Westfold D&D Campaign

Westfold D&D Campaign

The Westfold is an ongoing static-world game that welcomes players regardless of experience. We meet


Hey everyone. A year into the pandemic and I can't wait to get back to playing. I sent an email to the library regarding playing, but they are keepin the branches closed for the time being. I also checked with James at Phoenix Nest and he said he probably won't be opening up for live play until July. I'll try to keep everyone up to date on when we can get back together.

On a slightly different note, I've been giving some thought to trying to start a gaming con in the area separate from Ratha Con that focuses mostly on art. To do this, I'd need some serious help. If you are interested in working on a con for Athens, please let me know. Realistically, it would take a solid half dozen people willing to commit. Right now, there are two :D

D&D Character Tokens - Class Tokens- Advantage Tokens - 5e 06/03/2021

D&D Character Tokens - Class Tokens- Advantage Tokens - 5e Character Tokens are a great way of tracking limited character abilities. If you use a power, you simply turn in the token that represents that power. When you are out of tokens, you are out of that power. Many classes have different powers that can be a pain to track. Clerics have Channel


Hey everyone. Hope everyone is doing OK. Looks like it is going to be a while before we get to start up again.

I'm going to be launching a Kickstarter Project in a couple weeks and am looking to get some feedback on the project page. Take a look here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hrothgarshoard/dandd-5e-character-cards?ref=a3jbfc&token=6b47e1db

Log in — Kickstarter


Greetings everyone. I hope everyone is healthy and safe.

The library has posted an update on their re-opening plans. As of right now, the library will be opening in stages, allowing people to enter the library on May 26. However, the conference rooms will remain closed until further notice, so we are not going to be able to restart playing until at least June.

Even after the conference rooms are open to public use, we are going to want to make sure that COVID numbers aren't on the rise and that we can arrange the playing area so that we do not risk cross-contamination. In short, we'll delay restarting play until we can be reasonably certain of a degree of safety.

I hope everyone is getting some good D&D fixes while we wait. I've been doing a fair amount of reading and am hoping to implement a new adventure arc in the future.

Hope to see everyone soon.


Just a reminder to everyone that the library is currently closed until further notice. We will not be meeting again until after the virus worries have passed. We might have a little story line advancement with Nick and Splug online. We'll be in touch with info as we get it.


Good morning Westfold citizens. I come with tidings of sad news.

The library has cancelled all public events at their locations until April 4th. Our next scheduled event is on April 6th. The library will re-evaluate their position on public events prior to this. Please let others who may not be on FB know about this.

Thank you,

Dungeon Master


Due to the issues surrounding the Corona virus, and that we were scheduled to use the small conference room next Monday, Clayton and I decided that it might be best to cancel D&D this coming Monday (3/16). We will make a decision about future dates as they come closer.

Wash your hands. Practice social distancing. Stay safe and healthy.


I got a message today asking if we were going to continue meeting with the events surrounding the Corona virus.

As long as the library is open, my plan is to continue playing. However, if anyone feels uncomfortable coming, or if you feel ill at all, please don't feel like you *have* to come. There is no reward to come every week, nor a penalty if you don't come. This is just an opportunity for gamers to get together and have some (safe) fun.

Wash your hands, don't sneeze on your neighbor and have fun.

Next Monday we have the small conference room from 6-8. I think we left things last night with doing a brief gaming session after re-capping the decisions we made last night.


Hey everyone. Just a reminder that tonight and next Monday, we have the small conference room in the library from 6-8.

Tonight's agenda includes:
*Optimizing your character sheet so you know how to quickly determine what modifiers to use when you roll.
*Character class abilities: what special skills you have that you may not know of.
*As time permits: Group management, Working as a team, Developing your character.

What Clayton and I really would like to see is faster, more decisive (and dynamic) encounters. We'd like to get in about 4 encounters a session, where right now we are getting one or two.

For next week, I think that Clayton and I would like to hear from you on topics to cover. Maybe you don't understand some of the things available inside the Keep. Maybe you'd like to add some things. Maybe you have some ideas that you'd like to see come into play. This is a dynamic world and we are very willing to make adjustments (within reason) to enhance play.

Hope to see everyone at 6:00. We do have to be out by 8, so lets keep things going.


I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but the library is interested in maybe having a series of events giving various tips on D&D. These would last for an hour or two at the most on Saturdays. They've asked me if we have topics we would be interested in running this series and putting together a subject agenda.

