Chloe Fletcher

Chloe Fletcher

Author of the Fallen Series available now on Kindle.


It's donnneee! Thanks to the wonderful Oliva! Super happy with how it came out! They are so cute!

Chloe x Jer'ik


Just popping in, wondering if there is a certain character from the Fallen Mates series people are looking forward to getting there happily ever after the most. I currently have two other books over 3/4s done and I'm piddling around with deciding who to write next! If you need some reminders of all the characters there is a complete list in the back of Sins in the Wild! I have a feeling I know who is most wanted but I'm curious what other's opinions are!


Sketch of the upcoming art for Jer'ik and Chloe, eee I'm so excited. I can't wait to see it all done, and for those wondering. I didn't forget about the tibbets! They are indeed coming with the final version, hehehehehe.


Let's just start with, I think all author's, new and experienced appreciate honest reviews. I have a 3 star review on Ghost in the Wilds that explained why they took some off, and I felt they were in the right (it was some editing issues as I was honest in every post that I did my best, but I'm sure I missed things).

Well as you guys have probably seen, Sins in the Wild came out a few days ago, and because I'm such a small author I don't get a ton of reviews. Well I've got two LOL. So when ONE comes through and drops a no comment 1 star reviews for the fun of it, it tanks me on amazon.

I was able to track this review to goodreads (so can you if you would like to fact check me) And this person is near constantly dropping hundreds of 1 star reviews on books. I do understand they are of course entitled to their opinion, harsh as they may be, but there are 5 stars for a reason, when you guys are reviewing anything, not just me, please keep it honest. It's incredibly hard to build yourself from nothing and anyone out here trying to do it has poured their hearts out to deliver books, and most of us newbies might clear a check for $40 bucks at the end of it. That's just the harsh truth of the indie author world. We're living in the red lol.

I'm not looking for glittering reviews, I understand not everything I write is everyone's cup of tea, that's not what this is about. I will always appreciate constructive criticism, I feed on it to grow as a person, as an author, and as an artist. I've lived in the creative arts field for 15 years now, I'm a tough cookie I can take it! Just please... when ya'll do review keep it real.

If you did happen to read any of my books, good or BAD let me know what you thought, what did you like, what did you hate, where can I improve? You tell ME if I'm a 1 star author, because if so, man I've got some work to do lol! I realize I'm putting a target on my head posting this, honestly I think I'm just a little gob smacked, and honestly with no written review I have no way to learn from this.

Sins in the Wilds: A Fallen Mates Novel 01/02/2024

Release Day Post!

So we have a whole take over planned for tomorrow over on MDK, but if you can’t wait, Sins in the Wilds is officially out now!

So what’s all the hype about? Let’s list off a few things you will find in Sins!

🐺 Silver Fox Alpha

😈 Quiet girls need love too

😤 Breeding Instincts

🔺 Unexpected love triangles

💖 Mate bonds!

🍆 Knotty P33ns

🗺 An evolving world and ongoing plot that can be enjoyed alone but best ready as a series!

🤝 A revolving cast full of characters, featuring glances at “life after” of previous couples.

Note: While most of the women in the “Fallen Mates” series include a happily ever after with children, if you're looking for your breeding kink, and don't want the baby that comes after, check out the prequel novella “Whispers in the Wild”.

You can find the newest in the series, “Sins In The Wilds” on amazon, free with Kindle Unlimited. For unlimited users remember that not only for your book count, but for us authors, clicking through to the final page helps a lot! That goes for all authors who utilize Unlimited that you support!

Sins in the Wilds: A Fallen Mates Novel Sins in the Wilds: A Fallen Mates Novel

Sins in the Wilds: A Fallen Mates Novel 18/01/2024

We've got a DATE! Annnnd I think that calls for a teaser, a spicy teaser :3. Feb 1! Annnnnd a preorder link!

