Corpse Chamber

Corpse Chamber

Co**se Chamber:

Artur Chudy - vocals
Michal Grall - guitars, backing vocals, keyboards
Giovanni Dur

In early 2021, a foul-smelling slime exposed a cemetery pit in which the Co**se Chamber was buried long ago. Digging into the depths of a rotting dungeon filled with maggots, the shovel discovered corpses in advanced stage of decay, identified as:

Artur Chudy Chudewniak (vocals) - known as the Rotting Ghoul Of Depravity And The Excruciating Voice Of Damned Souls

Michal Grall (guitars) - identif


Michal Grall has just released his new Black Metal album. Check it over here:

Michal Grall - I Am (Neural DSP Archetype: Petrucci - vst plugin sound test) 28/01/2022

Co**se Chamber's debut album is ready and composed. Some more recording and then we start mixing process. Meanwhile, Michal Grall has released his new solo song. Check it out

Michal Grall - I Am (Neural DSP Archetype: Petrucci - vst plugin sound test) Hey there, this is a second song from my first solo EP. There are 2 albums to follow already, but I decided to share my ideas now. This one was made entirely...

Co**se Chamber: Uwielbiam death metal za różnorodność i bezkompromisowość 01/12/2021

Hail The Vermin!

New interview with Co**se Chamber can be found here:

thanks to Soundrive & Wojciech Michalak

Check it out and Join Our Swarm!

Co**se Chamber: Uwielbiam death metal za różnorodność i bezkompromisowość Mimo szerokiej palety możliwości stylistycznych, w death metalu "skoki w bok" zdarzają się rzadko. W swojej siermiężności ma jednak wiele uroku, a jednym z najnowszych, interesujących zespołów jest Co**se Chamber, w składzie którego grają muzycy Traumy, Sinister czy Benediction. O chara...

Co**se Chamber The Dead Chronicles chapter 1 24/11/2021

Hail the Vermin! Join our Swarm!

The time has come to start The Dead Chronicles. We want to let you know how album production is going, so here is first video. We are now choosing songs for the record and we start recording guitars next week.

Here it is:

Co**se Chamber The Dead Chronicles chapter 1 Hail The Vermin!Join The Swarm!Hereby we start our everydead....everyday chronicle. We will keep you posted with the recording process of our new album.Subsr...


Our Swarm Of The Dead,

Co**se Chamber is available on Instagram at


Check it out and subscribe for the most current news and all behind-the-scenes footage.

Hail the Vermin
Join the Swarm!

TRIBUTE TO CARNIVORE - Thermonuclear Warriors of The fourth Reich PRE-ORDER 19/11/2021

Hail The Vermin!

You can now preorder Carnivore Tribute with our song via Putrid Cult

TRIBUTE TO CARNIVORE - Thermonuclear Warriors of The fourth Reich PRE-ORDER TRIBUTE TO CARNIVORE - Thermonuclear Warriors of The fourth Reich PRE-ORDER


And finally - Co**se Chamber is complete. Please welcome:

Victor Mac-Namara, chilean axe man, painter and writer, devoted to the utterly cacophonic grotesquely death metal music.

Played along with chilean bands as Cerberus, Ritual, Homicide and his main project Thornafire, doing several tours in Europe so far and opening for Slayer back in 2011.

Victor did graphic designs for bands like Incantation, Asphyx, Acheron, Pentacle, Avulsed and others

Welcome mate to Co**se Chamber

Photo: Malczer


Tune in to at 23.00 CET

Co**se Chamber's Carnivore cover will be played this night by the legendary Anzhellmo along with many other great musical acts.


Hail The Vermin,

we would like to introduce our new bass player. Welcome to the Co**se Chamber legion mate

Adam Ksiazek

Past bands: Anthropophagia, Manslaughter, EXPLOZER and Devil's Note

Follow on:

Photo: Mariusz Malczer Marszałkowski


Co**se Chamber line-up is now complete. We will announce our new musicians starting next week. This already is something amazing.

Hail The Vermin!

Co**se Chamber debiutuje coverem Carnivore 02/11/2021

Co**se Chamber debiutuje coverem Carnivore Co**se Chamber to nowy zespół death metalowy założony w lutym 2021 r., który tworzą były wokalista Traumy Artur Chudewniak, były gitarzysta Sinister Michał Grall oraz […]

CO**SE CHAMBER – new band from Benediction and ex-Sinister musician – video premiere – Kronos Mortus News 01/11/2021

CO**SE CHAMBER – new band from Benediction and ex-Sinister musician – video premiere – Kronos Mortus News CO**SE CHAMBER – new band from Benediction and ex-Sinister musician – video premiere by KMN01/11/2021 20:3501/11/2021 20:35015 November 1, 2021 is the day of the premiere of the first official video of Co**se Chamber, who prepared a Carnivore cover “Thermonuclear Warrior” for the official tr...

Co**se Chamber - Thermonuclear Warrior (Carnivore Lyric Video Cover) 01/11/2021

Hail the Vermin!

Remember to honor the dead. Mountains of bones, necro and corpses. All this, shrouded in dense, graveyard fog, is and will be presented by Co**se Chamber, a new band on the Death Metal scene. New, yet with members known from such bands as Benediction, Sinister and Unblessed Divine.

Prepare yourself and watch their first official video now. It is the cover song of Carnivore "Thermonuclear Warrior" in a darker version, prepared specially for the tribute for this band called "Thermonuclear Warriors Of The Fourth Reich - Hail The Carnivores" which will be released by Putrid Cult.


And this is just the beginning!

Pamiętajcie, aby czcić zmarłych. 1 listopada zobowiązuje.
Góry kości, nekro, trupy. Wszystko to spowite gęstą, cmentarną mgłą zaprezentuje właśnie w święto zmarłych Co**se Chamber, nowy zespół na scenie Death Metalowej. Nowy, jednak z muzykami znanymi z takich bandów jak Benediction, Sinister czy Unblessed Divine.

Premierowo obejrzycie ich pierwszy oficjalny klip. Cover Carnivore "Thermonuclear Warrior" w bardziej mrocznej odsłonie, przygotowany specjalnie na trybut dla tego zespołu o nazwie „Thermonuclear Warriors Of The Fourth Reich – Hail The Carnivores” który wyda Putrid Cult.

A to dopiero początek!

Co**se Chamber

Co**se Chamber - Thermonuclear Warrior (Carnivore Lyric Video Cover) Hail The Vermin!Hereby we hail the mighty Carnivore, which was transformed into Type O' Negative later on. We chose this song, which we totally adore and we ...