Personally, I'd like to do one on building action oriented monsters. This would involve running 2 combat simulations, 1 using the normal combat strategy (stab, stab stab until one side is dead) and using monster actions to enhance the tactics and deadliness of encounters.

If you have an idea for a workshop, post them below. Then lets take a some time over the next few weeks to put together a plan that we can submit to the library.

We have games scheduled this month for the 2nd, 23rd and 30th. We can't get the big room the other two weeks, but maybe we could do something brief in the little room? Lets discuss on Monday.

After the ritual | Westfold Marches D&D Campaign | Obsidian Portal 22/02/2020

The immediate fallout after the ritual to bring back Santiago.

After the ritual | Westfold Marches D&D Campaign | Obsidian Portal Nick's chanting finally comes to an end. In the coffin are the remains of Santiago along with the fresh co**se of Roland. "It is done," said Nick. "Close it up,


This could be Fonkin

Honestly, this is what you deserve if you kill your BEST MAGICAL FRIEND all the time, just to check for traps...

-Leopold the Just


We may not be able to start until closer to 7 tonight. There is another group using the room until 6:45ish


Just a reminder...we have the library from 6:30 to 9:00 on Wednesday this week. Westfold continues.


FYI. We had to cancel the March 13 date due to the election board needing the room the day before the election. I am trying to find out if we can get the Wednesday instead.

Quest to Raise Santiago | Westfold Marches D&D Campaign | Obsidian Portal 12/02/2020

I am crossposting this from the Obsidian Portal page. If you haven't started following that page, please do so as it is a better place to organize events than on FB.


Quest to Raise Santiago | Westfold Marches D&D Campaign | Obsidian Portal The party completed the second part of the quest to raise Santiago. They have found gems sufficient to pay Nick to perform the ritual and brought back a bugbear

Westfold Marches D&D Campaign | Adventure Log | Obsidian Portal 09/02/2020

Clayton has set up a page off facebook that is geared towards D&D that will make game organization a little easier. If you haven't done so already, go take a look. The newest edition of the Sentinel is up over there:


Westfold Marches D&D Campaign | Adventure Log | Obsidian Portal Obsidian Portal allows you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games. Better manage your group and your campaign, and have a better game.


Lady Ballinel looked down upon her subject who had just given her horrible news from her homeland. She seemed stunned by the news and several minutes passed before she could respond. Gilthan, silent for the first time since Ballinel entered, waited with baited breath for confirmation that she understood the gravity of the events.

She finally shook her head and focus came to her eyes.

"You have done your job and delivered your message, and I thank you for that. We do not have much time before the guard will es**rt me out, so listen and listen well. Before I ask anymore information of you, I must tell you something of grave importance. The goblin you tried to kill, and ended up here because of the attempt, is now officially under my protection. I will not hesitate to wound my own people to protect him. I will not kill them, but they shall remember that I am as much their ruler as my husband is. If you should be freed and allowed to go back home, you will take that message with you. Is that clear?”

Gilthan sat back on his heels, a little confused and dismayed. Did he not make the orders clear? Would Ballinel really attack one of her own, against the will of her Lord, over a goblin? A sliver of fear crept into his soul. Perhaps she was already lost, maybe corrupted by some unknown magic in this realm. Would he have to kill her? Pherion made it clear that not only goblins were to be destroyed, but also those who supported them. And now Lady Ballinel had one under her protection! Confused he looked down at her feet, not want her to see the conflict in his eyes. He must change her mind. He must make her see the error of her ways. He must...

A door opened from far above. Footsteps were heard trodding down the stairs. Obadiah was returning.

Lady Ballinel quickly continued: "I have two questions for you. Because of our short window of time we have, I will ask them together, and you will answer in order, quickly and clearly. Is that understood?”

Gilthan saw a symbol beneath Ballinel's feet and his head involuntarily drew back. He immediately looked down again, knowing he had only a few seconds to figure out what it meant.

"Good," she said. "Firstly, how fares Ethuilion? Secondly, Does anyone know exactly why the goblins attacked or what they want?”

Gilthan whispered his reply.

"Lost, milady. Ethuilion was lost in the same battle that nearly took Pherion's life. It is said that the goblins were everywhere. They took so many. The fields turned red with the blood. When Lord Pherion regained consciousness, it is said that it was then that he vowed to exterminate the goblin vermin. You must understand. The goblins *must* die." A single tear streamed down his dirty cheek. "They MUST".

