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start with your emergency fund, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I can help you figure out what amount is right for you based on your individual circumstances. Let's work together to make sure that you're prepared for whatever life may throw your way.


As I sit here reflecting on the tornado that ripped through my backyard in 2021 and the recent chemical spill in the Delaware river, I have become acutely aware of the importance of being prepared. Living in the greater Philadelphia region, we often think that natural disasters and chemical spills happen in other places, not our own backyard. But the reality is that we are not immune to these types of events.

This experience has taught me that simply "having" an emergency fund is not enough when it comes to financial preparedness. We need to go beyond that and prepare for specific scenarios to ensure that we are truly prepared.

For example, have you ever calculated what 3 months or 6 months of your budget looks like? Do you know the exact number? Have you considered how that number would change if you were forced to cut down to an emergency style of spending?

For couples, have you considered what would happen if just one of you lost your job? Or what if both of you did? These are the types of scenarios that we should be running through to ensure that we are prepared for whatever life may throw our way.

By gaining a better understanding of our financial situation, we can lower stress and build confidence. If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start, know that you're not alone. I'm here to help. Message me if you want help in this department. Let's work together to ensure that we are prepared for whatever life may bring.


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were frustrated with your progress toward a goal? Maybe you were trying to save up for a vacation, pay off debt, or start your own business, but it seemed like every time you made progress, something set you back.

I recently had a similar experience while watching my son play Zelda on Nintendo Switch. He was struggling to defeat a particularly difficult boss and was getting visibly upset. My first instinct was to tell him to calm down and take a break, but then I had a realization: what if his frustration was actually a good thing?

What if that frustration was actually a combination of anger and motivation? Without motivation, he would have just given up and moved on to another game. But because he was invested in beating the boss, he was challenging himself to learn and improve.

The same can be said for any goal you are trying to achieve. Whether it's financial, personal, or professional, frustration can actually be a sign that you are pushing yourself to improve. It's easy to get discouraged when things don't go according to plan, but if you can channel that frustration into motivation, you can use it as fuel to keep going.

Of course, that's easier said than done. It's important to take breaks and practice self-care when you're feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. But don't be afraid to embrace frustration as a natural part of the learning process. When you're struggling with a difficult task or setback, remember that it's all part of the journey toward success.


In 2020, while vacationing in Ocean City, NJ, a coworker planted a seed in my mind that would change my life. He suggested that I use my skills to help others manage their finances. Inspired by this idea, I began to envision my perfect life without financial constraints. As I imagined my ideal day, I realized that I needed to make some changes.

Here's what my perfect day would look like:

I would wake up before my kids, plan my day, and enjoy a cup of coffee.
After sending the kids off to school, my wife and I would hit the gym together.
Next, I would spend time working on our shared business, helping others with their finances.
Once the kids were home from school, we would spend quality time together, playing sports and enjoying each other's company.

As you can see, my ideal day doesn't involve anything overly extravagant. However, it does offer the freedom to pursue my passion without being tied down to a traditional 9-5 job.

What does your ideal day look like? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


What do Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, and Gary V all have in common?

They all invest in themselves.

It's easy to get caught up in spending money on material possessions like a new car or home improvements, but we often overlook the value of investing in our own personal growth.

Think about it - what could you achieve if you learned a new skill or gained some knowledge that could help you land that dream job or get that promotion you've been working towards?

And let's not forget the importance of financial education - understanding how to manage your money effectively can have a huge impact on your overall quality of life. It is the foundation you need to put in place BEFORE that next pay increase.

So, when was the last time you invested in yourself? Don't let financial stress hold you back any longer. Book your free Q/A call now and start taking steps toward a better future.

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