Cape Breton Yoga and Dharma Sangha : The Yogic Significance of Cape Breton

Cape Breton Yoga and Dharma Sangha : The Yogic Significance of Cape Breton

Aspiration> use this page to aide the Cape Breton Yoga and Dharma Sangha's converging into harmony.


T H E R E B A C K !
What do we do ?

The Blessed Kalapa Valley 30/01/2023


Did you know that there is a place in the Cape Breton Highlands that is the most sacred Yogic and Dharmic site in the western hemisphere ? It is the Ingonish River Valley. It used to be the “Smokey Ridge Campground” up until the late 80’s. In Indo-Tibetan circles it is called the Kalapa Valley, or the capitol of Shambhala. It is like where the Buddha attained enlightenment and the sacred Ganges River combined in how sacred it is. Literally it is the capitol of Shangri-La. A novel in the 1930’s changed the name of Shambhala to Shangri-La. And the Flintstones called it Shangri La De Da ( 😊

It is bigger and beyond the current owner (Sakyong Mipham's estate), with his dethronement from the Shambhala Lineage due to his toxic activity. Bigger than that. Beyond that. It is there to help everybody and anybody awaken. I have taken Tibetan Vajryana Masters and Indian Senior Yoga and Meditation Masters to the Ingonish River Valley to guide them, and they all say the same thing. This IS Kalapa! Like even they were skeptical until they experienced it. They all said that “the energy is like the Himalayas” too. (They do not even talk to each other by the way.) And when they crossed the causeway, they were all taken by the exceptionally more potent uplifting energy.

We all know this energy, because this is our home. We grew up here. Some enlightened masters from Tibet have requested that some of their remains be buried in the Ingonish River Valley. The Seventeenth Karmapa now has personal property near Baddeck. In Restricted Tibetan Vajryana conversations and teachings, the Ingonish River Valley and Cape Breton is referred to as a “Pure Land ”. A Pure Land is a physical place, or a place in a non-physical realm, that has extremely high conditions and energy to facilitate enlightenment. A “Central Land ” of Yoga and Dharma is a geographical area that is the home to a lineage in Yoga or Dharma. The traditional Central Lands have been India, Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet, Thailand, and Zen in the rest of Asia. There is one more place in the world, and that is Nova Scotia. Called the “Central Land of Kalapa”, solely because of the existence of the Ingonish River Valley and it’s energy.


We have all heard of “The Buddha”. His statue is in most people’s gardens nowadays. He is even an element of interior and exterior design. Each spring there is an entire aisle in Winners at the Mayflower Mall filled with dozens of statues of this very same Buddha. Technically he is just one of many Buddhas, and he is called Shakyumuni or Siddhartha. He lived 2600 years ago. He prophesized that in a thousand years “. . . one would come who is even greater than myself.”. He came in the 8th century, and he walked this earth. He was the most powerful Buddha of the three times. His name is Padmasambhava or Guru Rinpoche. One of his partners was the most powerful female Buddha of the three times, and her name is Yesche Tsogyal. She is called the Supreme Wisdom Dakini. Kind of the ultimate power couple eh ! 😊 And it is partially on parallel with Indian Yoga’s Shiva-Shakti.

You need to be seated for this next part . . . Padmasambhava’s personal practice item, and his DNA (bones or relics) are here in Nova Scotia. In Christian lineages, this is like saying Jesus’ bones and personal item are in a humidity controlled vault in Nova Scotia. Padmasambhava, the most powerful Buddha of the three times, his bones and personal practice item (phurba three-sided knife) are in Nova Scotia because of the energy of the Ingonish River Valley.

Sounds likes bu****it I know. I have seen and felt (not touched) some of these sacred items with my own eyes (and third eye 😊). There are a few other famous Buddha’s items in the same vault. Naropa’s skull bone is here too (of the “Yogas of Naropa”). Here is a link to some pictures of all of these items > If the link does not work, simply search “Surmang Relics”. Shambhala Global does not own these items, they are simply in the care of the Shambhala Archives. Surmang was the Trungpa Kagyu Lineage monastery in Tibet where the artifacts were kept for centuries. Chyogyam Trungpa had them on his person when he fled his soon to be destroyed Surmang Monastary on April 23rd, 1959. And for ten months he and his group mountaineered over the Himalayan passes to the freedom of India.

There is much much more to this history and how it relates to us here, but I will stop there. Most of the few hundred Buddhists that moved here in the 1980’s are aware of all of this. And unfortunately to my experience, they do not really share the information with locals.


The Indian Yoga Masters have a prophesy. The Tibetan Vajryana Masters have the Gaesar Prophesy. The Mi’kmaq and First Nations people of Canada have a Prophesy a well. These prophesies are all hundreds of years old. They overlap with each other perfectly. With different names of course. They all prophesize Nova Scotia as being a sanctuary in a dark age. And they all prophesize a Buddha manifesting here.


It will take anybody who reads this about a half of a year to fully process it. It is quite freaky. Some people may even land on “this cannot be true” for a period of time. Others with fortunate residual karma may connect instantly. You may have known this on some level, and it feels familiar. This information will also ripen a lot of karma on this blessed island. And if you have moved or immigrated to Cape Breton in this life, this may be the reason.

If a Lord Buddha showed up tomorrow, and asked why the Cape Breton Yoga and Dharma practitioners in are in cliques and do not talk to each other here in the Pure Land and Central Land of Kalapa. . . who is going to answer to her ? What is the answer ?

Please excuse my directness. The Yoga and Dharma community of Cape Breton needs to tear down walls, open up, work together towards harmonic cohesiveness. Just like the general population of Cape Breton does, and is famous for. All Yoga and Dharma is complementary. We are Yoga and Dharma Warriors. Now, I have been away for a long while, and I have recently returned to my home. So, it would be inappropriate for me to waltz back into town and suggest a plan of action here.

I am humbly calling upon some young, fearless, spirited, yogini or yogin to craft and develop ideas for this aspiration. Now is the time to shine. We are stronger if we all support each other. Uplift your prana, fearlessness, and unconditioned confidence. You can be a teacher or a student. A weekly get together, a monthly get together, Yoga and Dharma discussions, tea and oatcakes, or whatever. The sky is not the limit. Don’t do this for yourself, do it for everyone else. I just feel that this would be optimal here in this Pure Land of Yoga and Dharma. We need to live Yogically as Cape Breton Yoginis and Yogins. I am fully aware that Anju is in support of this aspiration as well. No judgements, let’s just naturally converge into harmony. What do you all think ?

(*And please feel free to use this page “Cape Breton Yoga and Dharma Sangha” as a method of communication.)..
HERE IS A VIDEO OF THE BLESSED KALAPA VALLEY (*And if you go to the host "Vritti Vlogger", you can find three more Kalapa Valley videos) >

The Blessed Kalapa Valley Kalapa is perfectionAll music by Kevin MacLeod ( titles: At Rest; Meditation Impromptu 02; Himalayan Atmosphere.Twitter http://bi...