The footsteps were close now and keys rattled as they worked the lock in the door. "Quickly, now." Ballinel urged. "Why are they attacking? What do they want?"

"Why do the leaves fall in autumn?" Gilthan spat. "It is what they do. They are like magpies. They see something shiny and want it for their own. Best to get rid of them all."

The door opened and Obadiah entered. "Times up, missy. Gotta get you topside. Up up up you goes." He turned to address the prisoner, "Not you, elfie. You gotta keep quiet now, just like you promised. Not a peep." Gilthan dejectedly turned and retreated to his corner.

"Just another minute," Ballinel pleaded.

"No can do, missy." Obadiah said, he head jerking to the side. "Watch is 'bout to change. Can't have someone seein' you down here, can we? You don't want Obadiah to get in trouble would you? Course you wouldn't. Let's go now. Nice lady like you always does the right thing. Says so in the scriptures." Obadiah deftly maneuvered Ballinel out the door and towards the steps. From within the cell, Ballinel heard Gilthan shout out, "Aszusadg!"

"Shuts yer gob!" Obadiah yelled back, hurrying Ballinel up the steps.

Ballinel was in a fog as she ascended the stairs. She couldn't believe what she had been told. Ethuilion was gone. Pherion was in a state of rage as a result. The forest burned. Wildlife decimated. It was madness. And all because of the goblins. Was it right to protect them, even one who was as likable as Splug, after what they've done? They *were* like magpies. They didn't need reason to do what they did. She had fought them before. Lawless. Evil. Untrustworthy. Even Splug had only acted in a way that benefited himself the most. Cup of Quenching? Bah! He takes advantage of the gullible to enrich himself. Ballinel's brow dripped with sweat. Anger seethed under her normally calm surface. Why should she protect them? It was madness. All of it.

The surface door opened and light and fresh air helped drive her mood away. It didn't make sense. None of it.

The Great Grey Mountains were leagues away from Mirewood. Mirewood was surrounded by allies. There was no way that an army could pass unseen and unknown through the lands of the Moon Druids. Not an army. Nor would any of their allies fail to support the elves, not against goblins in any case. She had to think that the realm was secure, even if there was an incursion. Maybe Gilthan was exaggerating? Maybe he was relying on second-hand information? Stories always grew in the retelling. Ballinel wished she knew for certain if the elf hunter actually witnessed the events he described.

But what to do with Gilthan? There was no easy answer to this. He had committed a crime within the Keep. Sir Retlaw had complete authority within these walls. In fact Retlaw was attempting to bring order to the chaos of the area. This one stronghold was the only thing that kept the monsters at bay. Would it be right for her to try to subvert Retlaw's order to her own ends and risk the order established, here, in the wilderness? People's lives depended on Retlaw's order. The merchants, farmers, tradesmen...everyone in the keep relied on Retlaw. And despite the rumors that surrounded Retlaw, his infidelities, his night wanderings, he has kept the peace here. His guards, make people safe. His rule has been just. He didn't simply condemn Gilthan for his actions, but sent an ambassador to Mirewood to negotiate a resolution. A negotiation that resulted in the ambassador's imprisonment, she now remembered. Was Pherion under the spell of his rage even then? In comparison to Pherion, Retlaw's rule looked very reasonable.

Perhaps she should just accept Retlaw's decisions, regardless of what they were. She had to admit, that even she, herself, had threatened the elven hunter for no other reason than he was following orders from his own lord. Her lord. Her partner. Was it not her duty to support her partner? She was not in the Mirewood. She didn't know what happened. Was Pherion right for making this decision? Maybe he wasn't even in a rage. Maybe he was making the right choice.

Insanity. It was all insanity.

Nora West


Roland looked all over for the new Cleric, Nick, that came to the Keep. There was no church or temple, per se, in the Keep and the closest thing to holy ground was Splug's Church of Wondrous Things, but Splug had not even heard of Nick.

"No, not here," Splug said in his high pitched voice. "But have you seen the newest wondrous thing? Look!" Splug pulls out a particularly old and musty cloak, moth holes were evident throughout it.

"Hey, that's great there, Splug," deadpanned Roland. "You got yourself a cloak. What's it do? Keep you dry? Keep you warm?"

"Are you crazy?" Splug replied. "ANY cloak will do THAT. This cloak is special. Watch this!"