It takes us until noon to find the spot noted on the crudely drawn map, and there's no doubt we’ve found the right place once we round the jagged outcropping of raised stones. Still standing are old dilapidated wooden walls, fitted between an easily defendable entrance. Stone and dirt from ancient times or maybe previous volcanic activity forms a wide ring, acting as a natural relief in the landscape. It's twice the size of the space the tribe takes up now, with old foundations still laying in the dust.

This is so much better than the simple trail marker I found before, this is a whole lost ruin, “Jer’ik, this is perfect!”

He slips between the narrow opening in the wall to join me inside, and almost instantly his posture relaxes, “So much has already been done we can make use of.”

We walk through, mostly making our way to the lone buildings that are still standing near the back. They look to be made of stacked blocks of stone, taken straight from the side of the mountain behind it. In the meantime we pass rounded stack after rounded stack of stones, once the floors of old huts, but their bone poles and hides taken or long rotted away.

Jer’ik makes a noise of surprise when he peeks his head inside the first stone building, before quickly jogging to the second and doing the same, “A cookery, and a blacksmith, both built in stone to keep the fires safe, they need work but it wouldn't take much.”

My hand rests on the side of the cut stones that make up the exterior wall of the cookery, my gaze trailing out over the forgotten camp, this is just the saving grace the tribe needs with such a late start. Weeks if not months of work are already done, the only downside is how far we will be from the other tribes until we return for the next winter, if we even needed to. There is so much hope left in this abandoned place.

A smile tugs to my lips as I peek at Jer’ik over my shoulder, “Which one will be ours I wonder.”

He smiles for the first time since we left the hillside, the whole thing taking him over, boyish charm and a hint of that panty dropping ruggedness, “Eager for a warm bed, Tibs?”

“Never had much need for a bed, I prefer tables…and dirt apparently,” I tease back.

My heart races like a jack rabbit as his firm body presses me to the cool stone, hands trailing down my arms until his fingers lace with mine and drag them up to join my chest against the wall. A breath catches in my throat, eyes falling closed as the hard press of him grinds against my back side.

“One day, Tibbet, I’ll take you properly in our own furs, but for now, this wall will have to do," he growls over me, leaving my hands on the wall while his drop the pull at my leathers with a rough sort of hurriedness.

Sins in the Wilds: A Fallen Mates Novel Sins in the Wilds: A Fallen Mates Novel


We are truly well and behind our expected time frame (sickness, kids and family, gotta do what you gotta do) I am very very very happy to announce Sins is FINISHED and just getting it's last editing pass through, and the preorder is submitted! We're only....3 months past due (our own deadlines lol)


We're getting close, SUPER close. I'm back from being out of the states and I've got a projected finish line of two weeks (handing it totally into Erin's capable hands to edit). I'm hoping to have a final release date ready for you soon for Sins in the Wilds.

Hopefully, if all goes according to plan, it will be releasing side by side with edited and updated versions of Ghost in the Wilds, and Whispers in the Wilds. (nothing story changing, just fixing all my blunders I didnt catch).

After that it'll be nose to the grindstone for Stranger in the Mist, the spinoff story of what happened to earth. I have a feeling it'll run longer then my ooshy gooshy Wilds series as its a bit more grit and grime/dark romance level stuff.

I'm trying very hard to stay focused on just the two major series, but I've got a few others I might like to spit out as shorter stand alone novellas, hopefully yinse don't mind!


110% sure I wont be handing Sins in the wild to Erin by early oct :3 Because Stranger in the Mist has grabbed me by the short hairs and demanded attention. So here's just a tiny little taste, one that's been living rent free in my mind since I tip tapped it out.


"My shoulders hike up and down, my breath sucking in on shuddering waves through my tears. It burns horribly, picking at my wound with every inhalation, choking on it. He pulls away, just enough to grasp my chin between his fingers and force me to look at him. God, there he is, his broken soul a reflection of my own, all the loneliness and sadness I saw when I first unmasked him there on display,

“You forgive yourself, you have to, or this will eat away at what's left of your soul until there is nothing left to seed.” As soon as the words are out he pulls me back to his chest, hands tangled into my hair as he kisses the top of my head.

