Andy for the People

Andy for the People

This page is for the 2020 campaign of Andy Woloszyn for Mayor of Huntsville, AL.. Follow for updates


John Meredith for Huntsville City Council has plans for District 5! His runoff for Dist. 5 is Oct. 6.
Check out his page, sign up to help, and VOTE!

Credit: Meredith campaign FB page


Huntsville’s District 5 is big. It’s diverse. And it needs someone who will actively respond to and represent its people. That’s why we support John Meredith for Huntsville City Council in the runoff for District 5 council seat.
He needs canvassers, phone bankers, and sign-holders. But most importantly, he needs voters.
So go like and follow his page. Do what you can to help. And then *show up to the polls Oct. 6*.


Thank you for standing with us. You helped us force those in power to pay attention. You reminded those entrenched in city politics that they cannot hold that power without opposition. We did that without big donors, without corporate backing. Every move we made was truly authentic - you helped us accomplish that.

22% of Huntsville thought Tommy Battle was the wrong man for the job. That is not a pass.

In a system that’s designed to make it difficult for the marginalized and underserved to vote even in normal times, that is not permission to maintain the systemically racist status quo.

In the middle of a pandemic, when people are rightly hesitant about voting in-person, when vulnerable people’s voices are muffled, that is not a pass to ignore those without health insurance or access to care.

In an election awash in special interest money, that is not permission for the mayor to privatize the workings of our schools.

We will absolutely be here to remind city hall of this.

With your help, we have laid the foundation for change. It’s the first stepping stone in creating a better path for Huntsville’s future - one that is more equitable and fair.

“On the 25th I asked for your vote, but on the 26th I ask we keep marching in the street for the changes we need,” Andy said today. “This wasn't a campaign for Andy. This was a campaign for Huntsville. As long as I have any strength in me I will not abandon this city.”

This campaign made itself a tool for change. You've helped us sharpen it to do the work even better. We’ll get some sleep, eat some real food, and then get back to work. Making change takes strong and consistent effort, but we know the goal of seeing our neighbors treated fairly is worth that work. We hope you’ll be there to work with us, side by side.

“It was an honor,” Andy said. “I have learned so much and I am energized to do more. No stopping now. We have a world to win.”

Timeline photos 26/08/2020

What a day! Sending a heartfelt thanks to all staff, volunteers & supporters today!


There’s still an hour left to vote for change! Polls close at 7 pm


Have you made your voice heard? Vote Andy Woloszyn for Huntsville mayor TODAY!
Polls are open 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Bring your ID and mask and make a difference!


“Neither snow nor rain” will keep Andy and his team from standing up for the U.S. Postal Service - even on city Election Day! ✊

Vote today (polls open until 7 p.m.) and join us in supporting USPS until 4 p.m. at 615 Clinton Ave.

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

Vote for change TODAY!
Huntsville city elections today - polls open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Bring your mask and ID. See you at the polls!

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

Andy wants to make a difference as Huntsville mayor.
Want to know more? Find his full platform here:

See you at the polls TODAY!

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

Need a ride to the polls TODAY? Nonprofit Vote Huntsville has you covered!
You can also reach out to our campaign, and we'll get you there.
Polls are open TODAY 7 a.m.-7 p.m.

Bring your mask and ID. See you there!

Save The Postal Service Aug. 25 Day of Action 25/08/2020

Working for change doesn't stop at the polls. No matter the outcome today, we need to keep working for what's right. Here's a chance:
Before/after you vote, join Action Network in Huntsville to help save the U.S. Post Office.
-2-4 p.m. CDT
-615 Clinton Avenue

Always keep working for good.

Save The Postal Service Aug. 25 Day of Action On Tuesday, August 25, thousands of people will take action across America with one clear message – . The movement for our public Postal Service has three immediate demands of our elected officials and of Postmaster General DeJoy: Provide at least $25 billion in immediate support...

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

Today's the day to VOTE for a mayor for ALL of Huntsville!
Huntsville city elections - polls open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Bring your mask and ID. See you at the polls!