With a dramatic flair, Splug twirled the cloak around his shoulders. The night breeze caught the tails of the cloak and it billowed dramatically behind him. "Pretty cool, huh? I'm going to call it the Bylgja Cloak."

"ahhhh....you ever try putting that on indoors?"

"No, it won't work inside," said Splug, rolling his eyes. "It draws it's magic from the wind and there isn't any wind inside. Everyone knows that."

Roland shook his head as he left Splug's sanctuary. "Bloody fool will probably make a fortune on that cloak..."

Eventually, Roland found Nick passed out on the floor of the Stretching Goat. "He's been like that for hours," Elowyn the barmaid said. "Drinks his own weight in ale every night. We may build another floor on the inn because of him."

Roland dragged Nick out into the street and drew a bucket of water from the fountain, throwing it full into Nick's face. The drunken priest immediately woke up sputtering. "What? Is it Moonsday already?"

"On your feet, priest. I got somethin' for you." Roland pulled Nick to his feet and gave him a pouch. "Its the gems you need." Nick looked blankly back at Roland. "To raise Santiago." Nick's expression failed to change. "Santiago. Our fallen comrade. He's up at Splug's church. You said you needed some gems in order to raise him..."

Comprehension dawns on Nick's face. "Ohhhhh. Right. Gems. To raise Santiago. Marvelous chap. I remember him well. Had an unfortunate accident with a goblin..."

"Owlbear," interrupted Roland.

"Owlbear...yes, yes. that is right." He looks in the pouch at the gems. "Pretty...yes, that will do nicely. Cherio mate," he starts walking back to the Stretching Goat. Roland had to run to get in front of him.

"Hold on there," Roland said stopping Nick. Nick looked slightly annoyed as his eyes look longingly to the tavern door. "You said you needed the blood of a creature of strength. What did you mean by that?"

"Did I say that?" Nick replied. "Blood of a creature of strength? You sure I said that? Did I say anything else?"

"ahhhh....ya....You said something about a pitcher and bowl that can be found near an altar in the in the wilderness....you were a little unclear."

"How amazing," Nick looks a little confused. "Doyamind if we go inside and talk about this over a stout or two? I think much better with a full stomach, don't you?"

He slips past Roland and enters the Goat. "NICK!" the patrons of the bar shout.

"What's the story, Nick?" asked the barkeep.

"Boy meets ale. Boy drinks ale. Boy meets another ale." The crowd laughs appreciatively. Roland runs to catch up with the priest who seems to move pretty fast for a large man.

"Look, Nick. I thought we had a deal," Roland says with a trace of annoyance. We get these artifacts for you and you bring our friend back from the dead, right?

"Take it easy, take it easy," Nick said before drinking a mug of ale in one swift gulp. "Sam, give me two." Sam, the barkeep quickly pours two more mugs and sets them down on the counter in front of Nick and Roland. Roland started to reach for one when Nick stopped him. "Not that one, it's mine." Roland reaches for the other mug but Nick beat him to it. "That one's mine too. Sammy," Nick said addressing the barkeep, "Get Roland an ale. I'll be over at my table."

Sam pours Roland a mug of ale who grabs it and is about to go to Nick's table when Sam stops him. "That'll be 2 silver."

"2 silver for 1 mug of ale? Are you crazy?"

"Naw...2 silver for 4 mugs of ale. You got Nick's, right?"

"Whatever," Roland mumbled, putting a couple coins on the bar and joined Nick at a table. Nick had already polished off another mug of ale.

Roland was feeling overwhelmed and thought he had to take control of the situation. "Look, Nick. Did we have a deal or not? You said you needed some gems, blood of a strong creature and some sort of bowl and pitcher on an altar. You up to bringing Santiago or not?"

Nick sees Elowyn and raises his mug to her. "Come here darlin'." There is a slight slur to his voice. "Lass I got you a present." Elowyn glides over to Nick and he looks up at her with devotion in his eyes. He reaches into a pouch and pulls out a small ruby from within and hands it to her. "For you, lass. Would make a great ring, dontcha think?

"Is that one of the gems I just gave you?" Roland asked.

"Shhhhh.....not now, not now," Nick replied before he turned his attention back to Elowyn. "Whatdya say, lass. You and me? On the open road. Nothin' but the air blowing through our hair?"

Elowyn laughs. "Maybe," she teases. "Someday, someday."