When did he become my confidant, when did the lines between enemy and whatever this is blur so drastically. It’s not black and white anymore, it hasn’t been since I got here, to this chapel of my past, screaming sanctuary from the storm. But a tempest followed me in, tucked me in clouds of a bygone era, blew me off course from the maelstrom I was undoubtedly heading in to, and while the touch of lightning still sears across my flesh days later I desperately want to feel as alive as I did when it struck me. "


I don't have a pretty little graphic for this yet, but this is the spin off series, related to "The Wilds". This will be the first story of those left behind and the titan like race that comes to end Earth.

His head rolls to the side against the headrest, his fur tipped ear pinned against it as the other flicks slightly at the sound of my voice, “Tell me everything of your dreadfully short little life, what is the last sunrise you remember, when did you first touch the ocean. Who broke that jaded little heart of yours. I want all of it Stevie, it belongs to me”.

A headache forms between my temples with every new prompt, and even though I nearly drowned myself on him less than an hour ago my mouth goes dry, “None of it belongs to you, how warped are you to think that?”

He scoffs even as he grins wide enough to show two short fangs, “Is your memory that bad human? They are mine, all of them, you traded your memories for my kindness”.

“Kindness?”, I snap, the car swerving slightly before I correct it, “In the last 20 seconds alone you’ve called me stupid, jaded, and demeaned my entire life span”.

“Observations, nothing more”, he deadpans before reaching out with his shorn claws and pinching a lock of hair between his thumb and forefinger. “To me your life in this form is fleeting at best. Your past is lost to you, what you do remember is negligible. Worst of all the female I knew is suffocating under all this useless flesh”.

I’m sure my nose is doing that horrid flaring thing it does when I’m confused, pinched and sour, like I just smelled something foul. I don't know what to make of Ryder, in one breath he sounds like he resents my entire existence, in the other he sounds pained, like he’s speaking of a loss so great it’s shattered him to pieces. It’s not the first time he’s mentioned a connection between us, some missing link I can’t remember but obviously he can.

A death wish bubbles in my gut, the anger I lost somewhere between the time he took his hood off and now catching fire, “If it’s all so negligible”, I hiss the word, “Then why do you even want to know, why should I waste my breath”.

A rolling wave of pressure slams into me from the side, causing the wheel to jerk hard to the driver's side as mist fills the cab, tendrils lashing like whips. They snap once before creeping over the shifter and across my thigh even as I pat my leg as if trying to put out a fire.

Through it all, the car weaving between the lanes, the mist, my indignant yelps the mistwalker doesn't budge, still sitting with one leg propped on the dash and his arm hanging from the overhead bar, “Are we renegotiating Stevie, because there's so much more I could bargain for”.

The black inky tendrils of mist creep ever higher, sinking beneath the denim and kissing against the flesh of my thigh, “Fine, fine you fu***ng creeper!” When the mist doesnt receed my eyes snap to his as I steady the car, thanking god above there isn't anything on this entire stretch of highway for me to ram into, “I said okay!”

“And yet…I hear no stories”, he snarks back.

I wrack my brain for something, anything to latch onto. Panic swells like a swarm of bees in my chest, prickling across my arms, “I lived here, in this state before the fall”.

His bruised lips pull into a fierce frown, and still the press of warmth glides higher still, “You can do better than that, tell me what you thought when I first found you, tell me what you felt in the soft little body of yours”.

He wants to rip me open and bare my soul, he doesn't want to just know a random assortment of facts, he wants to see the most naked version of me. With a steadiness I didn’t know I was capable of, I center myself, letting truth drop like ripe fruit from the branch, landing heavily to be consumed by the earth, “I thought I was going to die, I thought you’d tear me into pieces and laugh over my co**se. I felt like no matter how fast I moved I was seconds from it, that it didn't matter how hard I tried I’d met my end. You felt inevitable”.


Jer'ik and Chloe are hitting their stride, and I'm happy to report I'm a little over half way done with their book. We're hoping I'm done writing their story by early Oct so it can head over to Erin's hands for editing!