Campaign Staff Roundtable

Powered by Restream

Learn more about the campaign here:


Andy Woloszyn is a name YOU can trust! Vote Andy Mayor of Huntsville THIS Tuesday, August 25, 2020!

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Andy wants to make a difference as Huntsville mayor.
Want to know more? Find his full platform here:

See you at the polls tomorrow!


Thank you for donating, for liking, for sharing. Thank you for supporting this grassroots campaign. But to really make change, we HAVE. TO. VOTE.
So mask up. Grab your ID. And head to the polls TODAY (Tuesday). Show Huntsville you want change. ✊

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Need a ride to the polls Tuesday (tomorrow)? Nonprofit Vote Huntsville has you covered!
You can also reach out to our campaign, and we'll get you there.
Polls are open Tuesday (tomorrow) 7 a.m.-7 p.m.

Bring your mask and ID. See you there!


Andy's thoughts for the day:

"We are a village in a forest. That forest is full of monsters who have always been there, but right now they are emboldened by the current political landscape. In a time when it was most certainly the most dire for working people, our campaign rose to the occasion. We have brought together a coalition of progressive organizations and individuals who are current and future leaders. They are the life and blood of what we are trying to do and I am blessed to be part of their mission.

If we are to fight these monsters, the forces of oppression in racism, sexism, homophobia and all other types of hate, we cannot do it on signs and slogans alone. We cannot do it simply by protest. We need a conscious and organized population. The movement was always in Huntsville. Let's be the ones who wake it up.
Vote for Andy for the People on Tuesday, because it isn't me you're putting in City Hall. It's us."

Show up for the movement on Tuesday. Grab your mask and ID, and we'll see you at the polls!

WEUP 103.1 FM 23/08/2020

Thanks to No More Dirty, Inc for having Andy and other local grassroots candidates on 103.1 FM WEUP - LIVE NOW!
Listen at
See you at the polls Tuesday!

WEUP 103.1 FM #1 for Hip Hop and R&B and home of the Rickey Smiley Morning Show

Timeline photos 23/08/2020

Andy wants to make a difference as Huntsville mayor.
Want to know more? Find his full platform here:

See you at the polls Tuesday!


From Hy Thurman, SURJ:
"Not often do we get a candidate to believe in. But most importantly a candidate that believes in what he says. Andy Woloszyn is that candidate. And this is why Huntsville SURJ is supporting him and looks forward to celebrating with him as our next Huntsville mayor."
Big thanks to SURJ Huntsville for their endorsement!

Timeline photos 23/08/2020

Need a ride to the polls Tuesday? Nonprofit Vote Huntsville has you covered!
You can also reach out to our campaign, and we'll get you there.
Polls are open Tuesday 7 a.m.-7 p.m.

Bring your mask and ID. See you there!


Meet Andy's campaign staff, find out why we volunteered, and learn our take on platform points. Join us tomorrow!


Andy wants to make a difference as Huntsville mayor.
Want to know more? Find his full platform here:

See you at the polls Tuesday!


Thanks, More Dirty Inc Presents: Exclusive Conversation/No More Dirty, Inc for the live interview with Andy today!
Find their full video here:


Do you know your city election polling place? It might be different.

The Session Live - [08-22-20] 22/08/2020

Check out No More Dirty, Inc going live with Andy now!

The Session Live - [08-22-20] We Are Live - The Session: Bible xBeats x Bars Host: Minister Fred II DJ: DJ Siiza Hanz God's Mailbox: Carlotta Doss Special Artist: Mr. Trae Calvert Guest 2...


Meet Andy's campaign staff, find out what motivates them to volunteer, and why they think Andy should be Huntsville's next mayor!


We need your help to spread the word in the last few days before Tuesday's election - donate!

We set out to be a campaign for the people, and they heard the call. They supported the message because it's about all of us. We're moving Huntsville forward together - and we need your help. A donation in any amount can help us spread our message and work for change in City Hall. Help make a difference by donating now.