"That's a good girl," Nick smiles finishing off his third drink. Why donchya get us a bucket, Ellie. Something with a little bite to it, eh? Not this weak, swill Sammy's trying ta pass off on me. Don't worry about the cost, Rolly here said he was payin' tonight"

Elowyn turns away and yells over to Sam, "Bucket of the good stuff! Roland's got the tab tonight!" The crowd in the Goat start laughing at Roland's misfortune.

"Look Nick, you gotta slow down so we can talk some business." Roland had had enough of Nick and was starting to feel his blood boil.

"Calm down, calm down," Nick said in a more subdued voice. I told you I just needed a couple drinks to help me think. I'm feeling much better now." He looks over at Roland's nearly full mug of ale. "You gunna drink that?" Roland quickly starts drinking and coughs when he swallows more than he should have. Roland found the drink to be relatively strong and dreaded what Elowyn might be bringing over as "the good stuff".

"Now you said that I said that I needed, what? Some gems, blood of a strong beast, and a bowl and pitcher on an altar?" Roland nodded in agreement.

"Sounds like you got me after I was on my 11th mug. 10 mug Nick would have known better, but 11 mug Nick gets a little unfocused."

"So, you don't need those things?" Roland wondered if he had any chance of getting those gems back.

"Now, I didn't say that." Elowyn stopped by with Nick's bucket and looked pointedly at Roland with her hand out. Roland sight in frustration and gave her a silver. She continued to look down on him with her hand out and Roland added a gold to her palm. She graced him with a smile and walked away. "Fine lass, fine lass," mused Nick.

"Focus, Nick."

"Right, right." Nick heaved a great sigh. "So, the gems are good. Part of them I need for the ritual, part of them are me payment. Don't expect me to drink for nothin, do ya?"

"I think that is what you are doing right now."

"Focus, Rolly. Lets not get bogged down on who is payin' for who's drinks....we are talkin' 'bout usin' some righteous magic here. Some real holy stuff. Bringing back the dead ain't easy, you know." He sets his mug down and takes a closer look at Roland. "Hmmm....I think you might know a little about that, don't ya? The aura is weak, but it is there. Different stuff though. You do it yet? Bring one back?"

Roland, again, was caught flat footed at the change in conversation. Talking to Nick was like trying to herd a group of cats. Just when he thought he had Nick pinned down, he went off in a different direction. Nick causally dipped his mug in the bucket of "good stuff" and took a pull of the brew.

"Doesn't matter. You'll do it when the time comes. But we're talkin' about this Santiago feller. Now, you got me the gems, and that's a start. I'm not sure what I was thinkin' with that pitcher and bowl thing. I've had some visions lately and that may have been part of it. Things get a little groggy after 8 mugs, and you must have gotten me after 11, so who knows what I was thinking."

"So, you don't need the blood either?"

"No, no. I'm going to need blood. Life for a life, that is how it works, right? But he's been gone for a few weeks now, right? So it has to be a strong life. Best thing would be a creature of immense strength."

"An orc?" Roland suggested.

"Naw. Bigger than an orc. Don't go looking to cheat the gods. You cheat the gods and they have a way of visiting you when you don't want them to, you know what I mean?" Nick winks at you knowingly. "I don't know what is out in the wilderness, but whatever terrifies the regular monsters would be a good place to start. Blood is OK, but the heart would be better.

"OK. We can do that. Is that all? You are only on your fourth drink, so you are still clear headed, right?"

"Right as rain, Rolly-boy," he said taking a deep drink.

"I'll need one more thing, though, and this might be tricky." He looks at Roland seriously. "I need you to get an audience with Sir Retlaw. I need you to convince him that I'll need a messenger to carry the message to Santiago to bring him back. I'll not lie to you, the messenger's job will be dangerous, me may not make it back. I'll do my best, but sometimes the gods will take their toll. I need to know that Sir Retlaw is all right with this, and that he'll provide a prisoner to carry the message. Clear that with Retlaw and I'll bring Santiago back home.

Zack Russell,


It was a raucous night at the Stretching Goat. Otik Hamhand won a pile of gold playing cards and decided to treat guild to a night on the town at his expense. Mead was flowing, music was playing and everyone was having a good time when the door opened and a misshapen figure entered and approached Lady Ballinel. He is wearing the uniform of the Keep's guards. He is tall and thin, but with a distended potbelly. Dirty, lank brown hair hangs down past his shoulders. An involuntary twitch of his neck reveals a deep red scar around his neck, like he has been hanged at some point in his life. He comes up to Lady Ballinel, slams his feet to attention and knuckles his forehead.