She's also taking lead of doing the edits for Ghost and Whispers, with a shout out to Andrea for helping with that as well. When those are full edited and their manuscripts updated I'll be sure to let everyone know! I know I released both a bit rough, but it was in hopes that someone like her would come along and help my edit blind eyes lol!

In the meantime, here's some eyecandy of Jer'ik!


So a review popped up on Ghost, mentioning Chloe's character, and I feel it's worth talking about. Just to make my stance on the subject crystal clear.

I will never ever write an underage romance, I'm not downing anyone that does, but it's not for me personally.

I hinted heavily that Chloe was very very young as a plot device about her appearance and how people just tend to not take her serious because of it. Let me put some fears to rest, Chloe is very much 18 from the get go, edging into 19 by the time her book takes place.

It IS an age gap novel though, Jer'ik is far older then her, in his late 30's to early 40's with just the start of graying at his temples. He's had a mate before, who's passed and struggles with the concept of finding that again.

Now that all that's out of the way, how about a little excerpt?


Her eyes flicker up to mine for only the quickest moment, peeking at me from under her thick lashes before they drop back down to the pile of furs over her lap. Her breath puffs against the starkissed strands hanging down as her fingers pluck at the furs. Her tunic is so oversized it feels all at once like I’m seeing too much of her, and not enough with her neckline gaping down enough to see her collar bones. Her pulse beats like a tibbet’s in her throat, I can hear the faint sound of it fluttering beneath her chest.

She rolls her lips between her teeth, her little pale brows pulling together. Her shoulders tremor as she turns them inward, making my heart bleed for her in ways I haven't felt in so long it feels foreign in my own body. What could someone so young have been through to tremble like that? My head shakes slowly, the world feeling as if it’s coming to a steady slow, attuning myself to her. I want to lose myself to the sensation, it feels heavy, like a cloak over my shoulders.

Swallowing the thickness building in my throat I press against the sensation, until it’s smothered enough to ignore. Right now, it doesn't matter that her very nature is calling to me like a song unsung, it is not the time for an old male to be getting ideas. I need answers about the lone male named Ta’hawk, and I need to make sure she’s safe before anything else. I trust Whitley, but she is nothing but spitting rage when it comes to that male, no sense of reason to be found. Her judgment can’t be the only one I hear, not when my decisions weigh so heavily on the tribe. While I could tear Ta’hwk apart for putting Chloe in the middle of their lover’s quarrel, it’s not a good enough reason to remove him from camp. Since Whitley won’t so much as hint to me why she’s so angry, I have no choice but to try to force it out of this timid little female.

New Releases in #SciFi #Fantasy and Paranormal Romance for AUG 2 02/08/2023

Big thanks to Veronica Scott for putting this together, time to curl up and read for the night!

New Releases in #SciFi #Fantasy and Paranormal Romance for AUG 2 I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking quite a few as I prepare these posts LOL). ‘AB’ denotes audiobook and the Amazon buy link. NOTE: I’m doing my…


I really can't even put into words how thankful I am over Ghost in the Wild's release. As a newbie little Author I thought I'd be lucky if five people read it, and only half of them liked it lol. Ya'll have been killing me with kindness and support, makes a gal's heart squeeze just right!

For those asking and speculating- Sweet little Chloe is up next! She has been swirling around in my headspace for weeks now just begging to meet page. I think her match might surprise everyone, it is NOT sweet Ravi that's for sure lol. So here's a little teaser, pulled right from the first draft (so please excuse any typos or grammar errors as its not edited yet)

Sins in the Wilds (Coming late 2023)


Their conversation barely reaches me. I know they're talking about the woman with the baby, Briar, but honestly just looking up at them makes me a little dizzy. Ghost pulls away from us, heading toward her and I stop in my tracks. There are just too many people over there together, they all look like they know each other, smiling, laughing, I dont belong there in their group.

The man stops with me, he has to, my fingers are still locked into the fur at his sides, “What is it little tibbet, foot caught in a snare?”