"The main goal [of the campaign is] for us to bring Huntsville together, to put together a movement of different organizations for us to be able to bring change to this city. And I can safely say now that we have accomplished that... This city can be for everybody and not just the select few... [After the election], that's gonna be us out there fighting for all the things that we're talking about... it's gonna take you organizing to make this stuff happen."

Timeline photos 22/08/2020

Good early morning! We are so please to have yet another endorsement from an important activist group like the Sunrise Movement.

Sunrise North Alabama believes in a future which is just, equitable, and environmentally conscious. We believe in local action for effective change which is why we have been on the frontlines fighting for climate change policies and sustainable development goals for the city of Huntsville. Given Andy's bold vision and experience with environmental campaigning, we see him as a great candidate to work towards creating a Huntsville that holds promise for future generations to come.

Don't forget to vote Andy Woloszyn for mayor on TUESDAY, August 25!

Timeline photos 21/08/2020

Andy Woloszyn is a longtime advocate for the working class, a supporter of unions, an opponent of institutional injustice, and a champion for everyone who has been injured by unfettered capitalism. As members of the Democratic Socialists of America, we share his stances on policing and drug policy reform; on the need for robust health care and education funding; and on the human rights of people regardless of race, religion, or sexual or gender identity or orientation. And as citizens of Huntsville and the greater North Alabama region, we recognize Andy Woloszyn for his on the ground efforts to enact the changes we want to see in Huntsville. It is with unreserved confidence and boundless enthusiasm that we offer our solidarity and endorsement to Andy Woloszyn's campaign for mayor of Huntsville, Andy for the People.

Timeline photos 21/08/2020

Do you know where to go on Election Day (Aug. 25)? City election polling places might be different from other elections.

Find yours at:


volunteers Fred & Tom are out about spreading the word that city elections are coming up on Tuesday, August 25, 2020! They also want YOU to vote Andy Woloszyn for Mayor of Huntsville! Educate yourself here: and then VOTE on Tuesday!


Chip in what you can as we make our final push before the election:

Timeline photos 20/08/2020

Speaking as a representative for the local Green Party, I am happy to endorse Andy Woloszyn for mayor of Huntsville because every board of his platform speaks to core values of the GP ( His ideas around criminal justice reform and decriminalizing ma*****na match up with our ideals of Social Justice; Andy’s support for membership in and action with the U.S. Climate Alliance support our Ecology and Sustainability values; his grassroots financing points to Direct Democracy; the call for sanctuary city status and municipal broadband Internet help to Decentralize and make our society Non-Hierarchical; and his demand for $15 minimum wage for city workers is an example of a Moral Economy. I will be voting for Andy on August 25th.

Timeline photos 20/08/2020

volunteers have taken over the dining room to prepare a special mailing just for YOU! As you prepare to vote on August 25th, review Andy’s platform & reach out to us with questions. We want you to be informed!


Welcome back!

I hope everyone enjoyed our run down of the platform yesterday. I'm sorry we had to cut off at half an hour, but there's a lot going on with less than a week away from the election! Tonight I will be covering Huntsville's cooperation with ICE as well as rounding out our Drug Policy Reform.

After that I will be covering our brand new "How Will We Pay for It" section. Thanks for stopping by again. We'll be about half an hour once more.


Timeline photos 19/08/2020

Alabama Solutions, a grassroots movement, endorses Andy for the people because he has experience in community service. How else will politicians know the right course of action without experience in problem solving in their own communities? He will lead us towards more justice & fairness in & outside office because he also listens to those with experience, the working class people of HSV. We have a choice, & we can choose a mayor who believes in fairness, taxpayer choices, & justice for all.

Videos (show all)
Live interview with No More Dirty Radio and why Andy's not a politician
Andy for Huntsville mayor - vote Tuesday!
Fire Side Chat, Round 2!
Andy's priorities for Huntsville
Huntsville mayoral challenger Andy Woloszyn talks representation