"Beggin' yer parden, milady, buts I come with a message," a bit of spittle has formed in the corner of his mouth that grows bigger with each word.

Lady Ballinel represses a shudder as she looks at the grotesque man. "What is your message, Mr.....?"

"Hakeswill, mam. Obadiah Hakeswill at yer service mam. See, I'm a guard down in the dungeon, I am. Someone's gots to keep an eye on that dirty elf traitor, they does, and Sir Retlaw knows that Obadiah is the man for that. Best man for the job he is. Says so in the scriptures." Obadiah's eyes shine with child-like intensity. You get the feeling that there is something not quite right about Obadiah.

"Anyways, elfling gets to talkin', not that I was listening or anything, but 'e keeps talkin' and nobody can get 'im to shut his gob. Goblin dis, blah blah blah, battle, blah blah blah, duke sumthin' blah blah blah. Nancy-boy just won't keeps is mouth shut. So I says ta him, 'what it gunna take for you ta shut yer gob?' Normally, I'd pound on the bu**er a while to keeps 'im quiet-like, but Sir Retlaw gave orders than elf-boy not be harmed, and I always follow me orders, I do. Good soldiers always follow orders, they does. Says so in the scriptures. So I don't touch elfy. But 'is talkin is gettin me agititated so I asks him real polite-like 'whats it gunna take to get you to shuts the mouth." The spittle in the corner of his mouth grows throughout his talking eventually dripping down his chin and falling down to his protruding belly.

"Bring me Lady Ballinel," he says. "Let me talk to 'is ladyship and I'll be quiet as a newborn kitten." Maybe 'e didn't use dem exact words, but I never understand those flowery words elfy uses. So, just to get him to shut his gob I tells him I'd come find you and bring ya to im."

Ballinel follows Obadiah down to the dungeon, hand on her dagger through the short trip. Down several flights of stone stairs beneath the Keep. Obadiah talks the entire way, stopping only when an involuntary twitch jerks his head to the side. Eventually Obadiah leads her to a heavy oak door. "I'll give you ten minutes, then its up up up back to the sunlight. Can't give you too much time with elfy."

Ballinel walks into the cell. Torches hang from several sconces on the wall. Huddled in the corner is the elf that has been imprisoned for the past several weeks for attempting to kill Splug. While he is dirty and disheveled, he seems to be in good health.

"Ballinel! Thank the gods you've come." While he seems to be familiar with Ballinel, she is very certain that she has never seen him before. "I come with words from Pherion, your lord and master." His eyes are a little wild and his words tumble one after the other. He doesn't let you speak and begins telling you a tale of horror in your homeland. It seems that goblins have attacked en masse. Thousands of them invaded, seemingly from no where. At first they overwhelmed the elvish forces, but the elves fell back, reformed and began to retake the lands from the goblin hoard. Yet, battle after battle took its toll on your homeland with hundreds perishing in the battles. Pherion himself was gravely wounded, but healers were able to save him from certain doom. The land was grievously wounded with thousand-year-old trees burned to the ground and the woodland creatures hunted to near extinction. He grabs his head and shakes it in torment. "Pherion has decreed that the goblins are to be destroyed. Every last one of them. They must all die and he implores you to lead the fight here against them. Go. Kill them. In the name of your homeland, kill every goblin. Let none stand!"

Nora West, you may ask 2 questions to the elf and 2 questions to the DM (me) which will be answered before the next meeting.


Fresh off the Presses!


Let's begin the New Year with a BANG! The Westfold returns on Monday, Jan 6, from 6-9 at the Athens Public Library. Tell everyone, I don't think everyone is in the new group yet.

Beth Schmidt Pratt Clayton Ray Rheanna Sundberg Nora West Zack Russell


Hello everyone! First, if you know someone who is in the group who isn't on this page, please share the page with them so they can join.

Second, please note that our nights at the library have changed. We are now on MONDAYS. We are able to get most of the Mondays in advance, so this way we aren't bouncing between Mondays and Tuesdays. Please spread the word.

See you on Jan. 6. If you come early (5:30), we can get the room set up early and maybe take care of downtime activities so we can jump into the adventure more quickly.


The library wants to change the dates we meet to Mondays. I'll post the new schedule soon.


Read the story of the fall of Santiago.

