L'onda hypnobirthing

L'onda hypnobirthing

L'onda hypnobirthing offers a range of group and personalised hypnobirthing courses, including KGH c


I am shocked. I client of mine just told me her gynaecologist attempted a membrane sweep at 38 weeks without her consent and after she had clearly said she did not want one. This caused huge trauma in my client. Words escape me right now.
Why is this happening, and how do we stop it?


Baby news!
Buongiorno Manu da me e Giada, volevamo ringraziarti tanto e raccontarti che l’hypnobirthing ci ha aiutato tantissimo! Il Travaglio è stato velocissimo e molto molto sopportabile nulla di paragonabile al mio primo parto! Non ci credevo di essere arrivata a dilatazione completa. La fase espulsiva è stata più impegnativa e tosta ma siamo riuscite comunque ad avere il nostro VBAC con papà a fianco che ha corso x esserci! Tante emozioni e tante sorprese perché Giada ha anticipato tutti evitando scollamento e induzione e regalandomi un parto naturale come sognavo ed è anche grazie a te!


Baby news from one of my Italian clients!
Good morning Manu from me and Giada, we wanted to thank you so much and tell you that hypnobirthing has helped us a lot! Labour was very fast and very very bearable, nothing compared with my first birth! I couldn't believe I had reached full dilation. The expulsive phase was more demanding and tough but we still managed to have our VBAC with dad alongside who ran to be there! So many emotions and surprises since Giada anticipated everyone sparing me a sweep and an induction and giving me a natural birth as I dreamed of and it is also thanks to you!

Photos from L'onda hypnobirthing's post 23/02/2021

I have a few spaces left on my upcoming hypnobirthing workshop, a 4h condensed course covering the basis of KGHypnobirthing. 6th and 7th March 10am-12noon.