He says it lightly, jokingly, and I barely realize he’s talking to me at first. I know what a tibbet is, I've eaten my fair share of them with Ta’hwk, they are fairly small, pale white fur, and look shockingly similar to rabbits, though they hop more like a kangaroo, more upright then on all fours. Their eyes are bigger too, like the eyes on a porcelain doll. I guess that makes sense then, for him to call me that.

Instead of arguing with him over the nickname I accept it, it's far better than the ones I’ve gotten in the past, but what I can’t accept is walking into that group of people, “I don't know anyone over there, I don't even know you”.

His smile falters as his hand slides down from the heavyweight it was across my shoulder, to a gentle touch against my lower back that makes my insides feel gooey, “Are you asking for my name then?”

Ah, right. The name thing. I’d forgotten about it in the weeks traveling with Ta’hwk. The males of this planet don’t freely give their names, asking for it holds weight. Not the same weight as accepting a courting gift, but weight nonetheless. Still… I do kind of want to know his name, to have one to put to his face.

It would be a damn shame not to have a name to go with it after all. He has the type of eyes that you would expect to see on the cover of a country cd, a little rugged but just waiting to give you that one look that has you melting out of your panties. His morning stubble matches, dark and black like his fur, shadowing his jaw. God what would it feel like to have that between my legs?

Wait, oh fudge. He’s still looking at me, and I forgot the question, “I um, yes?”

“Jer’ik”, he says with a smile that has me turning red again, heat washing across my chest and up my cheeks.

“Excuse me?”, I blink at him, did he just call me a jerk? What was the question again?

“My name”, he says, “Jer’ik”.


Last Teaser before release day!


Poor Ghost, introducing him was so painful to write, and I've found myself reading over the lines again and again wondering if I was too mean to him. Then I remember I already know the ending :P And I forgive myself, just a little. :P


I'm so flipping excited about the cover art for Ghost! He came out perfect!


Ghost in the Wilds coming Late July!



“Mhh, mine”, hunger floods my belly, but not the kind for food. No, this is the emptiness that has driven males of my kind to madness, the longing for a mate. The female's sweet smell fills my nose, still haunting me long after she’s gone. I want to curl myself around the last remnants of her scent, where is it coming from, my pack perhaps?

I force my eyes to open, my vision is tinged with red as flakes of blood dissolve. I try to lift my hand to wipe it away but it is pinned down at my side. Tilting my head down to see, pain from my opposite shoulder makes me grit my teeth and groan.

The slight weight on my pinned arm moves, and seconds later the female's pale mane is hanging down as she lifts up on one arm, her soft blue eyes staring back into mine.

She came back, she came back for me. Why?

Her fangless teeth show when she pulls a sleepy smile to them, and the sight makes my throat tighten. I want her, desperately I crave her in my home, with only me to care for her. I want to rub my nose against her belly and soak in the sweet scent of a female heavy with pup. I want it to be mine.

“Not mine”. A voice, my own in my head chants. It’s right, she is not mine, she never will be.

A frown pulls my lips, and I cringe at the tight puffy skin that shoots a warning sting. I can feel the raised flesh, angry and raw. Everywhere feels hot, and sore, I’ve never been so badly wounded.

Disfigured, ugly and festering, it matches my insides now, “Will you just go back to where you came from”, I growl at her, trying to sit up.

Her smile drops, I feel the weight of it pressing at the edges of my mind.

“I can’t”, she says quietly. Her hands rub small circles over her belly, it seems an unconscious motion for her.


Whispers in the Wilds is available now!

Looking for a teaser at my new series? Whispers in the Wilds in a slice of life novella length book exploring the lives of Chrissy a human from earth, and Tocci a lone male of the wilds.

Their story includes breeding themes, a cinnamon roll hero, and they defiantly get their happily ever after.

Trigger Warnings ****

The beginning of this books features notes of survival and starvation. For those of you who find breeding themes a trigger, this is not the book for you. There is also a scene that may trigger those with an aversion to blood, (not the heroes or the heroines or any other sentient being)

You can find it here on Kindle Unlimited!