“Another victory,” crowed Flip, stepping away from the blob that had just been killed, trying hard to avoid the acid leaking out of it.

“Ya, we won. We win many more like this and we’ll all be dead.” Arinel, kneeling next to Enrique, silently closed his eyes; the co**se of the cleric had wounds that ran too deep for anyone to heal.

The battle, more of a running skirmish than an actual battle, didn’t take long. A great body of fur and feathers laid motionless next to Santiago. Enrique. Whoever he was. Easily the size of a great bear, but with the head of an owl. “Must be an owlbear,” Arinel muttered, stating what everyone was thinking. Big brute of a beast. In one quick attack it took down one of the most experienced adventurers in the group. Had it not wanted to take its meal away and stayed to fight instead, the whole party could have died.

“I TOLD YOU!” Fonkin yelled, his squeaky voice echoing off the cavern walls. “We walk into a room filled with rotting bodies and everyone starts throwing up. I say that we could be either here or literally ANYWHERE else. And you all decided to be here.”

“Now’s not the time,” Roland replied. “We aren’t safe here. Anyone see anything worth taking?”

A quick search of the cavern discovered nothing except bones and pellets of dried fur. The group quickly left the cavern. The gloom of the forest felt like a vast weight and everyone was eager to get clear of the grove.

“We shouldn’t have come here,” sighed Razel. “He was just a creature of the forest. He wasn’t evil...not like those goblins...disgusting creat….” she trailed off as she sighted a large band of goblins coming towards them. They all carried either a spear or a wicked looking curved sword with lots of extra points on them. A quick quick look and you realize you are heavily outnumbered with at least 25 goblins in the warband. Leading the group is none other than King Kjartan, but he is unlike how you’ve seen him in the past.

Kjartan’s armor gleams. A chainmail vest, polished to a high sheen with occasional gold links sparkles. It is a true work of art and you doubt if any goblin could have made it. Atop his head is a helm with a dragon adorning it, the dragon’s wings raised as if to take off in flight. He stands a head taller than any other goblin and you can easily see why he is their king. Perhaps there is more to him than you thought. He waves most of the goblins to stay put and approaches with two other goblins flanking him.

“Steady now, people,” whispered Roland. “We can’t take on this many goblins. Lets just try to get back home safe. Lets keep a civil tongue in our mouths,” he said giving Flip a pointed look.

“Don’t worry. I got this,” replied Rosilind. She plucked at her lute as Kjartan came closer and in a sing-song voice greeted the Goblin, “Hail! Mighty Kjartan, known to all as the most noble goblin of the lands, how may we be of service to you?”

Kjartan smiles at the compliment. “Noble,” he says, looking at one of his guards. “Remember that. Kjartan the Noble!” Turning back to the party, he looks you over and removes his helmet.

“Didn’t like that man you brought to my home, I didn’t. Was most….ummmm….UNnoble, he was. UNnoble! So I decided to come and kill him. I brought two guards with me. Started following your trail… you guys make a big trail, did you know that? Could have been tracking a band of dwarves. Then saw dumb man being carried out of the woods. Looked dead, so I thought it didn’t make sense to kill him again. No point in killing the other HUman. Let them go.

“But Kjartan IS noble. Knows what lurks in those woods. Knows of the cavern. Thought you might not know and need help. Kjartan is VERY noble. So I grabbed two more warriors to come rescue you.”

Ruth, counting the goblins in front of you says, “but there are over twent…”

“Not NOW!” hissed Roland. “If he says there are two, then there are two.”

“Kjartan sees he is too late,” the goblin king says looking at Santiago. “Too bad. He was OK for a Human.

“Thank you for your sympathy,” Rosilind sang. “Would you be willing to es**rt us out of these dark woods? Perhaps back to the road? I’m sure we’ll be safe after that.”

Kjartan’s mood seems to shift. “Hmmmmm…..” He looks you all in the eyes, one by one, as if to judge your strength, or resolve. “Kjartan helped you. Goblins helped you. We give you guides to the hobgoblin cave. You promised to bring back stick. You come back without stick and we give you guide to secret meeting where prisoners are taken. You come back with a bunch of fake sticks and try to tricks us.” Kjartan looks more unhappy as he continues to talk. He raises his hand, and the phalanx of goblins come forward, surrounding you.”

“Steady…” mumbled Roland. “No sudden moves now.”

Kjartan’s demeanor has changed from what you knew of him in the goblin cave. Once seen as whipped, weak leader who let hobgoblins bully him, he stands proud. There is steel in his eyes.

“We helped you and you tried to tricks us. No more! We take you to the road. You go. If you come to our range again, you best have the stick, or else I order two tribes to attack you. No more chances.” He motions the goblins forward and they push you on. You stumble along, not quite sure if they will decide to attack at any time.
You walk the familiar path back to the road, but never have you thought you were in as much peril as you are now. They take you to the road.

Kjartan hands you a letter and says, “Give this to Splug. Now go. Kjartan the Noble grants you life. Return without the stick and you will know Kjartan the Cruel.”

Chastened, you depart. In a few short hours, you see the ruins of the Keep before you. You look at the Keep objectively as you approach. The walls are still half formed, the towers barely formed at all. This may not be as safe an area as you once thought.

You enter the Keep and the guards see that you carry Santiago’s body and word quickly spreads of the cleric’s death. While he may not have made a great impact in spreading his faith, his carousing activities were legendary. A cry goes up all around the Keep and people greet you with sad smiles and some story about Santiago. He seemed to make a bigger impact on the Keep than you thought.

You gather at the building site of the Guild chapter house, the foundation has barely been marked out, a few shallow holes mark where blocks will go, when you hear a primal scream of pain and anguish. You turn to see Splug running towards you, tears streaming down his ugly face. He trips on his oversized robes, picks himself up and rushes to the body of Santiago.

“No. no. no. no NOOOOOOOOOO!” he yells, embracing the co**se. “NOT TRUE! NOT TRUE! UP. GET UP!” Splug seems to be in a state of near derangement over the death of Santiago. “HE NEVER DID NOBODY NO HARM,” Splug yells to the heavens. The heavens do not reply.

“Cup. cup. Maybe the cup will help. Its magical. Maybe he is just really thirsty.” Splug runs off and returns in a few moments brandishing his Cup of Quenching, filled to the rim. He lifts Santiago’s head up a little and brings the cup to his mouth. Water rushes into Santiago’s mouth, “drink, drink….yes...the cup will help,” Splug mutters, his words fast and crisp. He starts chanting something, but you don’t understand his words...they are probably in Goblin.

Several minutes go by, Splug chanting and rocking throughout. He slowly lays Santiago’s head back to the ground. “He’ll be OK now,” Splug says. “Cup of Quenching is very powerful. Will bring him back, you’ll see.

Yet, Santiago remained motionless. Splug, ever faithful, continued to sit by his side throughout the night, leaving only to fill the cup. Once an hour he would again lift the cup to Santiago’s still lips, pour in the water and chant again. All through the night he did this, yet Santiago remained still.

As dawn broke the next day, Nyx came to Splug and put a hand on the goblin’s shoulder. “I think he’s gone, Splug,” Nyx said. “I don’t think he is coming back.”
“No. I don’t think so either.” whispered Splug. “Maybe the Stone will help? Stone of Smashing is very magical too. Maybe if we smashed something? Should we smash Santiago?”

“No, I don’t think that would help.”

“Me neither.” Splug sat down with a thoughtful look on his face. “Stones don’t have to smash though, do they? Stones can build too. Maybe we build something from the stone? Maybe something to remember him with? A place to put him? What do you call it? A Mouseuseum?”

“Mausoleum,” Nyx said. It’s called a Mausoleum.

“I build him one of those then. I build him Mausoleuminium,” he says stumbling over the word. “I build him GREAT Maustronelum, best in all the land. It will be grand. I can see it now. Great building. I’ll need carvers. I’ll need masons. I’ll need workers.” Splug’s mind seems to race as he counts off the things he needs. “But Lord Retlaw needs everyone to help with the walls,” he says dejectedly. “He needs every human who can work to build, there is nobody left around here.” An idea suddenly comes to him.

“You guys can help,” he exclaims. “No, not with working...I’ve seen how you started your chapter house. It is obvious you don’t know your grabnak from your rectolun. But Rorik does. Rorik would bring help. And he’d help you too, I’m sure.

“Go to Lord Retlaw. Convince him that you need help building a proper tribute to Santiago. Tell him that it won’t take people building the walls, but that if you can get permission for them to enter, I’m sure Rorik will come with 10 goblin builders. Convince him to let them in and then they will build a great mausotronium and I’ll convince them to work on your chapter house too! Get you some proper goblin building.

“Will you do that for Santiago? Will you help me so I can build that for Santiago?”
